name: Hub-CI on: push: branches: [ master ] pull_request: branches: [ master ] jobs: build: name: Hub Parser/Scenario tests runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Set up Go 1.13 uses: actions/setup-go@v1 with: go-version: 1.13 id: go - name: Check out code into the Go module directory uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Build release run: BUILD_VERSION=xxx make release - name: clone and build hub CI tool run: | git clone cd hub-tests make - name: Create crowdsec test env with all parsers from the release run: | cd crowdsec-xxx ./ cd tests for i in `./cscli -c dev.yaml list parsers -a -o json | jq -r ".[].name" ` ; do ./cscli -c dev.yaml install parser $i ; done - name: Setup hub ci in crowdsec working-directory: ./crowdsec-xxx/tests/ run: | cp -R ../../hub-tests/tests . cp ../../hub-tests/main . - name: Run the HUB CI working-directory: ./crowdsec-xxx/tests/ run: | for i in `find ./tests -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d` ; do echo "::group::Test-${i}" ; ./main -c dev.yaml $i || (echo "::error file=${i}::Failed test for ${i}" ; diff ${i}"/results.json" ${i}"/") ; echo "::endgroup::" ; done ;