package main import ( "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" "net/url" "os" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" log "" "" ) var Client *apiclient.ApiClient func DecisionsToTable(alerts *models.GetAlertsResponse) error { /*here we cheat a bit : to make it more readable for the user, we dedup some entries*/ var spamLimit map[string]bool = make(map[string]bool) /*process in reverse order to keep the latest item only*/ for aIdx := len(*alerts) - 1; aIdx >= 0; aIdx-- { alertItem := (*alerts)[aIdx] newDecisions := make([]*models.Decision, 0) for _, decisionItem := range alertItem.Decisions { spamKey := fmt.Sprintf("%t:%s:%s:%s", *decisionItem.Simulated, *decisionItem.Type, *decisionItem.Scope, *decisionItem.Value) if _, ok := spamLimit[spamKey]; ok { continue } spamLimit[spamKey] = true newDecisions = append(newDecisions, decisionItem) } alertItem.Decisions = newDecisions } if csConfig.Cscli.Output == "raw" { fmt.Printf("id,source,ip,reason,action,country,as,events_count,expiration,simulated,alert_id\n") for _, alertItem := range *alerts { for _, decisionItem := range alertItem.Decisions { fmt.Printf("%v,%v,%v,%v,%v,%v,%v,%v,%v,%v,%v\n", decisionItem.ID, *decisionItem.Origin, *decisionItem.Scope+":"+*decisionItem.Value, *decisionItem.Scenario, *decisionItem.Type, alertItem.Source.Cn, alertItem.Source.AsNumber+" "+alertItem.Source.AsName, *alertItem.EventsCount, *decisionItem.Duration, *decisionItem.Simulated, alertItem.ID) } } } else if csConfig.Cscli.Output == "json" { x, _ := json.MarshalIndent(alerts, "", " ") fmt.Printf("%s", string(x)) } else if csConfig.Cscli.Output == "human" { table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout) table.SetHeader([]string{"ID", "Source", "Scope:Value", "Reason", "Action", "Country", "AS", "Events", "expiration", "Alert ID"}) if len(*alerts) == 0 { fmt.Println("No active decisions") return nil } for _, alertItem := range *alerts { for _, decisionItem := range alertItem.Decisions { if *alertItem.Simulated { *decisionItem.Type = fmt.Sprintf("(simul)%s", *decisionItem.Type) } table.Append([]string{ strconv.Itoa(int(decisionItem.ID)), *decisionItem.Origin, *decisionItem.Scope + ":" + *decisionItem.Value, *decisionItem.Scenario, *decisionItem.Type, alertItem.Source.Cn, alertItem.Source.AsNumber + " " + alertItem.Source.AsName, strconv.Itoa(int(*alertItem.EventsCount)), *decisionItem.Duration, strconv.Itoa(int(alertItem.ID)), }) } } table.Render() // Send output } return nil } func NewDecisionsCmd() *cobra.Command { /* ---- DECISIONS COMMAND */ var cmdDecisions = &cobra.Command{ Use: "decisions [action]", Short: "Manage decisions", Long: `Add/List/Delete decisions from LAPI`, Example: `cscli decisions [action] [filter]`, /*TBD example*/ Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1), DisableAutoGenTag: true, PersistentPreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { if err := csConfig.LoadAPIClient(); err != nil { log.Fatalf(err.Error()) } if csConfig.API.Client == nil { log.Fatalln("There is no configuration on 'api_client:'") } if csConfig.API.Client.Credentials == nil { log.Fatalf("Please provide credentials for the API in '%s'", csConfig.API.Client.CredentialsFilePath) } password := strfmt.Password(csConfig.API.Client.Credentials.Password) apiurl, err := url.Parse(csConfig.API.Client.Credentials.URL) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("parsing api url ('%s'): %s", csConfig.API.Client.Credentials.URL, err) } Client, err = apiclient.NewClient(&apiclient.Config{ MachineID: csConfig.API.Client.Credentials.Login, Password: password, UserAgent: fmt.Sprintf("crowdsec/%s", cwversion.VersionStr()), URL: apiurl, VersionPrefix: "v1", }) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("creating api client : %s", err) } }, } var filter = apiclient.AlertsListOpts{ ValueEquals: new(string), ScopeEquals: new(string), ScenarioEquals: new(string), IPEquals: new(string), RangeEquals: new(string), Since: new(string), Until: new(string), TypeEquals: new(string), IncludeCAPI: new(bool), Limit: new(int), } NoSimu := new(bool) contained := new(bool) var cmdDecisionsList = &cobra.Command{ Use: "list [options]", Short: "List decisions from LAPI", Example: `cscli decisions list -i cscli decisions list -r cscli decisions list -s crowdsecurity/ssh-bf cscli decisions list -t ban `, Args: cobra.ExactArgs(0), DisableAutoGenTag: true, Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { var err error /*take care of shorthand options*/ if err := manageCliDecisionAlerts(filter.IPEquals, filter.RangeEquals, filter.ScopeEquals, filter.ValueEquals); err != nil { log.Fatalf("%s", err) } filter.ActiveDecisionEquals = new(bool) *filter.ActiveDecisionEquals = true if NoSimu != nil && *NoSimu { filter.IncludeSimulated = new(bool) } /*nulify the empty entries to avoid bad filter*/ if *filter.Until == "" { filter.Until = nil } else { /*time.ParseDuration support hours 'h' as bigger unit, let's make the user's life easier*/ if strings.HasSuffix(*filter.Until, "d") { realDuration := strings.TrimSuffix(*filter.Until, "d") days, err := strconv.Atoi(realDuration) if err != nil { cmd.Help() log.Fatalf("Can't parse duration %s, valid durations format: 1d, 4h, 4h15m", *filter.Until) } *filter.Until = fmt.Sprintf("%d%s", days*24, "h") } } if *filter.Since == "" { filter.Since = nil } else { /*time.ParseDuration support hours 'h' as bigger unit, let's make the user's life easier*/ if strings.HasSuffix(*filter.Since, "d") { realDuration := strings.TrimSuffix(*filter.Since, "d") days, err := strconv.Atoi(realDuration) if err != nil { cmd.Help() log.Fatalf("Can't parse duration %s, valid durations format: 1d, 4h, 4h15m", *filter.Until) } *filter.Since = fmt.Sprintf("%d%s", days*24, "h") } } if *filter.IncludeCAPI { *filter.Limit = 0 } if *filter.TypeEquals == "" { filter.TypeEquals = nil } if *filter.ValueEquals == "" { filter.ValueEquals = nil } if *filter.ScopeEquals == "" { filter.ScopeEquals = nil } if *filter.ScenarioEquals == "" { filter.ScenarioEquals = nil } if *filter.IPEquals == "" { filter.IPEquals = nil } if *filter.RangeEquals == "" { filter.RangeEquals = nil } if contained != nil && *contained { filter.Contains = new(bool) } alerts, _, err := Client.Alerts.List(context.Background(), filter) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Unable to list decisions : %v", err.Error()) } err = DecisionsToTable(alerts) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("unable to list decisions : %v", err.Error()) } }, } cmdDecisionsList.Flags().SortFlags = false cmdDecisionsList.Flags().BoolVarP(filter.IncludeCAPI, "all", "a", false, "Include decisions from Central API") cmdDecisionsList.Flags().StringVar(filter.Since, "since", "", "restrict to alerts newer than since (ie. 4h, 30d)") cmdDecisionsList.Flags().StringVar(filter.Until, "until", "", "restrict to alerts older than until (ie. 4h, 30d)") cmdDecisionsList.Flags().StringVarP(filter.TypeEquals, "type", "t", "", "restrict to this decision type (ie. ban,captcha)") cmdDecisionsList.Flags().StringVar(filter.ScopeEquals, "scope", "", "restrict to this scope (ie. ip,range,session)") cmdDecisionsList.Flags().StringVarP(filter.ValueEquals, "value", "v", "", "restrict to this value (ie.,userName)") cmdDecisionsList.Flags().StringVarP(filter.ScenarioEquals, "scenario", "s", "", "restrict to this scenario (ie. crowdsecurity/ssh-bf)") cmdDecisionsList.Flags().StringVarP(filter.IPEquals, "ip", "i", "", "restrict to alerts from this source ip (shorthand for --scope ip --value )") cmdDecisionsList.Flags().StringVarP(filter.RangeEquals, "range", "r", "", "restrict to alerts from this source range (shorthand for --scope range --value )") cmdDecisionsList.Flags().IntVarP(filter.Limit, "limit", "l", 100, "number of alerts to get (use 0 to remove the limit)") cmdDecisionsList.Flags().BoolVar(NoSimu, "no-simu", false, "exclude decisions in simulation mode") cmdDecisionsList.Flags().BoolVar(contained, "contained", false, "query decisions contained by range") cmdDecisions.AddCommand(cmdDecisionsList) var ( addIP string addRange string addDuration string addValue string addScope string addReason string addType string ) var cmdDecisionsAdd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "add [options]", Short: "Add decision to LAPI", Example: `cscli decisions add --ip cscli decisions add --range cscli decisions add --ip --duration 24h --type captcha cscli decisions add --scope username --value foobar `, /*TBD : fix long and example*/ Args: cobra.ExactArgs(0), DisableAutoGenTag: true, Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { var err error var ip, ipRange string alerts := models.AddAlertsRequest{} origin := "cscli" capacity := int32(0) leakSpeed := "0" eventsCount := int32(1) empty := "" simulated := false startAt := time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339) stopAt := time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339) createdAt := time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339) /*take care of shorthand options*/ if err := manageCliDecisionAlerts(&addIP, &addRange, &addScope, &addValue); err != nil { log.Fatalf("%s", err) } if addIP != "" { addValue = addIP addScope = types.Ip } else if addRange != "" { addValue = addRange addScope = types.Range } else if addValue == "" { cmd.Help() log.Errorf("Missing arguments, a value is required (--ip, --range or --scope and --value)") return } if addReason == "" { addReason = fmt.Sprintf("manual '%s' from '%s'", addType, csConfig.API.Client.Credentials.Login) } decision := models.Decision{ Duration: &addDuration, Scope: &addScope, Value: &addValue, Type: &addType, Scenario: &addReason, Origin: &origin, } alert := models.Alert{ Capacity: &capacity, Decisions: []*models.Decision{&decision}, Events: []*models.Event{}, EventsCount: &eventsCount, Leakspeed: &leakSpeed, Message: &addReason, ScenarioHash: &empty, Scenario: &addReason, ScenarioVersion: &empty, Simulated: &simulated, Source: &models.Source{ AsName: empty, AsNumber: empty, Cn: empty, IP: ip, Range: ipRange, Scope: &addScope, Value: &addValue, }, StartAt: &startAt, StopAt: &stopAt, CreatedAt: createdAt, } alerts = append(alerts, &alert) _, _, err = Client.Alerts.Add(context.Background(), alerts) if err != nil { log.Fatalf(err.Error()) } log.Info("Decision successfully added") }, } cmdDecisionsAdd.Flags().SortFlags = false cmdDecisionsAdd.Flags().StringVarP(&addIP, "ip", "i", "", "Source ip (shorthand for --scope ip --value )") cmdDecisionsAdd.Flags().StringVarP(&addRange, "range", "r", "", "Range source ip (shorthand for --scope range --value )") cmdDecisionsAdd.Flags().StringVarP(&addDuration, "duration", "d", "4h", "Decision duration (ie. 1h,4h,30m)") cmdDecisionsAdd.Flags().StringVarP(&addValue, "value", "v", "", "The value (ie. --scope username --value foobar)") cmdDecisionsAdd.Flags().StringVar(&addScope, "scope", types.Ip, "Decision scope (ie. ip,range,username)") cmdDecisionsAdd.Flags().StringVarP(&addReason, "reason", "R", "", "Decision reason (ie. scenario-name)") cmdDecisionsAdd.Flags().StringVarP(&addType, "type", "t", "ban", "Decision type (ie. ban,captcha,throttle)") cmdDecisions.AddCommand(cmdDecisionsAdd) var delFilter = apiclient.DecisionsDeleteOpts{ ScopeEquals: new(string), ValueEquals: new(string), TypeEquals: new(string), IPEquals: new(string), RangeEquals: new(string), } var delDecisionId string var delDecisionAll bool var cmdDecisionsDelete = &cobra.Command{ Use: "delete [options]", Short: "Delete decisions", DisableAutoGenTag: true, Example: `cscli decisions delete -r cscli decisions delete -i cscli decisions delete -s crowdsecurity/ssh-bf cscli decisions delete --id 42 cscli decisions delete --type captcha `, /*TBD : refaire le Long/Example*/ PreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { if delDecisionAll { return } if *delFilter.ScopeEquals == "" && *delFilter.ValueEquals == "" && *delFilter.TypeEquals == "" && *delFilter.IPEquals == "" && *delFilter.RangeEquals == "" && delDecisionId == "" { cmd.Usage() log.Fatalln("At least one filter or --all must be specified") } }, Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { var err error var decisions *models.DeleteDecisionResponse /*take care of shorthand options*/ if err := manageCliDecisionAlerts(delFilter.IPEquals, delFilter.RangeEquals, delFilter.ScopeEquals, delFilter.ValueEquals); err != nil { log.Fatalf("%s", err) } if *delFilter.ScopeEquals == "" { delFilter.ScopeEquals = nil } if *delFilter.ValueEquals == "" { delFilter.ValueEquals = nil } if *delFilter.TypeEquals == "" { delFilter.TypeEquals = nil } if *delFilter.IPEquals == "" { delFilter.IPEquals = nil } if *delFilter.RangeEquals == "" { delFilter.RangeEquals = nil } if contained != nil && *contained { delFilter.Contains = new(bool) } if delDecisionId == "" { decisions, _, err = Client.Decisions.Delete(context.Background(), delFilter) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Unable to delete decisions : %v", err.Error()) } } else { decisions, _, err = Client.Decisions.DeleteOne(context.Background(), delDecisionId) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Unable to delete decision : %v", err.Error()) } } log.Infof("%s decision(s) deleted", decisions.NbDeleted) }, } cmdDecisionsDelete.Flags().SortFlags = false cmdDecisionsDelete.Flags().StringVarP(delFilter.IPEquals, "ip", "i", "", "Source ip (shorthand for --scope ip --value )") cmdDecisionsDelete.Flags().StringVarP(delFilter.RangeEquals, "range", "r", "", "Range source ip (shorthand for --scope range --value )") cmdDecisionsDelete.Flags().StringVar(&delDecisionId, "id", "", "decision id") cmdDecisionsDelete.Flags().StringVarP(delFilter.TypeEquals, "type", "t", "", "the decision type (ie. ban,captcha)") cmdDecisionsDelete.Flags().StringVarP(delFilter.ValueEquals, "value", "v", "", "the value to match for in the specified scope") cmdDecisionsDelete.Flags().BoolVar(&delDecisionAll, "all", false, "delete all decisions") cmdDecisionsDelete.Flags().BoolVar(contained, "contained", false, "query decisions contained by range") cmdDecisions.AddCommand(cmdDecisionsDelete) return cmdDecisions }