package acquisition import ( "bufio" "compress/gzip" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io" "os" "strings" "" leaky "" "" tomb "" "" //"log" "path/filepath" "time" "" log "" "" "" ) type Acquisition interface { Init(map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, error) ReadOne(interface{}) (string, error) } type FileCtx struct { Type string `yaml:"type,omitempty"` //file|bin|... Mode string `yaml:"mode,omitempty"` //tail|cat|... Filename string `yaml:"filename,omitempty"` Filenames []string `yaml:"filenames,omitempty"` tail *tail.Tail Labels map[string]string `yaml:"labels,omitempty"` Profiling bool `yaml:"profiling,omitempty"` } type FileAcquisCtx struct { Files []FileCtx Profiling bool } const ( TAILMODE = "tail" CATMODE = "cat" ) const ( FILETYPE = "file" BINTYPE = "bin" ) var ReaderHits = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Name: "cs_reader_hits_total", Help: "Total lines where read.", }, []string{"source"}, ) func LoadAcquisitionConfig(cConfig *csconfig.CrowdSec) (*FileAcquisCtx, error) { var acquisitionCTX *FileAcquisCtx var err error /*Init the acqusition : from cli or from acquis.yaml file*/ if cConfig.SingleFile != "" { var input FileCtx input.Filename = cConfig.SingleFile input.Mode = CATMODE input.Labels = make(map[string]string) input.Labels["type"] = cConfig.SingleFileLabel acquisitionCTX, err = InitReaderFromFileCtx([]FileCtx{input}) } else { /* Init file reader if we tail */ acquisitionCTX, err = InitReader(cConfig.AcquisitionFile) } if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to start file acquisition, bailout %v", err) } if acquisitionCTX == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("no inputs to process") } if cConfig.Profiling { acquisitionCTX.Profiling = true } return acquisitionCTX, nil } func InitReader(cfg string) (*FileAcquisCtx, error) { var files []FileCtx yamlFile, err := os.Open(cfg) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Can't access acquisition configuration file with '%v'.", err) return nil, err } //process the yaml dec := yaml.NewDecoder(yamlFile) dec.SetStrict(true) for { t := FileCtx{} err = dec.Decode(&t) if err != nil { if err == io.EOF { log.Tracef("End of yaml file") break } log.Fatalf("Error decoding acquisition configuration file with '%s': %v", cfg, err) break } files = append(files, t) } return InitReaderFromFileCtx(files) } //InitReader iterates over the FileCtx objects of cfg and resolves globbing to open files func InitReaderFromFileCtx(files []FileCtx) (*FileAcquisCtx, error) { var ctx *FileAcquisCtx = &FileAcquisCtx{} for _, t := range files { //defaults to file type in tail mode. if t.Type == "" { t.Type = FILETYPE } if t.Mode == "" { t.Mode = TAILMODE } //minimalist sanity check if t.Filename == "" && len(t.Filenames) == 0 { log.Infof("No filename or filenames, skipping empty item %+v", t) continue } if len(t.Labels) == 0 { log.Infof("Acquisition has no tags, skipping empty item %+v", t) continue } if len(t.Filename) > 0 { t.Filenames = append(t.Filenames, t.Filename) } var opcpt int //open the files indicated by `filename` and `filesnames` for _, fglob := range t.Filenames { opcpt = 0 files, err := filepath.Glob(fglob) if err != nil { log.Errorf("error while globing '%s' : %v", fglob, err) return nil, err } if len(files) == 0 { log.Errorf("nothing to glob for '%s'", fglob) continue } for _, file := range files { /*check that we can read said file*/ if err := unix.Access(file, unix.R_OK); err != nil { log.Errorf("Unable to open file [%s] : %v", file, err) continue } log.Infof("Opening file '%s' (pattern:%s)", file, fglob) fdesc := t fdesc.Filename = file fdesc.Filenames = []string{} switch t.Type { case FILETYPE: if t.Mode == TAILMODE { fdesc.tail, err = tail.TailFile(file, tail.Config{ReOpen: true, Follow: true, Poll: true, Location: &tail.SeekInfo{Offset: 0, Whence: 2}}) if err != nil { log.Errorf("skipping '%s' : %v", file, err) continue } } case BINTYPE: default: log.Fatalf("unexpected type %s for %+v", t.Type, t.Filenames) } opcpt++ ctx.Files = append(ctx.Files, fdesc) } } log.Debugf("'%v' opened %d files", t.Filenames, opcpt) } return ctx, nil } //let's return an array of chans for signaling for now func AcquisStartReading(ctx *FileAcquisCtx, output chan types.Event, AcquisTomb *tomb.Tomb) { if len(ctx.Files) == 0 { log.Errorf("No files to read") } /* start one go routine reading for each file, and pushing to chan output */ for idx, fctx := range ctx.Files { if ctx.Profiling { fctx.Profiling = true } fctx := fctx mode := "?" switch fctx.Mode { case TAILMODE: mode = "tail" AcquisTomb.Go(func() error { return AcquisReadOneFile(fctx, output, AcquisTomb) }) case CATMODE: mode = "cat" AcquisTomb.Go(func() error { return ReadAtOnce(fctx, output, AcquisTomb) }) default: log.Fatalf("unknown read mode %s for %+v", fctx.Mode, fctx.Filenames) } log.Printf("starting (%s) reader file %d/%d : %s", mode, idx, len(ctx.Files), fctx.Filename) } log.Printf("Started %d routines for polling/read", len(ctx.Files)) } /*A tail-mode file reader (tail) */ func AcquisReadOneFile(ctx FileCtx, output chan types.Event, AcquisTomb *tomb.Tomb) error { clog := log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "acquisition file": ctx.Filename, }) if ctx.Type != FILETYPE { log.Errorf("Can't tail %s type for %+v", ctx.Type, ctx.Filenames) return fmt.Errorf("can't tail %s type for %+v", ctx.Type, ctx.Filenames) } log.Infof("Starting tail of %s", ctx.Filename) timeout := time.Tick(20 * time.Second) LOOP: for { l := types.Line{} select { case <-AcquisTomb.Dying(): //we are being killed by main clog.Infof("Killing acquistion routine") if err := ctx.tail.Stop(); err != nil { clog.Errorf("error in stop : %s", err) } break LOOP case <-ctx.tail.Tomb.Dying(): //our tailer is dying clog.Warningf("Reader is dying/dead") return errors.New("reader is dead") case line := <-ctx.tail.Lines: if line == nil { clog.Debugf("Nil line") return errors.New("Tail is empty") } if line.Err != nil { log.Warningf("fetch error : %v", line.Err) return line.Err } if line.Text == "" { //skip empty lines continue } ReaderHits.With(prometheus.Labels{"source": ctx.Filename}).Inc() l.Raw = line.Text l.Labels = ctx.Labels l.Time = line.Time l.Src = ctx.Filename l.Process = true //we're tailing, it must be real time logs output <- types.Event{Line: l, Process: true, Type: types.LOG, ExpectMode: leaky.LIVE} case <-timeout: //time out, shall we do stuff ? clog.Tracef("timeout") } } return nil } /*A one shot file reader (cat) */ func ReadAtOnce(ctx FileCtx, output chan types.Event, AcquisTomb *tomb.Tomb) error { var scanner *bufio.Scanner if len(ctx.Filenames) > 0 { log.Errorf("no multi-file support for this mode.") return fmt.Errorf("no multi-file support for this mode") } log.Infof("reading %s at once", ctx.Filename) file := ctx.Filename clog := log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "file": file, }) fd, err := os.Open(file) defer fd.Close() if err != nil { clog.Errorf("Failed opening file: %s", err) return err } if ctx.Type == FILETYPE { if strings.HasSuffix(file, ".gz") { gz, err := gzip.NewReader(fd) if err != nil { clog.Errorf("Failed to read gz file: %s", err) return err } defer gz.Close() scanner = bufio.NewScanner(gz) } else { scanner = bufio.NewScanner(fd) } scanner.Split(bufio.ScanLines) count := 0 for scanner.Scan() { count++ l := types.Line{} l.Raw = scanner.Text() l.Time = time.Now() l.Src = file l.Labels = ctx.Labels l.Process = true //we're reading logs at once, it must be time-machine buckets output <- types.Event{Line: l, Process: true, Type: types.LOG, ExpectMode: leaky.TIMEMACHINE} } clog.Warningf("read %d lines", count) } else if ctx.Type == BINTYPE { /*BINTYPE is only overflows for now*/ dec := json.NewDecoder(fd) count := 0 for { var p types.Event if err := dec.Decode(&p); err == io.EOF { break } else if err != nil { log.Warningf("While reading %s : %s", fd.Name(), err) continue } count++ p.Type = types.OVFLW p.Process = true //we're reading logs at once, it must be time-machine buckets p.ExpectMode = leaky.TIMEMACHINE output <- p } clog.Warningf("unmarshaled %d events", count) } clog.Infof("force commit") return nil }