package acquisition import ( "fmt" "strings" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" "" log "" tomb "" "" "" ) type MockSource struct { configuration.DataSourceCommonCfg `yaml:",inline"` Toto string `yaml:"toto"` logger *log.Entry } func (f *MockSource) Configure(cfg []byte, logger *log.Entry) error { f.logger = logger if err := yaml.UnmarshalStrict(cfg, &f); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "while unmarshaling to reader specific config") } if f.Mode == "" { f.Mode = configuration.CAT_MODE } if f.Mode != configuration.CAT_MODE && f.Mode != configuration.TAIL_MODE { return fmt.Errorf("mode %s is not supported", f.Mode) } if f.Toto == "" { return fmt.Errorf("expect non-empty toto") } return nil } func (f *MockSource) GetMode() string { return f.Mode } func (f *MockSource) OneShotAcquisition(chan types.Event, *tomb.Tomb) error { return nil } func (f *MockSource) StreamingAcquisition(chan types.Event, *tomb.Tomb) error { return nil } func (f *MockSource) CanRun() error { return nil } func (f *MockSource) GetMetrics() []prometheus.Collector { return nil } func (f *MockSource) GetAggregMetrics() []prometheus.Collector { return nil } func (f *MockSource) Dump() interface{} { return f } func (f *MockSource) GetName() string { return "mock" } func (f *MockSource) ConfigureByDSN(string, string, *log.Entry) error { return fmt.Errorf("not supported") } //copy the mocksource, but this one can't run type MockSourceCantRun struct { MockSource } func (f *MockSourceCantRun) CanRun() error { return fmt.Errorf("can't run bro") } func (f *MockSourceCantRun) GetName() string { return "mock_cant_run" } //appendMockSource is only used to add mock source for tests func appendMockSource() { if GetDataSourceIface("mock") == nil { mock := struct { name string iface func() DataSource }{ name: "mock", iface: func() DataSource { return &MockSource{} }, } AcquisitionSources = append(AcquisitionSources, mock) } if GetDataSourceIface("mock_cant_run") == nil { mock := struct { name string iface func() DataSource }{ name: "mock_cant_run", iface: func() DataSource { return &MockSourceCantRun{} }, } AcquisitionSources = append(AcquisitionSources, mock) } } func TestDataSourceConfigure(t *testing.T) { appendMockSource() tests := []struct { TestName string RawBytes []byte ExpectedError string }{ { TestName: "basic_valid_config", RawBytes: []byte(` mode: cat labels: test: foobar log_level: info source: mock toto: test_value1 `), }, { TestName: "basic_debug_config", RawBytes: []byte(` mode: cat labels: test: foobar log_level: debug source: mock toto: test_value1 `), }, { TestName: "basic_tailmode_config", RawBytes: []byte(` mode: tail labels: test: foobar log_level: debug source: mock toto: test_value1 `), }, { TestName: "bad_mode_config", RawBytes: []byte(` mode: ratata labels: test: foobar log_level: debug source: mock toto: test_value1 `), ExpectedError: "failed to configure datasource mock: mode ratata is not supported", }, { TestName: "bad_type_config", RawBytes: []byte(` mode: cat labels: test: foobar log_level: debug source: tutu `), ExpectedError: "cannot find source tutu", }, { TestName: "mismatch_config", RawBytes: []byte(` mode: cat labels: test: foobar log_level: debug source: mock wowo: ajsajasjas `), ExpectedError: "field wowo not found in type acquisition.MockSource", }, { TestName: "cant_run_error", RawBytes: []byte(` mode: cat labels: test: foobar log_level: debug source: mock_cant_run wowo: ajsajasjas `), ExpectedError: "datasource mock_cant_run cannot be run: can't run bro", }, } for _, test := range tests { common := configuration.DataSourceCommonCfg{} yaml.Unmarshal(test.RawBytes, &common) ds, err := DataSourceConfigure(common) if test.ExpectedError != "" { if err == nil { t.Fatalf("expected error %s, got none", test.ExpectedError) } if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), test.ExpectedError) { t.Fatalf("%s : expected error '%s' in '%s'", test.TestName, test.ExpectedError, err.Error()) } else { continue } } else { if err != nil { t.Fatalf("%s : unexpected error '%s'", test.TestName, err) } } switch test.TestName { case "basic_valid_config": mock := (*ds).Dump().(*MockSource) assert.Equal(t, mock.Toto, "test_value1") assert.Equal(t, mock.Mode, "cat") assert.Equal(t, mock.logger.Logger.Level, log.InfoLevel) assert.DeepEqual(t, mock.Labels, map[string]string{"test": "foobar"}) case "basic_debug_config": mock := (*ds).Dump().(*MockSource) assert.Equal(t, mock.Toto, "test_value1") assert.Equal(t, mock.Mode, "cat") assert.Equal(t, mock.logger.Logger.Level, log.DebugLevel) assert.DeepEqual(t, mock.Labels, map[string]string{"test": "foobar"}) case "basic_tailmode_config": mock := (*ds).Dump().(*MockSource) assert.Equal(t, mock.Toto, "test_value1") assert.Equal(t, mock.Mode, "tail") assert.Equal(t, mock.logger.Logger.Level, log.DebugLevel) assert.DeepEqual(t, mock.Labels, map[string]string{"test": "foobar"}) } } } func TestLoadAcquisitionFromFile(t *testing.T) { appendMockSource() tests := []struct { TestName string Config csconfig.CrowdsecServiceCfg ExpectedError string ExpectedLen int }{ { TestName: "non_existent_file", Config: csconfig.CrowdsecServiceCfg{ AcquisitionFiles: []string{"does_not_exist"}, }, ExpectedError: "can't open does_not_exist", ExpectedLen: 0, }, { TestName: "invalid_yaml_file", Config: csconfig.CrowdsecServiceCfg{ AcquisitionFiles: []string{"test_files/badyaml.yaml"}, }, ExpectedError: "failed to yaml decode test_files/badyaml.yaml: yaml: unmarshal errors", ExpectedLen: 0, }, { TestName: "invalid_empty_yaml", Config: csconfig.CrowdsecServiceCfg{ AcquisitionFiles: []string{"test_files/emptyitem.yaml"}, }, ExpectedLen: 0, }, { TestName: "basic_valid", Config: csconfig.CrowdsecServiceCfg{ AcquisitionFiles: []string{"test_files/basic_filemode.yaml"}, }, ExpectedLen: 2, }, { TestName: "missing_labels", Config: csconfig.CrowdsecServiceCfg{ AcquisitionFiles: []string{"test_files/missing_labels.yaml"}, }, ExpectedError: "missing labels in test_files/missing_labels.yaml", }, { TestName: "backward_compat", Config: csconfig.CrowdsecServiceCfg{ AcquisitionFiles: []string{"test_files/backward_compat.yaml"}, }, ExpectedLen: 2, }, { TestName: "bad_type", Config: csconfig.CrowdsecServiceCfg{ AcquisitionFiles: []string{"test_files/bad_source.yaml"}, }, ExpectedError: "unknown data source does_not_exist in test_files/bad_source.yaml", }, { TestName: "invalid_filetype_config", Config: csconfig.CrowdsecServiceCfg{ AcquisitionFiles: []string{"test_files/bad_filetype.yaml"}, }, ExpectedError: "while configuring datasource of type file from test_files/bad_filetype.yaml", }, } for _, test := range tests { dss, err := LoadAcquisitionFromFile(&test.Config) if test.ExpectedError != "" { if err == nil { t.Fatalf("expected error %s, got none", test.ExpectedError) } if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), test.ExpectedError) { t.Fatalf("%s : expected error '%s' in '%s'", test.TestName, test.ExpectedError, err.Error()) } else { continue } } else { if err != nil { t.Fatalf("%s : unexpected error '%s'", test.TestName, err) } } if len(dss) != test.ExpectedLen { t.Fatalf("%s : expected %d datasources got %d", test.TestName, test.ExpectedLen, len(dss)) } } } /* test start acquisition : - create mock parser in cat mode : start acquisition, check it returns, count items in chan - create mock parser in tail mode : start acquisition, sleep, check item count, tomb kill it, wait for it to return */ type MockCat struct { configuration.DataSourceCommonCfg `yaml:",inline"` logger *log.Entry } func (f *MockCat) Configure(cfg []byte, logger *log.Entry) error { f.logger = logger if f.Mode == "" { f.Mode = configuration.CAT_MODE } if f.Mode != configuration.CAT_MODE { return fmt.Errorf("mode %s is not supported", f.Mode) } return nil } func (f *MockCat) GetName() string { return "mock_cat" } func (f *MockCat) GetMode() string { return "cat" } func (f *MockCat) OneShotAcquisition(out chan types.Event, tomb *tomb.Tomb) error { for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { evt := types.Event{} evt.Line.Src = "test" out <- evt } return nil } func (f *MockCat) StreamingAcquisition(chan types.Event, *tomb.Tomb) error { return fmt.Errorf("can't run in tail") } func (f *MockCat) CanRun() error { return nil } func (f *MockCat) GetMetrics() []prometheus.Collector { return nil } func (f *MockCat) GetAggregMetrics() []prometheus.Collector { return nil } func (f *MockCat) Dump() interface{} { return f } func (f *MockCat) ConfigureByDSN(string, string, *log.Entry) error { return fmt.Errorf("not supported") } //---- type MockTail struct { configuration.DataSourceCommonCfg `yaml:",inline"` logger *log.Entry } func (f *MockTail) Configure(cfg []byte, logger *log.Entry) error { f.logger = logger if f.Mode == "" { f.Mode = configuration.TAIL_MODE } if f.Mode != configuration.TAIL_MODE { return fmt.Errorf("mode %s is not supported", f.Mode) } return nil } func (f *MockTail) GetName() string { return "mock_tail" } func (f *MockTail) GetMode() string { return "tail" } func (f *MockTail) OneShotAcquisition(out chan types.Event, tomb *tomb.Tomb) error { return fmt.Errorf("can't run in cat mode") } func (f *MockTail) StreamingAcquisition(out chan types.Event, t *tomb.Tomb) error { for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { evt := types.Event{} evt.Line.Src = "test" out <- evt } select { case <-t.Dying(): return nil } } func (f *MockTail) CanRun() error { return nil } func (f *MockTail) GetMetrics() []prometheus.Collector { return nil } func (f *MockTail) GetAggregMetrics() []prometheus.Collector { return nil } func (f *MockTail) Dump() interface{} { return f } func (f *MockTail) ConfigureByDSN(string, string, *log.Entry) error { return fmt.Errorf("not supported") } //func StartAcquisition(sources []DataSource, output chan types.Event, AcquisTomb *tomb.Tomb) error { func TestStartAcquisitionCat(t *testing.T) { sources := []DataSource{ &MockCat{}, } out := make(chan types.Event) acquisTomb := tomb.Tomb{} go func() { if err := StartAcquisition(sources, out, &acquisTomb); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error") } }() count := 0 READLOOP: for { select { case <-out: count++ case <-time.After(1 * time.Second): break READLOOP } } if count != 10 { t.Fatalf("expected 10 results, got %d", count) } } func TestStartAcquisitionTail(t *testing.T) { sources := []DataSource{ &MockTail{}, } out := make(chan types.Event) acquisTomb := tomb.Tomb{} go func() { if err := StartAcquisition(sources, out, &acquisTomb); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error") } }() count := 0 READLOOP: for { select { case <-out: count++ case <-time.After(1 * time.Second): break READLOOP } } if count != 10 { t.Fatalf("expected 10 results, got %d", count) } acquisTomb.Kill(nil) time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) if acquisTomb.Err() != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected tomb error %s (should be dead)", acquisTomb.Err()) } } // type MockTailError struct { MockTail } func (f *MockTailError) StreamingAcquisition(out chan types.Event, t *tomb.Tomb) error { for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { evt := types.Event{} evt.Line.Src = "test" out <- evt } t.Kill(fmt.Errorf("got error (tomb)")) return fmt.Errorf("got error") } func TestStartAcquisitionTailError(t *testing.T) { sources := []DataSource{ &MockTailError{}, } out := make(chan types.Event) acquisTomb := tomb.Tomb{} go func() { if err := StartAcquisition(sources, out, &acquisTomb); err != nil && err.Error() != "got error (tomb)" { t.Fatalf("expected error, got '%s'", err.Error()) } }() count := 0 READLOOP: for { select { case <-out: count++ case <-time.After(1 * time.Second): break READLOOP } } if count != 10 { t.Fatalf("expected 10 results, got %d", count) } //acquisTomb.Kill(nil) time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) if acquisTomb.Err().Error() != "got error (tomb)" { t.Fatalf("didn't got expected error, got '%s'", acquisTomb.Err().Error()) } } type MockSourceByDSN struct { configuration.DataSourceCommonCfg `yaml:",inline"` Toto string `yaml:"toto"` logger *log.Entry } func (f *MockSourceByDSN) Configure(cfg []byte, logger *log.Entry) error { return nil } func (f *MockSourceByDSN) GetMode() string { return f.Mode } func (f *MockSourceByDSN) OneShotAcquisition(chan types.Event, *tomb.Tomb) error { return nil } func (f *MockSourceByDSN) StreamingAcquisition(chan types.Event, *tomb.Tomb) error { return nil } func (f *MockSourceByDSN) CanRun() error { return nil } func (f *MockSourceByDSN) GetMetrics() []prometheus.Collector { return nil } func (f *MockSourceByDSN) GetAggregMetrics() []prometheus.Collector { return nil } func (f *MockSourceByDSN) Dump() interface{} { return f } func (f *MockSourceByDSN) GetName() string { return "mockdsn" } func (f *MockSourceByDSN) ConfigureByDSN(dsn string, logType string, logger *log.Entry) error { dsn = strings.TrimPrefix(dsn, "mockdsn://") if dsn != "test_expect" { return fmt.Errorf("unexpected value") } return nil } func TestConfigureByDSN(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { dsn string ExpectedError string ExpectedResLen int }{ { dsn: "baddsn", ExpectedError: "baddsn isn't valid dsn (no protocol)", }, { dsn: "foobar://toto", ExpectedError: "no acquisition for protocol foobar://", }, { dsn: "mockdsn://test_expect", ExpectedResLen: 1, }, { dsn: "mockdsn://bad", ExpectedError: "unexpected value", }, } if GetDataSourceIface("mockdsn") == nil { mock := struct { name string iface func() DataSource }{ name: "mockdsn", iface: func() DataSource { return &MockSourceByDSN{} }, } AcquisitionSources = append(AcquisitionSources, mock) } for _, test := range tests { srcs, err := LoadAcquisitionFromDSN(test.dsn, "test_label") if err != nil && test.ExpectedError != "" { if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), test.ExpectedError) { t.Fatalf("expected '%s', got '%s'", test.ExpectedError, err.Error()) } } else if err != nil && test.ExpectedError == "" { t.Fatalf("got unexpected error '%s'", err.Error()) } else if err == nil && test.ExpectedError != "" { t.Fatalf("expected error '%s' got none", test.ExpectedError) } if len(srcs) != test.ExpectedResLen { t.Fatalf("expected %d results, got %d", test.ExpectedResLen, len(srcs)) } } }