#!/bin/sh ## DB_BACKEND is required, because even if it has a sensible default (sqlite) ## all other variables can have an empty value. So if DB_BACKEND is missing you ## may have forgot to set the environment for the test run. ## One of "sqlite", "postgres", "pgx", "mysql" DB_BACKEND=sqlite ## Set this to test a binary package (deb, rpm..). If missing or false, ## crowdsec will be built from sources and tested an non-root without installation. # PACKAGE_TESTING=true ## The URL of a crowdsec repository with the test scripts. # TEST_SUITE_GIT="https://github.com/crowdsecurity/crowdsec" ## The branch, tag or commit of the test scripts. # TEST_SUITE_VERSION="master" ## The path to a crowdsec.zip file containing the crowdsec sources with test scripts. ## Overrides TEST_SUITE_GIT and TEST_SUITE_VERSION. # TEST_SUITE_ZIP="/tmp/crowdsec.zip" ## TEST_PACKAGE_VERSION_DEB is the version of the package under test. ## Can be different from TEST_PACKAGE_VERSION_RPM in case of stable releases (no '-1' suffix). # TEST_PACKAGE_VERSION_DEB=1.4.1 ## TEST_PACKAGE_VERSION_RPM is the version of the package under test. ## Can be different from TEST_PACKAGE_VERSION_DEB in case of stable releases (rpm requires a '-1' suffix). # TEST_PACKAGE_VERSION_RPM=1.4.1-1 ## The path to a crowdsec binary package (.deb, .rpm..). If both this and TEST_PACKAGE_VERSION_* are set, ## the package from TEST_PACKAGE_VERSION_* will be installed first, then replaced by the package in the ## provided file. This is a way to test upgrades. # TEST_PACKAGE_FILE="/tmp/crowdsec.deb" ## The path to a bundle with all the .deb and .rpm packages, split by architecture, distribution and version (see README). # TEST_PACKAGE_DIR=/path/to/packages/1.4.1-rc1 ## A comma-separated list of test scripts to skip. Example: "02_nolapi.bats,03_noagent.bats" # TEST_SKIP= export DB_BACKEND export PACKAGE_TESTING export TEST_SUITE_GIT export TEST_SUITE_VERSION export TEST_SUITE_ZIP export TEST_PACKAGE_VERSION_DEB export TEST_PACKAGE_VERSION_RPM export TEST_PACKAGE_FILE export TEST_PACKAGE_DIR export TEST_SKIP