// Package cwhub is responsible for installing and upgrading the local hub files. // // This includes retrieving the index, the items to install (parsers, scenarios, data files...) // and managing the dependencies and taints. package cwhub import ( "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "github.com/enescakir/emoji" "github.com/pkg/errors" "golang.org/x/mod/semver" ) var ( ErrMissingReference = errors.New("Reference(s) missing in collection") RawFileURLTemplate = "https://hub-cdn.crowdsec.net/%s/%s" HubBranch = "master" ) // ItemVersion is used to detect the version of a given item // by comparing the hash of each version to the local file. // If the item does not match any known version, it is considered tainted. type ItemVersion struct { Digest string `json:"digest,omitempty"` // meow Deprecated bool `json:"deprecated,omitempty"` // XXX: do we keep this? } // Item represents an object managed in the hub. It can be a parser, scenario, collection.. type Item struct { // descriptive info Type string `json:"type,omitempty" yaml:"type,omitempty"` // parser|postoverflows|scenario|collection(|enrich) Stage string `json:"stage,omitempty" yaml:"stage,omitempty"` // Stage for parser|postoverflow: s00-raw/s01-... Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // as seen in .index.json, usually "author/name" FileName string `json:"file_name,omitempty"` // the filename, ie. apache2-logs.yaml Description string `json:"description,omitempty" yaml:"description,omitempty"` // as seen in .index.json Author string `json:"author,omitempty"` // as seen in .index.json References []string `json:"references,omitempty" yaml:"references,omitempty"` // as seen in .index.json BelongsToCollections []string `json:"belongs_to_collections,omitempty" yaml:"belongs_to_collections,omitempty"` // parent collection if any // remote (hub) info RemotePath string `json:"path,omitempty" yaml:"remote_path,omitempty"` // the path relative to (git | hub API) ie. /parsers/stage/author/file.yaml Version string `json:"version,omitempty"` // the last version Versions map[string]ItemVersion `json:"versions,omitempty" yaml:"-"` // the list of existing versions // local (deployed) info LocalPath string `json:"local_path,omitempty" yaml:"local_path,omitempty"` // the local path relative to ${CFG_DIR} LocalVersion string `json:"local_version,omitempty"` LocalHash string `json:"local_hash,omitempty"` // the local meow Installed bool `json:"installed,omitempty"` Downloaded bool `json:"downloaded,omitempty"` UpToDate bool `json:"up_to_date,omitempty"` Tainted bool `json:"tainted,omitempty"` // has it been locally modified Local bool `json:"local,omitempty"` // if it's a non versioned control one // if it's a collection, it can have sub items Parsers []string `json:"parsers,omitempty" yaml:"parsers,omitempty"` PostOverflows []string `json:"postoverflows,omitempty" yaml:"postoverflows,omitempty"` Scenarios []string `json:"scenarios,omitempty" yaml:"scenarios,omitempty"` Collections []string `json:"collections,omitempty" yaml:"collections,omitempty"` WaapRules []string `json:"waap-rules,omitempty" yaml:"waap-rules,omitempty"` } // Status returns the status of the item as a string and an emoji // ie. "enabled,update-available" and emoji.Warning func (i *Item) Status() (string, emoji.Emoji) { status := "disabled" ok := false if i.Installed { ok = true status = "enabled" } managed := true if i.Local { managed = false status += ",local" } warning := false if i.Tainted { warning = true status += ",tainted" } else if !i.UpToDate && !i.Local { warning = true status += ",update-available" } emo := emoji.QuestionMark switch { case !managed: emo = emoji.House case !i.Installed: emo = emoji.Prohibited case warning: emo = emoji.Warning case ok: emo = emoji.CheckMark } return status, emo } // versionStatus: semver requires 'v' prefix func (i *Item) versionStatus() int { return semver.Compare("v"+i.Version, "v"+i.LocalVersion) } // validPath returns true if the (relative) path is allowed for the item // dirNmae: the directory name (ie. crowdsecurity) // fileName: the filename (ie. apache2-logs.yaml) func (i *Item) validPath(dirName, fileName string) bool { return (dirName+"/"+fileName == i.Name+".yaml") || (dirName+"/"+fileName == i.Name+".yml") } // GetItemMap returns the map of items for a given type func (h *Hub) GetItemMap(itemType string) map[string]Item { m, ok := h.Items[itemType] if !ok { return nil } return m } // itemKey extracts the map key of an item (i.e. author/name) from its pathname. Follows a symlink if necessary // XXX: only used by leakybucket manager func itemKey(itemPath string) (string, error) { f, err := os.Lstat(itemPath) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("while performing lstat on %s: %w", itemPath, err) } if f.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink == 0 { // it's not a symlink, so the filename itsef should be the key return filepath.Base(itemPath), nil } // resolve the symlink to hub file pathInHub, err := os.Readlink(itemPath) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("while reading symlink of %s: %w", itemPath, err) } author := filepath.Base(filepath.Dir(pathInHub)) fname := filepath.Base(pathInHub) fname = strings.TrimSuffix(fname, ".yaml") fname = strings.TrimSuffix(fname, ".yml") return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", author, fname), nil } // GetItemByPath retrieves the item from hubIdx based on the path. To achieve this it will resolve symlink to find associated hub item. func (h *Hub) GetItemByPath(itemType string, itemPath string) (*Item, error) { itemKey, err := itemKey(itemPath) if err != nil { return nil, err } m := h.GetItemMap(itemType) if m == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("item type %s doesn't exist", itemType) } v, ok := m[itemKey] if !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s not found in %s", itemKey, itemType) } return &v, nil } // GetItem returns the item from hub based on its type and full name (author/name) func (h *Hub) GetItem(itemType string, itemName string) *Item { m, ok := h.GetItemMap(itemType)[itemName] if !ok { return nil } return &m } // GetItemNames returns the list of item (full) names for a given type // ie. for parsers: crowdsecurity/apache2 crowdsecurity/nginx // The names can be used to retrieve the item with GetItem() func (h *Hub) GetItemNames(itemType string) []string { m := h.GetItemMap(itemType) if m == nil { return nil } names := make([]string, 0, len(m)) for k := range m { names = append(names, k) } return names } // AddItem adds an item to the hub index func (h *Hub) AddItem(itemType string, item Item) error { for _, itype := range ItemTypes { if itype == itemType { h.Items[itemType][item.Name] = item return nil } } return fmt.Errorf("ItemType %s is unknown", itemType) } // GetInstalledItems returns the list of installed items func (h *Hub) GetInstalledItems(itemType string) ([]Item, error) { items, ok := h.Items[itemType] if !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("no %s in hubIdx", itemType) } retItems := make([]Item, 0) for _, item := range items { if item.Installed { retItems = append(retItems, item) } } return retItems, nil } // GetInstalledItemsAsString returns the names of the installed items func (h *Hub) GetInstalledItemsAsString(itemType string) ([]string, error) { items, err := h.GetInstalledItems(itemType) if err != nil { return nil, err } retStr := make([]string, len(items)) for i, it := range items { retStr[i] = it.Name } return retStr, nil }