## cscli cscli allows you to manage crowdsec ### Synopsis cscli is the main command to interact with your crowdsec service, scenarios & db. It is meant to allow you to manage bans, parsers/scenarios/etc, api and generally manage you crowdsec setup. ### Examples ``` View/Add/Remove bans: - cscli ban list - cscli ban add ip 24h 'go away' - cscli ban del View/Add/Upgrade/Remove scenarios and parsers: - cscli list - cscli install collection crowdsec/linux-web - cscli remove scenario crowdsec/ssh_enum - cscli upgrade --all API interaction: - cscli api pull - cscli api register ``` ### Options ``` -c, --config string path to crowdsec config file (default "/etc/crowdsec/config/default.yaml") -o, --output string Output format : human, json, raw. (default "human") --debug Set logging to debug. --info Set logging to info. --warning Set logging to warning. --error Set logging to error. -h, --help help for cscli ``` ### SEE ALSO * [cscli api](cscli_api.md) - Crowdsec API interaction * [cscli backup](cscli_backup.md) - Backup or restore configuration (api, parsers, scenarios etc.) to/from directory * [cscli ban](cscli_ban.md) - Manage bans/mitigations * [cscli config](cscli_config.md) - Allows to view/edit cscli config * [cscli dashboard](cscli_dashboard.md) - Start a dashboard (metabase) container. * [cscli inspect](cscli_inspect.md) - Inspect configuration(s) * [cscli install](cscli_install.md) - Install configuration(s) from hub * [cscli list](cscli_list.md) - List enabled configs * [cscli metrics](cscli_metrics.md) - Display crowdsec prometheus metrics. * [cscli remove](cscli_remove.md) - Remove/disable configuration(s) * [cscli simulation](cscli_simulation.md) - * [cscli update](cscli_update.md) - Fetch available configs from hub * [cscli upgrade](cscli_upgrade.md) - Upgrade configuration(s)