package appsecacquisition import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" log "" ) func AppsecEventGeneration(inEvt types.Event) (*types.Event, error) { //if the request didnd't trigger inband rules, we don't want to generate an event to LAPI/CAPI if !inEvt.Appsec.HasInBandMatches { return nil, nil } evt := types.Event{} evt.Type = types.APPSEC evt.Process = true source := models.Source{ Value: ptr.Of(inEvt.Parsed["source_ip"]), IP: inEvt.Parsed["source_ip"], Scope: ptr.Of(types.Ip), } evt.Overflow.Sources = make(map[string]models.Source) evt.Overflow.Sources["ip"] = source alert := models.Alert{} alert.Capacity = ptr.Of(int32(1)) alert.Events = make([]*models.Event, 0) alert.Meta = make(models.Meta, 0) for _, key := range []string{"target_uri", "method"} { valueByte, err := json.Marshal([]string{inEvt.Parsed[key]}) if err != nil { log.Debugf("unable to serialize key %s", key) continue } meta := models.MetaItems0{ Key: key, Value: string(valueByte), } alert.Meta = append(alert.Meta, &meta) } matchedZones := inEvt.Appsec.GetMatchedZones() if matchedZones != nil { valueByte, err := json.Marshal(matchedZones) if err != nil { log.Debugf("unable to serialize key matched_zones") } else { meta := models.MetaItems0{ Key: "matched_zones", Value: string(valueByte), } alert.Meta = append(alert.Meta, &meta) } } alert.EventsCount = ptr.Of(int32(1)) alert.Leakspeed = ptr.Of("") alert.Scenario = ptr.Of(inEvt.Appsec.MatchedRules.GetName()) alert.ScenarioHash = ptr.Of(inEvt.Appsec.MatchedRules.GetHash()) alert.ScenarioVersion = ptr.Of(inEvt.Appsec.MatchedRules.GetVersion()) alert.Simulated = ptr.Of(false) alert.Source = &source msg := fmt.Sprintf("AppSec block: %s from %s (%s)", inEvt.Appsec.MatchedRules.GetName(), alert.Source.IP, inEvt.Parsed["remediation_cmpt_ip"]) alert.Message = &msg alert.StartAt = ptr.Of(time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)) alert.StopAt = ptr.Of(time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)) evt.Overflow.APIAlerts = []models.Alert{alert} evt.Overflow.Alert = &alert return &evt, nil } func EventFromRequest(r *appsec.ParsedRequest, labels map[string]string) (types.Event, error) { evt := types.Event{} //we might want to change this based on in-band vs out-of-band ? evt.Type = types.LOG evt.ExpectMode = types.LIVE //def needs fixing evt.Stage = "s00-raw" evt.Parsed = map[string]string{ "source_ip": r.ClientIP, "target_host": r.Host, "target_uri": r.URI, "method": r.Method, "req_uuid": r.Tx.ID(), "source": "crowdsec-appsec", "remediation_cmpt_ip": r.RemoteAddrNormalized, //TBD: //http_status //user_agent } evt.Line = types.Line{ Time: time.Now(), //should we add some info like listen addr/port/path ? Labels: labels, Process: true, Module: "appsec", Src: "appsec", Raw: "dummy-appsec-data", //we discard empty Line.Raw items :) } evt.Appsec = types.AppsecEvent{} return evt, nil } func LogAppsecEvent(evt *types.Event, logger *log.Entry) { req := evt.Parsed["target_uri"] if len(req) > 12 { req = req[:10] + ".." } if evt.Meta["appsec_interrupted"] == "true" { logger.WithFields(log.Fields{ "module": "appsec", "source": evt.Parsed["source_ip"], "target_uri": req, }).Infof("%s blocked on %s (%d rules) [%v]", evt.Parsed["source_ip"], req, len(evt.Appsec.MatchedRules), evt.Appsec.GetRuleIDs()) } else if evt.Parsed["outofband_interrupted"] == "true" { logger.WithFields(log.Fields{ "module": "appsec", "source": evt.Parsed["source_ip"], "target_uri": req, }).Infof("%s out-of-band blocking rules on %s (%d rules) [%v]", evt.Parsed["source_ip"], req, len(evt.Appsec.MatchedRules), evt.Appsec.GetRuleIDs()) } else { logger.WithFields(log.Fields{ "module": "appsec", "source": evt.Parsed["source_ip"], "target_uri": req, }).Debugf("%s triggered non-blocking rules on %s (%d rules) [%v]", evt.Parsed["source_ip"], req, len(evt.Appsec.MatchedRules), evt.Appsec.GetRuleIDs()) } } func (r *AppsecRunner) AccumulateTxToEvent(evt *types.Event, req *appsec.ParsedRequest) error { if evt == nil { //an error was already emitted, let's not spam the logs return nil } if !req.Tx.IsInterrupted() { //if the phase didn't generate an interruption, we don't have anything to add to the event return nil } //if one interruption was generated, event is good for processing :) evt.Process = true if evt.Meta == nil { evt.Meta = map[string]string{} } if evt.Parsed == nil { evt.Parsed = map[string]string{} } if req.IsInBand { evt.Meta["appsec_interrupted"] = "true" evt.Meta["appsec_action"] = req.Tx.Interruption().Action evt.Parsed["inband_interrupted"] = "true" evt.Parsed["inband_action"] = req.Tx.Interruption().Action } else { evt.Parsed["outofband_interrupted"] = "true" evt.Parsed["outofband_action"] = req.Tx.Interruption().Action } if evt.Appsec.Vars == nil { evt.Appsec.Vars = map[string]string{} } req.Tx.Variables().All(func(v variables.RuleVariable, col collection.Collection) bool { for _, variable := range col.FindAll() { key := variable.Variable().Name() if variable.Key() != "" { key += "." + variable.Key() } if variable.Value() == "" { continue } for _, collectionToKeep := range r.AppsecRuntime.CompiledVariablesTracking { match := collectionToKeep.MatchString(key) if match { evt.Appsec.Vars[key] = variable.Value() r.logger.Debugf("%s.%s = %s", variable.Variable().Name(), variable.Key(), variable.Value()) } else { r.logger.Debugf("%s.%s != %s (%s) (not kept)", variable.Variable().Name(), variable.Key(), collectionToKeep, variable.Value()) } } } return true }) for _, rule := range req.Tx.MatchedRules() { if rule.Message() == "" || rule.DisruptiveAction() == "pass" || rule.DisruptiveAction() == "allow" { r.logger.Tracef("discarding rule %d (action: %s)", rule.Rule().ID(), rule.DisruptiveAction()) continue } kind := "outofband" if req.IsInBand { kind = "inband" evt.Appsec.HasInBandMatches = true } else { evt.Appsec.HasOutBandMatches = true } var name string version := "" hash := "" ruleNameProm := fmt.Sprintf("%d", rule.Rule().ID()) if details, ok := appsec.AppsecRulesDetails[rule.Rule().ID()]; ok { //Only set them for custom rules, not for rules written in seclang name = details.Name version = details.Version hash = details.Hash ruleNameProm = details.Name r.logger.Debugf("custom rule for event, setting name: %s, version: %s, hash: %s", name, version, hash) } else { name = fmt.Sprintf("native_rule:%d", rule.Rule().ID()) } AppsecRuleHits.With(prometheus.Labels{"rule_name": ruleNameProm, "type": kind, "source": req.RemoteAddrNormalized, "appsec_engine": req.AppsecEngine}).Inc() matchedZones := make([]string, 0) for _, matchData := range rule.MatchedDatas() { zone := matchData.Variable().Name() varName := matchData.Key() if varName != "" { zone += "." + varName } matchedZones = append(matchedZones, zone) } corazaRule := map[string]interface{}{ "id": rule.Rule().ID(), "uri": evt.Parsed["uri"], "rule_type": kind, "method": evt.Parsed["method"], "disruptive": rule.Disruptive(), "tags": rule.Rule().Tags(), "file": rule.Rule().File(), "file_line": rule.Rule().Line(), "revision": rule.Rule().Revision(), "secmark": rule.Rule().SecMark(), "accuracy": rule.Rule().Accuracy(), "msg": rule.Message(), "severity": rule.Rule().Severity().String(), "name": name, "hash": hash, "version": version, "matched_zones": matchedZones, } evt.Appsec.MatchedRules = append(evt.Appsec.MatchedRules, corazaRule) } return nil }