#!/bin/bash # Set the crowdsec config file CS_CONFIG_FILE="/etc/crowdsec/config.yaml" if [ "$CONFIG_FILE" != "" ]; then CS_CONFIG_FILE="$CONFIG_FILE" fi # TLS defaults CERT_FILE="${CERT_FILE:-/etc/ssl/cert.pem}" KEY_FILE="${KEY_FILE:-/etc/ssl/key.pem}" # Plugins directory default PLUGIN_DIR="${PLUGIN_DIR:-/usr/local/lib/crowdsec/plugins/}" #Check & prestage databases if [ ! -e "/var/lib/crowdsec/data/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb" ] && [ ! -e "/var/lib/crowdsec/data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb" ]; then mkdir -p /var/lib/crowdsec/data cp /staging/var/lib/crowdsec/data/*.mmdb /var/lib/crowdsec/data/ fi #Check & prestage /etc/crowdsec if [ ! -e "/etc/crowdsec/local_api_credentials.yaml" ] && [ ! -e "/etc/crowdsec/config.yaml" ]; then mkdir -p /etc/crowdsec cp -r /staging/etc/* /etc/ fi # regenerate local agent credentials (ignore if agent is disabled) if [ "$DISABLE_AGENT" == "" ] ; then echo "Regenerate local agent credentials" cscli -c "$CS_CONFIG_FILE" machines delete ${CUSTOM_HOSTNAME:-localhost} if [ "$LOCAL_API_URL" != "" ] ; then cscli -c "$CS_CONFIG_FILE" machines add ${CUSTOM_HOSTNAME:-localhost} --auto --url $LOCAL_API_URL else cscli -c "$CS_CONFIG_FILE" machines add ${CUSTOM_HOSTNAME:-localhost} --auto fi if [ "$AGENT_USERNAME" != "" ] && [ "$AGENT_PASSWORD" != "" ] && [ "$LOCAL_API_URL" != "" ] ; then echo "set up lapi credentials for agent" CONFIG_PATH=$(yq eval '.api.client.credentials_path' "$CS_CONFIG_FILE" ) echo "url: $LOCAL_API_URL" > $CONFIG_PATH echo "login: $AGENT_USERNAME" >> $CONFIG_PATH echo "password: $AGENT_PASSWORD" >> $CONFIG_PATH fi fi # Check if lapi needs to automatically register an agent echo "Check if lapi need to register automatically an agent" if [ "$DISABLE_LOCAL_API" == "" ] && [ "$AGENT_USERNAME" != "" ] && [ "$AGENT_PASSWORD" != "" ] ; then if [ "$LOCAL_API_URL" != "" ] ; then cscli -c "$CS_CONFIG_FILE" machines add $AGENT_USERNAME --password $AGENT_PASSWORD --url $LOCAL_API_URL else cscli -c "$CS_CONFIG_FILE" machines add $AGENT_USERNAME --password $AGENT_PASSWORD fi echo "Agent registered to lapi" fi # registration to online API for signal push if [ "$DISABLE_ONLINE_API" == "" ] && [ "$CONFIG_FILE" == "" ] ; then CONFIG_EXIST=$(yq eval '.api.server.online_client | has("credentials_path")' "$CS_CONFIG_FILE") if [ "$CONFIG_EXIST" != "true" ]; then yq eval '.api.server.online_client = {"credentials_path": "/etc/crowdsec/online_api_credentials.yaml"}' "$CS_CONFIG_FILE" > /etc/crowdsec/config2.yaml mv /etc/crowdsec/config2.yaml "$CS_CONFIG_FILE" cscli -c "$CS_CONFIG_FILE" capi register > /etc/crowdsec/online_api_credentials.yaml echo "registration to online API done" fi fi # crowdsec sqlite database permissions if [ "$GID" != "" ]; then IS_SQLITE=$(yq eval '.db_config.type == "sqlite"' "$CS_CONFIG_FILE") DB_PATH=$(yq eval '.db_config.db_path' "$CS_CONFIG_FILE") if [ "$IS_SQLITE" == "true" ]; then chown :$GID $DB_PATH echo "sqlite database permissions updated" fi fi if [ "$USE_TLS" != "" ]; then yq -i eval ".api.server.tls.cert_file = \"$CERT_FILE\"" "$CS_CONFIG_FILE" yq -i eval ".api.server.tls.key_file = \"$KEY_FILE\"" "$CS_CONFIG_FILE" yq -i eval '... comments=""' "$CS_CONFIG_FILE" fi if [ "$PLUGIN_DIR" != "/usr/local/lib/crowdsec/plugins/" ]; then yq -i eval ".config_paths.plugin_dir = \"$PLUGIN_DIR\"" "$CS_CONFIG_FILE" fi ## Install collections, parsers, scenarios & postoverflows cscli -c "$CS_CONFIG_FILE" hub update cscli -c "$CS_CONFIG_FILE" collections upgrade crowdsecurity/linux || true cscli -c "$CS_CONFIG_FILE" parsers upgrade crowdsecurity/whitelists || true cscli -c "$CS_CONFIG_FILE" parsers install crowdsecurity/docker-logs || true if [ "$COLLECTIONS" != "" ]; then cscli -c "$CS_CONFIG_FILE" collections install $COLLECTIONS fi if [ "$PARSERS" != "" ]; then cscli -c "$CS_CONFIG_FILE" parsers install $PARSERS fi if [ "$SCENARIOS" != "" ]; then cscli -c "$CS_CONFIG_FILE" scenarios install $SCENARIOS fi if [ "$POSTOVERFLOWS" != "" ]; then cscli -c "$CS_CONFIG_FILE" postoverflows install $POSTOVERFLOWS fi ## Remove collections, parsers, scenarios & postoverflows if [ "$DISABLE_COLLECTIONS" != "" ]; then cscli -c "$CS_CONFIG_FILE" collections remove $DISABLE_COLLECTIONS fi if [ "$DISABLE_PARSERS" != "" ]; then cscli -c "$CS_CONFIG_FILE" parsers remove $DISABLE_PARSERS fi if [ "$DISABLE_SCENARIOS" != "" ]; then cscli -c "$CS_CONFIG_FILE" scenarios remove $DISABLE_SCENARIOS fi if [ "$DISABLE_POSTOVERFLOWS" != "" ]; then cscli -c "$CS_CONFIG_FILE" postoverflows remove $DISABLE_POSTOVERFLOWS fi ARGS="" if [ "$CONFIG_FILE" != "" ]; then ARGS="-c $CONFIG_FILE" fi if [ "$DSN" != "" ]; then ARGS="$ARGS -dsn ${DSN}" fi if [ "$TYPE" != "" ]; then ARGS="$ARGS -type $TYPE" fi if [ "$TEST_MODE" == "true" ] || [ "$TEST_MODE" == "TRUE" ]; then ARGS="$ARGS -t" fi if [ "$DISABLE_AGENT" == "true" ] || [ "$DISABLE_AGENT" == "TRUE" ]; then ARGS="$ARGS -no-cs" fi if [ "$DISABLE_LOCAL_API" == "true" ] || [ "$DISABLE_LOCAL_API" == "TRUE" ]; then ARGS="$ARGS -no-api" fi if [ "$LEVEL_TRACE" == "true" ] || [ "$LEVEL_TRACE" == "TRUE" ]; then ARGS="$ARGS -trace" fi if [ "$LEVEL_DEBUG" == "true" ] || [ "$LEVEL_DEBUG" == "TRUE" ]; then ARGS="$ARGS -debug" fi if [ "$LEVEL_INFO" == "true" ] || [ "$LEVEL_INFO" == "TRUE" ]; then ARGS="$ARGS -info" fi exec crowdsec $ARGS