## cscli ban add Adds a ban against a given ip/range for the provided duration ### Synopsis Allows to add a ban against a specific ip or range target for a specific duration. The duration argument can be expressed in seconds(s), minutes(m) or hours (h). See [time.ParseDuration](https://golang.org/pkg/time/#ParseDuration) for more informations. ### Examples ``` cscli ban add ip 24h "scan" cscli ban add range 24h "the whole range" ``` ### Options ``` -h, --help help for add ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ``` -c, --config-dir string Configuration directory to use. (default "/etc/crowdsec/cscli/") --db string Set path to SQLite DB. --debug Set logging to debug. --error Set logging to error. --info Set logging to info. -o, --output string Output format : human, json, raw. (default "human") --remediation string Set specific remediation type : ban|slow|captcha (default "ban") --warning Set logging to warning. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [cscli ban](cscli_ban.md) - Manage bans/mitigations * [cscli ban add ip](cscli_ban_add_ip.md) - Adds the specific ip to the ban db * [cscli ban add range](cscli_ban_add_range.md) - Adds the specific ip to the ban db ###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-May-2020