#!/usr/bin/env bats # vim: ft=bats:list:ts=8:sts=4:sw=4:et:ai:si: set -u config_disable_agent() { yq 'del(.crowdsec_service)' -i "${CONFIG_YAML}" } setup_file() { load "../lib/setup_file.sh" ./instance-data load tmpdir=$(mktemp -d) export tmpdir #gen the CA cfssl gencert --initca ./cfssl/ca.json 2>/dev/null | cfssljson --bare "${tmpdir}/ca" #gen an intermediate cfssl gencert --initca ./cfssl/intermediate.json 2>/dev/null | cfssljson --bare "${tmpdir}/inter" cfssl sign -ca "${tmpdir}/ca.pem" -ca-key "${tmpdir}/ca-key.pem" -config ./cfssl/profiles.json -profile intermediate_ca "${tmpdir}/inter.csr" 2>/dev/null | cfssljson --bare "${tmpdir}/inter" #gen server cert for crowdsec with the intermediate cfssl gencert -ca "${tmpdir}/inter.pem" -ca-key "${tmpdir}/inter-key.pem" -config ./cfssl/profiles.json -profile=server ./cfssl/server.json 2>/dev/null | cfssljson --bare "${tmpdir}/server" #gen client cert for the bouncer cfssl gencert -ca "${tmpdir}/inter.pem" -ca-key "${tmpdir}/inter-key.pem" -config ./cfssl/profiles.json -profile=client ./cfssl/bouncer.json 2>/dev/null | cfssljson --bare "${tmpdir}/bouncer" #gen client cert for the bouncer with an invalid OU cfssl gencert -ca "${tmpdir}/inter.pem" -ca-key "${tmpdir}/inter-key.pem" -config ./cfssl/profiles.json -profile=client ./cfssl/bouncer_invalid.json 2>/dev/null | cfssljson --bare "${tmpdir}/bouncer_bad_ou" #gen client cert for the bouncer directly signed by the CA, it should be refused by crowdsec as uses the intermediate cfssl gencert -ca "${tmpdir}/ca.pem" -ca-key "${tmpdir}/ca-key.pem" -config ./cfssl/profiles.json -profile=client ./cfssl/bouncer.json 2>/dev/null | cfssljson --bare "${tmpdir}/bouncer_invalid" cfssl gencert -ca "${tmpdir}/inter.pem" -ca-key "${tmpdir}/inter-key.pem" -config ./cfssl/profiles.json -profile=client ./cfssl/bouncer.json 2>/dev/null | cfssljson --bare "${tmpdir}/bouncer_revoked" serial="$(openssl x509 -noout -serial -in ${tmpdir}/bouncer_revoked.pem | cut -d '=' -f2)" echo "ibase=16; $serial" | bc > "${tmpdir}/serials.txt" cfssl gencrl "${tmpdir}/serials.txt" "${tmpdir}/ca.pem" "${tmpdir}/ca-key.pem" | base64 -d | openssl crl -inform DER -out "${tmpdir}/crl.pem" yq ' .api.server.tls.cert_file=strenv(tmpdir) + "/server.pem" | .api.server.tls.key_file=strenv(tmpdir) + "/server-key.pem" | .api.server.tls.ca_cert_path=strenv(tmpdir) + "/inter.pem" | .api.server.tls.crl_path=strenv(tmpdir) + "/crl.pem" | .api.server.tls.bouncers_allowed_ou=["bouncer-ou"] ' -i "${CONFIG_YAML}" config_disable_agent } teardown_file() { load "../lib/teardown_file.sh" rm -rf $tmpdir } setup() { load "../lib/setup.sh" ./instance-crowdsec start } teardown() { ./instance-crowdsec stop } #---------- @test "$FILE there are 0 bouncers" { run -0 cscli bouncers list -o json assert_output "[]" } @test "$FILE simulate one bouncer request with a valid cert" { run -0 curl -s --cert "${tmpdir}/bouncer.pem" --key "${tmpdir}/bouncer-key.pem" --cacert "${tmpdir}/inter.pem" https://localhost:8080/v1/decisions\?ip= assert_output "null" run -0 cscli bouncers list -o json run -0 jq '. | length' <(output) assert_output '1' run -0 cscli bouncers list -o json run -0 jq -r '.[] | .name' <(output) assert_output "localhost@" run cscli bouncers delete localhost@ } @test "$FILE simulate one bouncer request with an invalid cert" { run curl -s --cert "${tmpdir}/bouncer_invalid.pem" --key "${tmpdir}/bouncer_invalid-key.pem" --cacert "${tmpdir}/ca-key.pem" https://localhost:8080/v1/decisions\?ip= run -0 cscli bouncers list -o json assert_output "[]" } @test "$FILE simulate one bouncer request with an invalid OU" { run curl -s --cert "${tmpdir}/bouncer_bad_ou.pem" --key "${tmpdir}/bouncer_bad_ou-key.pem" --cacert "${tmpdir}/inter.pem" https://localhost:8080/v1/decisions\?ip= run -0 cscli bouncers list -o json assert_output "[]" } @test "$FILE simulate one bouncer request with a revoked certificate" { run -0 curl -i -s --cert "${tmpdir}/bouncer_revoked.pem" --key "${tmpdir}/bouncer_revoked-key.pem" --cacert "${tmpdir}/inter.pem" https://localhost:8080/v1/decisions\?ip= assert_output --partial "access forbidden" run -0 cscli bouncers list -o json assert_output "[]" }