package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "strings" "" "" "" log "" "" ) //it's a rip of the cli version, but in silent-mode func silenceInstallItem(name string, obtype string) (string, error) { for _, it := range cwhub.HubIdx[obtype] { if it.Name == name { if download_only && it.Downloaded && it.UpToDate { return fmt.Sprintf("%s is already downloaded and up-to-date", it.Name), nil } it, err := cwhub.DownloadLatest(it, cwhub.Hubdir, force_install) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("error while downloading %s : %v", it.Name, err) } cwhub.HubIdx[obtype][it.Name] = it if download_only { return fmt.Sprintf("Downloaded %s to %s", it.Name, cwhub.Hubdir+"/"+it.RemotePath), nil } it, err = cwhub.EnableItem(it, cwhub.Installdir, cwhub.Hubdir) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("error while enabled %s : %v", it.Name, err) } cwhub.HubIdx[obtype][it.Name] = it return fmt.Sprintf("Enabled %s", it.Name), nil } } return "", fmt.Errorf("%s not found in hub index", name) } /*help to copy the file, ioutil doesn't offer the feature*/ func copyFileContents(src, dst string) (err error) { in, err := os.Open(src) if err != nil { return } defer in.Close() out, err := os.Create(dst) if err != nil { return } defer func() { cerr := out.Close() if err == nil { err = cerr } }() if _, err = io.Copy(out, in); err != nil { return } err = out.Sync() return } /*copy the file, ioutile doesn't offer the feature*/ func copyFile(sourceSymLink, destinationFile string) (err error) { sourceFile, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(sourceSymLink) if err != nil { log.Infof("Not a symlink : %s", err) sourceFile = sourceSymLink } sourceFileStat, err := os.Stat(sourceFile) if err != nil { return } if !sourceFileStat.Mode().IsRegular() { // cannot copy non-regular files (e.g., directories, // symlinks, devices, etc.) return fmt.Errorf("copyFile: non-regular source file %s (%q)", sourceFileStat.Name(), sourceFileStat.Mode().String()) } destinationFileStat, err := os.Stat(destinationFile) if err != nil { if !os.IsNotExist(err) { return } } else { if !(destinationFileStat.Mode().IsRegular()) { return fmt.Errorf("copyFile: non-regular destination file %s (%q)", destinationFileStat.Name(), destinationFileStat.Mode().String()) } if os.SameFile(sourceFileStat, destinationFileStat) { return } } if err = os.Link(sourceFile, destinationFile); err == nil { return } err = copyFileContents(sourceFile, destinationFile) return } /*given a backup directory, restore configs (parser,collections..) both tainted and untainted. as well attempts to restore api credentials after verifying the existing ones aren't good finally restores the acquis.yaml file*/ func restoreFromDirectory(source string) error { var err error /*backup scenarios etc.*/ for _, itype := range cwhub.ItemTypes { itemDirectory := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/", source, itype) if _, err = os.Stat(itemDirectory); err != nil { log.Infof("no %s in backup", itype) continue } /*restore the upstream items*/ upstreamListFN := fmt.Sprintf("%s/upstream-%s.json", itemDirectory, itype) file, err := ioutil.ReadFile(upstreamListFN) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error while opening %s : %s", upstreamListFN, err) } var upstreamList []string err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(file), &upstreamList) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error unmarshaling %s : %s", upstreamListFN, err) } for _, toinstall := range upstreamList { label, err := silenceInstallItem(toinstall, itype) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error while installing %s : %s", toinstall, err) } else if label != "" { log.Infof("Installed %s : %s", toinstall, label) } else { log.Printf("Installed %s : ok", toinstall) } } /*restore the local and tainted items*/ files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(itemDirectory) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed enumerating files of %s : %s", itemDirectory, err) } for _, file := range files { //dir are stages, keep track if !file.IsDir() { continue } stage := file.Name() stagedir := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s/", config.installFolder, itype, stage) log.Debugf("Found stage %s in %s, target directory : %s", stage, itype, stagedir) if err = os.MkdirAll(stagedir, os.ModePerm); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error while creating stage directory %s : %s", stagedir, err) } /*find items*/ ifiles, err := ioutil.ReadDir(itemDirectory + "/" + stage + "/") if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed enumerating files of %s : %s", itemDirectory+"/"+stage, err) } //finaly copy item for _, tfile := range ifiles { log.Infof("Going to restore local/tainted [%s]", tfile.Name()) sourceFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", itemDirectory, stage, tfile.Name()) destinationFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", stagedir, tfile.Name()) if err = copyFile(sourceFile, destinationFile); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed copy %s %s to %s : %s", itype, sourceFile, destinationFile, err) } else { log.Infof("restored %s to %s", sourceFile, destinationFile) } } } } /*restore api credentials*/ //check if credentials exists : // - if no, restore // - if yes, try them : // - if it works, left untouched // - if not, restore // -> try login if err := restoreAPICreds(source); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to restore api credentials : %s", err) } /* Restore acquis */ yamlAcquisFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s/acquis.yaml", config.installFolder) bac := fmt.Sprintf("%s/acquis.yaml", source) if err = copyFile(bac, yamlAcquisFile); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed copy %s to %s : %s", bac, yamlAcquisFile, err) } log.Infof("Restore acquis to %s", yamlAcquisFile) return nil } func restoreAPICreds(source string) error { var err error /*check existing configuration*/ apiyaml := path.Join(config.installFolder, apiConfigFile) api := &cwapi.ApiCtx{} if err = api.LoadConfig(apiyaml); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to load api config %s : %s", apiyaml, err) } if api.Creds.User != "" { log.Infof("Credentials present in existing configuration, try before override") err := api.Signin() if err == nil { log.Infof("Credentials present allow authentication, don't override !") return nil } else { log.Infof("Credentials aren't valid : %s", err) } } /*existing config isn't good, override it !*/ ret, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(source, "api_creds.json")) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to read api creds from save : %s", err) } if err := json.Unmarshal(ret, &api.Creds); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed unmarshaling saved credentials : %s", err) } api.CfgUser = api.Creds.User api.CfgPassword = api.Creds.Password /*override the existing yaml file*/ if err := api.WriteConfig(apiyaml); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed writing to %s : %s", apiyaml, err) } else { log.Infof("Overwritting %s with backup info", apiyaml) } /*reload to check everything is safe*/ if err = api.LoadConfig(apiyaml); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to load api config %s : %s", apiyaml, err) } if err := api.Signin(); err != nil { log.Errorf("Failed to authenticate after credentials restaurtion : %v", err) } else { log.Infof("Successfully auth to API after credentials restauration") } return nil } func backupToDirectory(target string) error { var itemDirectory string var upstreamParsers []string var err error if target == "" { return fmt.Errorf("target directory can't be empty") } log.Warningf("Starting configuration backup") _, err = os.Stat(target) if err == nil { return fmt.Errorf("%s already exists", target) } if err = os.MkdirAll(target, os.ModePerm); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error while creating %s : %s", target, err) } /* backup configurations : - parers, scenarios, collections, postoverflows */ for _, itemType := range cwhub.ItemTypes { clog := log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "type": itemType, }) if _, ok := cwhub.HubIdx[itemType]; ok { itemDirectory = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/", target, itemType) if err := os.MkdirAll(itemDirectory, os.ModePerm); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error while creating %s : %s", itemDirectory, err) } upstreamParsers = []string{} stage := "" for k, v := range cwhub.HubIdx[itemType] { clog = clog.WithFields(log.Fields{ "file": v.Name, }) if !v.Installed { //only backup installed ones clog.Debugf("[%s] : not installed", k) continue } //for the local/tainted ones, we backup the full file if v.Tainted || v.Local || !v.UpToDate { //we need to backup stages for parsers if itemType == cwhub.PARSERS || itemType == cwhub.PARSERS_OVFLW { tmp := strings.Split(v.LocalPath, "/") stage = "/" + tmp[len(tmp)-2] + "/" fstagedir := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", itemDirectory, stage) if err := os.MkdirAll(fstagedir, os.ModePerm); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error while creating stage dir %s : %s", fstagedir, err) } } clog.Debugf("[%s] : backuping file (tainted:%t local:%t up-to-date:%t)", k, v.Tainted, v.Local, v.UpToDate) tfile := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", itemDirectory, stage, v.FileName) //clog.Infof("item : %s", spew.Sdump(v)) if err = copyFile(v.LocalPath, tfile); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed copy %s %s to %s : %s", itemType, v.LocalPath, tfile, err) } clog.Infof("local/tainted saved %s to %s", v.LocalPath, tfile) continue } clog.Debugf("[%s] : from hub, just backup name (up-to-date:%t)", k, v.UpToDate) clog.Infof("saving, version:%s, up-to-date:%t", v.Version, v.UpToDate) upstreamParsers = append(upstreamParsers, v.Name) } //write the upstream items upstreamParsersFname := fmt.Sprintf("%s/upstream-%s.json", itemDirectory, itemType) upstreamParsersContent, err := json.MarshalIndent(upstreamParsers, "", " ") if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed marshaling upstream parsers : %s", err) } err = ioutil.WriteFile(upstreamParsersFname, upstreamParsersContent, 0644) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to write to %s %s : %s", itemType, upstreamParsersFname, err) } clog.Infof("Wrote %d entries for %s to %s", len(upstreamParsers), itemType, upstreamParsersFname) } else { clog.Infof("No %s to backup.", itemType) } } /* Backup acquis */ yamlAcquisFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s/acquis.yaml", config.installFolder) bac := fmt.Sprintf("%s/acquis.yaml", target) if err = copyFile(yamlAcquisFile, bac); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed copy %s to %s : %s", yamlAcquisFile, bac, err) } log.Infof("Saved acquis to %s", bac) /* Backup default.yaml */ defyaml := fmt.Sprintf("%s/default.yaml", config.installFolder) bac = fmt.Sprintf("%s/default.yaml", target) if err = copyFile(defyaml, bac); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed copy %s to %s : %s", yamlAcquisFile, bac, err) } log.Infof("Saved default yaml to %s", bac) /* Backup API info */ if outputCTX == nil { log.Fatalf("no API output context, won't save api credentials") } outputCTX.API = &cwapi.ApiCtx{} if err = outputCTX.API.LoadConfig(path.Join(config.installFolder, apiConfigFile)); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to load api config %s : %s", path.Join(config.installFolder, apiConfigFile), err) } credsYaml, err := json.Marshal(&outputCTX.API.Creds) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("can't marshal credentials : %v", err) } apiCredsDumped := fmt.Sprintf("%s/api_creds.json", target) err = ioutil.WriteFile(apiCredsDumped, credsYaml, 0600) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to write credentials to %s : %s", apiCredsDumped, err) } log.Infof("Saved configuration to %s", target) return nil } func NewBackupCmd() *cobra.Command { var cmdBackup = &cobra.Command{ Use: "backup [save|restore] ", Short: "Backup or restore configuration (api, parsers, scenarios etc.) to/from directory", Long: `This command is here to help you save and/or restore crowdsec configurations to simple replication`, Example: `cscli backup save ./my-backup cscli backup restore ./my-backup`, PersistentPreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { if !config.configured { return fmt.Errorf("you must configure cli before interacting with hub") } return nil }, } var cmdBackupSave = &cobra.Command{ Use: "save ", Short: "Backup configuration (api, parsers, scenarios etc.) to directory", Long: `backup command will try to save all relevant informations to crowdsec config, including : - List of scenarios, parsers, postoverflows and collections that are up-to-date - Actual backup of tainted/local/out-of-date scenarios, parsers, postoverflows and collections - Backup of API credentials - Backup of acqusition configuration `, Example: `cscli backup save ./my-backup`, Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1), PersistentPreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { if !config.configured { return fmt.Errorf("you must configure cli before interacting with hub") } return nil }, Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { var err error outputConfig := outputs.OutputFactory{ BackendFolder: config.BackendPluginFolder, } outputCTX, err = outputs.NewOutput(&outputConfig, false) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to load output plugins") } if err := cwhub.GetHubIdx(); err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to get Hub index : %v", err) } if err := backupToDirectory(args[0]); err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed backuping to %s : %s", args[0], err) } }, } cmdBackup.AddCommand(cmdBackupSave) var cmdBackupRestore = &cobra.Command{ Use: "restore ", Short: "Restore configuration (api, parsers, scenarios etc.) from directory", Long: `restore command will try to restore all saved information from to yor local setup, including : - Installation of up-to-date scenarios/parsers/... via cscli - Restauration of tainted/local/out-of-date scenarios/parsers/... file - Restauration of API credentials (if the existing ones aren't working) - Restauration of acqusition configuration `, Example: `cscli backup restore ./my-backup`, Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1), PersistentPreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { if !config.configured { return fmt.Errorf("you must configure cli before interacting with hub") } return nil }, Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { var err error outputConfig := outputs.OutputFactory{ BackendFolder: config.BackendPluginFolder, } outputCTX, err = outputs.NewOutput(&outputConfig, false) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to load output plugins") } if err := cwhub.GetHubIdx(); err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to get Hub index : %v", err) } if err := restoreFromDirectory(args[0]); err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed restoring from %s : %s", args[0], err) } }, } cmdBackup.AddCommand(cmdBackupRestore) return cmdBackup }