#!/usr/bin/env bats # vim: ft=bats:list:ts=8:sts=4:sw=4:et:ai:si: set -u setup_file() { load "../lib/setup_file.sh" } teardown_file() { load "../lib/teardown_file.sh" } setup() { load "../lib/setup.sh" ./instance-data load } teardown() { ./instance-crowdsec stop } #---------- @test "with agent: test without -no-cs flag" { rune -124 timeout 2s "${CROWDSEC}" # from `man timeout`: If the command times out, and --preserve-status is not set, then exit with status 124. } @test "no agent: crowdsec LAPI should run (-no-cs flag)" { rune -124 timeout 2s "${CROWDSEC}" -no-cs } @test "no agent: crowdsec LAPI should run (no crowdsec_service in configuration file)" { config_disable_agent config_log_stderr rune -124 timeout 2s "${CROWDSEC}" assert_stderr --partial "crowdsec agent is disabled" } @test "no agent: cscli config show" { config_disable_agent rune -0 cscli config show -o human assert_output --partial "Global:" assert_output --partial "cscli:" assert_output --partial "Local API Server:" refute_output --partial "Crowdsec:" } @test "no agent: cscli config backup" { config_disable_agent backupdir=$(TMPDIR="${BATS_TEST_TMPDIR}" mktemp -u) rune -0 cscli config backup "${backupdir}" assert_stderr --partial "Starting configuration backup" rune -1 cscli config backup "${backupdir}" assert_stderr --partial "failed to backup config" assert_stderr --partial "file exists" rm -rf -- "${backupdir:?}" } @test "no agent: lapi status should be ok" { config_disable_agent ./instance-crowdsec start rune -0 cscli lapi status assert_stderr --partial "You can successfully interact with Local API (LAPI)" } @test "cscli metrics" { config_disable_agent ./instance-crowdsec start rune -0 cscli lapi status rune -0 cscli metrics }