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#!/usr/bin/env bash
2022-06-15 13:36:36 +00:00
# this should have effect globally, for all tests
2022-06-22 08:29:02 +00:00
2022-06-15 13:36:36 +00:00
bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
debug() {
echo 'exec 1<&-; exec 2<&-; exec 1>&3; exec 2>&1'
export -f debug
# redirects stdout and stderr to &3 otherwise the errors in setup, teardown would
# go unreported.
# BUT - don't do this in test functions. Everything written to stdout and
# stderr after this line will go to the terminal, but in the tests, these
# are supposed to be collected and shown only in case of test failure
# (see options --print-output-on-failure and --show-output-of-passing-tests)
eval "$(debug)"
# Allow tests to use relative paths for helper scripts.
# shellcheck disable=SC2164
cd "${TEST_DIR}"
export PATH="${TEST_DIR}/bin:${PATH}"
# complain if there's a crowdsec running system-wide or leftover from a previous test
2022-10-04 13:58:10 +00:00
# we can prepend the filename to the test descriptions (useful to feed a TAP consumer)
if [[ "${PREFIX_TEST_NAMES_WITH_FILE:-false}" == "true" ]]; then
# before bats 1.7, we did that by hand
export FILE
# the variables exported here can be seen in other setup/teardown/test functions
# MYVAR=something
# export MYVAR
# functions too
cscli() {
"${CSCLI}" "$@"
export -f cscli
config_get() {
2022-10-07 14:17:36 +00:00
local cfg="${CONFIG_YAML}"
if [[ $# -ge 2 ]]; then
yq e "$1" "${cfg}"
export -f config_get
config_set() {
2022-10-07 14:17:36 +00:00
local cfg="${CONFIG_YAML}"
if [[ $# -ge 2 ]]; then
yq e "$1" -i "${cfg}"
export -f config_set
config_disable_agent() {
config_set '.crowdsec_service.enable=false'
# this should be equivalent to:
# config_set 'del(.crowdsec_service)'
export -f config_disable_agent
2023-01-17 11:12:46 +00:00
config_log_stderr() {
config_set '.common.log_media="stdout"'
export -f config_log_stderr
config_disable_lapi() {
config_set '.api.server.enable=false'
# this should be equivalent to:
# config_set 'del(.api.server)'
export -f config_disable_lapi
config_disable_capi() {
config_set 'del(.api.server.online_client)'
export -f config_disable_capi
config_enable_capi() {
online_api_credentials="$(dirname "${CONFIG_YAML}")/online_api_credentials.yaml" \
config_set '.api.server.online_client.credentials_path=strenv(online_api_credentials)'
export -f config_enable_capi
# We use these functions like this:
# somecommand <(stderr)
# to provide a standard input to "somecommand".
# The alternatives echo "$stderr" or <<<"$stderr"
# ("here string" in bash jargon)
# are worse because they add a newline,
# even if the variable is empty.
# shellcheck disable=SC2154
stderr() {
printf '%s' "${stderr}"
export -f stderr
# shellcheck disable=SC2154
output() {
printf '%s' "${output}"
export -f output
is_package_testing() {
[[ "$PACKAGE_TESTING" != "" ]]
export -f is_package_testing
is_db_postgres() {
[[ "$DB_BACKEND" =~ ^postgres|pgx$ ]]
export -f is_db_postgres
is_db_mysql() {
[[ "$DB_BACKEND" == "mysql" ]]
export -f is_db_mysql
is_db_sqlite() {
[[ "$DB_BACKEND" == "sqlite" ]]
export -f is_db_sqlite
crowdsec_log() {
echo "$(config_get .common.log_dir)"/crowdsec.log
export -f crowdsec_log
truncate_log() {
true > "$(crowdsec_log)"
export -f truncate_log
assert_log() {
local oldout="${output:-}"
output="$(cat "$(crowdsec_log)")"
assert_output "$@"
export -f assert_log
2022-10-07 14:17:36 +00:00
# Compare ignoring the key order, and allow "expected" without quoted identifiers.
# Preserve the output variable in case the following commands require it.
assert_json() {
2022-10-07 14:17:36 +00:00
local oldout="${output}"
# validate actual, sort
run -0 jq -Sen "${output}"
local actual="${output}"
# handle stdin, quote identifiers, sort
local expected="$1"
if [[ "${expected}" == "-" ]]; then
run -0 jq -Sn "${expected}"
#shellcheck disable=SC2016
run jq -ne --argjson a "${actual}" --argjson b "${expected}" '$a == $b'
#shellcheck disable=SC2154
if [[ "${status}" -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "expect: $(jq -c <<<"${expected}")"
echo "actual: $(jq -c <<<"${actual}")"
diff <(echo "${actual}") <(echo "${expected}")
fail "json does not match"
2022-10-07 14:17:36 +00:00
export -f assert_json
2022-10-07 14:17:36 +00:00
# Check if there's something on stdin by consuming it. Only use this as a way
# to check if something was passed by mistake, since if you read it, it will be
# incomplete.
is_stdin_empty() {
if read -r -t 0.1; then
2022-10-07 14:17:36 +00:00
return 1
return 0
export -f is_stdin_empty
assert_stderr() {
2022-10-07 14:17:36 +00:00
# it is never useful to call this without arguments
if [[ "$#" -eq 0 ]]; then
# maybe the caller forgot to use '-' with an heredoc
if ! is_stdin_empty; then
fail "${FUNCNAME[0]}: called with stdin and no arguments (heredoc?)"
fail "${FUNCNAME[0]}: called with no arguments"
local oldout="${output}"
run -0 echo "${stderr}"
assert_output "$@"
export -f assert_stderr
# like refute_output, but for stderr
refute_stderr() {
2022-10-07 14:17:36 +00:00
# calling this without arguments is ok, as long as stdin in empty
if ! is_stdin_empty; then
fail "${FUNCNAME[0]}: called with stdin (heredoc?)"
local oldout="${output}"
run -0 echo "${stderr}"
refute_output "$@"
export -f refute_stderr
# like assert_output, but for stderr
assert_stderr_line() {
2022-10-07 14:17:36 +00:00
if [[ "$#" -eq 0 ]]; then
fail "${FUNCNAME[0]}: called with no arguments"
local oldout="${output}"
run -0 echo "${stderr}"
assert_line "$@"
export -f assert_stderr_line
# remove all installed items and data
hub_purge_all() {
rm -rf \
"$CONFIG_DIR"/collections/* \
"$CONFIG_DIR"/parsers/*/* \
"$CONFIG_DIR"/scenarios/* \
2023-12-07 08:44:54 +00:00
"$CONFIG_DIR"/postoverflows/* \
rm -rf \
"$CONFIG_DIR"/hub/collections/* \
"$CONFIG_DIR"/hub/parsers/*/* \
"$CONFIG_DIR"/hub/scenarios/* \
2023-12-07 08:44:54 +00:00
"$CONFIG_DIR"/hub/postoverflows/* \
local DATA_DIR
DATA_DIR=$(config_get .config_paths.data_dir)
# should remove everything except the db (find $DATA_DIR -not -name "crowdsec.db*" -delete),
# but don't play with fire if there is a misconfiguration
rm -rfv "$DATA_DIR"/GeoLite*
export -f hub_purge_all
# remove unused data from the index, to make sure we don't rely on it in any way
hub_strip_index() {
local INDEX
INDEX=$(config_get .config_paths.index_path)
local hub_min
hub_min=$(jq <"$INDEX" 'del(..|.content?) | del(..|.long_description?) | del(..|.deprecated?) | del (..|.labels?)')
echo "$hub_min" >"$INDEX"
export -f hub_strip_index
# remove color and style sequences from stdin
plaintext() {
sed -E 's/\x1B\[[0-9;]*[JKmsu]//g'
export -f plaintext
# like run but defaults to separate stderr and stdout
rune() {
run --separate-stderr "$@"
export -f rune