
820 lines
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* Driver interface for the Calendar plugin
* @version @package_version@
* @author Lazlo Westerhof <>
* @author Thomas Bruederli <>
* Copyright (C) 2010, Lazlo Westerhof <>
* Copyright (C) 2012-2015, Kolab Systems AG <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Struct of an internal event object how it is passed from/to the driver classes:
* $event = array(
* 'id' => 'Event ID used for editing',
* 'uid' => 'Unique identifier of this event',
* 'calendar' => 'Calendar identifier to add event to or where the event is stored',
* 'start' => DateTime, // Event start date/time as DateTime object
* 'end' => DateTime, // Event end date/time as DateTime object
* 'allday' => true|false, // Boolean flag if this is an all-day event
* 'changed' => DateTime, // Last modification date of event
* 'title' => 'Event title/summary',
* 'location' => 'Location string',
* 'description' => 'Event description',
* 'url' => 'URL to more information',
* 'recurrence' => array( // Recurrence definition according to iCalendar (RFC 2445) specification as list of key-value pairs
* 'INTERVAL' => 1...n,
* 'UNTIL' => DateTime,
* 'COUNT' => 1..n, // number of times
* // + more properties (see
* 'EXDATE' => array(), // list of DateTime objects of exception Dates/Times
* 'EXCEPTIONS' => array(<event>), list of event objects which denote exceptions in the recurrence chain
* ),
* 'recurrence_id' => 'ID of the recurrence group', // usually the ID of the starting event
* '_instance' => 'ID of the recurring instance', // identifies an instance within a recurrence chain
* 'categories' => 'Event category',
* 'free_busy' => 'free|busy|outofoffice|tentative', // Show time as
* 'status' => 'TENTATIVE|CONFIRMED|CANCELLED', // event status according to RFC 2445
* 'priority' => 0-9, // Event priority (0=undefined, 1=highest, 9=lowest)
* 'sensitivity' => 'public|private|confidential', // Event sensitivity
* 'alarms' => '-15M:DISPLAY', // DEPRECATED Reminder settings inspired by valarm definition (e.g. display alert 15 minutes before event)
* 'valarms' => array( // List of reminders (new format), each represented as a hash array:
* array(
* 'trigger' => '-PT90M', // ISO 8601 period string prefixed with '+' or '-', or DateTime object
* 'action' => 'DISPLAY|EMAIL|AUDIO',
* 'duration' => 'PT15M', // ISO 8601 period string
* 'repeat' => 0, // number of repetitions
* 'description' => '', // text to display for DISPLAY actions
* 'summary' => '', // message text for EMAIL actions
* 'attendees' => array(), // list of email addresses to receive alarm messages
* ),
* ),
* 'attachments' => array( // List of attachments
* 'name' => 'File name',
* 'mimetype' => 'Content type',
* 'size' => 1..n, // in bytes
* 'id' => 'Attachment identifier'
* ),
* 'deleted_attachments' => array(), // array of attachment identifiers to delete when event is updated
* 'attendees' => array( // List of event participants
* 'name' => 'Participant name',
* 'email' => 'Participant e-mail address', // used as identifier
* 'rsvp' => true|false,
* ),
* '_savemode' => 'all|future|current|new', // How changes on recurring event should be handled
* '_notify' => true|false, // whether to notify event attendees about changes
* '_fromcalendar' => 'Calendar identifier where the event was stored before',
* );
* Interface definition for calendar driver classes
abstract class calendar_driver
const FILTER_ALL = 0;
const FILTER_ACTIVE = 4;
const FILTER_PRIVATE = 16;
const BIRTHDAY_CALENDAR_ID = '__bdays__';
// features supported by backend
public $alarms = false;
public $attendees = false;
public $freebusy = false;
public $attachments = false;
public $undelete = false;
public $history = false;
public $categoriesimmutable = false;
public $alarm_types = array('DISPLAY');
public $alarm_absolute = true;
public $last_error;
protected $default_categories = array(
'Personal' => 'c0c0c0',
'Work' => 'ff0000',
'Family' => '00ff00',
'Holiday' => 'ff6600',
* Get a list of available calendars from this source
* @param integer Bitmask defining filter criterias.
* See FILTER_* constants for possible values.
* @return array List of calendars
abstract function list_calendars($filter = 0);
* Create a new calendar assigned to the current user
* @param array Hash array with calendar properties
* name: Calendar name
* color: The color of the calendar
* showalarms: True if alarms are enabled
* @return mixed ID of the calendar on success, False on error
abstract function create_calendar($prop);
* Update properties of an existing calendar
* @param array Hash array with calendar properties
* id: Calendar Identifier
* name: Calendar name
* color: The color of the calendar
* showalarms: True if alarms are enabled (if supported)
* @return boolean True on success, Fales on failure
abstract function edit_calendar($prop);
* Set active/subscribed state of a calendar
* @param array Hash array with calendar properties
* id: Calendar Identifier
* active: True if calendar is active, false if not
* @return boolean True on success, Fales on failure
abstract function subscribe_calendar($prop);
* Delete the given calendar with all its contents
* @param array Hash array with calendar properties
* id: Calendar Identifier
* @return boolean True on success, Fales on failure
abstract function delete_calendar($prop);
* Search for shared or otherwise not listed calendars the user has access
* @param string Search string
* @param string Section/source to search
* @return array List of calendars
abstract function search_calendars($query, $source);
* Add a single event to the database
* @param array Hash array with event properties (see header of this file)
* @return mixed New event ID on success, False on error
abstract function new_event($event);
* Update an event entry with the given data
* @param array Hash array with event properties (see header of this file)
* @return boolean True on success, False on error
abstract function edit_event($event);
* Extended event editing with possible changes to the argument
* @param array Hash array with event properties
* @param string New participant status
* @param array List of hash arrays with updated attendees
* @return boolean True on success, False on error
public function edit_rsvp(&$event, $status, $attendees)
return $this->edit_event($event);
* Update the participant status for the given attendee
* @param array Hash array with event properties
* @param array List of hash arrays each represeting an updated attendee
* @return boolean True on success, False on error
public function update_attendees(&$event, $attendees)
return $this->edit_event($event);
* Move a single event
* @param array Hash array with event properties:
* id: Event identifier
* start: Event start date/time as DateTime object
* end: Event end date/time as DateTime object
* allday: Boolean flag if this is an all-day event
* @return boolean True on success, False on error
abstract function move_event($event);
* Resize a single event
* @param array Hash array with event properties:
* id: Event identifier
* start: Event start date/time as DateTime object with timezone
* end: Event end date/time as DateTime object with timezone
* @return boolean True on success, False on error
abstract function resize_event($event);
* Remove a single event from the database
* @param array Hash array with event properties:
* id: Event identifier
* @param boolean Remove event irreversible (mark as deleted otherwise,
* if supported by the backend)
* @return boolean True on success, False on error
abstract function remove_event($event, $force = true);
* Restores a single deleted event (if supported)
* @param array Hash array with event properties:
* id: Event identifier
* @return boolean True on success, False on error
public function restore_event($event)
return false;
* Return data of a single event
* @param mixed UID string or hash array with event properties:
* id: Event identifier
* uid: Event UID
* _instance: Instance identifier in combination with uid (optional)
* calendar: Calendar identifier (optional)
* @param integer Bitmask defining the scope to search events in.
* See FILTER_* constants for possible values.
* @param boolean If true, recurrence exceptions shall be added
* @return array Event object as hash array
abstract function get_event($event, $scope = 0, $full = false);
* Get events from source.
* @param integer Date range start (unix timestamp)
* @param integer Date range end (unix timestamp)
* @param string Search query (optional)
* @param mixed List of calendar IDs to load events from (either as array or comma-separated string)
* @param boolean Include virtual/recurring events (optional)
* @param integer Only list events modified since this time (unix timestamp)
* @return array A list of event objects (see header of this file for struct of an event)
abstract function load_events($start, $end, $query = null, $calendars = null, $virtual = 1, $modifiedsince = null);
* Get number of events in the given calendar
* @param mixed List of calendar IDs to count events (either as array or comma-separated string)
* @param integer Date range start (unix timestamp)
* @param integer Date range end (unix timestamp)
* @return array Hash array with counts grouped by calendar ID
abstract function count_events($calendars, $start, $end = null);
* Get a list of pending alarms to be displayed to the user
* @param integer Current time (unix timestamp)
* @param mixed List of calendar IDs to show alarms for (either as array or comma-separated string)
* @return array A list of alarms, each encoded as hash array:
* id: Event identifier
* uid: Unique identifier of this event
* start: Event start date/time as DateTime object
* end: Event end date/time as DateTime object
* allday: Boolean flag if this is an all-day event
* title: Event title/summary
* location: Location string
abstract function pending_alarms($time, $calendars = null);
* (User) feedback after showing an alarm notification
* This should mark the alarm as 'shown' or snooze it for the given amount of time
* @param string Event identifier
* @param integer Suspend the alarm for this number of seconds
abstract function dismiss_alarm($event_id, $snooze = 0);
* Check the given event object for validity
* @param array Event object as hash array
* @return boolean True if valid, false if not
public function validate($event)
$valid = true;
if (!is_object($event['start']) || !is_a($event['start'], 'DateTime'))
$valid = false;
if (!is_object($event['end']) || !is_a($event['end'], 'DateTime'))
$valid = false;
return $valid;
* Get list of event's attachments.
* Drivers can return list of attachments as event property.
* If they will do not do this list_attachments() method will be used.
* @param array $event Hash array with event properties:
* id: Event identifier
* calendar: Calendar identifier
* @return array List of attachments, each as hash array:
* id: Attachment identifier
* name: Attachment name
* mimetype: MIME content type of the attachment
* size: Attachment size
public function list_attachments($event) { }
* Get attachment properties
* @param string $id Attachment identifier
* @param array $event Hash array with event properties:
* id: Event identifier
* calendar: Calendar identifier
* @return array Hash array with attachment properties:
* id: Attachment identifier
* name: Attachment name
* mimetype: MIME content type of the attachment
* size: Attachment size
public function get_attachment($id, $event) { }
* Get attachment body
* @param string $id Attachment identifier
* @param array $event Hash array with event properties:
* id: Event identifier
* calendar: Calendar identifier
* @return string Attachment body
public function get_attachment_body($id, $event) { }
* Build a struct representing the given message reference
* @param object|string $uri_or_headers rcube_message_header instance holding the message headers
* or an URI from a stored link referencing a mail message.
* @param string $folder IMAP folder the message resides in
* @return array An struct referencing the given IMAP message
public function get_message_reference($uri_or_headers, $folder = null)
// to be implemented by the derived classes
return false;
* List availabale categories
* The default implementation reads them from config/user prefs
public function list_categories()
$rcmail = rcube::get_instance();
return $rcmail->config->get('calendar_categories', $this->default_categories);
* Create a new category
public function add_category($name, $color) { }
* Remove the given category
public function remove_category($name) { }
* Update/replace a category
public function replace_category($oldname, $name, $color) { }
* Fetch free/busy information from a person within the given range
* @param string E-mail address of attendee
* @param integer Requested period start date/time as unix timestamp
* @param integer Requested period end date/time as unix timestamp
* @return array List of busy timeslots within the requested range
public function get_freebusy_list($email, $start, $end)
return false;
* Create instances of a recurring event
* @param array Hash array with event properties
* @param object DateTime Start date of the recurrence window
* @param object DateTime End date of the recurrence window
* @return array List of recurring event instances
public function get_recurring_events($event, $start, $end = null)
$events = array();
if ($event['recurrence']) {
// include library class
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/calendar_recurrence.php');
$rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
$recurrence = new calendar_recurrence($rcmail->plugins->get_plugin('calendar'), $event);
$recurrence_id_format = libcalendaring::recurrence_id_format($event);
// determine a reasonable end date if none given
if (!$end) {
switch ($event['recurrence']['FREQ']) {
case 'YEARLY': $intvl = 'P100Y'; break;
case 'MONTHLY': $intvl = 'P20Y'; break;
default: $intvl = 'P10Y'; break;
$end = clone $event['start'];
$end->add(new DateInterval($intvl));
$i = 0;
while ($next_event = $recurrence->next_instance()) {
// add to output if in range
if (($next_event['start'] <= $end && $next_event['end'] >= $start)) {
$next_event['_instance'] = $next_event['start']->format($recurrence_id_format);
$next_event['id'] = $next_event['uid'] . '-' . $exception['_instance'];
$next_event['recurrence_id'] = $event['uid'];
$events[] = $next_event;
else if ($next_event['start'] > $end) { // stop loop if out of range
// avoid endless recursion loops
if (++$i > 1000) {
return $events;
* Provide a list of revisions for the given event
* @param array $event Hash array with event properties:
* id: Event identifier
* calendar: Calendar identifier
* @return array List of changes, each as a hash array:
* rev: Revision number
* type: Type of the change (create, update, move, delete)
* date: Change date
* user: The user who executed the change
* ip: Client IP
* destination: Destination calendar for 'move' type
public function get_event_changelog($event)
return false;
* Get a list of property changes beteen two revisions of an event
* @param array $event Hash array with event properties:
* id: Event identifier
* calendar: Calendar identifier
* @param mixed $rev Revisions: "from:to"
* @return array List of property changes, each as a hash array:
* property: Revision number
* old: Old property value
* new: Updated property value
public function get_event_diff($event, $rev)
return false;
* Return full data of a specific revision of an event
* @param mixed UID string or hash array with event properties:
* id: Event identifier
* calendar: Calendar identifier
* @param mixed $rev Revision number
* @return array Event object as hash array
* @see self::get_event()
public function get_event_revison($event, $rev)
return false;
* Command the backend to restore a certain revision of an event.
* This shall replace the current event with an older version.
* @param mixed UID string or hash array with event properties:
* id: Event identifier
* calendar: Calendar identifier
* @param mixed $rev Revision number
* @return boolean True on success, False on failure
public function restore_event_revision($event, $rev)
return false;
* Callback function to produce driver-specific calendar create/edit form
* @param string Request action 'form-edit|form-new'
* @param array Calendar properties (e.g. id, color)
* @param array Edit form fields
* @return string HTML content of the form
public function calendar_form($action, $calendar, $formfields)
$html = '';
foreach ($formfields as $field) {
$html .= html::div('form-section',
html::label($field['id'], $field['label']) .
return $html;
* Compose a list of birthday events from the contact records in the user's address books.
* This is a default implementation using Roundcube's address book API.
* It can be overriden with a more optimized version by the individual drivers.
* @param integer Event's new start (unix timestamp)
* @param integer Event's new end (unix timestamp)
* @param string Search query (optional)
* @param integer Only list events modified since this time (unix timestamp)
* @return array A list of event records
public function load_birthday_events($start, $end, $search = null, $modifiedsince = null)
// ignore update requests for simplicity reasons
if (!empty($modifiedsince)) {
return array();
// convert to DateTime for comparisons
$start = new DateTime('@'.$start);
$end = new DateTime('@'.$end);
// extract the current year
$year = $start->format('Y');
$year2 = $end->format('Y');
$events = array();
$search = mb_strtolower($search);
$rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
$cache = $rcmail->get_cache('calendar.birthdays', 'db', 3600);
$alarm_type = $rcmail->config->get('calendar_birthdays_alarm_type', '');
$alarm_offset = $rcmail->config->get('calendar_birthdays_alarm_offset', '-1D');
$alarms = $alarm_type ? $alarm_offset . ':' . $alarm_type : null;
// let the user select the address books to consider in prefs
$selected_sources = $rcmail->config->get('calendar_birthday_adressbooks');
$sources = $selected_sources ?: array_keys($rcmail->get_address_sources(false, true));
foreach ($sources as $source) {
$abook = $rcmail->get_address_book($source);
// skip LDAP address books unless selected by the user
if (!$abook || ($abook instanceof rcube_ldap && empty($selected_sources))) {
// check for cached results
$cache_records = array();
$cached = $cache->get($source);
// iterate over (cached) contacts
foreach (($cached ?: $abook->search('*', '', 2, true, true, array('birthday'))) as $contact) {
if (is_array($contact) && !empty($contact['birthday'])) {
try {
if (is_array($contact['birthday']))
$contact['birthday'] = reset($contact['birthday']);
$bday = $contact['birthday'] instanceof DateTime ? $contact['birthday'] :
new DateTime($contact['birthday'], new DateTimezone('UTC'));
$birthyear = $bday->format('Y');
catch (Exception $e) {
'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php',
'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
'message' => 'BIRTHDAY PARSE ERROR: ' . $e),
true, false);
$display_name = rcube_addressbook::compose_display_name($contact);
$event_title = $rcmail->gettext(array('name' => 'birthdayeventtitle', 'vars' => array('name' => $display_name)), 'calendar');
// add stripped record to cache
if (empty($cached)) {
$cache_records[] = array(
'ID' => $contact['ID'],
'name' => $display_name,
'birthday' => $bday->format('Y-m-d'),
// filter by search term (only name is involved here)
if (!empty($search) && strpos(mb_strtolower($event_title), $search) === false) {
// quick-and-dirty recurrence computation: just replace the year
$bday->setDate($year, $bday->format('n'), $bday->format('j'));
$bday->setTime(12, 0, 0);
// date range reaches over multiple years: use end year if not in range
if (($bday > $end || $bday < $start) && $year2 != $year) {
$bday->setDate($year2, $bday->format('n'), $bday->format('j'));
$year = $year2;
// birthday is within requested range
if ($bday <= $end && $bday >= $start) {
$age = $year - $birthyear;
$event = array(
'id' => rcube_ldap::dn_encode('bday:' . $source . ':' . $contact['ID'] . ':' . $year),
'calendar' => self::BIRTHDAY_CALENDAR_ID,
'title' => $event_title,
'description' => $rcmail->gettext(array('name' => 'birthdayage', 'vars' => array('age' => $age)), 'calendar'),
// Add more contact information to description block?
'allday' => true,
'start' => $bday,
'alarms' => $alarms,
$event['end'] = clone $bday;
$event['end']->add(new DateInterval('PT1H'));
$events[] = $event;
// store collected contacts in cache
if (empty($cached)) {
$cache->write($source, $cache_records);
return $events;
* Get a single birthday calendar event
public function get_birthday_event($id)
// decode $id
list(,$source,$contact_id,$year) = explode(':', rcube_ldap::dn_decode($id));
$rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
if ($source && $contact_id && ($abook = $rcmail->get_address_book($source))) {
$contact = $abook->get_record($contact_id, true);
if (is_array($contact) && !empty($contact['birthday'])) {
try {
if (is_array($contact['birthday']))
$contact['birthday'] = reset($contact['birthday']);
$bday = $contact['birthday'] instanceof DateTime ? $contact['birthday'] :
new DateTime($contact['birthday'], new DateTimezone('UTC'));
$birthyear = $bday->format('Y');
catch (Exception $e) {
'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php',
'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
'message' => 'BIRTHDAY PARSE ERROR: ' . $e),
true, false);
return null;
$display_name = rcube_addressbook::compose_display_name($contact);
$event_title = $rcmail->gettext(array('name' => 'birthdayeventtitle', 'vars' => array('name' => $display_name)), 'calendar');
$event = array(
'id' => rcube_ldap::dn_encode('bday:' . $source . ':' . $contact['ID'] . ':' . $year),
'uid' => rcube_ldap::dn_encode('bday:' . $source . ':' . $contact['ID'] . ':' . $birthyear),
'calendar' => self::BIRTHDAY_CALENDAR_ID,
'title' => $event_title,
'description' => '',
'allday' => true,
'start' => $bday,
'recurrence' => array('FREQ' => 'YEARLY', 'INTERVAL' => 1),
'free_busy' => 'free',
$event['end'] = clone $bday;
$event['end']->add(new DateInterval('PT1H'));
return $event;
return null;
* Store alarm dismissal for birtual birthay events
* @param string Event identifier
* @param integer Suspend the alarm for this number of seconds
public function dismiss_birthday_alarm($event_id, $snooze = 0)
$rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
$cache = $rcmail->get_cache('calendar.birthdayalarms', 'db', 86400 * 30);
// compute new notification time or disable if not snoozed
$notifyat = $snooze > 0 ? time() + $snooze : null;
$cache->set($event_id, array('snooze' => $snooze, 'notifyat' => $notifyat));
return true;
* Handler for user_delete plugin hook
* @param array Hash array with hook arguments
* @return array Return arguments for plugin hooks
public function user_delete($args)
return $args;