package cwhub import ( "crypto/sha256" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "path" //"log" "net/http" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "" log "" ) var PARSERS = "parsers" var PARSERS_OVFLW = "postoverflows" var SCENARIOS = "scenarios" var COLLECTIONS = "collections" var ItemTypes = []string{PARSERS, PARSERS_OVFLW, SCENARIOS, COLLECTIONS} var HubIdx map[string]map[string]Item var Installdir = "/etc/crowdsec/" var Hubdir = "/etc/crowdsec/cscli/hub/" var Cfgdir = "/etc/crowdsec/cscli/" var RawFileURLTemplate = "" var HUB_INDEX_FILE = ".index.json" type ItemVersion struct { Digest string Deprecated bool } //Item can be : parsed, scenario, collection type Item struct { /*descriptive info*/ Type string `yaml:"type,omitempty"` //parser|postoverflows|scenario|collection(|enrich) Stage string `json:"stage" yaml:"type,omitempty,omitempty"` //Stage for parser|postoverflow : s00-raw/s01-... Name string //as seen in .config.json, usually "author/name" FileName string //the filename, ie. apache2-logs.yaml Description string `yaml:"description,omitempty"` //as seen in .config.json Author string `json:"author"` //as seen in .config.json References []string `yaml:"references,omitempty"` //as seen in .config.json BelongsToCollections []string `yaml:"belongs_to_collections,omitempty"` /*if it's part of collections, track name here*/ /*remote (hub) infos*/ RemoteURL string `yaml:"remoteURL,omitempty"` //the full remote uri of file in http RemotePath string `json:"path" yaml:"remote_path,omitempty"` //the path relative to git ie. /parsers/stage/author/file.yaml RemoteHash string `yaml:"hash,omitempty"` //the meow Version string `json:"version"` //the last version Versions map[string]ItemVersion `json:"versions" yaml:"-"` //the list of existing versions /*local (deployed) infos*/ LocalPath string `yaml:"local_path,omitempty"` //the local path relative to ${CFG_DIR} //LocalHubPath string LocalVersion string LocalHash string //the local meow Installed bool Downloaded bool UpToDate bool Tainted bool //has it been locally modified Local bool //if it's a non versioned control one /*if it's a collection, it not a single file*/ Parsers []string `yaml:"parsers,omitempty"` PostOverflows []string `yaml:"postoverflows,omitempty"` Scenarios []string `yaml:"scenarios,omitempty"` Collections []string `yaml:"collections,omitempty"` } // calculate sha256 of a file func getSHA256(filepath string) (string, error) { /* Digest of file */ f, err := os.Open(filepath) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to open '%s' : %s", filepath, err.Error()) } defer f.Close() h := sha256.New() if _, err := io.Copy(h, f); err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to calculate sha256 of '%s': %s", filepath, err.Error()) } return fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil)), nil } var skippedLocal = 0 var skippedTainted = 0 func parser_visit(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error { var target Item var local bool var hubpath string var inhub bool var fname string var ftype string var fauthor string var stage string //we only care about files if f == nil || f.IsDir() { return nil } subs := strings.Split(path, "/") log.Debugf("path:%s, hubdir:%s, installdir:%s", path, Hubdir, Installdir) /*we're in hub (~/.cscli/hub/)*/ if strings.HasPrefix(path, Hubdir) { inhub = true //~/.cscli/hub/parsers/s00-raw/crowdsec/skip-pretag.yaml //~/.cscli/hub/scenarios/crowdsec/ssh_bf.yaml //~/.cscli/hub/profiles/crowdsec/linux.yaml if len(subs) < 4 { log.Fatalf("path is too short : %s", path) } fname = subs[len(subs)-1] fauthor = subs[len(subs)-2] stage = subs[len(subs)-3] ftype = subs[len(subs)-4] log.Debugf("HUBB check [%s] by [%s] in stage [%s] of type [%s]", fname, fauthor, stage, ftype) } else if strings.HasPrefix(path, Installdir) { /*we're in install /etc/crowdsec//... */ if len(subs) < 3 { log.Fatalf("path is too short : %s", path) } ///etc/.../parser/stage/file.yaml ///etc/.../postoverflow/stage/file.yaml ///etc/.../scenarios/scenar.yaml ///etc/.../collections/linux.yaml //file is empty fname = subs[len(subs)-1] stage = subs[len(subs)-2] ftype = subs[len(subs)-3] fauthor = "" log.Debugf("INSTALL check [%s] by [%s] in stage [%s] of type [%s]", fname, fauthor, stage, ftype) } //log.Printf("%s -> name:%s stage:%s", path, fname, stage) if stage == SCENARIOS { ftype = SCENARIOS stage = "" } else if stage == COLLECTIONS { ftype = COLLECTIONS stage = "" } else if ftype != PARSERS && ftype != PARSERS_OVFLW /*its a PARSER / PARSER_OVFLW with a stage */ { return fmt.Errorf("unknown prefix in %s : fname:%s, fauthor:%s, stage:%s, ftype:%s", path, fname, fauthor, stage, ftype) } log.Debugf("CORRECTED [%s] by [%s] in stage [%s] of type [%s]", fname, fauthor, stage, ftype) /* we can encounter 'collections' in the form of a symlink : /etc/crowdsec/.../collections/linux.yaml -> ~/.cscli/hub/collections/.../linux.yaml when the collection is installed, both files are created */ //non symlinks are local user files or hub files if f.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink == 0 { local = true skippedLocal++ log.Debugf("%s isn't a symlink", path) } else { hubpath, err = os.Readlink(path) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to read symlink of %s", path) } //the symlink target doesn't exist, user might have remove ~/.cscli/hub/...yaml without deleting /etc/crowdsec/....yaml _, err := os.Lstat(hubpath) if os.IsNotExist(err) { log.Infof("%s is a symlink to %s that doesn't exist, deleting symlink", path, hubpath) //remove the symlink if err = os.Remove(path); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to unlink %s: %+v", path, err) } return nil } log.Debugf("%s points to %s", path, hubpath) } //if it's not a symlink and not in hub, it's a local file, don't bother if local && !inhub { log.Debugf("%s is a local file, skip", path) skippedLocal++ // log.Printf("local scenario, skip.") target.Name = fname target.Stage = stage target.Installed = true target.Type = ftype target.Local = true target.LocalPath = path target.UpToDate = true x := strings.Split(path, "/") target.FileName = x[len(x)-1] HubIdx[ftype][fname] = target return nil } //try to find which configuration item it is log.Debugf("check [%s] of %s", fname, ftype) match := false for k, v := range HubIdx[ftype] { log.Debugf("check [%s] vs [%s] : %s", fname, v.RemotePath, ftype+"/"+stage+"/"+fname+".yaml") if fname != v.FileName { log.Debugf("%s != %s (filename)", fname, v.FileName) continue } //wrong stage if v.Stage != stage { continue } /*if we are walking hub dir, just mark present files as downloaded*/ if inhub { //wrong author if fauthor != v.Author { continue } //wrong file if v.Name+".yaml" != fauthor+"/"+fname { continue } if path == Hubdir+"/"+v.RemotePath { log.Debugf("marking %s as downloaded", v.Name) v.Downloaded = true } } else { //wrong file /////.yaml if !strings.HasSuffix(hubpath, v.RemotePath) { //log.Printf("wrong file %s %s", hubpath, spew.Sdump(v)) continue } } //wrong hash sha, err := getSHA256(path) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to get sha of %s : %v", path, err) } for version, val := range v.Versions { if sha != val.Digest { //log.Printf("matching filenames, wrong hash %s != %s -- %s", sha, val.Digest, spew.Sdump(v)) continue } else { /*we got an exact match, update struct*/ if !inhub { log.Debugf("found exact match for %s, version is %s, latest is %s", v.Name, version, v.Version) v.LocalPath = path v.LocalVersion = version v.Tainted = false v.Downloaded = true /*if we're walking the hub, present file doesn't means installed file*/ v.Installed = true v.LocalHash = sha x := strings.Split(path, "/") target.FileName = x[len(x)-1] } if version == v.Version { log.Debugf("%s is up-to-date", v.Name) v.UpToDate = true } else { log.Debugf("%s is outdated", v.Name) } match = true } } if !match { log.Debugf("got tainted match for %s : %s", v.Name, path) skippedTainted += 1 //the file and the stage is right, but the hash is wrong, it has been tainted by user if !inhub { v.LocalPath = path v.Installed = true } v.UpToDate = false v.LocalVersion = "?" v.Tainted = true v.LocalHash = sha x := strings.Split(path, "/") target.FileName = x[len(x)-1] } //update the entry HubIdx[ftype][k] = v return nil } log.Infof("Ignoring file %s of type %s", path, ftype) return nil } func CollecDepsCheck(v *Item) error { /*if it's a collection, ensure all the items are installed, or tag it as tainted*/ if v.Type == COLLECTIONS { log.Debugf("checking submembers of %s installed:%t", v.Name, v.Installed) var tmp = [][]string{v.Parsers, v.PostOverflows, v.Scenarios, v.Collections} for idx, ptr := range tmp { ptrtype := ItemTypes[idx] for _, p := range ptr { if val, ok := HubIdx[ptrtype][p]; ok { log.Debugf("check %s installed:%t", val.Name, val.Installed) if !v.Installed { continue } if val.Type == COLLECTIONS { log.Debugf("collec, recurse.") if err := CollecDepsCheck(&val); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("sub collection %s is broken : %s", val.Name, err) } HubIdx[ptrtype][p] = val } //propagate the state of sub-items to set if val.Tainted { v.Tainted = true return fmt.Errorf("tainted %s %s, tainted.", ptrtype, p) } else if !val.Installed && v.Installed { v.Tainted = true return fmt.Errorf("missing %s %s, tainted.", ptrtype, p) } else if !val.UpToDate { v.UpToDate = false return fmt.Errorf("outdated %s %s", ptrtype, p) } val.BelongsToCollections = append(val.BelongsToCollections, v.Name) HubIdx[ptrtype][p] = val log.Debugf("checking for %s - tainted:%t uptodate:%t", p, v.Tainted, v.UpToDate) } else { log.Fatalf("Referred %s %s in collection %s doesn't exist.", ptrtype, p, v.Name) } } } } return nil } /* Updates the infos from HubInit() with the local state */ func LocalSync() error { skippedLocal = 0 skippedTainted = 0 /*For each, scan PARSERS, PARSERS_OVFLW, SCENARIOS and COLLECTIONS last*/ for _, scan := range ItemTypes { /*Scan install and Hubdir to get local status*/ for _, dir := range []string{Installdir, Hubdir} { //walk the user's directory err := filepath.Walk(dir+"/"+scan, parser_visit) if err != nil { return err } } } for k, v := range HubIdx[COLLECTIONS] { if err := CollecDepsCheck(&v); err != nil { log.Infof("dependency issue %s : %s", v.Name, err) } HubIdx[COLLECTIONS][k] = v } return nil } func GetHubIdx() error { bidx, err := ioutil.ReadFile(Cfgdir + "/.index.json") if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Unable to read downloaded index : %v. Please run update", err) } ret, err := LoadPkgIndex(bidx) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Unable to load existing index : %v.", err) } HubIdx = ret if err := LocalSync(); err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to sync Hub index with local deployment : %v", err) } return nil } func UpdateHubIdx() error { bidx, err := DownloadHubIdx() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Unable to download index : %v.", err) } ret, err := LoadPkgIndex(bidx) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Unable to load freshly downloaded index : %v.", err) } HubIdx = ret if err := LocalSync(); err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to sync Hub index with local deployment : %v", err) } return nil } func DownloadHubIdx() ([]byte, error) { req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", fmt.Sprintf(RawFileURLTemplate, HUB_INDEX_FILE), nil) if err != nil { log.Errorf("failed request : %s", err) return nil, err } resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req) if err != nil { log.Errorf("failed request Do : %s", err) return nil, err } if resp.StatusCode != 200 { log.Errorf("got code %d while requesting %s, abort", resp.StatusCode, fmt.Sprintf(RawFileURLTemplate, HUB_INDEX_FILE)) return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad http code") } defer resp.Body.Close() body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { log.Errorf("failed request reqd: %s", err) return nil, err } //os.Remove(path.Join(configFolder, GitIndexFile)) file, err := os.OpenFile(path.Join(Cfgdir, "/.index.json"), os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, 0644) if err != nil { log.Fatalf(err.Error()) } defer file.Close() wsize, err := file.WriteString(string(body)) if err != nil { log.Fatalf(err.Error()) } log.Infof("Wrote new %d bytes index to %s", wsize, path.Join(Cfgdir, "/.index.json")) return body, nil } func DisplaySummary() { log.Printf("Loaded %d collecs, %d parsers, %d scenarios, %d post-overflow parsers", len(HubIdx[COLLECTIONS]), len(HubIdx[PARSERS]), len(HubIdx[SCENARIOS]), len(HubIdx[PARSERS_OVFLW])) if skippedLocal > 0 || skippedTainted > 0 { log.Printf("unmanaged items : %d local, %d tainted", skippedLocal, skippedTainted) } } /*LoadPkgIndex loads a local .index.json file and returns the map of parsers/scenarios/collections associated*/ func LoadPkgIndex(buff []byte) (map[string]map[string]Item, error) { var err error var RawIndex map[string]map[string]Item if err = json.Unmarshal(buff, &RawIndex); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal index : %v", err) } /*Iterate over the different types to complete struct */ for _, itemType := range ItemTypes { /*complete struct*/ for idx, item := range RawIndex[itemType] { item.Name = idx item.Type = itemType x := strings.Split(item.RemotePath, "/") item.FileName = x[len(x)-1] RawIndex[itemType][idx] = item /*if it's a collection, check its sub-items are present*/ //XX should be done later if itemType == COLLECTIONS { var tmp = [][]string{item.Parsers, item.PostOverflows, item.Scenarios, item.Collections} for idx, ptr := range tmp { ptrtype := ItemTypes[idx] for _, p := range ptr { if _, ok := RawIndex[ptrtype][p]; !ok { log.Errorf("Referred %s %s in collection %s doesn't exist.", ptrtype, p, item.Name) } } } } } } return RawIndex, nil } //DisableItem to disable an item managed by the hub, removes the symlink func DisableItem(target Item, tdir string, hdir string, purge bool) (Item, error) { syml := tdir + "/" + target.Type + "/" + target.Stage + "/" + target.FileName if target.Local { return target, fmt.Errorf("%s isn't managed by hub. Please delete manually", target.Name) } var err error /*for a COLLECTIONS, disable sub-items*/ if target.Type == COLLECTIONS { var tmp = [][]string{target.Parsers, target.PostOverflows, target.Scenarios, target.Collections} for idx, ptr := range tmp { ptrtype := ItemTypes[idx] for _, p := range ptr { if val, ok := HubIdx[ptrtype][p]; ok { HubIdx[ptrtype][p], err = DisableItem(val, Installdir, Hubdir, false) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Encountered error while disabling %s %s : %s.", ptrtype, p, err) } } else { log.Errorf("Referred %s %s in collection %s doesn't exist.", ptrtype, p, target.Name) } } } } stat, err := os.Lstat(syml) if os.IsNotExist(err) { log.Warningf("%s (%s) doesn't exist, can't disable", target.Name, syml) //return target, nil //fmt.Errorf("'%s' doesn't exist", syml) } else { //if it's managed by hub, it's a symlink to Hubdir / ... if stat.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink == 0 { log.Warningf("%s (%s) isn't a symlink, can't disable", target.Name, syml) return target, fmt.Errorf("%s isn't managed by hub", target.Name) } hubpath, err := os.Readlink(syml) if err != nil { return target, fmt.Errorf("unable to read symlink of %s (%s)", target.Name, syml) } if hubpath != filepath.Clean(hdir+"/"+target.RemotePath) { log.Warningf("%s (%s) isn't a symlink to %s", target.Name, syml, filepath.Clean(hdir+"/"+target.RemotePath)) return target, fmt.Errorf("%s isn't managed by hub", target.Name) } //remove the symlink if err = os.Remove(syml); err != nil { return target, fmt.Errorf("failed to unlink %s: %+v", syml, err) } log.Infof("Removed symlink [%s] : %s", target.Name, syml) } target.Installed = false if purge { hubpath := hdir + "/" + target.RemotePath //if purge, disable hub file if err = os.Remove(hubpath); err != nil { return target, fmt.Errorf("failed to purge hub file %s: %+v", hubpath, err) } target.Downloaded = false log.Infof("Removed source file [%s] : %s", target.Name, hubpath) } return target, nil } func EnableItem(target Item, tdir string, hdir string) (Item, error) { parent_dir := filepath.Clean(tdir + "/" + target.Type + "/" + target.Stage + "/") /*create directories if needed*/ if target.Installed { if target.Tainted { return target, fmt.Errorf("%s is tainted, won't enable unless --force", target.Name) } if target.Local { return target, fmt.Errorf("%s is local, won't enable", target.Name) } if target.UpToDate { log.Debugf("%s is installed and up-to-date, skip.", target.Name) return target, nil } } if _, err := os.Stat(parent_dir); os.IsNotExist(err) { log.Printf("%s doesn't exist, create", parent_dir) if err := os.MkdirAll(parent_dir, os.ModePerm); err != nil { return target, fmt.Errorf("unable to create parent directories") } } if _, err := os.Lstat(parent_dir + "/" + target.FileName); os.IsNotExist(err) { /*install sub-items if it's a collection*/ if target.Type == COLLECTIONS { var tmp = [][]string{target.Parsers, target.PostOverflows, target.Scenarios, target.Collections} for idx, ptr := range tmp { ptrtype := ItemTypes[idx] for _, p := range ptr { if val, ok := HubIdx[ptrtype][p]; ok { HubIdx[ptrtype][p], err = EnableItem(val, Installdir, Hubdir) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Encountered error while installing sub-item %s %s : %s.", ptrtype, p, err) return target, fmt.Errorf("encountered error while install %s for %s, abort.", val.Name, target.Name) } } else { //log.Errorf("Referred %s %s in collection %s doesn't exist.", ptrtype, p, target.Name) return target, fmt.Errorf("required %s %s of %s doesn't exist, abort.", ptrtype, p, target.Name) } } } } //tdir+target.RemotePath srcPath, err := filepath.Abs(hdir + "/" + target.RemotePath) if err != nil { return target, fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve %s : %s", hdir+"/"+target.RemotePath, err) } dstPath, err := filepath.Abs(parent_dir + "/" + target.FileName) if err != nil { return target, fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve %s : %s", parent_dir+"/"+target.FileName, err) } err = os.Symlink(srcPath, dstPath) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to symlink %s to %s : %v", srcPath, dstPath, err) return target, fmt.Errorf("failed to symlink %s to %s", srcPath, dstPath) } log.Printf("Enabled %s : %s", target.Type, target.Name) } else { log.Printf("%s already exists.", parent_dir+"/"+target.FileName) return target, nil } target.Installed = true return target, nil } func DownloadLatest(target Item, tdir string, overwrite bool) (Item, error) { var err error log.Debugf("Downloading %s %s", target.Type, target.Name) if target.Type == COLLECTIONS { var tmp = [][]string{target.Parsers, target.PostOverflows, target.Scenarios, target.Collections} for idx, ptr := range tmp { ptrtype := ItemTypes[idx] for _, p := range ptr { if val, ok := HubIdx[ptrtype][p]; ok { log.Debugf("Download %s sub-item : %s %s", target.Name, ptrtype, p) //recurse as it's a collection if ptrtype == COLLECTIONS { log.Debugf("collection, recurse") HubIdx[ptrtype][p], err = DownloadLatest(val, tdir, overwrite) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Encountered error while downloading sub-item %s %s : %s.", ptrtype, p, err) return target, fmt.Errorf("encountered error while downloading %s for %s, abort", val.Name, target.Name) } } HubIdx[ptrtype][p], err = DownloadItem(val, tdir, overwrite) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Encountered error while downloading sub-item %s %s : %s.", ptrtype, p, err) return target, fmt.Errorf("encountered error while downloading %s for %s, abort", val.Name, target.Name) } } else { //log.Errorf("Referred %s %s in collection %s doesn't exist.", ptrtype, p, target.Name) return target, fmt.Errorf("required %s %s of %s doesn't exist, abort", ptrtype, p, target.Name) } } } target, err = DownloadItem(target, tdir, overwrite) if err != nil { return target, fmt.Errorf("failed to download item : %s", err) } } else { return DownloadItem(target, tdir, overwrite) } return target, nil } func DownloadItem(target Item, tdir string, overwrite bool) (Item, error) { /*if user didn't --force, don't overwrite local, tainted, up-to-date files*/ if !overwrite { if target.Tainted { log.Debugf("%s : tainted, not updated", target.Name) return target, nil } if target.UpToDate { log.Debugf("%s : up-to-date, not updated", target.Name) return target, nil } } //log.Infof("Downloading %s to %s", target.Name, tdir) req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", fmt.Sprintf(RawFileURLTemplate, target.RemotePath), nil) if err != nil { log.Errorf("%s : request creation failed : %s", target.Name, err) return target, err } resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req) if err != nil { log.Errorf("%s : request failed : %s", target.Name, err) return target, err } if resp.StatusCode != 200 { log.Errorf("%s : non 200 response : %d", target.Name, resp.StatusCode) return target, fmt.Errorf("bad http code") } defer resp.Body.Close() body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { log.Errorf("%s : failed request read: %s", target.Name, err) return target, err } h := sha256.New() if _, err := h.Write([]byte(body)); err != nil { return target, fmt.Errorf("%s : failed to write : %s", target.Name, err) } meow := fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil)) if meow != target.Versions[target.Version].Digest { log.Errorf("Downloaded version doesn't match index, please 'hub update'") return target, fmt.Errorf("invalid download hash") } //all good, install //check if parent dir exists tmpdirs := strings.Split(tdir+"/"+target.RemotePath, "/") parent_dir := strings.Join(tmpdirs[:len(tmpdirs)-1], "/") /*check dir*/ if _, err = os.Stat(parent_dir); os.IsNotExist(err) { log.Debugf("%s doesn't exist, create", parent_dir) if err := os.MkdirAll(parent_dir, os.ModePerm); err != nil { return target, fmt.Errorf("unable to create parent directories") } } /*check actual file*/ if _, err = os.Stat(tdir + "/" + target.RemotePath); !os.IsNotExist(err) { log.Warningf("%s : overwrite", target.Name) log.Debugf("target: %s/%s", tdir, target.RemotePath) } else { log.Infof("%s : OK", target.Name) } f, err := os.OpenFile(tdir+"/"+target.RemotePath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, 0644) if err != nil { return target, fmt.Errorf("failed to open destination file %s : %v", tdir+"/"+target.RemotePath, err) } defer f.Close() _, err = f.WriteString(string(body)) if err != nil { return target, fmt.Errorf("failed to write destination file %s : %v", tdir+"/"+target.RemotePath, err) } target.Downloaded = true target.Tainted = false target.UpToDate = true return target, nil } //returns: human-text, Enabled, Warning, Unmanaged func ItemStatus(v Item) (string, bool, bool, bool) { var Ok, Warning, Managed bool var strret string if !v.Installed { strret = "disabled" Ok = false } else { Ok = true strret = "enabled" } if v.Local { Managed = false strret += ",local" } else { Managed = true } //tainted or out of date if v.Tainted { Warning = true strret += ",tainted" } else if !v.UpToDate { strret += ",update-available" Warning = true } return strret, Ok, Warning, Managed } //Returns a list of entries for packages : name, status, local_path, local_version, utf8_status (fancy) func HubStatus(itype string, name string, list_all bool) []map[string]string { if _, ok := HubIdx[itype]; !ok { log.Errorf("type %s doesn't exist", itype) return nil } if list_all { log.Printf("only enabled ones") } var mli []map[string]string /*remember, you do it for the user :)*/ for _, v := range HubIdx[itype] { if name != "" && name != v.Name { //user has required a specific name continue } //Only enabled items ? if !list_all && !v.Installed { continue } //Check the item status st, ok, warning, managed := ItemStatus(v) tmp := make(map[string]string) tmp["name"] = v.Name tmp["status"] = st tmp["local_version"] = v.LocalVersion tmp["local_path"] = v.LocalPath tmp["description"] = v.Description if !managed || !v.Installed { tmp["utf8_status"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v %s", emoji.Prohibited, st) } else if warning { tmp["utf8_status"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v %s", emoji.Warning, st) } else if ok { tmp["utf8_status"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v %s", emoji.CheckMark, st) } mli = append(mli, tmp) } return mli }