package csconfig /*Configurations needed for crowdsec to load parser/scenarios/... + acquisition*/ type CrowdsecServiceCfg struct { AcquisitionFilePath string `yaml:"acquisition_path,omitempty"` AcquisitionDirPath string `yaml:"acquisition_dir,omitempty"` AcquisitionFiles []string `yaml:"-"` ParserRoutinesCount int `yaml:"parser_routines"` BucketsRoutinesCount int `yaml:"buckets_routines"` OutputRoutinesCount int `yaml:"output_routines"` SimulationConfig *SimulationConfig `yaml:"-"` LintOnly bool `yaml:"-"` //if set to true, exit after loading configs BucketStateFile string `yaml:"state_input_file,omitempty"` //if we need to unserialize buckets at start BucketStateDumpDir string `yaml:"state_output_dir,omitempty"` //if we need to unserialize buckets on shutdown BucketsGCEnabled bool `yaml:"-"` //we need to garbage collect buckets when in forensic mode HubDir string `yaml:"-"` DataDir string `yaml:"-"` ConfigDir string `yaml:"-"` HubIndexFile string `yaml:"-"` SimulationFilePath string `yaml:"-"` }