# Leakybuckets ## Bucket concepts Leakybucket is used for decision making. Under certain conditions enriched events are poured in these buckets. When these buckets are full, we raise a new event. After this event is raised the bucket is destroyed. There are many types of buckets, and we welcome any new useful design of buckets. Usually the bucket configuration generates the creation of many buckets. They are differenciated by a field called stackkey. When two events arrives with the same stackkey they go in the same matching bucket. The very purpose of these buckets is to detect clients that exceed a certain rate of attemps to do something (ssh connection, http authentication failure, etc...). Thus, the most use stackkey field is often the source_ip. ## Standard leaky buckets Default buckets have two main configuration options: * capacity: number of events the bucket can hold. When the capacity is reached and a new event is poured, a new event is raised. We call this type of event overflow. This is an int. * leakspeed: duration needed for an event to leak. When an event leaks, it disappear from the bucket. ## Trigger It's a special type of bucket with a zero capacity. Thus, when an event is poured in a trigger, it always raises an overflow. ## Uniq It's a bucket working as the standard leaky bucket except for one thing: a filter returns a property for each event and only one occurence of this property is allowed in the bucket, thus the bucket is called uniq. ## Counter It's a special type of bucket with an infinite capacity and an infinite leakspeed (it never overflows, neither leaks). Nevertheless, the event is raised after a fixed duration. The option is called duration. ## Available configuration options for buckets ### Fields for standard buckets * type: mandatory field. Must be one of "leaky", "trigger", "uniq" or "counter" * name: mandatory field, but the value is totally open. Nevertheless this value will tag the events raised by the bucket. * filter: mandatory field. It's a filter that is run when the decision to make an event match the bucket or not. The filter have to return a boolean. As a filter implementation we use https://github.com/antonmedv/expr * capacity: [mandatory for now, shouldn't be mandatory in the final version] it's the size of the bucket. When pouring in a bucket already with size events, it overflows. * leakspeed: leakspeed is a time duration (has to be parseable by https://golang.org/pkg/time/#ParseDuration). After each interval an event is leaked from the bucket. * stackkey: mandatory field. This field is used to differenciate on which bucket ongoing events will be poured. When an unknows stackkey is seen in an event a new bucekt is created. * on_overflow: optional field, that tells the what to do when the bucket is returning the overflow event. As of today, the possibility are these: "ban,1h", "Reprocess", "Delete". Reprocess is used to send the raised event back in the event pool to be matched agains buckets ### Fields for special buckets #### Uniq Uniq has an extra field uniq_filter which is too use the filter implementation from https://github.com/antonmedv/expr. The filter must return a string. All strins returned by this filter in the same buckets have to be different. Thus, if a string is seen twice it is dismissed. #### Trigger Capacity and leakspeed are not relevant for this kind of bucket. #### Counter It's a special kind of bucket that raise an event and is destroyed after a fixed duration. The configuration field used is duration and must be parseable by https://golang.org/pkg/time/#ParseDuration. Nevertheless, this kind of bucket is often used with an infinite leakspeed and an infinite capacity [capacity set to -1 for now]. ## Add exemples here ``` # ssh bruteforce - type: leaky name: ssh_bruteforce filter: "Meta.log_type == 'ssh_failed-auth'" leakspeed: "10s" capacity: 5 stackkey: "source_ip" on_overflow: ban,1h # reporting of src_ip,dest_port seen - type: counter name: counter filter: "Meta.service == 'tcp' && Event.new_connection == 'true'" distinct: "Meta.source_ip + ':' + Meta.dest_port" duration: 5m capacity: -1 - type: trigger name: "New connection" filter: "Meta.service == 'tcp' && Event.new_connection == 'true'" on_overflow: Reprocess ``` # Note on leakybuckets implementation [This is not dry enough to have many details here, but:] The bucket code is triggered by `InfiniBucketify` in main.go. There's one struct called buckets which is for now a `map[string]interface{}` that holds all buckets. The key of this map is derivated from the filter configured for the bucket and its stackkey. This looks like complicated, but in fact it allows us to use only one structs. This is done in buckets.go. On top of that the implementation define only the standard leaky bucket. A goroutine is launched for every buckets (bucket.go). This goroutine manages the life of the bucket. For special buckets, hooks are defined at initialization time in manager.go. Hooks are called when relevant by the bucket gorourine when events are poured and/or when bucket overflows.