2014-09-15 21:24:14 +02:00

693 lines
20 KiB

* Kolab calendar storage class
* @version @package_version@
* @author Thomas Bruederli <>
* @author Aleksander Machniak <>
* Copyright (C) 2012, Kolab Systems AG <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
class kolab_calendar
public $id;
public $ready = false;
public $readonly = true;
public $attachments = true;
public $alarms = false;
public $categories = array();
public $storage;
public $name;
private $cal;
private $events = array();
private $imap_folder = 'INBOX/Calendar';
private $search_fields = array('title', 'description', 'location', 'attendees');
* Default constructor
public function __construct($imap_folder, $calendar)
$this->cal = $calendar;
if (strlen($imap_folder))
$this->imap_folder = $this->name = $imap_folder;
// ID is derrived from folder name
$this->id = kolab_storage::folder_id($this->imap_folder);
// fetch objects from the given IMAP folder
$this->storage = kolab_storage::get_folder($this->imap_folder);
$this->ready = $this->storage && !PEAR::isError($this->storage);
// Set readonly and alarms flags according to folder permissions
if ($this->ready) {
if ($this->storage->get_namespace() == 'personal') {
$this->readonly = false;
$this->alarms = true;
else {
$rights = $this->storage->get_myrights();
if ($rights && !PEAR::isError($rights)) {
if (strpos($rights, 'i') !== false)
$this->readonly = false;
// user-specific alarms settings win
$prefs = $this->cal->rc->config->get('kolab_calendars', array());
if (isset($prefs[$this->id]['showalarms']))
$this->alarms = $prefs[$this->id]['showalarms'];
* Getter for a nice and human readable name for this calendar
* See for reference
* @return string Name of this calendar
public function get_name()
$folder = kolab_storage::object_name($this->imap_folder, $this->namespace);
return $folder;
* Getter for the IMAP folder name
* @return string Name of the IMAP folder
public function get_realname()
return $this->imap_folder;
* Getter for the IMAP folder owner
* @return string Name of the folder owner
public function get_owner()
return $this->storage->get_owner();
* Getter for the name of the namespace to which the IMAP folder belongs
* @return string Name of the namespace (personal, other, shared)
public function get_namespace()
return $this->storage->get_namespace();
* Getter for the top-end calendar folder name (not the entire path)
* @return string Name of this calendar
public function get_foldername()
$parts = explode('/', $this->imap_folder);
return rcube_charset::convert(end($parts), 'UTF7-IMAP');
* Return color to display this calendar
public function get_color()
// color is defined in folder METADATA
if ($color = $this->storage->get_color()) {
return $color;
// calendar color is stored in user prefs (temporary solution)
$prefs = $this->cal->rc->config->get('kolab_calendars', array());
if (!empty($prefs[$this->id]) && !empty($prefs[$this->id]['color']))
return $prefs[$this->id]['color'];
return 'cc0000';
* Compose an URL for CalDAV access to this calendar (if configured)
public function get_caldav_url()
$url = null;
if ($template = $this->cal->rc->config->get('calendar_caldav_url', null)) {
return strtr($template, array(
'%h' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],
'%u' => urlencode($this->cal->rc->get_user_name()),
'%i' => urlencode($this->storage->get_uid()),
'%n' => urlencode($this->imap_folder),
return false;
* Return the corresponding kolab_storage_folder instance
public function get_folder()
return $this->storage;
* Getter for a single event object
public function get_event($id)
// directly access storage object
if (!$this->events[$id] && ($record = $this->storage->get_object($id)))
$this->events[$id] = $this->_to_rcube_event($record);
// event not found, maybe a recurring instance is requested
if (!$this->events[$id]) {
$master_id = preg_replace('/-\d+$/', '', $id);
if ($master_id != $id && ($record = $this->storage->get_object($master_id)))
$this->events[$master_id] = $this->_to_rcube_event($record);
if (($master = $this->events[$master_id]) && $master['recurrence']) {
$this->_get_recurring_events($record, $master['start'], null, $id);
return $this->events[$id];
* @param integer Event's new start (unix timestamp)
* @param integer Event's new end (unix timestamp)
* @param string Search query (optional)
* @param boolean Include virtual events (optional)
* @param array Additional parameters to query storage
* @return array A list of event records
public function list_events($start, $end, $search = null, $virtual = 1, $query = array())
// convert to DateTime for comparisons
$start = new DateTime('@'.$start);
$end = new DateTime('@'.$end);
// query Kolab storage
$query[] = array('dtstart', '<=', $end);
$query[] = array('dtend', '>=', $start);
if (!empty($search)) {
$search = mb_strtolower($search);
foreach (rcube_utils::normalize_string($search, true) as $word) {
$query[] = array('words', 'LIKE', $word);
$events = array();
foreach ($this->storage->select($query) as $record) {
$event = $this->_to_rcube_event($record);
$this->events[$event['id']] = $event;
// remember seen categories
if ($event['categories'])
// filter events by search query
if (!empty($search)) {
$hit = false;
foreach ($this->search_fields as $col) {
$sval = is_array($event[$col]) ? self::_complex2string($event[$col]) : $event[$col];
if (empty($sval))
// do a simple substring matching (to be improved)
$val = mb_strtolower($sval);
if (strpos($val, $search) !== false) {
$hit = true;
if (!$hit) // skip this event if not match with search term
// list events in requested time window
if ($event['start'] <= $end && $event['end'] >= $start) {
$add = true;
// skip the first instance of a recurring event if listed in exdate
if ($virtual && (!empty($event['recurrence']['EXDATE']) || !empty($event['recurrence']['EXCEPTIONS']))) {
$event_date = $event['start']->format('Ymd');
$exdates = (array)$event['recurrence']['EXDATE'];
// add dates from exceptions to list
if (is_array($event['recurrence']['EXCEPTIONS'])) {
foreach ($event['recurrence']['EXCEPTIONS'] as $exception) {
$exdates[] = clone $exception['start'];
foreach ($exdates as $exdate) {
if ($exdate->format('Ymd') == $event_date) {
$add = false;
if ($add)
$events[] = $event;
// resolve recurring events
if ($record['recurrence'] && $virtual == 1) {
$events = array_merge($events, $this->_get_recurring_events($record, $start, $end));
return $events;
* Create a new event record
* @see calendar_driver::new_event()
* @return mixed The created record ID on success, False on error
public function insert_event($event)
if (!is_array($event))
return false;
//generate new event from RC input
$object = $this->_from_rcube_event($event);
$saved = $this->storage->save($object, 'event');
if (!$saved) {
'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php',
'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
'message' => "Error saving event object to Kolab server"),
true, false);
$saved = false;
else {
$event['id'] = $event['uid'];
$this->events = array($event['uid'] => $this->_to_rcube_event($object));
return $saved;
* Update a specific event record
* @see calendar_driver::new_event()
* @return boolean True on success, False on error
public function update_event($event, $exception_id = null)
$updated = false;
$old = $this->storage->get_object($event['id']);
if (!$old || PEAR::isError($old))
return false;
$object = $this->_from_rcube_event($event, $old);
$saved = $this->storage->save($object, 'event', $event['id']);
if (!$saved) {
'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php',
'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
'message' => "Error saving event object to Kolab server"),
true, false);
else {
$updated = true;
$this->events[$event['id']] = $this->_to_rcube_event($object);
// refresh local cache with recurring instances
if ($exception_id) {
$this->_get_recurring_events($object, $event['start'], $event['end'], $exception_id);
return $updated;
* Delete an event record
* @see calendar_driver::remove_event()
* @return boolean True on success, False on error
public function delete_event($event, $force = true)
$deleted = $this->storage->delete($event['id'], $force);
if (!$deleted) {
'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php',
'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
'message' => "Error deleting event object from Kolab server"),
true, false);
return $deleted;
* Restore deleted event record
* @see calendar_driver::undelete_event()
* @return boolean True on success, False on error
public function restore_event($event)
if ($this->storage->undelete($event['id'])) {
return true;
else {
'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php',
'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
'message' => "Error undeleting the event object $event[id] from the Kolab server"),
true, false);
return false;
* Create instances of a recurring event
* @param array Hash array with event properties
* @param object DateTime Start date of the recurrence window
* @param object DateTime End date of the recurrence window
* @param string ID of a specific recurring event instance
* @return array List of recurring event instances
public function _get_recurring_events($event, $start, $end = null, $event_id = null)
$object = $event['_formatobj'];
if (!$object) {
$rec = $this->storage->get_object($event['id']);
$object = $rec['_formatobj'];
if (!is_object($object))
return array();
// determine a reasonable end date if none given
if (!$end) {
switch ($event['recurrence']['FREQ']) {
case 'YEARLY': $intvl = 'P100Y'; break;
case 'MONTHLY': $intvl = 'P20Y'; break;
default: $intvl = 'P10Y'; break;
$end = clone $event['start'];
$end->add(new DateInterval($intvl));
// add recurrence exceptions to output
$i = 0;
$events = array();
$exdates = array();
$futuredata = array();
if (is_array($event['recurrence']['EXCEPTIONS'])) {
// copy the recurrence rule from the master event (to be used in the UI)
$recurrence_rule = $event['recurrence'];
unset($recurrence_rule['EXCEPTIONS'], $recurrence_rule['EXDATE']);
foreach ($event['recurrence']['EXCEPTIONS'] as $exception) {
$rec_event = $this->_to_rcube_event($exception);
$rec_event['id'] = $event['uid'] . '-' . ++$i;
$rec_event['recurrence_id'] = $event['uid'];
$rec_event['recurrence'] = $recurrence_rule;
$rec_event['_instance'] = $i;
$rec_event['isexception'] = 1;
$events[] = $rec_event;
// found the specifically requested instance, exiting...
if ($rec_event['id'] == $event_id) {
$this->events[$rec_event['id']] = $rec_event;
return $events;
// remember this exception's date
$exdate = $rec_event['start']->format('Y-m-d');
$exdates[$exdate] = $rec_event['id'];
if ($rec_event['thisandfuture']) {
$futuredata[$exdate] = $rec_event;
// use libkolab to compute recurring events
if (class_exists('kolabcalendaring')) {
$recurrence = new kolab_date_recurrence($object);
else {
// fallback to local recurrence implementation
require_once($this->cal->home . '/lib/calendar_recurrence.php');
$recurrence = new calendar_recurrence($this->cal, $event);
while ($next_event = $recurrence->next_instance()) {
// skip if there's an exception at this date
$datestr = $next_event['start']->format('Y-m-d');
if ($exdates[$datestr]) {
// use this event data for future recurring instances
if ($futuredata[$datestr])
$overlay_data = $futuredata[$datestr];
// add to output if in range
$rec_id = $event['uid'] . '-' . ++$i;
if (($next_event['start'] <= $end && $next_event['end'] >= $start) || ($event_id && $rec_id == $event_id)) {
$rec_event = $this->_to_rcube_event($next_event);
if ($overlay_data) // copy data from a 'this-and-future' exception
$this->_merge_event_data($rec_event, $overlay_data);
$rec_event['id'] = $rec_id;
$rec_event['recurrence_id'] = $event['uid'];
$rec_event['_instance'] = $i;
$events[] = $rec_event;
if ($rec_id == $event_id) {
$this->events[$rec_id] = $rec_event;
else if ($next_event['start'] > $end) // stop loop if out of range
// avoid endless recursion loops
if ($i > 1000)
return $events;
* Merge certain properties from the overlay event to the base event object
* @param array The event object to be altered
* @param array The overlay event object to be merged over $event
private function _merge_event_data(&$event, $overlay)
static $forbidden = array('id','uid','created','changed','recurrence','organizer','attendees','sequence');
foreach ($overlay as $prop => $value) {
// adjust time of the recurring event instance
if ($prop == 'start' || $prop == 'end') {
if (is_object($event[$prop]) && is_a($event[$prop], 'DateTime'))
$event[$prop]->setTime($value->format('G'), intval($value->format('i')), intval($value->format('s')));
else if ($prop[0] != '_' && !in_array($prop, $forbidden))
$event[$prop] = $value;
* Convert from Kolab_Format to internal representation
private function _to_rcube_event($record)
$record['id'] = $record['uid'];
$record['calendar'] = $this->id;
// convert from DateTime to unix timestamp
if (is_a($record['start'], 'DateTime'))
$record['start'] = $record['start']->format('U');
if (is_a($record['end'], 'DateTime'))
$record['end'] = $record['end']->format('U');
// all-day events go from 12:00 - 13:00
if ($record['end'] <= $record['start'] && $record['allday']) {
$record['end'] = clone $record['start'];
$record['end']->add(new DateInterval('PT1H'));
if (!empty($record['_attachments'])) {
foreach ($record['_attachments'] as $key => $attachment) {
if ($attachment !== false) {
if (!$attachment['name'])
$attachment['name'] = $key;
unset($attachment['path'], $attachment['content']);
$attachments[] = $attachment;
$record['attachments'] = $attachments;
// Roundcube only supports one category assignment
if (is_array($record['categories']))
$record['categories'] = $record['categories'][0];
// The web client only supports DISPLAY type of alarms
if (!empty($record['alarms']))
$record['alarms'] = preg_replace('/:[A-Z]+$/', ':DISPLAY', $record['alarms']);
// remove empty recurrence array
if (empty($record['recurrence']))
// remove internals
unset($record['_mailbox'], $record['_msguid'], $record['_formatobj'], $record['_attachments'], $record['x-custom']);
return $record;
* Convert the given event record into a data structure that can be passed to Kolab_Storage backend for saving
* (opposite of self::_to_rcube_event())
private function _from_rcube_event($event, $old = array())
// in kolab_storage attachments are indexed by content-id
$event['_attachments'] = array();
if (is_array($event['attachments'])) {
foreach ($event['attachments'] as $attachment) {
$key = null;
// Roundcube ID has nothing to do with the storage ID, remove it
if ($attachment['content']) {
else {
foreach ((array)$old['_attachments'] as $cid => $oldatt) {
if ($attachment['id'] == $oldatt['id'])
$key = $cid;
// flagged for deletion => set to false
if ($attachment['_deleted']) {
$event['_attachments'][$key] = false;
// replace existing entry
else if ($key) {
$event['_attachments'][$key] = $attachment;
// append as new attachment
else {
$event['_attachments'][] = $attachment;
// set current user as ORGANIZER
$identity = $this->cal->rc->user->get_identity();
if (empty($event['attendees']) && $identity['email'])
$event['attendees'] = array(array('role' => 'ORGANIZER', 'name' => $identity['name'], 'email' => $identity['email']));
$event['_owner'] = $identity['email'];
# remove EXDATE values if RDATE is given
if (!empty($event['recurrence']['RDATE'])) {
$event['recurrence']['EXDATE'] = array();
// remove some internal properties which should not be saved
unset($event['_savemode'], $event['_fromcalendar'], $event['_identity']);
// copy meta data (starting with _) from old object
foreach ((array)$old as $key => $val) {
if (!isset($event[$key]) && $key[0] == '_')
$event[$key] = $val;
return $event;
* Convert a complex event attribute to a string value
private static function _complex2string($prop)
static $ignorekeys = array('role','status','rsvp');
$out = '';
if (is_array($prop)) {
foreach ($prop as $key => $val) {
if (is_numeric($key)) {
$out .= self::_complex2string($val);
else if (!in_array($key, $ignorekeys)) {
$out .= $val . ' ';
else if (is_string($prop) || is_numeric($prop)) {
$out .= $prop . ' ';
return rtrim($out);