![gopherbadger-tag-do-not-edit] # Parser Parser is in charge of turning raw log lines into objects that can be manipulated by heuristics. Parsing has several stages represented by directories on config/stage. The alphabetical order dictates the order in which the stages/parsers are processed. The runtime representation of a line being parsed (or an overflow) is an `Event`, and has fields that can be manipulated by user : - Parsed : a string dict containing parser outputs - Meta : a string dict containing meta information about the event - Line : a raw line representation - Overflow : a representation of the overflow if applicable The Event structure goes through the stages, being altered with each parsing step. It's the same object that will be later poured into buckets. # Parser configuration A parser configuration is a `Node` object, that can contain grok patterns, enrichement instructions. For example : ```yaml filter: "evt.Line.Labels.type == 'testlog'" debug: true onsuccess: next_stage name: tests/base-grok pattern_syntax: MYCAP: ".*" nodes: - grok: pattern: ^xxheader %{MYCAP:extracted_value} trailing stuff$ apply_on: Line.Raw statics: - meta: log_type value: parsed_testlog ``` ### Name *optional* if present and prometheus or profiling are activated, stats will be generated for this node. ### Filter > `filter: "Line.Src endsWith '/foobar'"` - *optional* `filter` : an [expression](https://github.com/antonmedv/expr/blob/master/docs/Language-Definition.md) that will be evaluated against the runtime of a line (`Event`) - if the `filter` is present and returns false, node is not evaluated - if `filter` is absent or present and returns true, node is evaluated ### Debug flag > `debug: true` - *optional* `debug` : a bool that sets debug of the node to true (applies at runtime and configuration parsing) ### OnSuccess flag > `onsuccess: next_stage|continue` - *mandatory* indicates the behavior to follow if the node succeeds. `next_stage` make the line go to the next stage, while `continue` will continue processing the current stage. ### Statics ```yaml statics: - meta: service value: tcp - meta: source_ip expression: "Event['source_ip']" - parsed: "new_connection" expression: "Event['tcpflags'] contains 'S' ? 'true' : 'false'" - target: Parsed.this_is_a_test value: foobar ``` Statics apply when a node is considered successful, and are used to alter the `Event` structure. An empty node, a node with a grok pattern that succeeded or an enrichment directive that worked are successful nodes. Statics can : - meta: add/alter an entry in the `Meta` dict - parsed: add/alter an entry in the `Parsed` dict - target: indicate a destination field by name, such as Meta.my_key The source of data can be : - value: a static value - expr_result : the result of an expression ### Grok patterns Grok patterns are used to parse one field of `Event` into one or several others : ```yaml grok: name: "TCPDUMP_OUTPUT" apply_on: message ``` `name` is the name of a pattern loaded from `patterns/`. Base patterns can be seen on the repo : https://github.com/crowdsecurity/grokky/blob/master/base.go --- ```yaml grok: pattern: "^%{GREEDYDATA:request}\\?%{GREEDYDATA:http_args}$" apply_on: request ``` `pattern` which is a valid pattern, optionally with an `apply_on` that indicates to which field it should be applied ### Patterns syntax Present at the `Event` level, the `pattern_syntax` is a list of subgroks to be declared. ```yaml pattern_syntax: DIR: "^.*/" FILE: "[^/].*$" ``` ### Enrichment The Enrichment mechanism is exposed via statics : ```yaml statics: - method: GeoIpCity expression: Meta.source_ip - meta: IsoCode expression: Enriched.IsoCode - meta: IsInEU expression: Enriched.IsInEU ``` The `GeoIpCity` method is called with the value of `Meta.source_ip`. Enrichment plugins can output one or more key:values in the `Enriched` map, and it's up to the user to copy the relevant values to `Meta` or such. # Trees The `Node` object allows as well a `nodes` entry, which is a list of `Node` entries, allowing you to build trees. ```yaml filter: "Event['program'] == 'nginx'" #A nodes: #A' - grok: #B name: "NGINXACCESS" # this statics will apply only if the above grok pattern matched statics: #B' - meta: log_type value: "http_access-log" - grok: #C name: "NGINXERROR" statics: - meta: log_type value: "http_error-log" statics: #D - meta: service value: http ``` The evaluation process of a node is as follows: - apply the `filter` (A), if it doesn't match, exit - iterate over the list of nodes (A') and apply the node process to each. - if a `grok` entry is present, process it - if the `grok` entry returned data, apply the local statics of the node (if the grok 'B' was successful, apply B' statics) - if any of the `nodes` or the `grok` was successful, apply the statics (D) # Code Organisation Main structs : - Node (config.go) : the runtime representation of parser configuration - Event (runtime.go) : the runtime representation of the line being parsed Main funcs : - CompileNode : turns YAML into runtime-ready tree (Node) - ProcessNode : process the raw line against the parser tree, and produces ready-for-buckets data