RM=rm -rf CP=cp CPR=cp -r MKDIR=mkdir -p # Go should not be required to run functional tests GOOS ?= $(shell go env GOOS) # Current versioning information from env # The $(or) is used to ignore an empty BUILD_VERSION when it's an envvar, # like inside a docker build: docker build --build-arg BUILD_VERSION=1.2.3 # as opposed to a make parameter: make BUILD_VERSION=1.2.3 BUILD_VERSION:=$(or $(BUILD_VERSION),$(shell git describe --tags --dirty)) BUILD_TIMESTAMP=$(shell date +%F"_"%T) DEFAULT_CONFIGDIR?=/etc/crowdsec DEFAULT_DATADIR?=/var/lib/crowdsec/data PKG_CONFIG:=$(shell command -v pkg-config 2>/dev/null) # See if we have libre2-dev installed for C++ optimizations. # In fedora and other distros, we need to tell where to find re2.pc RE2_CHECK := $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:$(PKG_CONFIG_PATH) pkg-config --libs re2 2>/dev/null)