package csconfig import ( "crypto/tls" "crypto/x509" "fmt" "net" "os" "strings" "time" "" log "" "" "" "" "" ) type APICfg struct { Client *LocalApiClientCfg `yaml:"client"` Server *LocalApiServerCfg `yaml:"server"` CTI *CTICfg `yaml:"cti"` } type ApiCredentialsCfg struct { URL string `yaml:"url,omitempty" json:"url,omitempty"` Login string `yaml:"login,omitempty" json:"login,omitempty"` Password string `yaml:"password,omitempty" json:"-"` CACertPath string `yaml:"ca_cert_path,omitempty"` KeyPath string `yaml:"key_path,omitempty"` CertPath string `yaml:"cert_path,omitempty"` } /*global api config (for lapi->oapi)*/ type OnlineApiClientCfg struct { CredentialsFilePath string `yaml:"credentials_path,omitempty"` // credz will be edited by software, store in diff file Credentials *ApiCredentialsCfg `yaml:"-"` } /*local api config (for crowdsec/cscli->lapi)*/ type LocalApiClientCfg struct { CredentialsFilePath string `yaml:"credentials_path,omitempty"` // credz will be edited by software, store in diff file Credentials *ApiCredentialsCfg `yaml:"-"` InsecureSkipVerify *bool `yaml:"insecure_skip_verify"` // check if api certificate is bad or not } type CTICfg struct { Key *string `yaml:"key,omitempty"` CacheTimeout *time.Duration `yaml:"cache_timeout,omitempty"` CacheSize *int `yaml:"cache_size,omitempty"` Enabled *bool `yaml:"enabled,omitempty"` LogLevel *log.Level `yaml:"log_level,omitempty"` } func (a *CTICfg) Load() error { if a.Key == nil { *a.Enabled = false } if a.Key != nil && *a.Key == "" { return fmt.Errorf("empty cti key") } if a.Enabled == nil { a.Enabled = new(bool) *a.Enabled = true } if a.CacheTimeout == nil { a.CacheTimeout = new(time.Duration) *a.CacheTimeout = 10 * time.Minute } if a.CacheSize == nil { a.CacheSize = new(int) *a.CacheSize = 100 } return nil } func (o *OnlineApiClientCfg) Load() error { o.Credentials = new(ApiCredentialsCfg) fcontent, err := os.ReadFile(o.CredentialsFilePath) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to read api server credentials configuration file '%s'", o.CredentialsFilePath) } err = yaml.UnmarshalStrict(fcontent, o.Credentials) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed unmarshaling api server credentials configuration file '%s'", o.CredentialsFilePath) } if o.Credentials.Login == "" || o.Credentials.Password == "" || o.Credentials.URL == "" { log.Warningf("can't load CAPI credentials from '%s' (missing field)", o.CredentialsFilePath) o.Credentials = nil } return nil } func (l *LocalApiClientCfg) Load() error { patcher := yamlpatch.NewPatcher(l.CredentialsFilePath, ".local") fcontent, err := patcher.MergedPatchContent() if err != nil { return err } err = yaml.UnmarshalStrict(fcontent, &l.Credentials) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed unmarshaling api client credential configuration file '%s'", l.CredentialsFilePath) } if l.Credentials == nil || l.Credentials.URL == "" { return fmt.Errorf("no credentials or URL found in api client configuration '%s'", l.CredentialsFilePath) } if l.Credentials != nil && l.Credentials.URL != "" { if !strings.HasSuffix(l.Credentials.URL, "/") { l.Credentials.URL += "/" } } if l.Credentials.Login != "" && (l.Credentials.CertPath != "" || l.Credentials.KeyPath != "") { return fmt.Errorf("user/password authentication and TLS authentication are mutually exclusive") } if l.InsecureSkipVerify == nil { apiclient.InsecureSkipVerify = false } else { apiclient.InsecureSkipVerify = *l.InsecureSkipVerify } if l.Credentials.CACertPath != "" { caCert, err := os.ReadFile(l.Credentials.CACertPath) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to load cacert") } caCertPool := x509.NewCertPool() caCertPool.AppendCertsFromPEM(caCert) apiclient.CaCertPool = caCertPool } if l.Credentials.CertPath != "" && l.Credentials.KeyPath != "" { cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(l.Credentials.CertPath, l.Credentials.KeyPath) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to load api client certificate") } apiclient.Cert = &cert } return nil } func (lapiCfg *LocalApiServerCfg) GetTrustedIPs() ([]net.IPNet, error) { trustedIPs := make([]net.IPNet, 0) for _, ip := range lapiCfg.TrustedIPs { cidr := toValidCIDR(ip) _, ipNet, err := net.ParseCIDR(cidr) if err != nil { return nil, err } trustedIPs = append(trustedIPs, *ipNet) } return trustedIPs, nil } func toValidCIDR(ip string) string { if strings.Contains(ip, "/") { return ip } if strings.Contains(ip, ":") { return ip + "/128" } return ip + "/32" } /*local api service configuration*/ type LocalApiServerCfg struct { Enable *bool `yaml:"enable"` ListenURI string `yaml:"listen_uri,omitempty"` // TLS *TLSCfg `yaml:"tls"` DbConfig *DatabaseCfg `yaml:"-"` LogDir string `yaml:"-"` LogMedia string `yaml:"-"` OnlineClient *OnlineApiClientCfg `yaml:"online_client"` ProfilesPath string `yaml:"profiles_path,omitempty"` ConsoleConfigPath string `yaml:"console_path,omitempty"` ConsoleConfig *ConsoleConfig `yaml:"-"` Profiles []*ProfileCfg `yaml:"-"` LogLevel *log.Level `yaml:"log_level"` UseForwardedForHeaders bool `yaml:"use_forwarded_for_headers,omitempty"` TrustedProxies *[]string `yaml:"trusted_proxies,omitempty"` CompressLogs *bool `yaml:"-"` LogMaxSize int `yaml:"-"` LogMaxAge int `yaml:"-"` LogMaxFiles int `yaml:"-"` TrustedIPs []string `yaml:"trusted_ips,omitempty"` } type TLSCfg struct { CertFilePath string `yaml:"cert_file"` KeyFilePath string `yaml:"key_file"` ClientVerification string `yaml:"client_verification,omitempty"` ServerName string `yaml:"server_name"` CACertPath string `yaml:"ca_cert_path"` AllowedAgentsOU []string `yaml:"agents_allowed_ou"` AllowedBouncersOU []string `yaml:"bouncers_allowed_ou"` CRLPath string `yaml:"crl_path"` CacheExpiration *time.Duration `yaml:"cache_expiration,omitempty"` } func (c *Config) LoadAPIServer() error { if c.DisableAPI { log.Warning("crowdsec local API is disabled from flag") } if c.API.Server == nil { log.Warning("crowdsec local API is disabled because its configuration is not present") c.DisableAPI = true return nil } if c.API.Server.Enable == nil { // if the option is not present, it is enabled by default c.API.Server.Enable = types.BoolPtr(true) } if !*c.API.Server.Enable { log.Warning("crowdsec local API is disabled because 'enable' is set to false") c.DisableAPI = true return nil } if c.DisableAPI { return nil } if err := c.LoadCommon(); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("loading common configuration: %s", err) } c.API.Server.LogDir = c.Common.LogDir c.API.Server.LogMedia = c.Common.LogMedia c.API.Server.CompressLogs = c.Common.CompressLogs c.API.Server.LogMaxSize = c.Common.LogMaxSize c.API.Server.LogMaxAge = c.Common.LogMaxAge c.API.Server.LogMaxFiles = c.Common.LogMaxFiles if c.API.Server.UseForwardedForHeaders && c.API.Server.TrustedProxies == nil { c.API.Server.TrustedProxies = &[]string{""} } if c.API.Server.TrustedProxies != nil { c.API.Server.UseForwardedForHeaders = true } if err := c.API.Server.LoadProfiles(); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "while loading profiles for LAPI") } if c.API.Server.ConsoleConfigPath == "" { c.API.Server.ConsoleConfigPath = DefaultConsoleConfigFilePath } if err := c.API.Server.LoadConsoleConfig(); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "while loading console options") } if c.API.Server.OnlineClient != nil && c.API.Server.OnlineClient.CredentialsFilePath != "" { if err := c.API.Server.OnlineClient.Load(); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "loading online client credentials") } } if c.API.Server.OnlineClient == nil || c.API.Server.OnlineClient.Credentials == nil { log.Printf("push and pull to Central API disabled") } if c.API.CTI != nil { if err := c.API.CTI.Load(); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "loading CTI configuration") } } if err := c.LoadDBConfig(); err != nil { return err } return nil } func (c *Config) LoadAPIClient() error { if c.API == nil || c.API.Client == nil || c.API.Client.CredentialsFilePath == "" || c.DisableAgent { return fmt.Errorf("no API client section in configuration") } if err := c.API.Client.Load(); err != nil { return err } return nil }