#!/usr/bin/env bats # vim: ft=bats:list:ts=8:sts=4:sw=4:et:ai:si: set -u setup_file() { load "../lib/setup_file.sh" ./instance-data load INDEX_PATH=$(config_get '.config_paths.index_path') export INDEX_PATH CONFIG_DIR=$(config_get '.config_paths.config_dir') export CONFIG_DIR } teardown_file() { load "../lib/teardown_file.sh" } setup() { load "../lib/setup.sh" load "../lib/bats-file/load.bash" ./instance-data load hub_strip_index } teardown() { : } #---------- @test "cscli hub list" { hub_purge_all # no items rune -0 cscli hub list assert_output "No items to display" rune -0 cscli hub list -o json assert_json '{"appsec-configs":[],"appsec-rules":[],parsers:[],scenarios:[],collections:[],postoverflows:[]}' rune -0 cscli hub list -o raw assert_output 'name,status,version,description,type' # some items: with output=human, show only non-empty tables rune -0 cscli parsers install crowdsecurity/whitelists rune -0 cscli scenarios install crowdsecurity/telnet-bf rune -0 cscli hub list assert_output --regexp ".*PARSERS.*crowdsecurity/whitelists.*SCENARIOS.*crowdsecurity/telnet-bf.*" refute_output --partial 'POSTOVERFLOWS' refute_output --partial 'COLLECTIONS' rune -0 cscli hub list -o json rune -0 jq -e '(.parsers | length == 1) and (.scenarios | length == 1)' <(output) rune -0 cscli hub list -o raw assert_output --partial 'crowdsecurity/whitelists' assert_output --partial 'crowdsecurity/telnet-bf' refute_output --partial 'crowdsecurity/iptables' # all items rune -0 cscli hub list -a assert_output --regexp ".*PARSERS.*crowdsecurity/whitelists.*POSTOVERFLOWS.*SCENARIOS.*crowdsecurity/telnet-bf.*COLLECTIONS.*crowdsecurity/iptables.*" rune -0 cscli hub list -a -o json rune -0 jq -e '(.parsers | length > 1) and (.scenarios | length > 1)' <(output) rune -0 cscli hub list -a -o raw assert_output --partial 'crowdsecurity/whitelists' assert_output --partial 'crowdsecurity/telnet-bf' assert_output --partial 'crowdsecurity/iptables' } @test "missing reference in hub index" { new_hub=$(jq <"$INDEX_PATH" 'del(.parsers."crowdsecurity/smb-logs") | del (.scenarios."crowdsecurity/mysql-bf")') echo "$new_hub" >"$INDEX_PATH" rune -0 cscli hub list --error assert_stderr --partial "can't find crowdsecurity/smb-logs in parsers, required by crowdsecurity/smb" assert_stderr --partial "can't find crowdsecurity/mysql-bf in scenarios, required by crowdsecurity/mysql" } @test "loading hub reports tainted items (subitem is tainted)" { rune -0 cscli collections install crowdsecurity/sshd rune -0 cscli hub list refute_stderr --partial "tainted" rune -0 truncate -s0 "$CONFIG_DIR/parsers/s01-parse/sshd-logs.yaml" rune -0 cscli hub list assert_stderr --partial "crowdsecurity/sshd is tainted because parsers:crowdsecurity/sshd-logs is tainted" } @test "loading hub reports tainted items (subitem is not installed)" { rune -0 cscli collections install crowdsecurity/sshd rune -0 cscli hub list refute_stderr --partial "tainted" rune -0 rm "$CONFIG_DIR/parsers/s01-parse/sshd-logs.yaml" rune -0 cscli hub list assert_stderr --partial "crowdsecurity/sshd is tainted because parsers:crowdsecurity/sshd-logs is missing" } @test "cscli hub update" { rm -f "$INDEX_PATH" rune -0 cscli hub update assert_stderr --partial "Wrote index to $INDEX_PATH" rune -0 cscli hub update assert_stderr --partial "hub index is up to date" } @test "cscli hub upgrade" { rune -0 cscli hub upgrade assert_stderr --partial "Upgrading parsers" assert_stderr --partial "Upgraded 0 parsers" assert_stderr --partial "Upgrading postoverflows" assert_stderr --partial "Upgraded 0 postoverflows" assert_stderr --partial "Upgrading scenarios" assert_stderr --partial "Upgraded 0 scenarios" assert_stderr --partial "Upgrading collections" assert_stderr --partial "Upgraded 0 collections" rune -0 cscli parsers install crowdsecurity/syslog-logs rune -0 cscli hub upgrade assert_stderr --partial "crowdsecurity/syslog-logs: up-to-date" rune -0 cscli hub upgrade --force assert_stderr --partial "crowdsecurity/syslog-logs: overwrite" assert_stderr --partial "crowdsecurity/syslog-logs: updated" assert_stderr --partial "Upgraded 1 parsers" # this is used by the cron script to know if the hub was updated assert_output --partial "updated crowdsecurity/syslog-logs" } @test "cscli hub upgrade (with local items)" { mkdir -p "$CONFIG_DIR/collections" touch "$CONFIG_DIR/collections/foo.yaml" rune -0 cscli hub upgrade assert_stderr --partial "not upgrading foo.yaml: local item" } @test "cscli hub types" { rune -0 cscli hub types -o raw assert_line "parsers" assert_line "postoverflows" assert_line "scenarios" assert_line "collections" rune -0 cscli hub types -o human rune -0 yq -o json <(output) assert_json '["parsers","postoverflows","scenarios","appsec-configs","appsec-rules","collections"]' rune -0 cscli hub types -o json assert_json '["parsers","postoverflows","scenarios","appsec-configs","appsec-rules","collections"]' }