package main import ( saferand "crypto/rand" "encoding/csv" "encoding/json" "fmt" "math/big" "os" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" log "" "" "" "slices" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const passwordLength = 64 func generatePassword(length int) string { upper := "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY" lower := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" digits := "0123456789" charset := upper + lower + digits charsetLength := len(charset) buf := make([]byte, length) for i := 0; i < length; i++ { rInt, err := saferand.Int(saferand.Reader, big.NewInt(int64(charsetLength))) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed getting data from prng for password generation : %s", err) } buf[i] = charset[rInt.Int64()] } return string(buf) } // Returns a unique identifier for each crowdsec installation, using an // identifier of the OS installation where available, otherwise a random // string. func generateIDPrefix() (string, error) { prefix, err := machineid.ID() if err == nil { return prefix, nil } log.Debugf("failed to get machine-id with usual files: %s", err) bID, err := uuid.NewRandom() if err == nil { return bID.String(), nil } return "", fmt.Errorf("generating machine id: %w", err) } // Generate a unique identifier, composed by a prefix and a random suffix. // The prefix can be provided by a parameter to use in test environments. func generateID(prefix string) (string, error) { var err error if prefix == "" { prefix, err = generateIDPrefix() } if err != nil { return "", err } prefix = strings.ReplaceAll(prefix, "-", "")[:32] suffix := generatePassword(16) return prefix + suffix, nil } // getLastHeartbeat returns the last heartbeat timestamp of a machine // and a boolean indicating if the machine is considered active or not. func getLastHeartbeat(m *ent.Machine) (string, bool) { if m.LastHeartbeat == nil { return "-", false } elapsed := time.Now().UTC().Sub(*m.LastHeartbeat) hb := elapsed.Truncate(time.Second).String() if elapsed > 2*time.Minute { return hb, false } return hb, true } type cliMachines struct{ db *database.Client cfg configGetter } func NewCLIMachines(getconfig configGetter) *cliMachines { return &cliMachines{ cfg: getconfig, } } func (cli *cliMachines) NewCommand() *cobra.Command { cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "machines [action]", Short: "Manage local API machines [requires local API]", Long: `To list/add/delete/validate/prune machines. Note: This command requires database direct access, so is intended to be run on the local API machine. `, Example: `cscli machines [action]`, DisableAutoGenTag: true, Aliases: []string{"machine"}, PersistentPreRunE: func(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) error { var err error if err = require.LAPI(cli.cfg()); err != nil { return err } cli.db, err = database.NewClient(cli.cfg().DbConfig) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to create new database client: %s", err) } return nil }, } cmd.AddCommand(cli.newListCmd()) cmd.AddCommand(cli.newAddCmd()) cmd.AddCommand(cli.newDeleteCmd()) cmd.AddCommand(cli.newValidateCmd()) cmd.AddCommand(cli.newPruneCmd()) return cmd } func (cli *cliMachines) list() error { out := color.Output machines, err := cli.db.ListMachines() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to list machines: %s", err) } switch cli.cfg().Cscli.Output { case "human": getAgentsTable(out, machines) case "json": enc := json.NewEncoder(out) enc.SetIndent("", " ") if err := enc.Encode(machines); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal") } return nil case "raw": csvwriter := csv.NewWriter(out) err := csvwriter.Write([]string{"machine_id", "ip_address", "updated_at", "validated", "version", "auth_type", "last_heartbeat"}) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to write header: %s", err) } for _, m := range machines { validated := "false" if m.IsValidated { validated = "true" } hb, _ := getLastHeartbeat(m) if err := csvwriter.Write([]string{m.MachineId, m.IpAddress, m.UpdatedAt.Format(time.RFC3339), validated, m.Version, m.AuthType, hb}); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to write raw output: %w", err) } } csvwriter.Flush() } return nil } func (cli *cliMachines) newListCmd() *cobra.Command { cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "list", Short: "list all machines in the database", Long: `list all machines in the database with their status and last heartbeat`, Example: `cscli machines list`, Args: cobra.NoArgs, DisableAutoGenTag: true, RunE: func(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) error { return cli.list() }, } return cmd } func (cli *cliMachines) newAddCmd() *cobra.Command { var ( password MachinePassword dumpFile string apiURL string interactive bool autoAdd bool force bool ) cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "add", Short: "add a single machine to the database", DisableAutoGenTag: true, Long: `Register a new machine in the database. cscli should be on the same machine as LAPI.`, Example: `cscli machines add --auto cscli machines add MyTestMachine --auto cscli machines add MyTestMachine --password MyPassword cscli machines add -f- --auto > /tmp/mycreds.yaml`, RunE: func(_ *cobra.Command, args []string) error { return cli.add(args, string(password), dumpFile, apiURL, interactive, autoAdd, force) }, } flags := cmd.Flags() flags.VarP(&password, "password", "p", "machine password to login to the API") flags.StringVarP(&dumpFile, "file", "f", "", "output file destination (defaults to "+csconfig.DefaultConfigPath("local_api_credentials.yaml")+")") flags.StringVarP(&apiURL, "url", "u", "", "URL of the local API") flags.BoolVarP(&interactive, "interactive", "i", false, "interfactive mode to enter the password") flags.BoolVarP(&autoAdd, "auto", "a", false, "automatically generate password (and username if not provided)") flags.BoolVar(&force, "force", false, "will force add the machine if it already exist") return cmd } func (cli *cliMachines) add(args []string, machinePassword string, dumpFile string, apiURL string, interactive bool, autoAdd bool, force bool) error { var ( err error machineID string ) // create machineID if not specified by user if len(args) == 0 { if !autoAdd { return fmt.Errorf("please specify a machine name to add, or use --auto") } machineID, err = generateID("") if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to generate machine id: %s", err) } } else { machineID = args[0] } clientCfg := cli.cfg().API.Client serverCfg := cli.cfg().API.Server /*check if file already exists*/ if dumpFile == "" && clientCfg != nil && clientCfg.CredentialsFilePath != "" { credFile := clientCfg.CredentialsFilePath // use the default only if the file does not exist _, err = os.Stat(credFile) switch { case os.IsNotExist(err) || force: dumpFile = credFile case err != nil: return fmt.Errorf("unable to stat '%s': %s", credFile, err) default: return fmt.Errorf(`credentials file '%s' already exists: please remove it, use "--force" or specify a different file with "-f" ("-f -" for standard output)`, credFile) } } if dumpFile == "" { return fmt.Errorf(`please specify a file to dump credentials to, with -f ("-f -" for standard output)`) } // create a password if it's not specified by user if machinePassword == "" && !interactive { if !autoAdd { return fmt.Errorf("please specify a password with --password or use --auto") } machinePassword = generatePassword(passwordLength) } else if machinePassword == "" && interactive { qs := &survey.Password{ Message: "Please provide a password for the machine:", } survey.AskOne(qs, &machinePassword) } password := strfmt.Password(machinePassword) _, err = cli.db.CreateMachine(&machineID, &password, "", true, force, types.PasswordAuthType) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to create machine: %s", err) } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Machine '%s' successfully added to the local API.\n", machineID) if apiURL == "" { if clientCfg != nil && clientCfg.Credentials != nil && clientCfg.Credentials.URL != "" { apiURL = clientCfg.Credentials.URL } else if serverCfg != nil && serverCfg.ListenURI != "" { apiURL = "http://" + serverCfg.ListenURI } else { return fmt.Errorf("unable to dump an api URL. Please provide it in your configuration or with the -u parameter") } } apiCfg := csconfig.ApiCredentialsCfg{ Login: machineID, Password: password.String(), URL: apiURL, } apiConfigDump, err := yaml.Marshal(apiCfg) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to marshal api credentials: %s", err) } if dumpFile != "" && dumpFile != "-" { if err = os.WriteFile(dumpFile, apiConfigDump, 0o600); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("write api credentials in '%s' failed: %s", dumpFile, err) } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "API credentials written to '%s'.\n", dumpFile) } else { fmt.Print(string(apiConfigDump)) } return nil } func (cli *cliMachines) deleteValid(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, cobra.ShellCompDirective) { machines, err := cli.db.ListMachines() if err != nil { cobra.CompError("unable to list machines " + err.Error()) } ret := []string{} for _, machine := range machines { if strings.Contains(machine.MachineId, toComplete) && !slices.Contains(args, machine.MachineId) { ret = append(ret, machine.MachineId) } } return ret, cobra.ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp } func (cli *cliMachines) delete(machines []string) error { for _, machineID := range machines { if err := cli.db.DeleteWatcher(machineID); err != nil { log.Errorf("unable to delete machine '%s': %s", machineID, err) return nil } log.Infof("machine '%s' deleted successfully", machineID) } return nil } func (cli *cliMachines) newDeleteCmd() *cobra.Command { cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "delete [machine_name]...", Short: "delete machine(s) by name", Example: `cscli machines delete "machine1" "machine2"`, Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1), Aliases: []string{"remove"}, DisableAutoGenTag: true, ValidArgsFunction: cli.deleteValid, RunE: func(_ *cobra.Command, args []string) error { return cli.delete(args) }, } return cmd } func (cli *cliMachines) prune(duration time.Duration, notValidOnly bool, force bool) error { if duration < 2*time.Minute && !notValidOnly { if yes, err := askYesNo( "The duration you provided is less than 2 minutes. " + "This can break installations if the machines are only temporarily disconnected. Continue?", false); err != nil { return err } else if !yes { fmt.Println("User aborted prune. No changes were made.") return nil } } machines := []*ent.Machine{} if pending, err := cli.db.QueryPendingMachine(); err == nil { machines = append(machines, pending...) } if !notValidOnly { if pending, err := cli.db.QueryLastValidatedHeartbeatLT(time.Now().UTC().Add(duration)); err == nil { machines = append(machines, pending...) } } if len(machines) == 0 { fmt.Println("no machines to prune") return nil } getAgentsTable(color.Output, machines) if !force { if yes, err := askYesNo( "You are about to PERMANENTLY remove the above machines from the database. " + "These will NOT be recoverable. Continue?", false); err != nil { return err } else if !yes { fmt.Println("User aborted prune. No changes were made.") return nil } } deleted, err := cli.db.BulkDeleteWatchers(machines) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to prune machines: %s", err) } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "successfully delete %d machines\n", deleted) return nil } func (cli *cliMachines) newPruneCmd() *cobra.Command { var ( duration time.Duration notValidOnly bool force bool ) const defaultDuration = 10 * time.Minute cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "prune", Short: "prune multiple machines from the database", Long: `prune multiple machines that are not validated or have not connected to the local API in a given duration.`, Example: `cscli machines prune cscli machines prune --duration 1h cscli machines prune --not-validated-only --force`, Args: cobra.NoArgs, DisableAutoGenTag: true, RunE: func(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) error { return cli.prune(duration, notValidOnly, force) }, } flags := cmd.Flags() flags.DurationVarP(&duration, "duration", "d", defaultDuration, "duration of time since validated machine last heartbeat") flags.BoolVar(¬ValidOnly, "not-validated-only", false, "only prune machines that are not validated") flags.BoolVar(&force, "force", false, "force prune without asking for confirmation") return cmd } func (cli *cliMachines) validate(machineID string) error { if err := cli.db.ValidateMachine(machineID); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to validate machine '%s': %s", machineID, err) } log.Infof("machine '%s' validated successfully", machineID) return nil } func (cli *cliMachines) newValidateCmd() *cobra.Command { cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "validate", Short: "validate a machine to access the local API", Long: `validate a machine to access the local API.`, Example: `cscli machines validate "machine_name"`, Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1), DisableAutoGenTag: true, RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { return cli.validate(args[0]) }, } return cmd }