#!/usr/bin/env bats # vim: ft=bats:list:ts=8:sts=4:sw=4:et:ai:si: set -u setup_file() { load "../lib/setup_file.sh" } teardown_file() { load "../lib/teardown_file.sh" } setup() { load "../lib/setup.sh" ./instance-data load ./instance-crowdsec start } teardown() { ./instance-crowdsec stop } #---------- @test "$FILE can list machines as regular user" { run -0 cscli machines list } @test "$FILE we have exactly one machine, localhost" { run -0 cscli machines list -o json run -0 jq -c '[. | length, .[0].machineId, .[0].isValidated, .[0].ipAddress]' <(output) assert_output '[1,"githubciXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",true,""]' # the machine gets an IP address when it talks to the LAPI # XXX already done in instance-data make #run -0 cscli lapi status #run -0 cscli machines list -o json #run -0 jq -r '.[0].ipAddress' <(output) #assert_output '' } @test "$FILE add a new machine and delete it" { run -0 cscli machines add -a -f /dev/null CiTestMachine -o human assert_output --partial "Machine 'CiTestMachine' successfully added to the local API" assert_output --partial "API credentials dumped to '/dev/null'" # we now have two machines run -0 cscli machines list -o json run -0 jq -c '[. | length, .[-1].machineId, .[0].isValidated]' <(output) assert_output '[2,"CiTestMachine",true]' # delete the test machine run -0 cscli machines delete CiTestMachine -o human assert_output --partial "machine 'CiTestMachine' deleted successfully" # we now have one machine again run -0 cscli machines list -o json run -0 jq '. | length' <(output) assert_output 1 } @test "$FILE register, validate and then remove a machine" { run -0 cscli lapi register --machine CiTestMachineRegister -f /dev/null -o human assert_output --partial "Successfully registered to Local API (LAPI)" assert_output --partial "Local API credentials dumped to '/dev/null'" # "the machine is not validated yet" { run -0 cscli machines list -o json run -0 jq '.[-1].isValidated' <(output) assert_output 'null' # "validate the machine" { run -0 cscli machines validate CiTestMachineRegister -o human assert_output --partial "machine 'CiTestMachineRegister' validated successfully" # the machine is now validated run -0 cscli machines list -o json run -0 jq '.[-1].isValidated' <(output) assert_output 'true' # delete the test machine again run -0 cscli machines delete CiTestMachineRegister -o human assert_output --partial "machine 'CiTestMachineRegister' deleted successfully" # we now have one machine, again run -0 cscli machines list -o json run -0 jq '. | length' <(output) assert_output 1 }