package main import ( "fmt" "io" "sort" "strconv" "" log "" "" ) // ErrNilTable means a nil pointer was passed instead of a table instance. This is a programming error. var ErrNilTable = fmt.Errorf("nil table") func lapiMetricsToTable(t *table.Table, stats map[string]map[string]map[string]int) int { // stats: machine -> route -> method -> count // sort keys to keep consistent order when printing machineKeys := []string{} for k := range stats { machineKeys = append(machineKeys, k) } sort.Strings(machineKeys) numRows := 0 for _, machine := range machineKeys { // oneRow: route -> method -> count machineRow := stats[machine] for routeName, route := range machineRow { for methodName, count := range route { row := []string{ machine, routeName, methodName, } if count != 0 { row = append(row, strconv.Itoa(count)) } else { row = append(row, "-") } t.AddRow(row...) numRows++ } } } return numRows } func wlMetricsToTable(t *table.Table, stats map[string]map[string]map[string]int, noUnit bool) (int, error) { if t == nil { return 0, ErrNilTable } numRows := 0 for _, name := range maptools.SortedKeys(stats) { for _, reason := range maptools.SortedKeys(stats[name]) { row := []string{ name, reason, "-", "-", } for _, action := range maptools.SortedKeys(stats[name][reason]) { value := stats[name][reason][action] switch action { case "whitelisted": row[3] = strconv.Itoa(value) case "hits": row[2] = strconv.Itoa(value) default: log.Debugf("unexpected counter '%s' for whitelists = %d", action, value) } } t.AddRow(row...) numRows++ } } return numRows, nil } func metricsToTable(t *table.Table, stats map[string]map[string]int, keys []string, noUnit bool) (int, error) { if t == nil { return 0, ErrNilTable } numRows := 0 for _, alabel := range maptools.SortedKeys(stats) { astats, ok := stats[alabel] if !ok { continue } row := []string{ alabel, } for _, sl := range keys { if v, ok := astats[sl]; ok && v != 0 { numberToShow := strconv.Itoa(v) if !noUnit { numberToShow = formatNumber(v) } row = append(row, numberToShow) } else { row = append(row, "-") } } t.AddRow(row...) numRows++ } return numRows, nil } func (s statBucket) Description() (string, string) { return "Bucket Metrics", `Measure events in different scenarios. Current count is the number of buckets during metrics collection. ` + `Overflows are past event-producing buckets, while Expired are the ones that didn’t receive enough events to Overflow.` } func (s statBucket) Process(bucket, metric string, val int) { if _, ok := s[bucket]; !ok { s[bucket] = make(map[string]int) } s[bucket][metric] += val } func (s statBucket) Table(out io.Writer, noUnit bool, showEmpty bool) { t := newTable(out) t.SetRowLines(false) t.SetHeaders("Bucket", "Current Count", "Overflows", "Instantiated", "Poured", "Expired") t.SetAlignment(table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft) keys := []string{"curr_count", "overflow", "instantiation", "pour", "underflow"} if numRows, err := metricsToTable(t, s, keys, noUnit); err != nil { log.Warningf("while collecting bucket stats: %s", err) } else if numRows > 0 || showEmpty { title, _ := s.Description() renderTableTitle(out, "\n"+title+":") t.Render() } } func (s statAcquis) Description() (string, string) { return "Acquisition Metrics", `Measures the lines read, parsed, and unparsed per datasource. ` + `Zero read lines indicate a misconfigured or inactive datasource. ` + `Zero parsed lines mean the parser(s) failed. ` + `Non-zero parsed lines are fine as crowdsec selects relevant lines.` } func (s statAcquis) Process(source, metric string, val int) { if _, ok := s[source]; !ok { s[source] = make(map[string]int) } s[source][metric] += val } func (s statAcquis) Table(out io.Writer, noUnit bool, showEmpty bool) { t := newTable(out) t.SetRowLines(false) t.SetHeaders("Source", "Lines read", "Lines parsed", "Lines unparsed", "Lines poured to bucket", "Lines whitelisted") t.SetAlignment(table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft) keys := []string{"reads", "parsed", "unparsed", "pour", "whitelisted"} if numRows, err := metricsToTable(t, s, keys, noUnit); err != nil { log.Warningf("while collecting acquis stats: %s", err) } else if numRows > 0 || showEmpty { title, _ := s.Description() renderTableTitle(out, "\n"+title+":") t.Render() } } func (s statAppsecEngine) Description() (string, string) { return "Appsec Metrics", `Measures the number of parsed and blocked requests by the AppSec Component.` } func (s statAppsecEngine) Process(appsecEngine, metric string, val int) { if _, ok := s[appsecEngine]; !ok { s[appsecEngine] = make(map[string]int) } s[appsecEngine][metric] += val } func (s statAppsecEngine) Table(out io.Writer, noUnit bool, showEmpty bool) { t := newTable(out) t.SetRowLines(false) t.SetHeaders("Appsec Engine", "Processed", "Blocked") t.SetAlignment(table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft) keys := []string{"processed", "blocked"} if numRows, err := metricsToTable(t, s, keys, noUnit); err != nil { log.Warningf("while collecting appsec stats: %s", err) } else if numRows > 0 || showEmpty { title, _ := s.Description() renderTableTitle(out, "\n"+title+":") t.Render() } } func (s statAppsecRule) Description() (string, string) { return "Appsec Rule Metrics", `Provides “per AppSec Component” information about the number of matches for loaded AppSec Rules.` } func (s statAppsecRule) Process(appsecEngine, appsecRule string, metric string, val int) { if _, ok := s[appsecEngine]; !ok { s[appsecEngine] = make(map[string]map[string]int) } if _, ok := s[appsecEngine][appsecRule]; !ok { s[appsecEngine][appsecRule] = make(map[string]int) } s[appsecEngine][appsecRule][metric] += val } func (s statAppsecRule) Table(out io.Writer, noUnit bool, showEmpty bool) { for appsecEngine, appsecEngineRulesStats := range s { t := newTable(out) t.SetRowLines(false) t.SetHeaders("Rule ID", "Triggered") t.SetAlignment(table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft) keys := []string{"triggered"} if numRows, err := metricsToTable(t, appsecEngineRulesStats, keys, noUnit); err != nil { log.Warningf("while collecting appsec rules stats: %s", err) } else if numRows > 0 || showEmpty { renderTableTitle(out, fmt.Sprintf("\nAppsec '%s' Rules Metrics:", appsecEngine)) t.Render() } } } func (s statWhitelist) Description() (string, string) { return "Whitelist Metrics", `Tracks the number of events processed and possibly whitelisted by each parser whitelist.` } func (s statWhitelist) Process(whitelist, reason, metric string, val int) { if _, ok := s[whitelist]; !ok { s[whitelist] = make(map[string]map[string]int) } if _, ok := s[whitelist][reason]; !ok { s[whitelist][reason] = make(map[string]int) } s[whitelist][reason][metric] += val } func (s statWhitelist) Table(out io.Writer, noUnit bool, showEmpty bool) { t := newTable(out) t.SetRowLines(false) t.SetHeaders("Whitelist", "Reason", "Hits", "Whitelisted") t.SetAlignment(table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft) if numRows, err := wlMetricsToTable(t, s, noUnit); err != nil { log.Warningf("while collecting parsers stats: %s", err) } else if numRows > 0 || showEmpty { title, _ := s.Description() renderTableTitle(out, "\n"+title+":") t.Render() } } func (s statParser) Description() (string, string) { return "Parser Metrics", `Tracks the number of events processed by each parser and indicates success of failure. ` + `Zero parsed lines means the parer(s) failed. ` + `Non-zero unparsed lines are fine as crowdsec select relevant lines.` } func (s statParser) Process(parser, metric string, val int) { if _, ok := s[parser]; !ok { s[parser] = make(map[string]int) } s[parser][metric] += val } func (s statParser) Table(out io.Writer, noUnit bool, showEmpty bool) { t := newTable(out) t.SetRowLines(false) t.SetHeaders("Parsers", "Hits", "Parsed", "Unparsed") t.SetAlignment(table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft) keys := []string{"hits", "parsed", "unparsed"} if numRows, err := metricsToTable(t, s, keys, noUnit); err != nil { log.Warningf("while collecting parsers stats: %s", err) } else if numRows > 0 || showEmpty { title, _ := s.Description() renderTableTitle(out, "\n"+title+":") t.Render() } } func (s statStash) Description() (string, string) { return "Parser Stash Metrics", `Tracks the status of stashes that might be created by various parsers and scenarios.` } func (s statStash) Process(name, mtype string, val int) { s[name] = struct { Type string Count int }{ Type: mtype, Count: val, } } func (s statStash) Table(out io.Writer, noUnit bool, showEmpty bool) { t := newTable(out) t.SetRowLines(false) t.SetHeaders("Name", "Type", "Items") t.SetAlignment(table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft) // unfortunately, we can't reuse metricsToTable as the structure is too different :/ numRows := 0 for _, alabel := range maptools.SortedKeys(s) { astats := s[alabel] row := []string{ alabel, astats.Type, strconv.Itoa(astats.Count), } t.AddRow(row...) numRows++ } if numRows > 0 || showEmpty { title, _ := s.Description() renderTableTitle(out, "\n"+title+":") t.Render() } } func (s statLapi) Description() (string, string) { return "Local API Metrics", `Monitors the requests made to local API routes.` } func (s statLapi) Process(route, method string, val int) { if _, ok := s[route]; !ok { s[route] = make(map[string]int) } s[route][method] += val } func (s statLapi) Table(out io.Writer, noUnit bool, showEmpty bool) { t := newTable(out) t.SetRowLines(false) t.SetHeaders("Route", "Method", "Hits") t.SetAlignment(table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft) // unfortunately, we can't reuse metricsToTable as the structure is too different :/ numRows := 0 for _, alabel := range maptools.SortedKeys(s) { astats := s[alabel] subKeys := []string{} for skey := range astats { subKeys = append(subKeys, skey) } sort.Strings(subKeys) for _, sl := range subKeys { row := []string{ alabel, sl, strconv.Itoa(astats[sl]), } t.AddRow(row...) numRows++ } } if numRows > 0 || showEmpty { title, _ := s.Description() renderTableTitle(out, "\n"+title+":") t.Render() } } func (s statLapiMachine) Description() (string, string) { return "Local API Machines Metrics", `Tracks the number of calls to the local API from each registered machine.` } func (s statLapiMachine) Process(machine, route, method string, val int) { if _, ok := s[machine]; !ok { s[machine] = make(map[string]map[string]int) } if _, ok := s[machine][route]; !ok { s[machine][route] = make(map[string]int) } s[machine][route][method] += val } func (s statLapiMachine) Table(out io.Writer, noUnit bool, showEmpty bool) { t := newTable(out) t.SetRowLines(false) t.SetHeaders("Machine", "Route", "Method", "Hits") t.SetAlignment(table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft) numRows := lapiMetricsToTable(t, s) if numRows > 0 || showEmpty { title, _ := s.Description() renderTableTitle(out, "\n"+title+":") t.Render() } } func (s statLapiBouncer) Description() (string, string) { return "Local API Bouncers Metrics", `Tracks total hits to remediation component related API routes.` } func (s statLapiBouncer) Process(bouncer, route, method string, val int) { if _, ok := s[bouncer]; !ok { s[bouncer] = make(map[string]map[string]int) } if _, ok := s[bouncer][route]; !ok { s[bouncer][route] = make(map[string]int) } s[bouncer][route][method] += val } func (s statLapiBouncer) Table(out io.Writer, noUnit bool, showEmpty bool) { t := newTable(out) t.SetRowLines(false) t.SetHeaders("Bouncer", "Route", "Method", "Hits") t.SetAlignment(table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft) numRows := lapiMetricsToTable(t, s) if numRows > 0 || showEmpty { title, _ := s.Description() renderTableTitle(out, "\n"+title+":") t.Render() } } func (s statLapiDecision) Description() (string, string) { return "Local API Bouncers Decisions", `Tracks the number of empty/non-empty answers from LAPI to bouncers that are working in "live" mode.` } func (s statLapiDecision) Process(bouncer, fam string, val int) { if _, ok := s[bouncer]; !ok { s[bouncer] = struct { NonEmpty int Empty int }{} } x := s[bouncer] switch fam { case "cs_lapi_decisions_ko_total": x.Empty += val case "cs_lapi_decisions_ok_total": x.NonEmpty += val } s[bouncer] = x } func (s statLapiDecision) Table(out io.Writer, noUnit bool, showEmpty bool) { t := newTable(out) t.SetRowLines(false) t.SetHeaders("Bouncer", "Empty answers", "Non-empty answers") t.SetAlignment(table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft) numRows := 0 for bouncer, hits := range s { t.AddRow( bouncer, strconv.Itoa(hits.Empty), strconv.Itoa(hits.NonEmpty), ) numRows++ } if numRows > 0 || showEmpty { title, _ := s.Description() renderTableTitle(out, "\n"+title+":") t.Render() } } func (s statDecision) Description() (string, string) { return "Local API Decisions", `Provides information about all currently active decisions. ` + `Includes both local (crowdsec) and global decisions (CAPI), and lists subscriptions (lists).` } func (s statDecision) Process(reason, origin, action string, val int) { if _, ok := s[reason]; !ok { s[reason] = make(map[string]map[string]int) } if _, ok := s[reason][origin]; !ok { s[reason][origin] = make(map[string]int) } s[reason][origin][action] += val } func (s statDecision) Table(out io.Writer, noUnit bool, showEmpty bool) { t := newTable(out) t.SetRowLines(false) t.SetHeaders("Reason", "Origin", "Action", "Count") t.SetAlignment(table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft) numRows := 0 for reason, origins := range s { for origin, actions := range origins { for action, hits := range actions { t.AddRow( reason, origin, action, strconv.Itoa(hits), ) numRows++ } } } if numRows > 0 || showEmpty { title, _ := s.Description() renderTableTitle(out, "\n"+title+":") t.Render() } } func (s statAlert) Description() (string, string) { return "Local API Alerts", `Tracks the total number of past and present alerts for the installed scenarios.` } func (s statAlert) Process(reason string, val int) { s[reason] += val } func (s statAlert) Table(out io.Writer, noUnit bool, showEmpty bool) { t := newTable(out) t.SetRowLines(false) t.SetHeaders("Reason", "Count") t.SetAlignment(table.AlignLeft, table.AlignLeft) numRows := 0 for scenario, hits := range s { t.AddRow( scenario, strconv.Itoa(hits), ) numRows++ } if numRows > 0 || showEmpty { title, _ := s.Description() renderTableTitle(out, "\n"+title+":") t.Render() } }