#!/usr/bin/env bats # vim: ft=bats:list:ts=8:sts=4:sw=4:et:ai:si: set -u setup_file() { load "../lib/setup_file.sh" ./instance-data load ./instance-crowdsec start API_KEY=$(cscli bouncers add testbouncer -o raw) export API_KEY CROWDSEC_API_URL="http://localhost:8080" export CROWDSEC_API_URL } teardown_file() { load "../lib/teardown_file.sh" } setup() { load "../lib/setup.sh" skip } #---------- api() { URI="$1" curl -s -H "X-Api-Key:${API_KEY}" "${CROWDSEC_API_URL}${URI}" } output_new_decisions() { jq -c '.new | map(select(.origin!="CAPI")) | .[] | del(.id) | (.. | .duration?) |= capture("(?[[:digit:]]+h[[:digit:]]+m)").d' <(output) | sort } @test "adding decisions with different duration, scenario, origin" { # origin: test run -0 cscli decisions add -i -d 1h -R crowdsecurity/test ./instance-crowdsec stop run -0 ./instance-db exec_sql "update decisions set origin='test' where origin='cscli'" ./instance-crowdsec start run -0 cscli decisions add -i -d 3h -R crowdsecurity/ssh_bf ./instance-crowdsec stop run -0 ./instance-db exec_sql "update decisions set origin='another_origin' where origin='cscli'" ./instance-crowdsec start run -0 cscli decisions add -i -d 5h -R crowdsecurity/longest run -0 cscli decisions add -i -d 3h -R crowdsecurity/test run -0 cscli decisions add -i -d 3h -R crowdsecurity/ssh_bf run -0 cscli decisions add -i -d 1h -R crowdsecurity/ssh_bf ./instance-crowdsec stop run -0 ./instance-db exec_sql "update decisions set origin='test' where origin='cscli'" ./instance-crowdsec start # origin: another_origin run -0 cscli decisions add -i -d 2h -R crowdsecurity/test ./instance-crowdsec stop run -0 ./instance-db exec_sql "update decisions set origin='another_origin' where origin='cscli'" ./instance-crowdsec start } @test "test startup" { run -0 api "/v1/decisions/stream?startup=true" run -0 output_new_decisions assert_output - <<-EOT {"duration":"2h59m","origin":"test","scenario":"crowdsecurity/test","scope":"Ip","type":"ban","value":""} {"duration":"4h59m","origin":"test","scenario":"crowdsecurity/longest","scope":"Ip","type":"ban","value":""} EOT } @test "test startup with scenarios containing" { run -0 api "/v1/decisions/stream?startup=true&scenarios_containing=ssh_bf" run -0 output_new_decisions assert_output - <<-EOT {"duration":"2h59m","origin":"another_origin","scenario":"crowdsecurity/ssh_bf","scope":"Ip","type":"ban","value":""} {"duration":"2h59m","origin":"test","scenario":"crowdsecurity/ssh_bf","scope":"Ip","type":"ban","value":""} EOT } @test "test startup with multiple scenarios containing" { run -0 api "/v1/decisions/stream?startup=true&scenarios_containing=ssh_bf,test" run -0 output_new_decisions assert_output - <<-EOT {"duration":"2h59m","origin":"another_origin","scenario":"crowdsecurity/ssh_bf","scope":"Ip","type":"ban","value":""} {"duration":"2h59m","origin":"test","scenario":"crowdsecurity/test","scope":"Ip","type":"ban","value":""} EOT } @test "test startup with unknown scenarios containing" { run -0 api "/v1/decisions/stream?startup=true&scenarios_containing=unknown" assert_output '{"deleted":null,"new":null}' } @test "test startup with scenarios containing and not containing" { run -0 api "/v1/decisions/stream?startup=true&scenarios_containing=test&scenarios_not_containing=ssh_bf" run -0 output_new_decisions assert_output - <<-EOT {"duration":"2h59m","origin":"test","scenario":"crowdsecurity/test","scope":"Ip","type":"ban","value":""} {"origin":"test","scenario":"crowdsecurity/test","scope":"Ip","type":"ban","value":""} EOT } @test "test startup with scenarios containing and not containing 2" { run -0 api "/v1/decisions/stream?startup=true&scenarios_containing=longest&scenarios_not_containing=ssh_bf,test" run -0 output_new_decisions assert_output - <<-EOT {"duration":"4h59m","origin":"test","scenario":"crowdsecurity/longest","scope":"Ip","type":"ban","value":""} EOT } @test "test startup with scenarios not containing" { run -0 api "/v1/decisions/stream?startup=true&scenarios_not_containing=ssh_bf" run -0 output_new_decisions assert_output - <<-EOT {"duration":"2h59m","origin":"test","scenario":"crowdsecurity/test","scope":"Ip","type":"ban","value":""} {"duration":"4h59m","origin":"test","scenario":"crowdsecurity/longest","scope":"Ip","type":"ban","value":""} EOT } @test "test startup with multiple scenarios not containing" { run -0 api "/v1/decisions/stream?startup=true&scenarios_not_containing=ssh_bf,test" run -0 output_new_decisions assert_output - <<-EOT {"duration":"4h59m","origin":"test","scenario":"crowdsecurity/longest","scope":"Ip","type":"ban","value":""} EOT } @test "test startup with origins parameter" { run -0 api "/v1/decisions/stream?startup=true&origins=another_origin" run -0 output_new_decisions assert_output - <<-EOT {"duration":"1h59m","origin":"another_origin","scenario":"crowdsecurity/test","scope":"Ip","type":"ban","value":""} {"duration":"2h59m","origin":"another_origin","scenario":"crowdsecurity/ssh_bf","scope":"Ip","type":"ban","value":""} EOT } @test "test startup with multiple origins parameter" { run -0 api "/v1/decisions/stream?startup=true&origins=another_origin,test" run -0 output_new_decisions assert_output - <<-EOT {"duration":"2h59m","origin":"test","scenario":"crowdsecurity/test","scope":"Ip","type":"ban","value":""} {"duration":"4h59m","origin":"test","scenario":"crowdsecurity/longest","scope":"Ip","type":"ban","value":""} EOT } @test "test startup with unknown origins" { run -0 api "/v1/decisions/stream?startup=true&origins=unknown" assert_output '{"deleted":null,"new":null}' } #@test "delete decision 3 (" { # # { # TestName: "delete decisions 3 (", # Method: "DELETE", # Route: "/v1/decisions/3", # CheckCodeOnly: true, # Code: 200, # LenNew: 0, # LenDeleted: 0, # AuthType: PASSWORD, # DelChecks: []DecisionCheck{}, # NewChecks: []DecisionCheck{}, # TestName: "check that is not in deleted IP", # Method: "GET", # Route: "/v1/decisions/stream?startup=true", # CheckCodeOnly: false, # Code: 200, # LenNew: 2, # LenDeleted: 0, # AuthType: APIKEY, # DelChecks: []DecisionCheck{}, # NewChecks: []DecisionCheck{}, # }, # { # TestName: "delete decisions 2 (", # Method: "DELETE", # Route: "/v1/decisions/2", # CheckCodeOnly: true, # Code: 200, # LenNew: 0, # LenDeleted: 0, # AuthType: PASSWORD, # DelChecks: []DecisionCheck{}, # NewChecks: []DecisionCheck{}, # }, # { # TestName: "check that is not in deleted IP", # Method: "GET", # Route: "/v1/decisions/stream?startup=true", # CheckCodeOnly: false, # Code: 200, # LenNew: 2, # LenDeleted: 0, # AuthType: APIKEY, # DelChecks: []DecisionCheck{}, # NewChecks: []DecisionCheck{}, # }, # { # TestName: "delete decisions 1 (", # Method: "DELETE", # Route: "/v1/decisions/1", # CheckCodeOnly: true, # Code: 200, # LenNew: 0, # LenDeleted: 0, # AuthType: PASSWORD, # DelChecks: []DecisionCheck{}, # NewChecks: []DecisionCheck{}, # }, # TestName: " should be in deleted now", # Method: "GET", # Route: "/v1/decisions/stream?startup=true", # CheckCodeOnly: false, # Code: 200, # LenNew: 1, # LenDeleted: 1, # AuthType: APIKEY, # DelChecks: []DecisionCheck{ # { # ID: int64(1), # Origin: "test", # Scenario: "crowdsecurity/test", # Value: "", # Duration: "-", // we check that the time is negative # }, # }, # NewChecks: []DecisionCheck{}, # }, #}