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#!/usr/bin/env bats
# vim: ft=bats:list:ts=8:sts=4:sw=4:et:ai:si:
set -u
setup_file() {
load "../lib/"
./instance-data load
INDEX_PATH=$(config_get '.config_paths.index_path')
CONFIG_DIR=$(config_get '.config_paths.config_dir')
teardown_file() {
load "../lib/"
setup() {
load "../lib/"
load "../lib/bats-file/load.bash"
./instance-data load
teardown() {
./instance-crowdsec stop
@test "cscli collections (dependencies)" {
# inject a dependency: smb requires sshd
hub_dep=$(jq <"$INDEX_PATH" '. * {collections:{"crowdsecurity/smb":{collections:["crowdsecurity/sshd"]}}}')
echo "$hub_dep" >"$INDEX_PATH"
# verify that installing smb brings sshd
rune -0 cscli collections install crowdsecurity/smb
rune -0 cscli collections list -o json
rune -0 jq -e '[.collections[].name]==["crowdsecurity/smb","crowdsecurity/sshd"]' <(output)
# verify that removing smb removes sshd too
rune -0 cscli collections remove crowdsecurity/smb
rune -0 cscli collections list -o json
rune -0 jq -e '.collections | length == 0' <(output)
# we can't remove sshd without --force
rune -0 cscli collections install crowdsecurity/smb
# XXX: should this be an error?
rune -0 cscli collections remove crowdsecurity/sshd
assert_stderr --partial "crowdsecurity/sshd belongs to collections: [crowdsecurity/smb]"
assert_stderr --partial "Run 'sudo cscli collections remove crowdsecurity/sshd --force' if you want to force remove this collection"
rune -0 cscli collections list -o json
rune -0 jq -c '[.collections[].name]' <(output)
assert_json '["crowdsecurity/smb","crowdsecurity/sshd"]'
# use the --force
rune -0 cscli collections remove crowdsecurity/sshd --force
rune -0 cscli collections list -o json
rune -0 jq -c '[.collections[].name]' <(output)
assert_json '["crowdsecurity/smb"]'
# and now smb is tainted!
rune -0 cscli collections inspect crowdsecurity/smb -o json
rune -0 jq -e '.tainted==true' <(output)
rune -0 cscli collections remove crowdsecurity/smb --force
# empty
rune -0 cscli collections list -o json
rune -0 jq -e '.collections | length == 0' <(output)
# reinstall
rune -0 cscli collections install crowdsecurity/smb --force
# taint on sshd means smb is tainted as well
rune -0 cscli collections inspect crowdsecurity/smb -o json
rune -0 jq -e '.tainted==false' <(output)
echo "dirty" >"$CONFIG_DIR/collections/sshd.yaml"
rune -0 cscli collections inspect crowdsecurity/smb -o json
rune -0 jq -e '.tainted==true' <(output)
# now we can't remove smb without --force
rune -1 cscli collections remove crowdsecurity/smb
assert_stderr --partial "crowdsecurity/smb is tainted, use '--force' to remove"
@test "cscli collections (dependencies II: the revenge)" {
rune -0 cscli collections install crowdsecurity/wireguard baudneo/gotify
rune -0 cscli collections remove crowdsecurity/wireguard
assert_stderr --partial "crowdsecurity/syslog-logs was not removed because it also belongs to baudneo/gotify"
rune -0 cscli collections inspect crowdsecurity/wireguard -o json
rune -0 jq -e '.installed==false' <(output)
@test "cscli collections (dependencies III: origins)" {
# it is perfectly fine to remove an item belonging to a collection that we are removing anyway
# inject a dependency: sshd requires the syslog-logs parsers, but linux does too
hub_dep=$(jq <"$INDEX_PATH" '. * {collections:{"crowdsecurity/sshd":{parsers:["crowdsecurity/syslog-logs"]}}}')
echo "$hub_dep" >"$INDEX_PATH"
# verify that installing sshd brings syslog-logs
rune -0 cscli collections install crowdsecurity/sshd
rune -0 cscli parsers inspect crowdsecurity/syslog-logs -o json
rune -0 jq -e '.installed==true' <(output)
rune -0 cscli collections install crowdsecurity/linux
# removing linux should remove syslog-logs even though sshd depends on it
rune -0 cscli collections remove crowdsecurity/linux
refute_stderr --partial "crowdsecurity/syslog-logs was not removed"
rune -0 cscli parsers list -o json
rune -0 jq -e '.parsers | length == 0' <(output)
@test "cscli collections (dependencies IV: looper)" {
hub_dep=$(jq <"$INDEX_PATH" '. * {collections:{"crowdsecurity/sshd":{collections:["crowdsecurity/linux"]}}}')
echo "$hub_dep" >"$INDEX_PATH"
rune -1 cscli hub list
assert_stderr --partial "circular dependency detected"
rune -1 wait-for "${CROWDSEC}"
assert_stderr --partial "circular dependency detected"