package cstest import ( "bufio" "fmt" "io" "os" "regexp" "sort" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" diff "" log "" "" ) type AssertFail struct { File string Line int Expression string Debug map[string]string } type ParserAssert struct { File string AutoGenAssert bool AutoGenAssertData string NbAssert int Fails []AssertFail Success bool TestData *ParserResults } type ParserResult struct { Evt types.Event Success bool } type ParserResults map[string]map[string][]ParserResult func NewParserAssert(file string) *ParserAssert { ParserAssert := &ParserAssert{ File: file, NbAssert: 0, Success: false, Fails: make([]AssertFail, 0), AutoGenAssert: false, TestData: &ParserResults{}, } return ParserAssert } func (p *ParserAssert) AutoGenFromFile(filename string) (string, error) { err := p.LoadTest(filename) if err != nil { return "", err } ret := p.AutoGenParserAssert() return ret, nil } func (p *ParserAssert) LoadTest(filename string) error { var err error parserDump, err := LoadParserDump(filename) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("loading parser dump file: %+v", err) } p.TestData = parserDump return nil } func (p *ParserAssert) AssertFile(testFile string) error { file, err := os.Open(p.File) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to open") } if err := p.LoadTest(testFile); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to load parser dump file '%s': %s", testFile, err) } scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file) scanner.Split(bufio.ScanLines) nbLine := 0 for scanner.Scan() { nbLine += 1 if scanner.Text() == "" { continue } ok, err := p.Run(scanner.Text()) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to run assert '%s': %+v", scanner.Text(), err) } p.NbAssert += 1 if !ok { log.Debugf("%s is FALSE", scanner.Text()) //fmt.SPrintf(" %s '%s'\n", emoji.RedSquare, scanner.Text()) failedAssert := &AssertFail{ File: p.File, Line: nbLine, Expression: scanner.Text(), Debug: make(map[string]string), } variableRE := regexp.MustCompile(`(?P[^ =]+) == .*`) match := variableRE.FindStringSubmatch(scanner.Text()) if len(match) == 0 { log.Infof("Couldn't get variable of line '%s'", scanner.Text()) } variable := match[1] result, err := p.EvalExpression(variable) if err != nil { log.Errorf("unable to evaluate variable '%s': %s", variable, err) continue } failedAssert.Debug[variable] = result p.Fails = append(p.Fails, *failedAssert) continue } //fmt.Printf(" %s '%s'\n", emoji.GreenSquare, scanner.Text()) } file.Close() if p.NbAssert == 0 { assertData, err := p.AutoGenFromFile(testFile) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("couldn't generate assertion: %s", err) } p.AutoGenAssertData = assertData p.AutoGenAssert = true } if len(p.Fails) == 0 { p.Success = true } return nil } func (p *ParserAssert) RunExpression(expression string) (interface{}, error) { var err error //debug doesn't make much sense with the ability to evaluate "on the fly" //var debugFilter *exprhelpers.ExprDebugger var runtimeFilter *vm.Program var output interface{} env := map[string]interface{}{"results": *p.TestData} if runtimeFilter, err = expr.Compile(expression, expr.Env(exprhelpers.GetExprEnv(env))); err != nil { return output, err } //dump opcode in trace level log.Tracef("%s", runtimeFilter.Disassemble()) output, err = expr.Run(runtimeFilter, exprhelpers.GetExprEnv(map[string]interface{}{"results": *p.TestData})) if err != nil { log.Warningf("running : %s", expression) log.Warningf("runtime error : %s", err) return output, errors.Wrapf(err, "while running expression %s", expression) } return output, nil } func (p *ParserAssert) EvalExpression(expression string) (string, error) { output, err := p.RunExpression(expression) if err != nil { return "", err } ret, err := yaml.Marshal(output) if err != nil { return "", err } return string(ret), nil } func (p *ParserAssert) Run(assert string) (bool, error) { output, err := p.RunExpression(assert) if err != nil { return false, err } switch out := output.(type) { case bool: return out, nil default: return false, fmt.Errorf("assertion '%s' is not a condition", assert) } } func Escape(val string) string { val = strings.ReplaceAll(val, `\`, `\\`) val = strings.ReplaceAll(val, `"`, `\"`) return val } func (p *ParserAssert) AutoGenParserAssert() string { //attempt to autogen parser asserts var ret string //sort map keys for consistent ordre var stages []string for stage := range *p.TestData { stages = append(stages, stage) } sort.Strings(stages) ret += fmt.Sprintf("len(results) == %d\n", len(*p.TestData)) for _, stage := range stages { parsers := (*p.TestData)[stage] //sort map keys for consistent ordre var pnames []string for pname := range parsers { pnames = append(pnames, pname) } sort.Strings(pnames) for _, parser := range pnames { presults := parsers[parser] ret += fmt.Sprintf(`len(results["%s"]["%s"]) == %d`+"\n", stage, parser, len(presults)) for pidx, result := range presults { ret += fmt.Sprintf(`results["%s"]["%s"][%d].Success == %t`+"\n", stage, parser, pidx, result.Success) if !result.Success { continue } for pkey, pval := range result.Evt.Parsed { if pval == "" { continue } ret += fmt.Sprintf(`results["%s"]["%s"][%d].Evt.Parsed["%s"] == "%s"`+"\n", stage, parser, pidx, pkey, Escape(pval)) } for mkey, mval := range result.Evt.Meta { if mval == "" { continue } ret += fmt.Sprintf(`results["%s"]["%s"][%d].Evt.Meta["%s"] == "%s"`+"\n", stage, parser, pidx, mkey, Escape(mval)) } for ekey, eval := range result.Evt.Enriched { if eval == "" { continue } ret += fmt.Sprintf(`results["%s"]["%s"][%d].Evt.Enriched["%s"] == "%s"`+"\n", stage, parser, pidx, ekey, Escape(eval)) } } } } return ret } func LoadParserDump(filepath string) (*ParserResults, error) { var pdump ParserResults dumpData, err := os.Open(filepath) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer dumpData.Close() results, err := io.ReadAll(dumpData) if err != nil { return nil, err } if err := yaml.Unmarshal(results, &pdump); err != nil { return nil, err } return &pdump, nil } type DumpOpts struct { Details bool SkipOk bool } func DumpTree(parser_results ParserResults, bucket_pour BucketPourInfo, opts DumpOpts) { //note : we can use line -> time as the unique identifier (of acquisition) state := make(map[time.Time]map[string]map[string]ParserResult) assoc := make(map[time.Time]string, 0) for stage, parsers := range parser_results { for parser, results := range parsers { for _, parser_res := range results { evt := parser_res.Evt if _, ok := state[evt.Line.Time]; !ok { state[evt.Line.Time] = make(map[string]map[string]ParserResult) assoc[evt.Line.Time] = evt.Line.Raw } if _, ok := state[evt.Line.Time][stage]; !ok { state[evt.Line.Time][stage] = make(map[string]ParserResult) } state[evt.Line.Time][stage][parser] = ParserResult{Evt: evt, Success: parser_res.Success} } } } for bname, evtlist := range bucket_pour { for _, evt := range evtlist { if evt.Line.Raw == "" { continue } //it might be bucket overflow being reprocessed, skip this if _, ok := state[evt.Line.Time]; !ok { state[evt.Line.Time] = make(map[string]map[string]ParserResult) assoc[evt.Line.Time] = evt.Line.Raw } //there is a trick : to know if an event successfully exit the parsers, we check if it reached the pour() phase //we thus use a fake stage "buckets" and a fake parser "OK" to know if it entered if _, ok := state[evt.Line.Time]["buckets"]; !ok { state[evt.Line.Time]["buckets"] = make(map[string]ParserResult) } state[evt.Line.Time]["buckets"][bname] = ParserResult{Success: true} } } yellow := color.New(color.FgYellow).SprintFunc() red := color.New(color.FgRed).SprintFunc() green := color.New(color.FgGreen).SprintFunc() //get each line for tstamp, rawstr := range assoc { if opts.SkipOk { if _, ok := state[tstamp]["buckets"]["OK"]; ok { continue } } fmt.Printf("line: %s\n", rawstr) skeys := make([]string, 0, len(state[tstamp])) for k := range state[tstamp] { //there is a trick : to know if an event successfully exit the parsers, we check if it reached the pour() phase //we thus use a fake stage "buckets" and a fake parser "OK" to know if it entered if k == "buckets" { continue } skeys = append(skeys, k) } sort.Strings(skeys) //iterate stage var prev_item types.Event for _, stage := range skeys { parsers := state[tstamp][stage] sep := "├" presep := "|" fmt.Printf("\t%s %s\n", sep, stage) pkeys := make([]string, 0, len(parsers)) for k := range parsers { pkeys = append(pkeys, k) } sort.Strings(pkeys) for idx, parser := range pkeys { res := parsers[parser].Success sep := "├" if idx == len(pkeys)-1 { sep = "└" } created := 0 updated := 0 deleted := 0 whitelisted := false changeStr := "" detailsDisplay := "" if res { if prev_item.Stage == "" { changeStr = "first_parser" } else { changelog, _ := diff.Diff(prev_item, parsers[parser].Evt) for _, change := range changelog { switch change.Type { case "create": created++ detailsDisplay += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s\t\t%s %s evt.%s : %s\n", presep, sep, change.Type, strings.Join(change.Path, "."), green(change.To)) case "update": detailsDisplay += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s\t\t%s %s evt.%s : %s -> %s\n", presep, sep, change.Type, strings.Join(change.Path, "."), change.From, yellow(change.To)) if change.Path[0] == "Whitelisted" && change.To == true { whitelisted = true } updated++ case "delete": deleted++ detailsDisplay += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s\t\t%s %s evt.%s\n", presep, sep, change.Type, red(strings.Join(change.Path, "."))) } } } prev_item = parsers[parser].Evt } if created > 0 { changeStr += green(fmt.Sprintf("+%d", created)) } if updated > 0 { if len(changeStr) > 0 { changeStr += " " } changeStr += yellow(fmt.Sprintf("~%d", updated)) } if deleted > 0 { if len(changeStr) > 0 { changeStr += " " } changeStr += red(fmt.Sprintf("-%d", deleted)) } if whitelisted { if len(changeStr) > 0 { changeStr += " " } changeStr += red("[whitelisted]") } if changeStr == "" { changeStr = yellow("unchanged") } if res { fmt.Printf("\t%s\t%s %s %s (%s)\n", presep, sep, emoji.GreenCircle, parser, changeStr) if opts.Details { fmt.Print(detailsDisplay) } } else { fmt.Printf("\t%s\t%s %s %s\n", presep, sep, emoji.RedCircle, parser) } } } sep := "└" if len(state[tstamp]["buckets"]) > 0 { sep = "├" } //did the event enter the bucket pour phase ? if _, ok := state[tstamp]["buckets"]["OK"]; ok { fmt.Printf("\t%s-------- parser success %s\n", sep, emoji.GreenCircle) } else { fmt.Printf("\t%s-------- parser failure %s\n", sep, emoji.RedCircle) } //now print bucket info if len(state[tstamp]["buckets"]) > 0 { fmt.Printf("\t├ Scenarios\n") } bnames := make([]string, 0, len(state[tstamp]["buckets"])) for k := range state[tstamp]["buckets"] { //there is a trick : to know if an event successfully exit the parsers, we check if it reached the pour() phase //we thus use a fake stage "buckets" and a fake parser "OK" to know if it entered if k == "OK" { continue } bnames = append(bnames, k) } sort.Strings(bnames) for idx, bname := range bnames { sep := "├" if idx == len(bnames)-1 { sep = "└" } fmt.Printf("\t\t%s %s %s\n", sep, emoji.GreenCircle, bname) } fmt.Println() } }