#! /usr/bin/env bash # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- source tests_base.sh COLLECTION=crowdsecurity/sshd SCENARIO=crowdsecurity/ssh-bf # install sshd collection ${CSCLI} collections install $COLLECTION ${CSCLI} decisions delete --all ${SYSTEMCTL} reload crowdsec # generate a fake bf log -> cold logs processing rm -f ssh-bf.log sync for i in `seq 1 10` ; do echo `LC_ALL=C date '+%b %d %H:%M:%S '`'sd-126005 sshd[12422]: Invalid user netflix from port 35424' >> ssh-bf.log done; sync ${CROWDSEC} -dsn file://./ssh-bf.log -type syslog -no-api sleep 1s ${CSCLI} decisions list -o=json | ${JQ} '. | length == 1' || fail "expected exactly one decision" ${CSCLI} decisions list -o=json | ${JQ} '.[].decisions[0].value == ""' || fail "(exact) expected ban on" ${CSCLI} decisions list -o=json | ${JQ} '.[].decisions[0].simulated == false' || fail "(exact) expected simulated on false" sleep 1s # enable simulation on specific scenario and try with same logs ${CSCLI} decisions delete --all ${CSCLI} simulation enable $SCENARIO ${CROWDSEC} -dsn file://./ssh-bf.log -type syslog -no-api ${CSCLI} decisions list --no-simu -o=json | ${JQ} '. == null' || fail "expected no decision (listing only non-simulated decisions)" sleep 1s # enable global simulation and try with same logs ${CSCLI} decisions delete --all ${CSCLI} simulation disable $SCENARIO ${CSCLI} simulation enable --global ${CROWDSEC} -dsn file://./ssh-bf.log -type syslog -no-api sleep 1s ${CSCLI} decisions list --no-simu -o=json | ${JQ} '. == null' || fail "expected no decision (listing only non-simulated decisions)"