package parser /* This file contains - the runtime parsing routines */ import ( "errors" "fmt" "reflect" "strings" "time" "" "" "strconv" "" "" "" log "" "" ) /* ok, this is kinda experimental, I don't know how bad of an idea it is .. */ func SetTargetByName(target string, value string, evt *types.Event) bool { if evt == nil { return false } //it's a hack, we do it for the user target = strings.TrimPrefix(target, "evt.") log.Debugf("setting target %s to %s", target, value) defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { log.Errorf("Runtime error while trying to set '%s' in %s : %+v", target, spew.Sdump(evt), r) return } }() iter := reflect.ValueOf(evt).Elem() if (iter == reflect.Value{}) || iter.IsZero() { log.Tracef("event is nill") //event is nill return false } for _, f := range strings.Split(target, ".") { /* ** According to current Event layout we only have to handle struct and map */ switch iter.Kind() { case reflect.Map: tmp := iter.MapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(f)) /*if we're in a map and the field doesn't exist, the user wants to add it :) */ if (tmp == reflect.Value{}) || tmp.IsZero() { log.Debugf("map entry is zero in '%s'", target) } iter.SetMapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(f), reflect.ValueOf(value)) return true case reflect.Struct: tmp := iter.FieldByName(f) if !tmp.IsValid() { log.Debugf("%s IsValid false", f) return false } iter = tmp break default: log.Errorf("unexpected type %s in '%s'", iter.Kind(), target) return false } } //now we should have the final member :) if !iter.CanSet() { log.Errorf("'%s' can't be set", target) return false } if iter.Kind() != reflect.String { log.Errorf("Expected string, got %v when handling '%s'", iter.Kind(), target) return false } iter.Set(reflect.ValueOf(value)) return true } func printStaticTarget(static types.ExtraField) string { if static.Method != "" { return static.Method } else if static.Parsed != "" { return fmt.Sprintf(".Parsed[%s]", static.Parsed) } else if static.Meta != "" { return fmt.Sprintf(".Meta[%s]", static.Meta) } else if static.Enriched != "" { return fmt.Sprintf(".Enriched[%s]", static.Enriched) } else if static.TargetByName != "" { return static.TargetByName } else { return "?" } } func (n *Node) ProcessStatics(statics []types.ExtraField, event *types.Event) error { //we have a few cases : //(meta||key) + (static||reference||expr) var value string clog := n.Logger for _, static := range statics { value = "" if static.Value != "" { value = static.Value } else if static.RunTimeValue != nil { output, err := expr.Run(static.RunTimeValue, exprhelpers.GetExprEnv(map[string]interface{}{"evt": event})) if err != nil { clog.Warningf("failed to run RunTimeValue : %v", err) continue } switch out := output.(type) { case string: value = out case int: value = strconv.Itoa(out) default: clog.Fatalf("unexpected return type for RunTimeValue : %T", output) return errors.New("unexpected return type for RunTimeValue") } } if value == "" { clog.Debugf("Empty value for %s, skip.", printStaticTarget(static)) continue } if static.Method != "" { processed := false /*still way too hackish, but : inject all the results in enriched, and */ for _, x := range n.EnrichFunctions { if fptr, ok := x.Funcs[static.Method]; ok && x.initiated { clog.Tracef("Found method '%s'", static.Method) ret, err := fptr(value, event, x.RuntimeCtx) if err != nil { clog.Fatalf("plugin function error : %v", err) } processed = true clog.Debugf("+ Method %s('%s') returned %d entries to merge in .Enriched\n", static.Method, value, len(ret)) if len(ret) == 0 { clog.Debugf("+ Method '%s' empty response on '%s'", static.Method, value) } for k, v := range ret { clog.Debugf("\t.Enriched[%s] = '%s'\n", k, v) event.Enriched[k] = v } break } else { clog.Warningf("method '%s' doesn't exist or plugin not initialized", static.Method) } } if !processed { clog.Warningf("method '%s' doesn't exist", static.Method) } } else if static.Parsed != "" { clog.Debugf(".Parsed[%s] = '%s'", static.Parsed, value) event.Parsed[static.Parsed] = value } else if static.Meta != "" { clog.Debugf(".Meta[%s] = '%s'", static.Meta, value) event.Meta[static.Meta] = value } else if static.Enriched != "" { clog.Debugf(".Enriched[%s] = '%s'", static.Enriched, value) event.Enriched[static.Enriched] = value } else if static.TargetByName != "" { if !SetTargetByName(static.TargetByName, value, event) { clog.Errorf("Unable to set value of '%s'", static.TargetByName) } else { clog.Debugf("%s = '%s'", static.TargetByName, value) } } else { clog.Fatalf("unable to process static : unknown tartget") } } return nil } var NodesHits = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Name: "cs_node_hits_total", Help: "Total events entered node.", }, []string{"source", "name"}, ) var NodesHitsOk = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Name: "cs_node_hits_ok_total", Help: "Total events successfuly exited node.", }, []string{"source", "name"}, ) var NodesHitsKo = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Name: "cs_node_hits_ko_total", Help: "Total events unsuccessfuly exited node.", }, []string{"source", "name"}, ) func stageidx(stage string, stages []string) int { for i, v := range stages { if stage == v { return i } } return -1 } var ParseDump bool var StageParseCache map[string]map[string]types.Event func Parse(ctx UnixParserCtx, xp types.Event, nodes []Node) (types.Event, error) { var event types.Event = xp /* the stage is undefined, probably line is freshly acquired, set to first stage !*/ if event.Stage == "" && len(ctx.Stages) > 0 { event.Stage = ctx.Stages[0] log.Tracef("no stage, set to : %s", event.Stage) } event.Process = false if event.Time.IsZero() { event.Time = time.Now() } if event.Parsed == nil { event.Parsed = make(map[string]string) } if event.Enriched == nil { event.Enriched = make(map[string]string) } if event.Meta == nil { event.Meta = make(map[string]string) } if event.Type == types.LOG { log.Tracef("INPUT '%s'", event.Line.Raw) } if ParseDump { StageParseCache = make(map[string]map[string]types.Event) } for _, stage := range ctx.Stages { if ParseDump { StageParseCache[stage] = make(map[string]types.Event) } /* if the node is forward in stages, seek to its stage */ /* this is for example used by testing system to inject logs in post-syslog-parsing phase*/ if stageidx(event.Stage, ctx.Stages) > stageidx(stage, ctx.Stages) { log.Tracef("skipping stage, we are already at [%s] expecting [%s]", event.Stage, stage) continue } log.Tracef("node stage : %s, current stage : %s", event.Stage, stage) /* if the stage is wrong, it means that the log didn't manage "pass" a stage with a onsuccess: next_stage tag */ if event.Stage != stage { log.Debugf("Event not parsed, expected stage '%s' got '%s', abort", stage, event.Stage) return types.Event{Process: false}, nil } isStageOK := false for idx, node := range nodes { //Only process current stage's nodes if event.Stage != node.Stage { continue } clog := log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "node-name": node.rn, "stage": event.Stage, }) clog.Tracef("Processing node %d/%d -> %s", idx, len(nodes), node.rn) if ctx.Profiling { node.Profiling = true } ret, err := node.process(&event, ctx) if err != nil { clog.Fatalf("Error while processing node : %v", err) } clog.Tracef("node (%s) ret : %v", node.rn, ret) if ret { isStageOK = true if ParseDump { evtcopy := deepcopy.Copy(event) StageParseCache[stage][node.Name] = evtcopy.(types.Event) } } if ret && node.OnSuccess == "next_stage" { clog.Debugf("node successful, stop end stage %s", stage) break } //the parsed object moved onto the next phase if event.Stage != stage { clog.Tracef("node moved stage, break and redo") break } } if !isStageOK { log.Debugf("Log didn't finish stage %s", event.Stage) event.Process = false return event, nil } } event.Process = true return event, nil }