
446 lines
15 KiB
Raw Normal View History

package main
import (
log ""
var printMachine bool
var limit *int
func DecisionsFromAlert(alert *models.Alert) string {
ret := ""
var decMap = make(map[string]int)
for _, decision := range alert.Decisions {
k := *decision.Type
if *decision.Simulated {
k = fmt.Sprintf("(simul)%s", k)
v := decMap[k]
decMap[k] = v + 1
for k, v := range decMap {
if len(ret) > 0 {
ret += " "
ret += fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", k, v)
return ret
func AlertsToTable(alerts *models.GetAlertsResponse, printMachine bool) error {
if csConfig.Cscli.Output == "raw" {
csvwriter := csv.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
header := []string{"id", "scope", "value", "reason", "country", "as", "decisions", "created_at"}
if printMachine {
header = append(header, "machine")
err := csvwriter.Write(header)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, alertItem := range *alerts {
row := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("%d", alertItem.ID),
if printMachine {
row = append(row, alertItem.MachineID)
err := csvwriter.Write(row)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if csConfig.Cscli.Output == "json" {
x, _ := json.MarshalIndent(alerts, "", " ")
fmt.Printf("%s", string(x))
} else if csConfig.Cscli.Output == "human" {
if len(*alerts) == 0 {
fmt.Println("No active alerts")
return nil
alertsTable(color.Output, alerts, printMachine)
return nil
func DisplayOneAlert(alert *models.Alert, withDetail bool) error {
if csConfig.Cscli.Output == "human" {
scopeAndValue := *alert.Source.Scope
if *alert.Source.Value != "" {
scopeAndValue += ":" + *alert.Source.Value
fmt.Printf(" - ID : %d\n", alert.ID)
fmt.Printf(" - Date : %s\n", alert.CreatedAt)
fmt.Printf(" - Machine : %s\n", alert.MachineID)
fmt.Printf(" - Simulation : %v\n", *alert.Simulated)
fmt.Printf(" - Reason : %s\n", *alert.Scenario)
fmt.Printf(" - Events Count : %d\n", *alert.EventsCount)
fmt.Printf(" - Scope:Value: %s\n", scopeAndValue)
fmt.Printf(" - Country : %s\n", alert.Source.Cn)
fmt.Printf(" - AS : %s\n", alert.Source.AsName)
fmt.Printf(" - Begin : %s\n", *alert.StartAt)
fmt.Printf(" - End : %s\n\n", *alert.StopAt)
alertDecisionsTable(color.Output, alert)
if withDetail {
fmt.Printf("\n - Events :\n")
for _, event := range alert.Events {
alertEventTable(color.Output, event)
return nil
func NewAlertsCmd() *cobra.Command {
var cmdAlerts = &cobra.Command{
2021-09-03 10:56:17 +00:00
Use: "alerts [action]",
Short: "Manage alerts",
Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1),
DisableAutoGenTag: true,
PersistentPreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
var err error
if err := csConfig.LoadAPIClient(); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "loading api client")
apiURL, err := url.Parse(csConfig.API.Client.Credentials.URL)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "parsing api url %s", apiURL)
Client, err = apiclient.NewClient(&apiclient.Config{
MachineID: csConfig.API.Client.Credentials.Login,
Password: strfmt.Password(csConfig.API.Client.Credentials.Password),
UserAgent: fmt.Sprintf("crowdsec/%s", cwversion.VersionStr()),
URL: apiURL,
VersionPrefix: "v1",
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "new api client")
return nil
var alertListFilter = apiclient.AlertsListOpts{
ScopeEquals: new(string),
ValueEquals: new(string),
ScenarioEquals: new(string),
IPEquals: new(string),
RangeEquals: new(string),
Since: new(string),
Until: new(string),
TypeEquals: new(string),
IncludeCAPI: new(bool),
limit = new(int)
contained := new(bool)
var cmdAlertsList = &cobra.Command{
Use: "list [filters]",
Short: "List alerts",
Example: `cscli alerts list
cscli alerts list --ip
cscli alerts list --range
cscli alerts list -s crowdsecurity/ssh-bf
cscli alerts list --type ban`,
DisableAutoGenTag: true,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
var err error
if err := manageCliDecisionAlerts(alertListFilter.IPEquals, alertListFilter.RangeEquals,
alertListFilter.ScopeEquals, alertListFilter.ValueEquals); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("%s", err)
if limit != nil {
alertListFilter.Limit = limit
if *alertListFilter.Until == "" {
alertListFilter.Until = nil
} else if strings.HasSuffix(*alertListFilter.Until, "d") {
/*time.ParseDuration support hours 'h' as bigger unit, let's make the user's life easier*/
realDuration := strings.TrimSuffix(*alertListFilter.Until, "d")
days, err := strconv.Atoi(realDuration)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Can't parse duration %s, valid durations format: 1d, 4h, 4h15m", *alertListFilter.Until)
*alertListFilter.Until = fmt.Sprintf("%d%s", days*24, "h")
if *alertListFilter.Since == "" {
alertListFilter.Since = nil
} else if strings.HasSuffix(*alertListFilter.Since, "d") {
/*time.ParseDuration support hours 'h' as bigger unit, let's make the user's life easier*/
realDuration := strings.TrimSuffix(*alertListFilter.Since, "d")
days, err := strconv.Atoi(realDuration)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Can't parse duration %s, valid durations format: 1d, 4h, 4h15m", *alertListFilter.Since)
*alertListFilter.Since = fmt.Sprintf("%d%s", days*24, "h")
if *alertListFilter.IncludeCAPI {
*alertListFilter.Limit = 0
if *alertListFilter.TypeEquals == "" {
alertListFilter.TypeEquals = nil
if *alertListFilter.ScopeEquals == "" {
alertListFilter.ScopeEquals = nil
if *alertListFilter.ValueEquals == "" {
alertListFilter.ValueEquals = nil
if *alertListFilter.ScenarioEquals == "" {
alertListFilter.ScenarioEquals = nil
if *alertListFilter.IPEquals == "" {
alertListFilter.IPEquals = nil
if *alertListFilter.RangeEquals == "" {
alertListFilter.RangeEquals = nil
if contained != nil && *contained {
alertListFilter.Contains = new(bool)
alerts, _, err := Client.Alerts.List(context.Background(), alertListFilter)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to list alerts : %v", err)
err = AlertsToTable(alerts, printMachine)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("unable to list alerts : %v", err)
cmdAlertsList.Flags().SortFlags = false
cmdAlertsList.Flags().BoolVarP(alertListFilter.IncludeCAPI, "all", "a", false, "Include decisions from Central API")
cmdAlertsList.Flags().StringVar(alertListFilter.Until, "until", "", "restrict to alerts older than until (ie. 4h, 30d)")
cmdAlertsList.Flags().StringVar(alertListFilter.Since, "since", "", "restrict to alerts newer than since (ie. 4h, 30d)")
cmdAlertsList.Flags().StringVarP(alertListFilter.IPEquals, "ip", "i", "", "restrict to alerts from this source ip (shorthand for --scope ip --value <IP>)")
cmdAlertsList.Flags().StringVarP(alertListFilter.ScenarioEquals, "scenario", "s", "", "the scenario (ie. crowdsecurity/ssh-bf)")
cmdAlertsList.Flags().StringVarP(alertListFilter.RangeEquals, "range", "r", "", "restrict to alerts from this range (shorthand for --scope range --value <RANGE/X>)")
cmdAlertsList.Flags().StringVar(alertListFilter.TypeEquals, "type", "", "restrict to alerts with given decision type (ie. ban, captcha)")
cmdAlertsList.Flags().StringVar(alertListFilter.ScopeEquals, "scope", "", "restrict to alerts of this scope (ie. ip,range)")
cmdAlertsList.Flags().StringVarP(alertListFilter.ValueEquals, "value", "v", "", "the value to match for in the specified scope")
cmdAlertsList.Flags().BoolVar(contained, "contained", false, "query decisions contained by range")
cmdAlertsList.Flags().BoolVarP(&printMachine, "machine", "m", false, "print machines that sent alerts")
cmdAlertsList.Flags().IntVarP(limit, "limit", "l", 50, "limit size of alerts list table (0 to view all alerts)")
var ActiveDecision *bool
var AlertDeleteAll bool
var delAlertByID string
var alertDeleteFilter = apiclient.AlertsDeleteOpts{
ScopeEquals: new(string),
ValueEquals: new(string),
ScenarioEquals: new(string),
IPEquals: new(string),
RangeEquals: new(string),
var cmdAlertsDelete = &cobra.Command{
Use: "delete [filters] [--all]",
Short: `Delete alerts
/!\ This command can be use only on the same machine than the local API.`,
Example: `cscli alerts delete --ip
cscli alerts delete --range
cscli alerts delete -s crowdsecurity/ssh-bf"`,
DisableAutoGenTag: true,
Aliases: []string{"remove"},
Args: cobra.ExactArgs(0),
PreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
if AlertDeleteAll {
if *alertDeleteFilter.ScopeEquals == "" && *alertDeleteFilter.ValueEquals == "" &&
*alertDeleteFilter.ScenarioEquals == "" && *alertDeleteFilter.IPEquals == "" &&
*alertDeleteFilter.RangeEquals == "" && delAlertByID == "" {
_ = cmd.Usage()
log.Fatalln("At least one filter or --all must be specified")
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
var err error
if !AlertDeleteAll {
if err := manageCliDecisionAlerts(alertDeleteFilter.IPEquals, alertDeleteFilter.RangeEquals,
alertDeleteFilter.ScopeEquals, alertDeleteFilter.ValueEquals); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("%s", err)
if ActiveDecision != nil {
alertDeleteFilter.ActiveDecisionEquals = ActiveDecision
if *alertDeleteFilter.ScopeEquals == "" {
alertDeleteFilter.ScopeEquals = nil
if *alertDeleteFilter.ValueEquals == "" {
alertDeleteFilter.ValueEquals = nil
if *alertDeleteFilter.ScenarioEquals == "" {
alertDeleteFilter.ScenarioEquals = nil
if *alertDeleteFilter.IPEquals == "" {
alertDeleteFilter.IPEquals = nil
if *alertDeleteFilter.RangeEquals == "" {
alertDeleteFilter.RangeEquals = nil
if contained != nil && *contained {
alertDeleteFilter.Contains = new(bool)
2022-10-07 10:40:30 +00:00
limit := 0
alertDeleteFilter.Limit = &limit
} else {
limit := 0
alertDeleteFilter = apiclient.AlertsDeleteOpts{Limit: &limit}
var alerts *models.DeleteAlertsResponse
if delAlertByID == "" {
alerts, _, err = Client.Alerts.Delete(context.Background(), alertDeleteFilter)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to delete alerts : %v", err)
} else {
alerts, _, err = Client.Alerts.DeleteOne(context.Background(), delAlertByID)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to delete alert : %v", err)
log.Infof("%s alert(s) deleted", alerts.NbDeleted)
cmdAlertsDelete.Flags().SortFlags = false
cmdAlertsDelete.Flags().StringVar(alertDeleteFilter.ScopeEquals, "scope", "", "the scope (ie. ip,range)")
cmdAlertsDelete.Flags().StringVarP(alertDeleteFilter.ValueEquals, "value", "v", "", "the value to match for in the specified scope")
cmdAlertsDelete.Flags().StringVarP(alertDeleteFilter.ScenarioEquals, "scenario", "s", "", "the scenario (ie. crowdsecurity/ssh-bf)")
cmdAlertsDelete.Flags().StringVarP(alertDeleteFilter.IPEquals, "ip", "i", "", "Source ip (shorthand for --scope ip --value <IP>)")
cmdAlertsDelete.Flags().StringVarP(alertDeleteFilter.RangeEquals, "range", "r", "", "Range source ip (shorthand for --scope range --value <RANGE>)")
cmdAlertsDelete.Flags().StringVar(&delAlertByID, "id", "", "alert ID")
cmdAlertsDelete.Flags().BoolVarP(&AlertDeleteAll, "all", "a", false, "delete all alerts")
cmdAlertsDelete.Flags().BoolVar(contained, "contained", false, "query decisions contained by range")
var details bool
var cmdAlertsInspect = &cobra.Command{
Use: `inspect "alert_id"`,
Short: `Show info about an alert`,
Example: `cscli alerts inspect 123`,
DisableAutoGenTag: true,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
if len(args) == 0 {
for _, alertID := range args {
id, err := strconv.Atoi(alertID)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("bad alert id %s", alertID)
alert, _, err := Client.Alerts.GetByID(context.Background(), id)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("can't find alert with id %s: %s", alertID, err)
switch csConfig.Cscli.Output {
case "human":
if err := DisplayOneAlert(alert, details); err != nil {
case "json":
data, err := json.MarshalIndent(alert, "", " ")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("unable to marshal alert with id %s: %s", alertID, err)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", string(data))
case "raw":
data, err := yaml.Marshal(alert)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("unable to marshal alert with id %s: %s", alertID, err)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", string(data))
cmdAlertsInspect.Flags().SortFlags = false
cmdAlertsInspect.Flags().BoolVarP(&details, "details", "d", false, "show alerts with events")
var maxItems int
var maxAge string
var cmdAlertsFlush = &cobra.Command{
Use: `flush`,
Short: `Flush alerts
/!\ This command can be used only on the same machine than the local API`,
Example: `cscli alerts flush --max-items 1000 --max-age 7d`,
DisableAutoGenTag: true,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
var err error
if err := csConfig.LoadAPIServer(); err != nil || csConfig.DisableAPI {
log.Fatal("Local API is disabled, please run this command on the local API machine")
if err := csConfig.LoadDBConfig(); err != nil {
2022-11-29 08:16:07 +00:00
dbClient, err = database.NewClient(csConfig.DbConfig)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("unable to create new database client: %s", err)
log.Info("Flushing alerts. !! This may take a long time !!")
err = dbClient.FlushAlerts(maxAge, maxItems)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("unable to flush alerts: %s", err)
log.Info("Alerts flushed")
cmdAlertsFlush.Flags().SortFlags = false
cmdAlertsFlush.Flags().IntVar(&maxItems, "max-items", 5000, "Maximum number of alert items to keep in the database")
cmdAlertsFlush.Flags().StringVar(&maxAge, "max-age", "7d", "Maximum age of alert items to keep in the database")
return cmdAlerts