package main import ( "io/ioutil" "os/user" "path/filepath" "strings" "" "" log "" "" "" "" ) var dbg_lvl, nfo_lvl, wrn_lvl, err_lvl bool var config cliConfig func initConfig() { if dbg_lvl { log.SetLevel(log.DebugLevel) } else if nfo_lvl { log.SetLevel(log.InfoLevel) } else if wrn_lvl { log.SetLevel(log.WarnLevel) } else if err_lvl { log.SetLevel(log.ErrorLevel) } if config.output == "json" { log.SetLevel(log.WarnLevel) log.SetFormatter(&log.JSONFormatter{}) } else if config.output == "raw" { log.SetLevel(log.ErrorLevel) } if strings.HasPrefix(config.configFolder, "~/") { usr, err := user.Current() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to resolve path ~/ : %s", err) } config.configFolder = usr.HomeDir + "/" + config.configFolder[2:] } /*read config*/ buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Clean(config.configFolder + "/config")) if err != nil { log.Infof("Failed to open config %s : %s", filepath.Clean(config.configFolder+"/config"), err) } else { err = yaml.UnmarshalStrict(buf, &config) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to parse config %s : %s, please configure", filepath.Clean(config.configFolder+"/config"), err) } config.InstallFolder = filepath.Clean(config.InstallFolder) config.hubFolder = filepath.Clean(config.configFolder + "/hub/") config.BackendPluginFolder = filepath.Clean(config.BackendPluginFolder) // cwhub.Installdir = config.InstallFolder cwhub.Cfgdir = config.configFolder cwhub.Hubdir = config.hubFolder config.configured = true } } func main() { var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "cscli", Short: "cscli allows you to manage crowdsec", Long: `cscli is the main command to interact with your crowdsec service, scenarios & db. It is meant to allow you to manage bans, parsers/scenarios/etc, api and generally manage you crowdsec setup.`, Example: `View/Add/Remove bans: - cscli ban list - cscli ban add ip 24h 'go away' - cscli ban del View/Add/Upgrade/Remove scenarios and parsers: - cscli list - cscli install collection crowdsec/linux-web - cscli remove scenario crowdsec/ssh_enum - cscli upgrade --all API interaction: - cscli api pull - cscli api register `} /*TODO : add a remediation type*/ var cmdDocGen = &cobra.Command{ Use: "doc", Short: "Generate the documentation in `./doc/`. Directory must exist.", Args: cobra.ExactArgs(0), Hidden: true, Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { doc.GenMarkdownTree(rootCmd, "./doc/") }, } rootCmd.AddCommand(cmdDocGen) /*usage*/ var cmdVersion = &cobra.Command{ Use: "version", Short: "Display version and exit.", Args: cobra.ExactArgs(0), Hidden: true, Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { cwversion.Show() }, } rootCmd.AddCommand(cmdVersion) //rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&config.simulation, "simulate", "s", false, "No action; perform a simulation of events that would occur based on the current arguments.") rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&config.configFolder, "config-dir", "c", "/etc/crowdsec/cscli/", "Configuration directory to use.") rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&config.output, "output", "o", "human", "Output format : human, json, raw.") rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&dbg_lvl, "debug", false, "Set logging to debug.") rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&nfo_lvl, "info", false, "Set logging to info.") rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&wrn_lvl, "warning", false, "Set logging to warning.") rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&err_lvl, "error", false, "Set logging to error.") cobra.OnInitialize(initConfig) /*don't sort flags so we can enforce order*/ rootCmd.Flags().SortFlags = false rootCmd.PersistentFlags().SortFlags = false rootCmd.AddCommand(NewBanCmds()) rootCmd.AddCommand(NewConfigCmd()) rootCmd.AddCommand(NewInstallCmd()) rootCmd.AddCommand(NewListCmd()) rootCmd.AddCommand(NewRemoveCmd()) rootCmd.AddCommand(NewUpdateCmd()) rootCmd.AddCommand(NewUpgradeCmd()) rootCmd.AddCommand(NewAPICmd()) rootCmd.AddCommand(NewMetricsCmd()) rootCmd.AddCommand(NewBackupCmd()) rootCmd.AddCommand(NewDashboardCmd()) rootCmd.AddCommand(NewInspectCmd()) rootCmd.Execute() }