package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net" "net/http" "os" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" dto "" "" log "" "" "" ) func inSlice(s string, slice []string) bool { for _, str := range slice { if s == str { return true } } return false } func indexOf(s string, slice []string) int { for i, elem := range slice { if s == elem { return i } } return -1 } func manageCliDecisionAlerts(ip *string, ipRange *string, scope *string, value *string) error { /*if a range is provided, change the scope*/ if *ipRange != "" { _, _, err := net.ParseCIDR(*ipRange) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("%s isn't a valid range", *ipRange) } } if *ip != "" { ipRepr := net.ParseIP(*ip) if ipRepr == nil { return fmt.Errorf("%s isn't a valid ip", *ip) } } //avoid confusion on scope (ip vs Ip and range vs Range) switch strings.ToLower(*scope) { case "ip": *scope = types.Ip case "range": *scope = types.Range } return nil } func setHubBranch() error { /* if no branch has been specified in flags for the hub, then use the one corresponding to crowdsec version */ if cwhub.HubBranch == "" { latest, err := cwversion.Latest() if err != nil { cwhub.HubBranch = "master" return err } if cwversion.Version == latest { cwhub.HubBranch = "master" } else if semver.Compare(cwversion.Version, latest) == 1 { // if current version is greater than the latest we are in pre-release log.Debugf("Your current crowdsec version seems to be a pre-release (%s)", cwversion.Version) cwhub.HubBranch = "master" } else { log.Warnf("Crowdsec is not the latest version. Current version is '%s' and latest version is '%s'. Please update it!", cwversion.Version, latest) log.Warnf("As a result, you will not be able to use parsers/scenarios/collections added to Crowdsec Hub after CrowdSec %s", latest) cwhub.HubBranch = cwversion.Version } log.Debugf("Using branch '%s' for the hub", cwhub.HubBranch) } return nil } func ListItem(itemType string, args []string) { var hubStatus []map[string]string if len(args) == 1 { hubStatus = cwhub.HubStatus(itemType, args[0], all) } else { hubStatus = cwhub.HubStatus(itemType, "", all) } if csConfig.Cscli.Output == "human" { table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout) table.SetCenterSeparator("") table.SetColumnSeparator("") table.SetHeaderAlignment(tablewriter.ALIGN_LEFT) table.SetAlignment(tablewriter.ALIGN_LEFT) table.SetHeader([]string{"Name", fmt.Sprintf("%v Status", emoji.Package), "Version", "Local Path"}) for _, v := range hubStatus { table.Append([]string{v["name"], v["utf8_status"], v["local_version"], v["local_path"]}) } table.Render() } else if csConfig.Cscli.Output == "json" { x, err := json.MarshalIndent(hubStatus, "", " ") if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to unmarshal") } fmt.Printf("%s", string(x)) } else if csConfig.Cscli.Output == "raw" { for _, v := range hubStatus { fmt.Printf("%s %s\n", v["name"], v["description"]) } } } func InstallItem(name string, obtype string, force bool) { it := cwhub.GetItem(obtype, name) if it == nil { log.Fatalf("unable to retrive item : %s", name) } item := *it if downloadOnly && item.Downloaded && item.UpToDate { log.Warningf("%s is already downloaded and up-to-date", item.Name) if !force { return } } item, err := cwhub.DownloadLatest(csConfig.Cscli, item, force) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("error while downloading %s : %v", item.Name, err) } cwhub.AddItem(obtype, item) if downloadOnly { log.Infof("Downloaded %s to %s", item.Name, csConfig.Cscli.HubDir+"/"+item.RemotePath) return } item, err = cwhub.EnableItem(csConfig.Cscli, item) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("error while enabled %s : %v.", item.Name, err) } cwhub.AddItem(obtype, item) log.Infof("Enabled %s", item.Name) return } func RemoveMany(itemType string, name string) { var err error var disabled int if name != "" { it := cwhub.GetItem(itemType, name) if it == nil { log.Fatalf("unable to retrieve: %s", name) } item := *it item, err = cwhub.DisableItem(csConfig.Cscli, item, purge, forceAction) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("unable to disable %s : %v", item.Name, err) } cwhub.AddItem(itemType, item) return } else if name == "" && all { for _, v := range cwhub.GetItemMap(itemType) { v, err = cwhub.DisableItem(csConfig.Cscli, v, purge, forceAction) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("unable to disable %s : %v", v.Name, err) } cwhub.AddItem(itemType, v) disabled++ } } if name != "" && !all { log.Errorf("%s not found", name) return } log.Infof("Disabled %d items", disabled) } func UpgradeConfig(itemType string, name string, force bool) { var err error var updated int var found bool for _, v := range cwhub.GetItemMap(itemType) { if name != "" && name != v.Name { continue } if !v.Installed { log.Tracef("skip %s, not installed", v.Name) if !force { continue } } if !v.Downloaded { log.Warningf("%s : not downloaded, please install.", v.Name) if !force { continue } } found = true if v.UpToDate { log.Infof("%s : up-to-date", v.Name) if !force { continue } } v, err = cwhub.DownloadLatest(csConfig.Cscli, v, force) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("%s : download failed : %v", v.Name, err) } if !v.UpToDate { if v.Tainted { log.Infof("%v %s is tainted, --force to overwrite", emoji.Warning, v.Name) } else if v.Local { log.Infof("%v %s is local", emoji.Prohibited, v.Name) } } else { log.Infof("%v %s : updated", emoji.Package, v.Name) updated++ } cwhub.AddItem(itemType, v) } if !found && name == "" { log.Infof("No %s installed, nothing to upgrade", itemType) } else if !found { log.Errorf("Item '%s' not found in hub", name) } else if updated == 0 && found { if name == "" { log.Infof("All %s are already up-to-date", itemType) } else { log.Infof("Item '%s' is up-to-date", name) } } else if updated != 0 { log.Infof("Upgraded %d items", updated) } } func InspectItem(name string, objecitemType string) { hubItem := cwhub.GetItem(objecitemType, name) if hubItem == nil { log.Fatalf("unable to retrieve item.") } buff, err := yaml.Marshal(*hubItem) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("unable to marshal item : %s", err) } fmt.Printf("%s", string(buff)) if csConfig.Prometheus.Enabled { if csConfig.Prometheus.ListenAddr == "" || csConfig.Prometheus.ListenPort == 0 { log.Warningf("No prometheus address or port specified in '%s', can't show metrics", *csConfig.Self) return } if prometheusURL == "" { log.Debugf("No prometheus URL provided using: %s:%d", csConfig.Prometheus.ListenAddr, csConfig.Prometheus.ListenPort) prometheusURL = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d/metrics", csConfig.Prometheus.ListenAddr, csConfig.Prometheus.ListenPort) } fmt.Printf("\nCurrent metrics : \n\n") ShowMetrics(hubItem) } } func ShowMetrics(hubItem *cwhub.Item) { switch hubItem.Type { case cwhub.PARSERS: metrics := GetParserMetric(prometheusURL, hubItem.Name) ShowParserMetric(hubItem.Name, metrics) case cwhub.SCENARIOS: metrics := GetScenarioMetric(prometheusURL, hubItem.Name) ShowScenarioMetric(hubItem.Name, metrics) case cwhub.COLLECTIONS: for _, item := range hubItem.Parsers { metrics := GetParserMetric(prometheusURL, item) ShowParserMetric(item, metrics) } for _, item := range hubItem.Scenarios { metrics := GetScenarioMetric(prometheusURL, item) ShowScenarioMetric(item, metrics) } for _, item := range hubItem.Collections { hubItem := cwhub.GetItem(cwhub.COLLECTIONS, item) if hubItem == nil { log.Fatalf("unable to retrieve item '%s' from collection '%s'", item, hubItem.Name) } ShowMetrics(hubItem) } default: log.Errorf("item of type '%s' is unknown", hubItem.Type) } } /*This is a complete rip from prom2json*/ func GetParserMetric(url string, itemName string) map[string]map[string]int { stats := make(map[string]map[string]int) result := GetPrometheusMetric(url) for idx, fam := range result { if !strings.HasPrefix(fam.Name, "cs_") { continue } log.Tracef("round %d", idx) for _, m := range fam.Metrics { metric := m.(prom2json.Metric) name, ok := metric.Labels["name"] if !ok { log.Debugf("no name in Metric %v", metric.Labels) } if name != itemName { continue } source, ok := metric.Labels["source"] if !ok { log.Debugf("no source in Metric %v", metric.Labels) } value := m.(prom2json.Metric).Value fval, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 32) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Unexpected int value %s : %s", value, err) continue } ival := int(fval) switch fam.Name { case "cs_reader_hits_total": if _, ok := stats[source]; !ok { stats[source] = make(map[string]int) stats[source]["parsed"] = 0 stats[source]["reads"] = 0 stats[source]["unparsed"] = 0 stats[source]["hits"] = 0 } stats[source]["reads"] += ival case "cs_parser_hits_ok_total": if _, ok := stats[source]; !ok { stats[source] = make(map[string]int) } stats[source]["parsed"] += ival case "cs_parser_hits_ko_total": if _, ok := stats[source]; !ok { stats[source] = make(map[string]int) } stats[source]["unparsed"] += ival case "cs_node_hits_total": if _, ok := stats[source]; !ok { stats[source] = make(map[string]int) } stats[source]["hits"] += ival case "cs_node_hits_ok_total": if _, ok := stats[source]; !ok { stats[source] = make(map[string]int) } stats[source]["parsed"] += ival case "cs_node_hits_ko_total": if _, ok := stats[source]; !ok { stats[source] = make(map[string]int) } stats[source]["unparsed"] += ival default: continue } } } return stats } func GetScenarioMetric(url string, itemName string) map[string]int { stats := make(map[string]int) stats["instanciation"] = 0 stats["curr_count"] = 0 stats["overflow"] = 0 stats["pour"] = 0 stats["underflow"] = 0 result := GetPrometheusMetric(url) for idx, fam := range result { if !strings.HasPrefix(fam.Name, "cs_") { continue } log.Tracef("round %d", idx) for _, m := range fam.Metrics { metric := m.(prom2json.Metric) name, ok := metric.Labels["name"] if !ok { log.Debugf("no name in Metric %v", metric.Labels) } if name != itemName { continue } value := m.(prom2json.Metric).Value fval, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 32) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Unexpected int value %s : %s", value, err) continue } ival := int(fval) switch fam.Name { case "cs_bucket_created_total": stats["instanciation"] += ival case "cs_buckets": stats["curr_count"] += ival case "cs_bucket_overflowed_total": stats["overflow"] += ival case "cs_bucket_poured_total": stats["pour"] += ival case "cs_bucket_underflowed_total": stats["underflow"] += ival default: continue } } } return stats } func GetPrometheusMetric(url string) []*prom2json.Family { mfChan := make(chan *dto.MetricFamily, 1024) // Start with the DefaultTransport for sane defaults. transport := http.DefaultTransport.(*http.Transport).Clone() // Conservatively disable HTTP keep-alives as this program will only // ever need a single HTTP request. transport.DisableKeepAlives = true // Timeout early if the server doesn't even return the headers. transport.ResponseHeaderTimeout = time.Minute go func() { defer types.CatchPanic("crowdsec/GetPrometheusMetric") err := prom2json.FetchMetricFamilies(url, mfChan, transport) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to fetch prometheus metrics : %v", err) } }() result := []*prom2json.Family{} for mf := range mfChan { result = append(result, prom2json.NewFamily(mf)) } log.Debugf("Finished reading prometheus output, %d entries", len(result)) return result } func ShowScenarioMetric(itemName string, metrics map[string]int) { if metrics["instanciation"] == 0 { return } table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout) table.SetHeader([]string{"Current Count", "Overflows", "Instanciated", "Poured", "Expired"}) table.Append([]string{fmt.Sprintf("%d", metrics["curr_count"]), fmt.Sprintf("%d", metrics["overflow"]), fmt.Sprintf("%d", metrics["instanciation"]), fmt.Sprintf("%d", metrics["pour"]), fmt.Sprintf("%d", metrics["underflow"])}) fmt.Printf(" - (Scenario) %s: \n", itemName) table.Render() fmt.Println() } func ShowParserMetric(itemName string, metrics map[string]map[string]int) { skip := true table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout) table.SetHeader([]string{"Parsers", "Hits", "Parsed", "Unparsed"}) for source, stats := range metrics { if stats["hits"] > 0 { table.Append([]string{source, fmt.Sprintf("%d", stats["hits"]), fmt.Sprintf("%d", stats["parsed"]), fmt.Sprintf("%d", stats["unparsed"])}) skip = false } } if !skip { fmt.Printf(" - (Parser) %s: \n", itemName) table.Render() fmt.Println() } } //it's a rip of the cli version, but in silent-mode func silenceInstallItem(name string, obtype string) (string, error) { var item *cwhub.Item item = cwhub.GetItem(obtype, name) if item == nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("error retrieving item") } it := *item if downloadOnly && it.Downloaded && it.UpToDate { return fmt.Sprintf("%s is already downloaded and up-to-date", it.Name), nil } it, err := cwhub.DownloadLatest(csConfig.Cscli, it, forceAction) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("error while downloading %s : %v", it.Name, err) } if err := cwhub.AddItem(obtype, it); err != nil { return "", err } if downloadOnly { return fmt.Sprintf("Downloaded %s to %s", it.Name, csConfig.Cscli.HubDir+"/"+it.RemotePath), nil } it, err = cwhub.EnableItem(csConfig.Cscli, it) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("error while enabled %s : %v", it.Name, err) } if err := cwhub.AddItem(obtype, it); err != nil { return "", err } return fmt.Sprintf("Enabled %s", it.Name), nil } func RestoreHub(dirPath string) error { var err error for _, itype := range cwhub.ItemTypes { itemDirectory := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/", dirPath, itype) if _, err = os.Stat(itemDirectory); err != nil { log.Infof("no %s in backup", itype) continue } /*restore the upstream items*/ upstreamListFN := fmt.Sprintf("%s/upstream-%s.json", itemDirectory, itype) file, err := ioutil.ReadFile(upstreamListFN) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error while opening %s : %s", upstreamListFN, err) } var upstreamList []string err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(file), &upstreamList) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error unmarshaling %s : %s", upstreamListFN, err) } for _, toinstall := range upstreamList { label, err := silenceInstallItem(toinstall, itype) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error while installing %s : %s", toinstall, err) } else if label != "" { log.Infof("Installed %s : %s", toinstall, label) } else { log.Printf("Installed %s : ok", toinstall) } } /*restore the local and tainted items*/ files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(itemDirectory) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed enumerating files of %s : %s", itemDirectory, err) } for _, file := range files { //this was the upstream data if file.Name() == fmt.Sprintf("upstream-%s.json", itype) { continue } if itype == cwhub.PARSERS || itype == cwhub.PARSERS_OVFLW { //we expect a stage here if !file.IsDir() { continue } stage := file.Name() stagedir := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s/", csConfig.ConfigPaths.ConfigDir, itype, stage) log.Debugf("Found stage %s in %s, target directory : %s", stage, itype, stagedir) if err = os.MkdirAll(stagedir, os.ModePerm); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error while creating stage directory %s : %s", stagedir, err) } /*find items*/ ifiles, err := ioutil.ReadDir(itemDirectory + "/" + stage + "/") if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed enumerating files of %s : %s", itemDirectory+"/"+stage, err) } //finaly copy item for _, tfile := range ifiles { log.Infof("Going to restore local/tainted [%s]", tfile.Name()) sourceFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", itemDirectory, stage, tfile.Name()) destinationFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", stagedir, tfile.Name()) if err = types.CopyFile(sourceFile, destinationFile); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed copy %s %s to %s : %s", itype, sourceFile, destinationFile, err) } log.Infof("restored %s to %s", sourceFile, destinationFile) } } else { log.Infof("Going to restore local/tainted [%s]", file.Name()) sourceFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", itemDirectory, file.Name()) destinationFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", csConfig.ConfigPaths.ConfigDir, itype, file.Name()) if err = types.CopyFile(sourceFile, destinationFile); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed copy %s %s to %s : %s", itype, sourceFile, destinationFile, err) } log.Infof("restored %s to %s", sourceFile, destinationFile) } } } return nil } func BackupHub(dirPath string) error { var err error var itemDirectory string var upstreamParsers []string for _, itemType := range cwhub.ItemTypes { clog := log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "type": itemType, }) itemMap := cwhub.GetItemMap(itemType) if itemMap != nil { itemDirectory = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/", dirPath, itemType) if err := os.MkdirAll(itemDirectory, os.ModePerm); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error while creating %s : %s", itemDirectory, err) } upstreamParsers = []string{} for k, v := range itemMap { clog = clog.WithFields(log.Fields{ "file": v.Name, }) if !v.Installed { //only backup installed ones clog.Debugf("[%s] : not installed", k) continue } //for the local/tainted ones, we backup the full file if v.Tainted || v.Local || !v.UpToDate { //we need to backup stages for parsers if itemType == cwhub.PARSERS || itemType == cwhub.PARSERS_OVFLW { fstagedir := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", itemDirectory, v.Stage) if err := os.MkdirAll(fstagedir, os.ModePerm); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error while creating stage dir %s : %s", fstagedir, err) } } clog.Debugf("[%s] : backuping file (tainted:%t local:%t up-to-date:%t)", k, v.Tainted, v.Local, v.UpToDate) tfile := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/%s", itemDirectory, v.Stage, v.FileName) if err = types.CopyFile(v.LocalPath, tfile); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed copy %s %s to %s : %s", itemType, v.LocalPath, tfile, err) } clog.Infof("local/tainted saved %s to %s", v.LocalPath, tfile) continue } clog.Debugf("[%s] : from hub, just backup name (up-to-date:%t)", k, v.UpToDate) clog.Infof("saving, version:%s, up-to-date:%t", v.Version, v.UpToDate) upstreamParsers = append(upstreamParsers, v.Name) } //write the upstream items upstreamParsersFname := fmt.Sprintf("%s/upstream-%s.json", itemDirectory, itemType) upstreamParsersContent, err := json.MarshalIndent(upstreamParsers, "", " ") if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed marshaling upstream parsers : %s", err) } err = ioutil.WriteFile(upstreamParsersFname, upstreamParsersContent, 0644) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to write to %s %s : %s", itemType, upstreamParsersFname, err) } clog.Infof("Wrote %d entries for %s to %s", len(upstreamParsers), itemType, upstreamParsersFname) } else { clog.Infof("No %s to backup.", itemType) } } return nil }