
210 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env bats
# vim: ft=bats:list:ts=8:sts=4:sw=4:et:ai:si:
set -u
setup_file() {
load "../lib/"
teardown_file() {
load "../lib/"
setup() {
load "../lib/"
./instance-data load
./instance-crowdsec start
teardown() {
./instance-crowdsec stop
# to silence shellcheck
declare stderr
2022-03-31 14:50:38 +00:00
@test "$FILE cscli - usage" {
run -0 cscli
assert_output --partial "Usage:"
assert_output --partial "cscli [command]"
assert_output --partial "Available Commands:"
@test "$FILE cscli version" {
run -0 cscli version
assert_output --partial "version:"
assert_output --partial "Codename:"
assert_output --partial "BuildDate:"
assert_output --partial "GoVersion:"
assert_output --partial "Platform:"
assert_output --partial "Constraint_parser:"
assert_output --partial "Constraint_scenario:"
assert_output --partial "Constraint_api:"
assert_output --partial "Constraint_acquis:"
# should work without configuration file
run -0 cscli version
assert_output --partial "version:"
@test "$FILE cscli help" {
run -0 cscli help
assert_line "Available Commands:"
assert_line --regexp ".* help .* Help about any command"
# should work without configuration file
run -0 cscli help
assert_line "Available Commands:"
@test "$FILE cscli alerts list: at startup returns at least one entry: community pull" {
is_db_postgres && skip
# it should have been received while preparing the fixture
run -0 cscli alerts list -o json
run -0 jq -r '. | length' <(output)
refute_output 0
# if we want to trigger it here, we'll have to remove decisions, restart crowdsec and wait like this:
# loop_max=15
# for ((i = 0; i <= loop_max; i++)); do
# sleep 2
# run -0 cscli alerts list -o json
# [ "$output" != "null" ] && break
# done
# run -0 jq -r '. | length' <(output)
# refute_output 0
@test "$FILE cscli capi status" {
run -0 cscli capi status
assert_output --partial "Loaded credentials from"
assert_output --partial "Trying to authenticate with username"
assert_output --partial " on"
assert_output --partial "You can successfully interact with Central API (CAPI)"
@test "$FILE cscli config show -o human" {
run -0 cscli config show -o human
assert_output --partial "Global:"
assert_output --partial "Crowdsec:"
assert_output --partial "cscli:"
assert_output --partial "Local API Server:"
@test "$FILE cscli config show -o json" {
run -0 cscli config show -o json
assert_output --partial '"API":'
assert_output --partial '"Common":'
assert_output --partial '"ConfigPaths":'
assert_output --partial '"Crowdsec":'
assert_output --partial '"Cscli":'
assert_output --partial '"DbConfig":'
assert_output --partial '"Hub":'
assert_output --partial '"PluginConfig":'
assert_output --partial '"Prometheus":'
@test "$FILE cscli config show -o raw" {
run -0 cscli config show -o raw
assert_line "api:"
assert_line "common:"
assert_line "config_paths:"
assert_line "crowdsec_service:"
assert_line "cscli:"
assert_line "db_config:"
assert_line "plugin_config:"
assert_line "prometheus:"
@test "$FILE cscli config show --key" {
run -0 cscli config show --key Config.API.Server.ListenURI
assert_output ""
@test "$FILE cscli config backup" {
2022-03-10 11:19:02 +00:00
backupdir=$(TMPDIR="${BATS_TEST_TMPDIR}" mktemp -u)
run -0 cscli config backup "${backupdir}"
assert_output --partial "Starting configuration backup"
2022-03-10 11:19:02 +00:00
run -1 --separate-stderr cscli config backup "${backupdir}"
run -0 echo "$stderr"
assert_output --partial "Failed to backup configurations"
assert_output --partial "file exists"
2022-03-10 11:19:02 +00:00
rm -rf -- "${backupdir:?}"
@test "$FILE cscli lapi status" {
if is_db_postgres; then sleep 4; fi
run -0 --separate-stderr cscli lapi status
run -0 echo "$stderr"
assert_output --partial "Loaded credentials from"
assert_output --partial "Trying to authenticate with username"
assert_output --partial " on"
assert_output --partial "You can successfully interact with Local API (LAPI)"
@test "$FILE cscli metrics" {
run -0 cscli lapi status
run -0 --separate-stderr cscli metrics
assert_output --partial "ROUTE"
assert_output --partial '/v1/watchers/login'
run -0 echo "$stderr"
assert_output --partial "Local Api Metrics:"
@test "$FILE 'cscli completion' with or without configuration file" {
run -0 cscli completion bash
assert_output --partial "# bash completion for cscli"
run -0 cscli completion zsh
assert_output --partial "# zsh completion for cscli"
run -0 cscli completion bash
assert_output --partial "# bash completion for cscli"
run -0 cscli completion zsh
assert_output --partial "# zsh completion for cscli"
@test "$FILE cscli hub list" {
# we check for the presence of some objects. There may be others when we
# use $PACKAGE_TESTING, so the order is not important.
run -0 cscli hub list -o human
assert_line --regexp '^ crowdsecurity/linux'
assert_line --regexp '^ crowdsecurity/sshd'
assert_line --regexp '^ crowdsecurity/dateparse-enrich'
assert_line --regexp '^ crowdsecurity/geoip-enrich'
assert_line --regexp '^ crowdsecurity/sshd-logs'
assert_line --regexp '^ crowdsecurity/syslog-logs'
assert_line --regexp '^ crowdsecurity/ssh-bf'
assert_line --regexp '^ crowdsecurity/ssh-slow-bf'
run -0 cscli hub list -o raw
assert_line --regexp '^crowdsecurity/linux,enabled,[0-9]+\.[0-9]+,core linux support : syslog\+geoip\+ssh,collections$'
assert_line --regexp '^crowdsecurity/sshd,enabled,[0-9]+\.[0-9]+,sshd support : parser and brute-force detection,collections$'
assert_line --regexp '^crowdsecurity/dateparse-enrich,enabled,[0-9]+\.[0-9]+,,parsers$'
assert_line --regexp '^crowdsecurity/geoip-enrich,enabled,[0-9]+\.[0-9]+,"Populate event with geoloc info : as, country, coords, source range.",parsers$'
assert_line --regexp '^crowdsecurity/sshd-logs,enabled,[0-9]+\.[0-9]+,Parse openSSH logs,parsers$'
assert_line --regexp '^crowdsecurity/syslog-logs,enabled,[0-9]+\.[0-9]+,,parsers$'
assert_line --regexp '^crowdsecurity/ssh-bf,enabled,[0-9]+\.[0-9]+,Detect ssh bruteforce,scenarios$'
assert_line --regexp '^crowdsecurity/ssh-slow-bf,enabled,[0-9]+\.[0-9]+,Detect slow ssh bruteforce,scenarios$'
run -0 cscli hub list -o json
run jq -r '.collections[].name, .parsers[].name, .scenarios[].name' <(output)
assert_line 'crowdsecurity/linux'
assert_line 'crowdsecurity/sshd'
assert_line 'crowdsecurity/dateparse-enrich'
assert_line 'crowdsecurity/geoip-enrich'
assert_line 'crowdsecurity/sshd-logs'
assert_line 'crowdsecurity/syslog-logs'
assert_line 'crowdsecurity/ssh-bf'
assert_line 'crowdsecurity/ssh-slow-bf'