package cwhub import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "path/filepath" "slices" "" "" ) const ( // managed item types. COLLECTIONS = "collections" PARSERS = "parsers" POSTOVERFLOWS = "postoverflows" SCENARIOS = "scenarios" CONTEXTS = "contexts" APPSEC_CONFIGS = "appsec-configs" APPSEC_RULES = "appsec-rules" ) const ( versionUpToDate = iota // the latest version from index is installed versionUpdateAvailable // not installed, or lower than latest versionUnknown // local file with no version, or invalid version number versionFuture // local version is higher latest, but is included in the index: should not happen ) var ( // The order is important, as it is used to range over sub-items in collections. ItemTypes = []string{PARSERS, POSTOVERFLOWS, SCENARIOS, CONTEXTS, APPSEC_CONFIGS, APPSEC_RULES, COLLECTIONS} ) type HubItems map[string]map[string]*Item // ItemVersion is used to detect the version of a given item // by comparing the hash of each version to the local file. // If the item does not match any known version, it is considered tainted (modified). type ItemVersion struct { Digest string `json:"digest,omitempty" yaml:"digest,omitempty"` Deprecated bool `json:"deprecated,omitempty" yaml:"deprecated,omitempty"` } // ItemState is used to keep the local state (i.e. at runtime) of an item. // This data is not stored in the index, but is displayed with "cscli ... inspect". type ItemState struct { LocalPath string `json:"local_path,omitempty" yaml:"local_path,omitempty"` LocalVersion string `json:"local_version,omitempty" yaml:"local_version,omitempty"` LocalHash string `json:"local_hash,omitempty" yaml:"local_hash,omitempty"` Installed bool `json:"installed"` Downloaded bool `json:"downloaded"` UpToDate bool `json:"up_to_date"` Tainted bool `json:"tainted"` TaintedBy []string `json:"tainted_by,omitempty" yaml:"tainted_by,omitempty"` BelongsToCollections []string `json:"belongs_to_collections,omitempty" yaml:"belongs_to_collections,omitempty"` } // IsLocal returns true if the item has been create by a user (not downloaded from the hub). func (s *ItemState) IsLocal() bool { return s.Installed && !s.Downloaded } // Text returns the status of the item as a string (eg. "enabled,update-available"). func (s *ItemState) Text() string { ret := "disabled" if s.Installed { ret = "enabled" } if s.IsLocal() { ret += ",local" } if s.Tainted { ret += ",tainted" } else if !s.UpToDate && !s.IsLocal() { ret += ",update-available" } return ret } // Emoji returns the status of the item as an emoji (eg. emoji.Warning). func (s *ItemState) Emoji() emoji.Emoji { switch { case s.IsLocal(): return emoji.House case !s.Installed: return emoji.Prohibited case s.Tainted || (!s.UpToDate && !s.IsLocal()): return emoji.Warning case s.Installed: return emoji.CheckMark default: return emoji.QuestionMark } } // Item is created from an index file and enriched with local info. type Item struct { hub *Hub // back pointer to the hub, to retrieve other items and call install/remove methods State ItemState `json:"-" yaml:"-"` // local state, not stored in the index Type string `json:"type,omitempty" yaml:"type,omitempty"` // one of the ItemTypes Stage string `json:"stage,omitempty" yaml:"stage,omitempty"` // Stage for parser|postoverflow: s00-raw/s01-... Name string `json:"name,omitempty" yaml:"name,omitempty"` // usually "author/name" FileName string `json:"file_name,omitempty" yaml:"file_name,omitempty"` // eg. apache2-logs.yaml Description string `json:"description,omitempty" yaml:"description,omitempty"` Author string `json:"author,omitempty" yaml:"author,omitempty"` References []string `json:"references,omitempty" yaml:"references,omitempty"` RemotePath string `json:"path,omitempty" yaml:"path,omitempty"` // path relative to the base URL eg. /parsers/stage/author/file.yaml Version string `json:"version,omitempty" yaml:"version,omitempty"` // the last available version Versions map[string]ItemVersion `json:"versions,omitempty" yaml:"-"` // all the known versions // if it's a collection, it can have sub items Parsers []string `json:"parsers,omitempty" yaml:"parsers,omitempty"` PostOverflows []string `json:"postoverflows,omitempty" yaml:"postoverflows,omitempty"` Scenarios []string `json:"scenarios,omitempty" yaml:"scenarios,omitempty"` Collections []string `json:"collections,omitempty" yaml:"collections,omitempty"` Contexts []string `json:"contexts,omitempty" yaml:"contexts,omitempty"` AppsecConfigs []string `json:"appsec-configs,omitempty" yaml:"appsec-configs,omitempty"` AppsecRules []string `json:"appsec-rules,omitempty" yaml:"appsec-rules,omitempty"` } // installPath returns the location of the symlink to the item in the hub, or the path of the item itself if it's local // (eg. /etc/crowdsec/collections/xyz.yaml). // Raises an error if the path goes outside of the install dir. func (i *Item) installPath() (string, error) { p := i.Type if i.Stage != "" { p = filepath.Join(p, i.Stage) } return safePath(i.hub.local.InstallDir, filepath.Join(p, i.FileName)) } // downloadPath returns the location of the actual config file in the hub // (eg. /etc/crowdsec/hub/collections/author/xyz.yaml). // Raises an error if the path goes outside of the hub dir. func (i *Item) downloadPath() (string, error) { ret, err := safePath(i.hub.local.HubDir, i.RemotePath) if err != nil { return "", err } return ret, nil } // HasSubItems returns true if items of this type can have sub-items. Currently only collections. func (i *Item) HasSubItems() bool { return i.Type == COLLECTIONS } // MarshalJSON is used to prepare the output for "cscli ... inspect -o json". // It must not use a pointer receiver. func (i Item) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { type Alias Item return json.Marshal(&struct { Alias // we have to repeat the fields here, json will have inline support in v2 LocalPath string `json:"local_path,omitempty"` LocalVersion string `json:"local_version,omitempty"` LocalHash string `json:"local_hash,omitempty"` Installed bool `json:"installed"` Downloaded bool `json:"downloaded"` UpToDate bool `json:"up_to_date"` Tainted bool `json:"tainted"` Local bool `json:"local"` BelongsToCollections []string `json:"belongs_to_collections,omitempty"` }{ Alias: Alias(i), LocalPath: i.State.LocalPath, LocalVersion: i.State.LocalVersion, LocalHash: i.State.LocalHash, Installed: i.State.Installed, Downloaded: i.State.Downloaded, UpToDate: i.State.UpToDate, Tainted: i.State.Tainted, BelongsToCollections: i.State.BelongsToCollections, Local: i.State.IsLocal(), }) } // MarshalYAML is used to prepare the output for "cscli ... inspect -o raw". // It must not use a pointer receiver. func (i Item) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error) { type Alias Item return &struct { Alias `yaml:",inline"` State ItemState `yaml:",inline"` Local bool `yaml:"local"` }{ Alias: Alias(i), State: i.State, Local: i.State.IsLocal(), }, nil } // SubItems returns a slice of sub-items, excluding the ones that were not found. func (i *Item) SubItems() []*Item { sub := make([]*Item, 0) for _, name := range i.Parsers { s := i.hub.GetItem(PARSERS, name) if s == nil { continue } sub = append(sub, s) } for _, name := range i.PostOverflows { s := i.hub.GetItem(POSTOVERFLOWS, name) if s == nil { continue } sub = append(sub, s) } for _, name := range i.Scenarios { s := i.hub.GetItem(SCENARIOS, name) if s == nil { continue } sub = append(sub, s) } for _, name := range i.Contexts { s := i.hub.GetItem(CONTEXTS, name) if s == nil { continue } sub = append(sub, s) } for _, name := range i.AppsecConfigs { s := i.hub.GetItem(APPSEC_CONFIGS, name) if s == nil { continue } sub = append(sub, s) } for _, name := range i.AppsecRules { s := i.hub.GetItem(APPSEC_RULES, name) if s == nil { continue } sub = append(sub, s) } for _, name := range i.Collections { s := i.hub.GetItem(COLLECTIONS, name) if s == nil { continue } sub = append(sub, s) } return sub } func (i *Item) logMissingSubItems() { if !i.HasSubItems() { return } for _, subName := range i.Parsers { if i.hub.GetItem(PARSERS, subName) == nil { i.hub.logger.Errorf("can't find %s in %s, required by %s", subName, PARSERS, i.Name) } } for _, subName := range i.Scenarios { if i.hub.GetItem(SCENARIOS, subName) == nil { i.hub.logger.Errorf("can't find %s in %s, required by %s", subName, SCENARIOS, i.Name) } } for _, subName := range i.PostOverflows { if i.hub.GetItem(POSTOVERFLOWS, subName) == nil { i.hub.logger.Errorf("can't find %s in %s, required by %s", subName, POSTOVERFLOWS, i.Name) } } for _, subName := range i.Contexts { if i.hub.GetItem(CONTEXTS, subName) == nil { i.hub.logger.Errorf("can't find %s in %s, required by %s", subName, CONTEXTS, i.Name) } } for _, subName := range i.AppsecConfigs { if i.hub.GetItem(APPSEC_CONFIGS, subName) == nil { i.hub.logger.Errorf("can't find %s in %s, required by %s", subName, APPSEC_CONFIGS, i.Name) } } for _, subName := range i.AppsecRules { if i.hub.GetItem(APPSEC_RULES, subName) == nil { i.hub.logger.Errorf("can't find %s in %s, required by %s", subName, APPSEC_RULES, i.Name) } } for _, subName := range i.Collections { if i.hub.GetItem(COLLECTIONS, subName) == nil { i.hub.logger.Errorf("can't find %s in %s, required by %s", subName, COLLECTIONS, i.Name) } } } // Ancestors returns a slice of items (typically collections) that have this item as a direct or indirect dependency. func (i *Item) Ancestors() []*Item { ret := make([]*Item, 0) for _, parentName := range i.State.BelongsToCollections { parent := i.hub.GetItem(COLLECTIONS, parentName) if parent == nil { continue } ret = append(ret, parent) } return ret } // descendants returns a list of all (direct or indirect) dependencies of the item. func (i *Item) descendants() ([]*Item, error) { var collectSubItems func(item *Item, visited map[*Item]bool, result *[]*Item) error collectSubItems = func(item *Item, visited map[*Item]bool, result *[]*Item) error { if item == nil { return nil } if visited[item] { return nil } visited[item] = true for _, subItem := range item.SubItems() { if subItem == i { return fmt.Errorf("circular dependency detected: %s depends on %s", item.Name, i.Name) } *result = append(*result, subItem) err := collectSubItems(subItem, visited, result) if err != nil { return err } } return nil } ret := []*Item{} visited := map[*Item]bool{} err := collectSubItems(i, visited, &ret) if err != nil { return nil, err } return ret, nil } // versionStatus returns the status of the item version compared to the hub version. // semver requires the 'v' prefix. func (i *Item) versionStatus() int { local, err := semver.NewVersion(i.State.LocalVersion) if err != nil { return versionUnknown } // hub versions are already validated while syncing, ignore errors latest, _ := semver.NewVersion(i.Version) if local.LessThan(latest) { return versionUpdateAvailable } if local.Equal(latest) { return versionUpToDate } return versionFuture } // validPath returns true if the (relative) path is allowed for the item. // dirNname: the directory name (ie. crowdsecurity). // fileName: the filename (ie. apache2-logs.yaml). func (i *Item) validPath(dirName, fileName string) bool { return (dirName+"/"+fileName == i.Name+".yaml") || (dirName+"/"+fileName == i.Name+".yml") } // FQName returns the fully qualified name of the item (ie. parsers:crowdsecurity/apache2-logs). func (i *Item) FQName() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", i.Type, i.Name) } // addTaint marks the item as tainted, and propagates the taint to the ancestors. // sub: the sub-item that caused the taint. May be the item itself! func (i *Item) addTaint(sub *Item) { i.State.Tainted = true taintedBy := sub.FQName() idx, ok := slices.BinarySearch(i.State.TaintedBy, taintedBy) if ok { return } // insert the taintedBy in the slice i.State.TaintedBy = append(i.State.TaintedBy, "") copy(i.State.TaintedBy[idx+1:], i.State.TaintedBy[idx:]) i.State.TaintedBy[idx] = taintedBy i.hub.logger.Debugf("%s is tainted by %s", i.Name, taintedBy) // propagate the taint to the ancestors for _, ancestor := range i.Ancestors() { ancestor.addTaint(sub) } } // latestHash() returns the hash of the latest version of the item. // if it's missing, the index file has been manually modified or got corrupted. func (i *Item) latestHash() string { for k, v := range i.Versions { if k == i.Version { return v.Digest } } return "" }