package leakybucket import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "sync" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" log "" "" "" "" "" yaml "" "" ) // BucketFactory struct holds all fields for any bucket configuration. This is to have a // generic struct for buckets. This can be seen as a bucket factory. type BucketFactory struct { FormatVersion string `yaml:"format"` Author string `yaml:"author"` Description string `yaml:"description"` References []string `yaml:"references"` Type string `yaml:"type"` //Type can be : leaky, counter, trigger. It determines the main bucket characteristics Name string `yaml:"name"` //Name of the bucket, used later in log and user-messages. Should be unique Capacity int `yaml:"capacity"` //Capacity is applicable to leaky buckets and determines the "burst" capacity LeakSpeed string `yaml:"leakspeed"` //Leakspeed is a float representing how many events per second leak out of the bucket Duration string `yaml:"duration"` //Duration allows 'counter' buckets to have a fixed life-time Filter string `yaml:"filter"` //Filter is an expr that determines if an event is elligible for said bucket. Filter is evaluated against the Event struct GroupBy string `yaml:"groupby,omitempty"` //groupy is an expr that allows to determine the partitions of the bucket. A common example is the source_ip Distinct string `yaml:"distinct"` //Distinct, when present, adds a `Pour()` processor that will only pour uniq items (based on distinct expr result) Debug bool `yaml:"debug"` //Debug, when set to true, will enable debugging for _this_ scenario specifically Labels map[string]string `yaml:"labels"` //Labels is K:V list aiming at providing context the overflow Blackhole string `yaml:"blackhole,omitempty"` //Blackhole is a duration that, if present, will prevent same bucket partition to overflow more often than $duration logger *log.Entry `yaml:"-"` //logger is bucket-specific logger (used by Debug as well) Reprocess bool `yaml:"reprocess"` //Reprocess, if true, will for the bucket to be re-injected into processing chain CacheSize int `yaml:"cache_size"` //CacheSize, if > 0, limits the size of in-memory cache of the bucket Profiling bool `yaml:"profiling"` //Profiling, if true, will make the bucket record pours/overflows/etc. OverflowFilter string `yaml:"overflow_filter"` //OverflowFilter if present, is a filter that must return true for the overflow to go through ScopeType types.ScopeType `yaml:"scope,omitempty"` //to enforce a different remediation than blocking an IP. Will default this to IP BucketName string `yaml:"-"` Filename string `yaml:"-"` RunTimeFilter *vm.Program `json:"-"` ExprDebugger *exprhelpers.ExprDebugger `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // used to debug expression by printing the content of each variable of the expression RunTimeGroupBy *vm.Program `json:"-"` Data []*types.DataSource `yaml:"data,omitempty"` DataDir string `yaml:"-"` CancelOnFilter string `yaml:"cancel_on,omitempty"` //a filter that, if matched, kills the bucket leakspeed time.Duration //internal representation of `Leakspeed` duration time.Duration //internal representation of `Duration` ret chan types.Event //the bucket-specific output chan for overflows processors []Processor //processors is the list of hooks for pour/overflow/create (cf. uniq, blackhole etc.) output bool //?? ScenarioVersion string `yaml:"version,omitempty"` hash string `yaml:"-"` Simulated bool `yaml:"simulated"` //Set to true if the scenario instanciating the bucket was in the exclusion list tomb *tomb.Tomb `yaml:"-"` wgPour *sync.WaitGroup `yaml:"-"` wgDumpState *sync.WaitGroup `yaml:"-"` } //we use one NameGenerator for all the future buckets var seed namegenerator.Generator = namegenerator.NewNameGenerator(time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()) func ValidateFactory(bucketFactory *BucketFactory) error { if bucketFactory.Name == "" { return fmt.Errorf("bucket must have name") } if bucketFactory.Description == "" { return fmt.Errorf("description is mandatory") } if bucketFactory.Type == "leaky" { if bucketFactory.Capacity <= 0 { //capacity must be a positive int return fmt.Errorf("bad capacity for leaky '%d'", bucketFactory.Capacity) } if bucketFactory.LeakSpeed == "" { return fmt.Errorf("leakspeed can't be empty for leaky") } if bucketFactory.leakspeed == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("bad leakspeed for leaky '%s'", bucketFactory.LeakSpeed) } } else if bucketFactory.Type == "counter" { if bucketFactory.Duration == "" { return fmt.Errorf("duration ca't be empty for counter") } if bucketFactory.duration == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("bad duration for counter bucket '%d'", bucketFactory.duration) } if bucketFactory.Capacity != -1 { return fmt.Errorf("counter bucket must have -1 capacity") } } else if bucketFactory.Type == "trigger" { if bucketFactory.Capacity != 0 { return fmt.Errorf("trigger bucket must have 0 capacity") } } else { return fmt.Errorf("unknown bucket type '%s'", bucketFactory.Type) } switch bucketFactory.ScopeType.Scope { case types.Undefined: bucketFactory.ScopeType.Scope = types.Ip case types.Ip: case types.Range: var ( runTimeFilter *vm.Program err error ) if bucketFactory.ScopeType.Filter != "" { if runTimeFilter, err = expr.Compile(bucketFactory.ScopeType.Filter, expr.Env(exprhelpers.GetExprEnv(map[string]interface{}{"evt": &types.Event{}}))); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error compiling the scope filter: %s", err) } bucketFactory.ScopeType.RunTimeFilter = runTimeFilter } default: //Compile the scope filter var ( runTimeFilter *vm.Program err error ) if bucketFactory.ScopeType.Filter != "" { if runTimeFilter, err = expr.Compile(bucketFactory.ScopeType.Filter, expr.Env(exprhelpers.GetExprEnv(map[string]interface{}{"evt": &types.Event{}}))); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error compiling the scope filter: %s", err) } bucketFactory.ScopeType.RunTimeFilter = runTimeFilter } } return nil } func LoadBuckets(cscfg *csconfig.CrowdsecServiceCfg, files []string, tomb *tomb.Tomb, buckets *Buckets) ([]BucketFactory, chan types.Event, error) { var ( ret []BucketFactory = []BucketFactory{} response chan types.Event ) response = make(chan types.Event, 1) for _, f := range files { log.Debugf("Loading '%s'", f) if !strings.HasSuffix(f, ".yaml") && !strings.HasSuffix(f, ".yml") { log.Debugf("Skipping %s : not a yaml file", f) continue } //process the yaml bucketConfigurationFile, err := os.Open(f) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Can't access leaky configuration file %s", f) return nil, nil, err } dec := yaml.NewDecoder(bucketConfigurationFile) dec.SetStrict(true) for { bucketFactory := BucketFactory{} err = dec.Decode(&bucketFactory) if err != nil { if err != io.EOF { log.Errorf("Bad yaml in %s : %v", f, err) return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("bad yaml in %s : %v", f, err) } log.Tracef("End of yaml file") break } bucketFactory.DataDir = cscfg.DataDir //check empty if bucketFactory.Name == "" { log.Errorf("Won't load nameless bucket") return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("nameless bucket") } //check compat if bucketFactory.FormatVersion == "" { log.Tracef("no version in %s : %s, assuming '1.0'", bucketFactory.Name, f) bucketFactory.FormatVersion = "1.0" } ok, err := cwversion.Statisfies(bucketFactory.FormatVersion, cwversion.Constraint_scenario) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to check version : %s", err) } if !ok { log.Errorf("can't load %s : %s doesn't satisfy scenario format %s, skip", bucketFactory.Name, bucketFactory.FormatVersion, cwversion.Constraint_scenario) continue } bucketFactory.Filename = filepath.Clean(f) bucketFactory.BucketName = seed.Generate() bucketFactory.ret = response hubItem, err := cwhub.GetItemByPath(cwhub.SCENARIOS, bucketFactory.Filename) if err != nil { log.Errorf("scenario %s (%s) couldn't be find in hub (ignore if in unit tests)", bucketFactory.Name, bucketFactory.Filename) } else { if cscfg.SimulationConfig != nil { bucketFactory.Simulated = cscfg.SimulationConfig.IsSimulated(hubItem.Name) } if hubItem != nil { bucketFactory.ScenarioVersion = hubItem.LocalVersion bucketFactory.hash = hubItem.LocalHash } else { log.Errorf("scenario %s (%s) couldn't be find in hub (ignore if in unit tests)", bucketFactory.Name, bucketFactory.Filename) } } bucketFactory.wgDumpState = buckets.wgDumpState bucketFactory.wgPour = buckets.wgPour err = LoadBucket(&bucketFactory, tomb) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Failed to load bucket %s : %v", bucketFactory.Name, err) return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("loading of %s failed : %v", bucketFactory.Name, err) } ret = append(ret, bucketFactory) } } log.Warningf("Loaded %d scenarios", len(ret)) return ret, response, nil } /* Init recursively process yaml files from a directory and loads them as BucketFactory */ func LoadBucket(bucketFactory *BucketFactory, tomb *tomb.Tomb) error { var err error if bucketFactory.Debug { var clog = logrus.New() if err := types.ConfigureLogger(clog); err != nil { log.Fatalf("While creating bucket-specific logger : %s", err) } clog.SetLevel(log.DebugLevel) bucketFactory.logger = clog.WithFields(log.Fields{ "cfg": bucketFactory.BucketName, "name": bucketFactory.Name, "file": bucketFactory.Filename, }) } else { /* else bind it to the default one (might find something more elegant here)*/ bucketFactory.logger = log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "cfg": bucketFactory.BucketName, "name": bucketFactory.Name, "file": bucketFactory.Filename, }) } if bucketFactory.LeakSpeed != "" { if bucketFactory.leakspeed, err = time.ParseDuration(bucketFactory.LeakSpeed); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("bad leakspeed '%s' in %s : %v", bucketFactory.LeakSpeed, bucketFactory.Filename, err) } } else { bucketFactory.leakspeed = time.Duration(0) } if bucketFactory.Duration != "" { if bucketFactory.duration, err = time.ParseDuration(bucketFactory.Duration); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid Duration '%s' in %s : %v", bucketFactory.Duration, bucketFactory.Filename, err) } } if bucketFactory.Filter == "" { bucketFactory.logger.Warning("Bucket without filter, abort.") return fmt.Errorf("bucket without filter directive") } bucketFactory.RunTimeFilter, err = expr.Compile(bucketFactory.Filter, expr.Env(exprhelpers.GetExprEnv(map[string]interface{}{"evt": &types.Event{}}))) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid filter '%s' in %s : %v", bucketFactory.Filter, bucketFactory.Filename, err) } if bucketFactory.Debug { bucketFactory.ExprDebugger, err = exprhelpers.NewDebugger(bucketFactory.Filter, expr.Env(exprhelpers.GetExprEnv(map[string]interface{}{"evt": &types.Event{}}))) if err != nil { log.Errorf("unable to build debug filter for '%s' : %s", bucketFactory.Filter, err) } } if bucketFactory.GroupBy != "" { bucketFactory.RunTimeGroupBy, err = expr.Compile(bucketFactory.GroupBy, expr.Env(exprhelpers.GetExprEnv(map[string]interface{}{"evt": &types.Event{}}))) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid groupby '%s' in %s : %v", bucketFactory.GroupBy, bucketFactory.Filename, err) } } bucketFactory.logger.Infof("Adding %s bucket", bucketFactory.Type) //return the Holder corresponding to the type of bucket bucketFactory.processors = []Processor{} switch bucketFactory.Type { case "leaky": bucketFactory.processors = append(bucketFactory.processors, &DumbProcessor{}) case "trigger": bucketFactory.processors = append(bucketFactory.processors, &Trigger{}) case "counter": bucketFactory.processors = append(bucketFactory.processors, &DumbProcessor{}) default: return fmt.Errorf("invalid type '%s' in %s : %v", bucketFactory.Type, bucketFactory.Filename, err) } if bucketFactory.Distinct != "" { bucketFactory.logger.Tracef("Adding a non duplicate filter on %s.", bucketFactory.Name) bucketFactory.processors = append(bucketFactory.processors, &Uniq{}) } if bucketFactory.CancelOnFilter != "" { bucketFactory.logger.Tracef("Adding a cancel_on filter on %s.", bucketFactory.Name) bucketFactory.processors = append(bucketFactory.processors, &CancelOnFilter{}) } if bucketFactory.OverflowFilter != "" { bucketFactory.logger.Tracef("Adding an overflow filter") filovflw, err := NewOverflowFilter(bucketFactory) if err != nil { bucketFactory.logger.Errorf("Error creating overflow_filter : %s", err) return fmt.Errorf("error creating overflow_filter : %s", err) } bucketFactory.processors = append(bucketFactory.processors, filovflw) } if bucketFactory.Blackhole != "" { bucketFactory.logger.Tracef("Adding blackhole.") blackhole, err := NewBlackhole(bucketFactory) if err != nil { bucketFactory.logger.Errorf("Error creating blackhole : %s", err) return fmt.Errorf("error creating blackhole : %s", err) } bucketFactory.processors = append(bucketFactory.processors, blackhole) } if len(bucketFactory.Data) > 0 { for _, data := range bucketFactory.Data { if data.DestPath == "" { bucketFactory.logger.Errorf("no dest_file provided for '%s'", bucketFactory.Name) continue } err = exprhelpers.FileInit(bucketFactory.DataDir, data.DestPath, data.Type) if err != nil { bucketFactory.logger.Errorf("unable to init data for file '%s': %s", data.DestPath, err) } } } bucketFactory.output = false if err := ValidateFactory(bucketFactory); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid bucket from %s : %v", bucketFactory.Filename, err) } bucketFactory.tomb = tomb return nil } func LoadBucketsState(file string, buckets *Buckets, bucketFactories []BucketFactory) error { var state map[string]Leaky body, err := os.ReadFile(file) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("can't state file %s : %s", file, err) } if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &state); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("can't unmarshal state file %s : %s", file, err) } for k, v := range state { var tbucket *Leaky log.Debugf("Reloading bucket %s", k) val, ok := buckets.Bucket_map.Load(k) if ok { log.Fatalf("key %s already exists : %+v", k, val) } //find back our holder found := false for _, h := range bucketFactories { if h.Name == v.Name { log.Debugf("found factory %s/%s -> %s", h.Author, h.Name, h.Description) //check in which mode the bucket was if v.Mode == TIMEMACHINE { tbucket = NewTimeMachine(h) } else if v.Mode == LIVE { tbucket = NewLeaky(h) } else { log.Errorf("Unknown bucket type : %d", v.Mode) } /*Trying to restore queue state*/ tbucket.Queue = v.Queue /*Trying to set the limiter to the saved values*/ tbucket.Limiter.Load(v.SerializedState) tbucket.In = make(chan *types.Event) tbucket.Mapkey = k tbucket.Signal = make(chan bool, 1) tbucket.First_ts = v.First_ts tbucket.Last_ts = v.Last_ts tbucket.Ovflw_ts = v.Ovflw_ts tbucket.Total_count = v.Total_count buckets.Bucket_map.Store(k, tbucket) h.tomb.Go(func() error { return LeakRoutine(tbucket) }) <-tbucket.Signal found = true break } } if !found { log.Fatalf("Unable to find holder for bucket %s : %s", k, spew.Sdump(v)) } } log.Infof("Restored %d buckets from dump", len(state)) return nil }