package apiserver import ( "context" "fmt" "math/rand" "net" "net/http" "net/url" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" "" "" log "" "" "slices" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( // delta values must be smaller than the interval pullIntervalDefault = time.Hour * 2 pullIntervalDelta = 5 * time.Minute pushIntervalDefault = time.Second * 10 pushIntervalDelta = time.Second * 7 metricsIntervalDefault = time.Minute * 30 metricsIntervalDelta = time.Minute * 15 ) type apic struct { // when changing the intervals in tests, always set *First too // or they can be negative pullInterval time.Duration pullIntervalFirst time.Duration pushInterval time.Duration pushIntervalFirst time.Duration metricsInterval time.Duration metricsIntervalFirst time.Duration dbClient *database.Client apiClient *apiclient.ApiClient AlertsAddChan chan []*models.Alert mu sync.Mutex pushTomb tomb.Tomb pullTomb tomb.Tomb metricsTomb tomb.Tomb startup bool credentials *csconfig.ApiCredentialsCfg scenarioList []string consoleConfig *csconfig.ConsoleConfig isPulling chan bool whitelists *csconfig.CapiWhitelist } // randomDuration returns a duration value between d-delta and d+delta func randomDuration(d time.Duration, delta time.Duration) time.Duration { ret := d + time.Duration(rand.Int63n(int64(2*delta))) - delta // ticker interval must be > 0 (nanoseconds) if ret <= 0 { return 1 } return ret } func (a *apic) FetchScenariosListFromDB() ([]string, error) { scenarios := make([]string, 0) machines, err := a.dbClient.ListMachines() if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("while listing machines: %w", err) } //merge all scenarios together for _, v := range machines { machineScenarios := strings.Split(v.Scenarios, ",") log.Debugf("%d scenarios for machine %d", len(machineScenarios), v.ID) for _, sv := range machineScenarios { if !slices.Contains(scenarios, sv) && sv != "" { scenarios = append(scenarios, sv) } } } log.Debugf("Returning list of scenarios : %+v", scenarios) return scenarios, nil } func decisionsToApiDecisions(decisions []*models.Decision) models.AddSignalsRequestItemDecisions { apiDecisions := models.AddSignalsRequestItemDecisions{} for _, decision := range decisions { x := &models.AddSignalsRequestItemDecisionsItem{ Duration: ptr.Of(*decision.Duration), ID: new(int64), Origin: ptr.Of(*decision.Origin), Scenario: ptr.Of(*decision.Scenario), Scope: ptr.Of(*decision.Scope), //Simulated: *decision.Simulated, Type: ptr.Of(*decision.Type), Until: decision.Until, Value: ptr.Of(*decision.Value), UUID: decision.UUID, } *x.ID = decision.ID if decision.Simulated != nil { x.Simulated = *decision.Simulated } apiDecisions = append(apiDecisions, x) } return apiDecisions } func alertToSignal(alert *models.Alert, scenarioTrust string, shareContext bool) *models.AddSignalsRequestItem { signal := &models.AddSignalsRequestItem{ Message: alert.Message, Scenario: alert.Scenario, ScenarioHash: alert.ScenarioHash, ScenarioVersion: alert.ScenarioVersion, Source: &models.AddSignalsRequestItemSource{ AsName: alert.Source.AsName, AsNumber: alert.Source.AsNumber, Cn: alert.Source.Cn, IP: alert.Source.IP, Latitude: alert.Source.Latitude, Longitude: alert.Source.Longitude, Range: alert.Source.Range, Scope: alert.Source.Scope, Value: alert.Source.Value, }, StartAt: alert.StartAt, StopAt: alert.StopAt, CreatedAt: alert.CreatedAt, MachineID: alert.MachineID, ScenarioTrust: scenarioTrust, Decisions: decisionsToApiDecisions(alert.Decisions), UUID: alert.UUID, } if shareContext { signal.Context = make([]*models.AddSignalsRequestItemContextItems0, 0) for _, meta := range alert.Meta { contextItem := models.AddSignalsRequestItemContextItems0{ Key: meta.Key, Value: meta.Value, } signal.Context = append(signal.Context, &contextItem) } } return signal } func NewAPIC(config *csconfig.OnlineApiClientCfg, dbClient *database.Client, consoleConfig *csconfig.ConsoleConfig, apicWhitelist *csconfig.CapiWhitelist) (*apic, error) { var err error ret := &apic{ AlertsAddChan: make(chan []*models.Alert), dbClient: dbClient, mu: sync.Mutex{}, startup: true, credentials: config.Credentials, pullTomb: tomb.Tomb{}, pushTomb: tomb.Tomb{}, metricsTomb: tomb.Tomb{}, scenarioList: make([]string, 0), consoleConfig: consoleConfig, pullInterval: pullIntervalDefault, pullIntervalFirst: randomDuration(pullIntervalDefault, pullIntervalDelta), pushInterval: pushIntervalDefault, pushIntervalFirst: randomDuration(pushIntervalDefault, pushIntervalDelta), metricsInterval: metricsIntervalDefault, metricsIntervalFirst: randomDuration(metricsIntervalDefault, metricsIntervalDelta), isPulling: make(chan bool, 1), whitelists: apicWhitelist, } password := strfmt.Password(config.Credentials.Password) apiURL, err := url.Parse(config.Credentials.URL) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("while parsing '%s': %w", config.Credentials.URL, err) } papiURL, err := url.Parse(config.Credentials.PapiURL) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("while parsing '%s': %w", config.Credentials.PapiURL, err) } ret.scenarioList, err = ret.FetchScenariosListFromDB() if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("while fetching scenarios from db: %w", err) } ret.apiClient, err = apiclient.NewClient(&apiclient.Config{ MachineID: config.Credentials.Login, Password: password, UserAgent: fmt.Sprintf("crowdsec/%s", version.String()), URL: apiURL, PapiURL: papiURL, VersionPrefix: "v3", Scenarios: ret.scenarioList, UpdateScenario: ret.FetchScenariosListFromDB, }) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("while creating api client: %w", err) } // The watcher will be authenticated by the RoundTripper the first time it will call CAPI // Explicit authentication will provoke a useless supplementary call to CAPI scenarios, err := ret.FetchScenariosListFromDB() if err != nil { return ret, fmt.Errorf("get scenario in db: %w", err) } authResp, _, err := ret.apiClient.Auth.AuthenticateWatcher(context.Background(), models.WatcherAuthRequest{ MachineID: &config.Credentials.Login, Password: &password, Scenarios: scenarios, }) if err != nil { return ret, fmt.Errorf("authenticate watcher (%s): %w", config.Credentials.Login, err) } if err := ret.apiClient.GetClient().Transport.(*apiclient.JWTTransport).Expiration.UnmarshalText([]byte(authResp.Expire)); err != nil { return ret, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse jwt expiration: %w", err) } ret.apiClient.GetClient().Transport.(*apiclient.JWTTransport).Token = authResp.Token return ret, err } // keep track of all alerts in cache and push it to CAPI every PushInterval. func (a *apic) Push() error { defer trace.CatchPanic("lapi/pushToAPIC") var cache models.AddSignalsRequest ticker := time.NewTicker(a.pushIntervalFirst) log.Infof("Start push to CrowdSec Central API (interval: %s once, then %s)", a.pushIntervalFirst.Round(time.Second), a.pushInterval) for { select { case <-a.pushTomb.Dying(): // if one apic routine is dying, do we kill the others? a.pullTomb.Kill(nil) a.metricsTomb.Kill(nil) log.Infof("push tomb is dying, sending cache (%d elements) before exiting", len(cache)) if len(cache) == 0 { return nil } go a.Send(&cache) return nil case <-ticker.C: ticker.Reset(a.pushInterval) if len(cache) > 0 { cacheCopy := cache cache = make(models.AddSignalsRequest, 0) log.Infof("Signal push: %d signals to push", len(cacheCopy)) go a.Send(&cacheCopy) } case alerts := <-a.AlertsAddChan: var signals []*models.AddSignalsRequestItem for _, alert := range alerts { if ok := shouldShareAlert(alert, a.consoleConfig); ok { signals = append(signals, alertToSignal(alert, getScenarioTrustOfAlert(alert), *a.consoleConfig.ShareContext)) } } cache = append(cache, signals...) } } } func getScenarioTrustOfAlert(alert *models.Alert) string { scenarioTrust := "certified" if alert.ScenarioHash == nil || *alert.ScenarioHash == "" { scenarioTrust = "custom" } else if alert.ScenarioVersion == nil || *alert.ScenarioVersion == "" || *alert.ScenarioVersion == "?" { scenarioTrust = "tainted" } if len(alert.Decisions) > 0 { if *alert.Decisions[0].Origin == types.CscliOrigin { scenarioTrust = "manual" } } return scenarioTrust } func shouldShareAlert(alert *models.Alert, consoleConfig *csconfig.ConsoleConfig) bool { if *alert.Simulated { log.Debugf("simulation enabled for alert (id:%d), will not be sent to CAPI", alert.ID) return false } switch scenarioTrust := getScenarioTrustOfAlert(alert); scenarioTrust { case "manual": if !*consoleConfig.ShareManualDecisions { log.Debugf("manual decision generated an alert, doesn't send it to CAPI because options is disabled") return false } case "tainted": if !*consoleConfig.ShareTaintedScenarios { log.Debugf("tainted scenario generated an alert, doesn't send it to CAPI because options is disabled") return false } case "custom": if !*consoleConfig.ShareCustomScenarios { log.Debugf("custom scenario generated an alert, doesn't send it to CAPI because options is disabled") return false } } return true } func (a *apic) Send(cacheOrig *models.AddSignalsRequest) { /*we do have a problem with this : The apic.Push background routine reads from alertToPush chan. This chan is filled by Controller.CreateAlert If the chan apic.Send hangs, the alertToPush chan will become full, with means that Controller.CreateAlert is going to hang, blocking API worker(s). So instead, we prefer to cancel write. I don't know enough about gin to tell how much of an issue it can be. */ var cache []*models.AddSignalsRequestItem = *cacheOrig var send models.AddSignalsRequest bulkSize := 50 pageStart := 0 pageEnd := bulkSize for { if pageEnd >= len(cache) { send = cache[pageStart:] ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second) defer cancel() _, _, err := a.apiClient.Signal.Add(ctx, &send) if err != nil { log.Errorf("sending signal to central API: %s", err) return } break } send = cache[pageStart:pageEnd] ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second) defer cancel() _, _, err := a.apiClient.Signal.Add(ctx, &send) if err != nil { //we log it here as well, because the return value of func might be discarded log.Errorf("sending signal to central API: %s", err) } pageStart += bulkSize pageEnd += bulkSize } } func (a *apic) CAPIPullIsOld() (bool, error) { /*only pull community blocklist if it's older than 1h30 */ alerts := a.dbClient.Ent.Alert.Query() alerts = alerts.Where(alert.HasDecisionsWith(decision.OriginEQ(database.CapiMachineID))) alerts = alerts.Where(alert.CreatedAtGTE(time.Now().UTC().Add(-time.Duration(1*time.Hour + 30*time.Minute)))) //nolint:unconvert count, err := alerts.Count(a.dbClient.CTX) if err != nil { return false, fmt.Errorf("while looking for CAPI alert: %w", err) } if count > 0 { log.Printf("last CAPI pull is newer than 1h30, skip.") return false, nil } return true, nil } func (a *apic) HandleDeletedDecisions(deletedDecisions []*models.Decision, delete_counters map[string]map[string]int) (int, error) { nbDeleted := 0 for _, decision := range deletedDecisions { filter := map[string][]string{ "value": {*decision.Value}, "origin": {*decision.Origin}, } if strings.ToLower(*decision.Scope) != "ip" { filter["type"] = []string{*decision.Type} filter["scopes"] = []string{*decision.Scope} } dbCliRet, _, err := a.dbClient.SoftDeleteDecisionsWithFilter(filter) if err != nil { return 0, fmt.Errorf("deleting decisions error: %w", err) } dbCliDel, err := strconv.Atoi(dbCliRet) if err != nil { return 0, fmt.Errorf("converting db ret %d: %w", dbCliDel, err) } updateCounterForDecision(delete_counters, decision.Origin, decision.Scenario, dbCliDel) nbDeleted += dbCliDel } return nbDeleted, nil } func (a *apic) HandleDeletedDecisionsV3(deletedDecisions []*modelscapi.GetDecisionsStreamResponseDeletedItem, delete_counters map[string]map[string]int) (int, error) { var nbDeleted int for _, decisions := range deletedDecisions { scope := decisions.Scope for _, decision := range decisions.Decisions { filter := map[string][]string{ "value": {decision}, "origin": {types.CAPIOrigin}, } if strings.ToLower(*scope) != "ip" { filter["scopes"] = []string{*scope} } dbCliRet, _, err := a.dbClient.SoftDeleteDecisionsWithFilter(filter) if err != nil { return 0, fmt.Errorf("deleting decisions error: %w", err) } dbCliDel, err := strconv.Atoi(dbCliRet) if err != nil { return 0, fmt.Errorf("converting db ret %d: %w", dbCliDel, err) } updateCounterForDecision(delete_counters, ptr.Of(types.CAPIOrigin), nil, dbCliDel) nbDeleted += dbCliDel } } return nbDeleted, nil } func createAlertsForDecisions(decisions []*models.Decision) []*models.Alert { newAlerts := make([]*models.Alert, 0) for _, decision := range decisions { found := false for _, sub := range newAlerts { if sub.Source.Scope == nil { log.Warningf("nil scope in %+v", sub) continue } if *decision.Origin == types.CAPIOrigin { if *sub.Source.Scope == types.CAPIOrigin { found = true break } } else if *decision.Origin == types.ListOrigin { if *sub.Source.Scope == *decision.Origin { if sub.Scenario == nil { log.Warningf("nil scenario in %+v", sub) } if *sub.Scenario == *decision.Scenario { found = true break } } } else { log.Warningf("unknown origin %s : %+v", *decision.Origin, decision) } } if !found { log.Debugf("Create entry for origin:%s scenario:%s", *decision.Origin, *decision.Scenario) newAlerts = append(newAlerts, createAlertForDecision(decision)) } } return newAlerts } func createAlertForDecision(decision *models.Decision) *models.Alert { var ( scenario string scope string ) switch *decision.Origin { case types.CAPIOrigin: scenario = types.CAPIOrigin scope = types.CAPIOrigin case types.ListOrigin: scenario = *decision.Scenario scope = types.ListOrigin default: // XXX: this or nil? scenario = "" scope = "" log.Warningf("unknown origin %s", *decision.Origin) } return &models.Alert{ Source: &models.Source{ Scope: ptr.Of(scope), Value: ptr.Of(""), }, Scenario: ptr.Of(scenario), Message: ptr.Of(""), StartAt: ptr.Of(time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)), StopAt: ptr.Of(time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)), Capacity: ptr.Of(int32(0)), Simulated: ptr.Of(false), EventsCount: ptr.Of(int32(0)), Leakspeed: ptr.Of(""), ScenarioHash: ptr.Of(""), ScenarioVersion: ptr.Of(""), MachineID: database.CapiMachineID, } } // This function takes in list of parent alerts and decisions and then pairs them up. func fillAlertsWithDecisions(alerts []*models.Alert, decisions []*models.Decision, add_counters map[string]map[string]int) []*models.Alert { for _, decision := range decisions { //count and create separate alerts for each list updateCounterForDecision(add_counters, decision.Origin, decision.Scenario, 1) /*CAPI might send lower case scopes, unify it.*/ switch strings.ToLower(*decision.Scope) { case "ip": *decision.Scope = types.Ip case "range": *decision.Scope = types.Range } found := false //add the individual decisions to the right list for idx, alert := range alerts { if *decision.Origin == types.CAPIOrigin { if *alert.Source.Scope == types.CAPIOrigin { alerts[idx].Decisions = append(alerts[idx].Decisions, decision) found = true break } } else if *decision.Origin == types.ListOrigin { if *alert.Source.Scope == types.ListOrigin && *alert.Scenario == *decision.Scenario { alerts[idx].Decisions = append(alerts[idx].Decisions, decision) found = true break } } else { log.Warningf("unknown origin %s", *decision.Origin) } } if !found { log.Warningf("Orphaned decision for %s - %s", *decision.Origin, *decision.Scenario) } } return alerts } // we receive a list of decisions and links for blocklist and we need to create a list of alerts : // one alert for "community blocklist" // one alert per list we're subscribed to func (a *apic) PullTop(forcePull bool) error { var err error //A mutex with TryLock would be a bit simpler //But go does not guarantee that TryLock will be able to acquire the lock even if it is available select { case a.isPulling <- true: defer func() { <-a.isPulling }() default: return errors.New("pull already in progress") } if !forcePull { if lastPullIsOld, err := a.CAPIPullIsOld(); err != nil { return err } else if !lastPullIsOld { return nil } } log.Infof("Starting community-blocklist update") data, _, err := a.apiClient.Decisions.GetStreamV3(context.Background(), apiclient.DecisionsStreamOpts{Startup: a.startup}) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("get stream: %w", err) } a.startup = false /*to count additions/deletions across lists*/ log.Debugf("Received %d new decisions", len(data.New)) log.Debugf("Received %d deleted decisions", len(data.Deleted)) if data.Links != nil { log.Debugf("Received %d blocklists links", len(data.Links.Blocklists)) } add_counters, delete_counters := makeAddAndDeleteCounters() // process deleted decisions if nbDeleted, err := a.HandleDeletedDecisionsV3(data.Deleted, delete_counters); err != nil { return err } else { log.Printf("capi/community-blocklist : %d explicit deletions", nbDeleted) } if len(data.New) == 0 { log.Infof("capi/community-blocklist : received 0 new entries (expected if you just installed crowdsec)") return nil } // create one alert for community blocklist using the first decision decisions := a.apiClient.Decisions.GetDecisionsFromGroups(data.New) //apply APIC specific whitelists decisions = a.ApplyApicWhitelists(decisions) alert := createAlertForDecision(decisions[0]) alertsFromCapi := []*models.Alert{alert} alertsFromCapi = fillAlertsWithDecisions(alertsFromCapi, decisions, add_counters) err = a.SaveAlerts(alertsFromCapi, add_counters, delete_counters) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("while saving alerts: %w", err) } // update blocklists if err := a.UpdateBlocklists(data.Links, add_counters); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("while updating blocklists: %w", err) } return nil } // if decisions is whitelisted: return representation of the whitelist ip or cidr // if not whitelisted: empty string func (a *apic) whitelistedBy(decision *models.Decision) string { if decision.Value == nil { return "" } ipval := net.ParseIP(*decision.Value) for _, cidr := range a.whitelists.Cidrs { if cidr.Contains(ipval) { return cidr.String() } } for _, ip := range a.whitelists.Ips { if ip != nil && ip.Equal(ipval) { return ip.String() } } return "" } func (a *apic) ApplyApicWhitelists(decisions []*models.Decision) []*models.Decision { if a.whitelists == nil || len(a.whitelists.Cidrs) == 0 && len(a.whitelists.Ips) == 0 { return decisions } //deal with CAPI whitelists for fire. We want to avoid having a second list, so we shrink in place outIdx := 0 for _, decision := range decisions { whitelister := a.whitelistedBy(decision) if whitelister != "" { log.Infof("%s from %s is whitelisted by %s", *decision.Value, *decision.Scenario, whitelister) continue } decisions[outIdx] = decision outIdx++ } //shrink the list, those are deleted items return decisions[:outIdx] } func (a *apic) SaveAlerts(alertsFromCapi []*models.Alert, add_counters map[string]map[string]int, delete_counters map[string]map[string]int) error { for _, alert := range alertsFromCapi { setAlertScenario(alert, add_counters, delete_counters) log.Debugf("%s has %d decisions", *alert.Source.Scope, len(alert.Decisions)) if a.dbClient.Type == "sqlite" && (a.dbClient.WalMode == nil || !*a.dbClient.WalMode) { log.Warningf("sqlite is not using WAL mode, LAPI might become unresponsive when inserting the community blocklist") } alertID, inserted, deleted, err := a.dbClient.UpdateCommunityBlocklist(alert) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("while saving alert from %s: %w", *alert.Source.Scope, err) } log.Printf("%s : added %d entries, deleted %d entries (alert:%d)", *alert.Source.Scope, inserted, deleted, alertID) } return nil } func (a *apic) ShouldForcePullBlocklist(blocklist *modelscapi.BlocklistLink) (bool, error) { // we should force pull if the blocklist decisions are about to expire or there's no decision in the db alertQuery := a.dbClient.Ent.Alert.Query() alertQuery.Where(alert.SourceScopeEQ(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", types.ListOrigin, *blocklist.Name))) alertQuery.Order(ent.Desc(alert.FieldCreatedAt)) alertInstance, err := alertQuery.First(context.Background()) if err != nil { if ent.IsNotFound(err) { log.Debugf("no alert found for %s, force refresh", *blocklist.Name) return true, nil } return false, fmt.Errorf("while getting alert: %w", err) } decisionQuery := a.dbClient.Ent.Decision.Query() decisionQuery.Where(decision.HasOwnerWith(alert.IDEQ(alertInstance.ID))) firstDecision, err := decisionQuery.First(context.Background()) if err != nil { if ent.IsNotFound(err) { log.Debugf("no decision found for %s, force refresh", *blocklist.Name) return true, nil } return false, fmt.Errorf("while getting decision: %w", err) } if firstDecision == nil || firstDecision.Until == nil || firstDecision.Until.Sub(time.Now().UTC()) < (a.pullInterval+15*time.Minute) { log.Debugf("at least one decision found for %s, expire soon, force refresh", *blocklist.Name) return true, nil } return false, nil } func (a *apic) updateBlocklist(client *apiclient.ApiClient, blocklist *modelscapi.BlocklistLink, add_counters map[string]map[string]int) error { if blocklist.Scope == nil { log.Warningf("blocklist has no scope") return nil } if blocklist.Duration == nil { log.Warningf("blocklist has no duration") return nil } forcePull, err := a.ShouldForcePullBlocklist(blocklist) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("while checking if we should force pull blocklist %s: %w", *blocklist.Name, err) } blocklistConfigItemName := fmt.Sprintf("blocklist:%s:last_pull", *blocklist.Name) var lastPullTimestamp *string if !forcePull { lastPullTimestamp, err = a.dbClient.GetConfigItem(blocklistConfigItemName) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("while getting last pull timestamp for blocklist %s: %w", *blocklist.Name, err) } } decisions, hasChanged, err := client.Decisions.GetDecisionsFromBlocklist(context.Background(), blocklist, lastPullTimestamp) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("while getting decisions from blocklist %s: %w", *blocklist.Name, err) } if !hasChanged { if lastPullTimestamp == nil { log.Infof("blocklist %s hasn't been modified or there was an error reading it, skipping", *blocklist.Name) } else { log.Infof("blocklist %s hasn't been modified since %s, skipping", *blocklist.Name, *lastPullTimestamp) } return nil } err = a.dbClient.SetConfigItem(blocklistConfigItemName, time.Now().UTC().Format(http.TimeFormat)) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("while setting last pull timestamp for blocklist %s: %w", *blocklist.Name, err) } if len(decisions) == 0 { log.Infof("blocklist %s has no decisions", *blocklist.Name) return nil } //apply APIC specific whitelists decisions = a.ApplyApicWhitelists(decisions) alert := createAlertForDecision(decisions[0]) alertsFromCapi := []*models.Alert{alert} alertsFromCapi = fillAlertsWithDecisions(alertsFromCapi, decisions, add_counters) err = a.SaveAlerts(alertsFromCapi, add_counters, nil) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("while saving alert from blocklist %s: %w", *blocklist.Name, err) } return nil } func (a *apic) UpdateBlocklists(links *modelscapi.GetDecisionsStreamResponseLinks, add_counters map[string]map[string]int) error { if links == nil { return nil } if links.Blocklists == nil { return nil } // we must use a different http client than apiClient's because the transport of apiClient is jwtTransport or here we have signed apis that are incompatibles // we can use the same baseUrl as the urls are absolute and the parse will take care of it defaultClient, err := apiclient.NewDefaultClient(a.apiClient.BaseURL, "", "", nil) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("while creating default client: %w", err) } for _, blocklist := range links.Blocklists { if err := a.updateBlocklist(defaultClient, blocklist, add_counters); err != nil { return err } } return nil } func setAlertScenario(alert *models.Alert, add_counters map[string]map[string]int, delete_counters map[string]map[string]int) { if *alert.Source.Scope == types.CAPIOrigin { *alert.Source.Scope = types.CommunityBlocklistPullSourceScope alert.Scenario = ptr.Of(fmt.Sprintf("update : +%d/-%d IPs", add_counters[types.CAPIOrigin]["all"], delete_counters[types.CAPIOrigin]["all"])) } else if *alert.Source.Scope == types.ListOrigin { *alert.Source.Scope = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", types.ListOrigin, *alert.Scenario) alert.Scenario = ptr.Of(fmt.Sprintf("update : +%d/-%d IPs", add_counters[types.ListOrigin][*alert.Scenario], delete_counters[types.ListOrigin][*alert.Scenario])) } } func (a *apic) Pull() error { defer trace.CatchPanic("lapi/pullFromAPIC") toldOnce := false for { scenario, err := a.FetchScenariosListFromDB() if err != nil { log.Errorf("unable to fetch scenarios from db: %s", err) } if len(scenario) > 0 { break } if !toldOnce { log.Warning("scenario list is empty, will not pull yet") toldOnce = true } time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) } if err := a.PullTop(false); err != nil { log.Errorf("capi pull top: %s", err) } log.Infof("Start pull from CrowdSec Central API (interval: %s once, then %s)", a.pullIntervalFirst.Round(time.Second), a.pullInterval) ticker := time.NewTicker(a.pullIntervalFirst) for { select { case <-ticker.C: ticker.Reset(a.pullInterval) if err := a.PullTop(false); err != nil { log.Errorf("capi pull top: %s", err) continue } case <-a.pullTomb.Dying(): // if one apic routine is dying, do we kill the others? a.metricsTomb.Kill(nil) a.pushTomb.Kill(nil) return nil } } } func (a *apic) Shutdown() { a.pushTomb.Kill(nil) a.pullTomb.Kill(nil) a.metricsTomb.Kill(nil) } func makeAddAndDeleteCounters() (map[string]map[string]int, map[string]map[string]int) { add_counters := make(map[string]map[string]int) add_counters[types.CAPIOrigin] = make(map[string]int) add_counters[types.ListOrigin] = make(map[string]int) delete_counters := make(map[string]map[string]int) delete_counters[types.CAPIOrigin] = make(map[string]int) delete_counters[types.ListOrigin] = make(map[string]int) return add_counters, delete_counters } func updateCounterForDecision(counter map[string]map[string]int, origin *string, scenario *string, totalDecisions int) { if *origin == types.CAPIOrigin { counter[*origin]["all"] += totalDecisions } else if *origin == types.ListOrigin { counter[*origin][*scenario] += totalDecisions } else { log.Warningf("Unknown origin %s", *origin) } }