package main import ( "context" "encoding/csv" "encoding/json" "fmt" "net/url" "os" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" log "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var Client *apiclient.ApiClient func (cli *cliDecisions) decisionsToTable(alerts *models.GetAlertsResponse, printMachine bool) error { /*here we cheat a bit : to make it more readable for the user, we dedup some entries*/ spamLimit := make(map[string]bool) skipped := 0 for aIdx := 0; aIdx < len(*alerts); aIdx++ { alertItem := (*alerts)[aIdx] newDecisions := make([]*models.Decision, 0) for _, decisionItem := range alertItem.Decisions { spamKey := fmt.Sprintf("%t:%s:%s:%s", *decisionItem.Simulated, *decisionItem.Type, *decisionItem.Scope, *decisionItem.Value) if _, ok := spamLimit[spamKey]; ok { skipped++ continue } spamLimit[spamKey] = true newDecisions = append(newDecisions, decisionItem) } alertItem.Decisions = newDecisions } switch cli.cfg().Cscli.Output { case "raw": csvwriter := csv.NewWriter(os.Stdout) header := []string{"id", "source", "ip", "reason", "action", "country", "as", "events_count", "expiration", "simulated", "alert_id"} if printMachine { header = append(header, "machine") } err := csvwriter.Write(header) if err != nil { return err } for _, alertItem := range *alerts { for _, decisionItem := range alertItem.Decisions { raw := []string{ fmt.Sprintf("%d", decisionItem.ID), *decisionItem.Origin, *decisionItem.Scope + ":" + *decisionItem.Value, *decisionItem.Scenario, *decisionItem.Type, alertItem.Source.Cn, alertItem.Source.GetAsNumberName(), fmt.Sprintf("%d", *alertItem.EventsCount), *decisionItem.Duration, fmt.Sprintf("%t", *decisionItem.Simulated), fmt.Sprintf("%d", alertItem.ID), } if printMachine { raw = append(raw, alertItem.MachineID) } err := csvwriter.Write(raw) if err != nil { return err } } } csvwriter.Flush() case "json": if *alerts == nil { // avoid returning "null" in `json" // could be cleaner if we used slice of alerts directly fmt.Println("[]") return nil } x, _ := json.MarshalIndent(alerts, "", " ") fmt.Printf("%s", string(x)) case "human": if len(*alerts) == 0 { fmt.Println("No active decisions") return nil } cli.decisionsTable(color.Output, alerts, printMachine) if skipped > 0 { fmt.Printf("%d duplicated entries skipped\n", skipped) } } return nil } type cliDecisions struct { cfg configGetter } func NewCLIDecisions(getconfig configGetter) *cliDecisions { return &cliDecisions{ cfg: getconfig, } } func (cli *cliDecisions) NewCommand() *cobra.Command { cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "decisions [action]", Short: "Manage decisions", Long: `Add/List/Delete/Import decisions from LAPI`, Example: `cscli decisions [action] [filter]`, Aliases: []string{"decision"}, /*TBD example*/ Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1), DisableAutoGenTag: true, PersistentPreRunE: func(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) error { cfg := cli.cfg() if err := cfg.LoadAPIClient(); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("loading api client: %w", err) } password := strfmt.Password(cfg.API.Client.Credentials.Password) apiurl, err := url.Parse(cfg.API.Client.Credentials.URL) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("parsing api url %s: %w", cfg.API.Client.Credentials.URL, err) } Client, err = apiclient.NewClient(&apiclient.Config{ MachineID: cfg.API.Client.Credentials.Login, Password: password, UserAgent: fmt.Sprintf("crowdsec/%s", version.String()), URL: apiurl, VersionPrefix: "v1", }) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("creating api client: %w", err) } return nil }, } cmd.AddCommand(cli.newListCmd()) cmd.AddCommand(cli.newAddCmd()) cmd.AddCommand(cli.newDeleteCmd()) cmd.AddCommand(cli.newImportCmd()) return cmd } func (cli *cliDecisions) newListCmd() *cobra.Command { var filter = apiclient.AlertsListOpts{ ValueEquals: new(string), ScopeEquals: new(string), ScenarioEquals: new(string), OriginEquals: new(string), IPEquals: new(string), RangeEquals: new(string), Since: new(string), Until: new(string), TypeEquals: new(string), IncludeCAPI: new(bool), Limit: new(int), } NoSimu := new(bool) contained := new(bool) var printMachine bool cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "list [options]", Short: "List decisions from LAPI", Example: `cscli decisions list -i cscli decisions list -r cscli decisions list -s crowdsecurity/ssh-bf cscli decisions list -t ban `, Args: cobra.ExactArgs(0), DisableAutoGenTag: true, RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) error { var err error /*take care of shorthand options*/ if err = manageCliDecisionAlerts(filter.IPEquals, filter.RangeEquals, filter.ScopeEquals, filter.ValueEquals); err != nil { return err } filter.ActiveDecisionEquals = new(bool) *filter.ActiveDecisionEquals = true if NoSimu != nil && *NoSimu { filter.IncludeSimulated = new(bool) } /* nullify the empty entries to avoid bad filter */ if *filter.Until == "" { filter.Until = nil } else if strings.HasSuffix(*filter.Until, "d") { /*time.ParseDuration support hours 'h' as bigger unit, let's make the user's life easier*/ realDuration := strings.TrimSuffix(*filter.Until, "d") days, err := strconv.Atoi(realDuration) if err != nil { printHelp(cmd) return fmt.Errorf("can't parse duration %s, valid durations format: 1d, 4h, 4h15m", *filter.Until) } *filter.Until = fmt.Sprintf("%d%s", days*24, "h") } if *filter.Since == "" { filter.Since = nil } else if strings.HasSuffix(*filter.Since, "d") { /*time.ParseDuration support hours 'h' as bigger unit, let's make the user's life easier*/ realDuration := strings.TrimSuffix(*filter.Since, "d") days, err := strconv.Atoi(realDuration) if err != nil { printHelp(cmd) return fmt.Errorf("can't parse duration %s, valid durations format: 1d, 4h, 4h15m", *filter.Since) } *filter.Since = fmt.Sprintf("%d%s", days*24, "h") } if *filter.IncludeCAPI { *filter.Limit = 0 } if *filter.TypeEquals == "" { filter.TypeEquals = nil } if *filter.ValueEquals == "" { filter.ValueEquals = nil } if *filter.ScopeEquals == "" { filter.ScopeEquals = nil } if *filter.ScenarioEquals == "" { filter.ScenarioEquals = nil } if *filter.IPEquals == "" { filter.IPEquals = nil } if *filter.RangeEquals == "" { filter.RangeEquals = nil } if *filter.OriginEquals == "" { filter.OriginEquals = nil } if contained != nil && *contained { filter.Contains = new(bool) } alerts, _, err := Client.Alerts.List(context.Background(), filter) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to retrieve decisions: %w", err) } err = cli.decisionsToTable(alerts, printMachine) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to print decisions: %w", err) } return nil }, } cmd.Flags().SortFlags = false cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(filter.IncludeCAPI, "all", "a", false, "Include decisions from Central API") cmd.Flags().StringVar(filter.Since, "since", "", "restrict to alerts newer than since (ie. 4h, 30d)") cmd.Flags().StringVar(filter.Until, "until", "", "restrict to alerts older than until (ie. 4h, 30d)") cmd.Flags().StringVarP(filter.TypeEquals, "type", "t", "", "restrict to this decision type (ie. ban,captcha)") cmd.Flags().StringVar(filter.ScopeEquals, "scope", "", "restrict to this scope (ie. ip,range,session)") cmd.Flags().StringVar(filter.OriginEquals, "origin", "", fmt.Sprintf("the value to match for the specified origin (%s ...)", strings.Join(types.GetOrigins(), ","))) cmd.Flags().StringVarP(filter.ValueEquals, "value", "v", "", "restrict to this value (ie.,userName)") cmd.Flags().StringVarP(filter.ScenarioEquals, "scenario", "s", "", "restrict to this scenario (ie. crowdsecurity/ssh-bf)") cmd.Flags().StringVarP(filter.IPEquals, "ip", "i", "", "restrict to alerts from this source ip (shorthand for --scope ip --value )") cmd.Flags().StringVarP(filter.RangeEquals, "range", "r", "", "restrict to alerts from this source range (shorthand for --scope range --value )") cmd.Flags().IntVarP(filter.Limit, "limit", "l", 100, "number of alerts to get (use 0 to remove the limit)") cmd.Flags().BoolVar(NoSimu, "no-simu", false, "exclude decisions in simulation mode") cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&printMachine, "machine", "m", false, "print machines that triggered decisions") cmd.Flags().BoolVar(contained, "contained", false, "query decisions contained by range") return cmd } func (cli *cliDecisions) newAddCmd() *cobra.Command { var ( addIP string addRange string addDuration string addValue string addScope string addReason string addType string ) cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "add [options]", Short: "Add decision to LAPI", Example: `cscli decisions add --ip cscli decisions add --range cscli decisions add --ip --duration 24h --type captcha cscli decisions add --scope username --value foobar `, /*TBD : fix long and example*/ Args: cobra.ExactArgs(0), DisableAutoGenTag: true, RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) error { var err error alerts := models.AddAlertsRequest{} origin := types.CscliOrigin capacity := int32(0) leakSpeed := "0" eventsCount := int32(1) empty := "" simulated := false startAt := time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339) stopAt := time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339) createdAt := time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339) /*take care of shorthand options*/ if err = manageCliDecisionAlerts(&addIP, &addRange, &addScope, &addValue); err != nil { return err } if addIP != "" { addValue = addIP addScope = types.Ip } else if addRange != "" { addValue = addRange addScope = types.Range } else if addValue == "" { printHelp(cmd) return fmt.Errorf("missing arguments, a value is required (--ip, --range or --scope and --value)") } if addReason == "" { addReason = fmt.Sprintf("manual '%s' from '%s'", addType, cli.cfg().API.Client.Credentials.Login) } decision := models.Decision{ Duration: &addDuration, Scope: &addScope, Value: &addValue, Type: &addType, Scenario: &addReason, Origin: &origin, } alert := models.Alert{ Capacity: &capacity, Decisions: []*models.Decision{&decision}, Events: []*models.Event{}, EventsCount: &eventsCount, Leakspeed: &leakSpeed, Message: &addReason, ScenarioHash: &empty, Scenario: &addReason, ScenarioVersion: &empty, Simulated: &simulated, //setting empty scope/value broke plugins, and it didn't seem to be needed anymore w/ latest papi changes Source: &models.Source{ AsName: empty, AsNumber: empty, Cn: empty, IP: addValue, Range: "", Scope: &addScope, Value: &addValue, }, StartAt: &startAt, StopAt: &stopAt, CreatedAt: createdAt, } alerts = append(alerts, &alert) _, _, err = Client.Alerts.Add(context.Background(), alerts) if err != nil { return err } log.Info("Decision successfully added") return nil }, } cmd.Flags().SortFlags = false cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&addIP, "ip", "i", "", "Source ip (shorthand for --scope ip --value )") cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&addRange, "range", "r", "", "Range source ip (shorthand for --scope range --value )") cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&addDuration, "duration", "d", "4h", "Decision duration (ie. 1h,4h,30m)") cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&addValue, "value", "v", "", "The value (ie. --scope username --value foobar)") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&addScope, "scope", types.Ip, "Decision scope (ie. ip,range,username)") cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&addReason, "reason", "R", "", "Decision reason (ie. scenario-name)") cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&addType, "type", "t", "ban", "Decision type (ie. ban,captcha,throttle)") return cmd } func (cli *cliDecisions) newDeleteCmd() *cobra.Command { var delFilter = apiclient.DecisionsDeleteOpts{ ScopeEquals: new(string), ValueEquals: new(string), TypeEquals: new(string), IPEquals: new(string), RangeEquals: new(string), ScenarioEquals: new(string), OriginEquals: new(string), } var delDecisionID string var delDecisionAll bool contained := new(bool) cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "delete [options]", Short: "Delete decisions", DisableAutoGenTag: true, Aliases: []string{"remove"}, Example: `cscli decisions delete -r cscli decisions delete -i cscli decisions delete --id 42 cscli decisions delete --type captcha `, /*TBD : refaire le Long/Example*/ PreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) error { if delDecisionAll { return nil } if *delFilter.ScopeEquals == "" && *delFilter.ValueEquals == "" && *delFilter.TypeEquals == "" && *delFilter.IPEquals == "" && *delFilter.RangeEquals == "" && *delFilter.ScenarioEquals == "" && *delFilter.OriginEquals == "" && delDecisionID == "" { cmd.Usage() return fmt.Errorf("at least one filter or --all must be specified") } return nil }, RunE: func(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) error { var err error var decisions *models.DeleteDecisionResponse /*take care of shorthand options*/ if err = manageCliDecisionAlerts(delFilter.IPEquals, delFilter.RangeEquals, delFilter.ScopeEquals, delFilter.ValueEquals); err != nil { return err } if *delFilter.ScopeEquals == "" { delFilter.ScopeEquals = nil } if *delFilter.OriginEquals == "" { delFilter.OriginEquals = nil } if *delFilter.ValueEquals == "" { delFilter.ValueEquals = nil } if *delFilter.ScenarioEquals == "" { delFilter.ScenarioEquals = nil } if *delFilter.TypeEquals == "" { delFilter.TypeEquals = nil } if *delFilter.IPEquals == "" { delFilter.IPEquals = nil } if *delFilter.RangeEquals == "" { delFilter.RangeEquals = nil } if contained != nil && *contained { delFilter.Contains = new(bool) } if delDecisionID == "" { decisions, _, err = Client.Decisions.Delete(context.Background(), delFilter) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to delete decisions: %v", err) } } else { if _, err = strconv.Atoi(delDecisionID); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("id '%s' is not an integer: %v", delDecisionID, err) } decisions, _, err = Client.Decisions.DeleteOne(context.Background(), delDecisionID) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to delete decision: %v", err) } } log.Infof("%s decision(s) deleted", decisions.NbDeleted) return nil }, } cmd.Flags().SortFlags = false cmd.Flags().StringVarP(delFilter.IPEquals, "ip", "i", "", "Source ip (shorthand for --scope ip --value )") cmd.Flags().StringVarP(delFilter.RangeEquals, "range", "r", "", "Range source ip (shorthand for --scope range --value )") cmd.Flags().StringVarP(delFilter.TypeEquals, "type", "t", "", "the decision type (ie. ban,captcha)") cmd.Flags().StringVarP(delFilter.ValueEquals, "value", "v", "", "the value to match for in the specified scope") cmd.Flags().StringVarP(delFilter.ScenarioEquals, "scenario", "s", "", "the scenario name (ie. crowdsecurity/ssh-bf)") cmd.Flags().StringVar(delFilter.OriginEquals, "origin", "", fmt.Sprintf("the value to match for the specified origin (%s ...)", strings.Join(types.GetOrigins(), ","))) cmd.Flags().StringVar(&delDecisionID, "id", "", "decision id") cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&delDecisionAll, "all", false, "delete all decisions") cmd.Flags().BoolVar(contained, "contained", false, "query decisions contained by range") return cmd }