#! /usr/bin/env bash # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- source tests_base.sh ## bouncers # we should have 0 bouncers ${CSCLI} bouncers list -ojson | ${JQ} '. | length == 0' || fail "expected 0 bouncers" # we can add one bouncer - should we save token for later ? ${CSCLI} bouncers add ciTestBouncer || fail "failed to add bouncer" # but we can't add it twice - we would get an error ${CSCLI} bouncers add ciTestBouncer -ojson 2>&1 | ${JQ} '.level == "error"' || fail "didn't receive the expected error" # we should have 1 bouncer ${CSCLI} bouncers list -ojson | ${JQ} '. | length == 1' || fail "expected 1 bouncers" # delete the bouncer :) ${CSCLI} bouncers delete ciTestBouncer || fail "failed to delete bouncer" # we should have 0 bouncers ${CSCLI} bouncers list -ojson | ${JQ} '. | length == 0' || fail "expected 0 bouncers"