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* This is a modified copy of Horde/Date/Recurrence.php
* Pull the latest version of this file from the PEAR channel of the Horde
* project at by installing the Horde_Date package.
if (!class_exists('Horde_Date'))
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/Horde_Date.php');
// minimal required implementation of Horde_Date_Translation to avoid a huge dependency nightmare
class Horde_Date_Translation
function t($arg) { return $arg; }
function ngettext($sing, $plur, $num) { return ($num > 1 ? $plur : $sing); }
* This file contains the Horde_Date_Recurrence class and according constants.
* Copyright 2007-2012 Horde LLC (
* See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you
* did not receive this file, see
* @category Horde
* @package Date
* The Horde_Date_Recurrence class implements algorithms for calculating
* recurrences of events, including several recurrence types, intervals,
* exceptions, and conversion from and to vCalendar and iCalendar recurrence
* rules.
* All methods expecting dates as parameters accept all values that the
* Horde_Date constructor accepts, i.e. a timestamp, another Horde_Date
* object, an ISO time string or a hash.
* @author Jan Schneider <>
* @category Horde
* @package Date
class Horde_Date_Recurrence
/** No Recurrence **/
const RECUR_NONE = 0;
/** Recurs daily. */
const RECUR_DAILY = 1;
/** Recurs weekly. */
const RECUR_WEEKLY = 2;
/** Recurs monthly on the same date. */
/** Recurs monthly on the same week day. */
/** Recurs yearly on the same date. */
/** Recurs yearly on the same day of the year. */
/** Recurs yearly on the same week day. */
* The start time of the event.
* @var Horde_Date
public $start;
* The end date of the recurrence interval.
* @var Horde_Date
public $recurEnd = null;
* The number of recurrences.
* @var integer
public $recurCount = null;
* The type of recurrence this event follows. RECUR_* constant.
* @var integer
public $recurType = self::RECUR_NONE;
* The length of time between recurrences. The time unit depends on the
* recurrence type.
* @var integer
public $recurInterval = 1;
* Any additional recurrence data.
* @var integer
public $recurData = null;
* BYDAY recurrence number
* @var integer
public $recurNthDay = null;
* BYMONTH recurrence data
* @var array
public $recurMonths = array();
* RDATE recurrence values
* @var array
public $rdates = array();
* All the exceptions from recurrence for this event.
* @var array
public $exceptions = array();
* All the dates this recurrence has been marked as completed.
* @var array
public $completions = array();
* Constructor.
* @param Horde_Date $start Start of the recurring event.
public function __construct($start)
$this->start = new Horde_Date($start);
* Resets the class properties.
public function reset()
$this->recurEnd = null;
$this->recurCount = null;
$this->recurType = self::RECUR_NONE;
$this->recurInterval = 1;
$this->recurData = null;
$this->exceptions = array();
$this->completions = array();
* Checks if this event recurs on a given day of the week.
* @param integer $dayMask A mask consisting of Horde_Date::MASK_*
* constants specifying the day(s) to check.
* @return boolean True if this event recurs on the given day(s).
public function recurOnDay($dayMask)
return ($this->recurData & $dayMask);
* Specifies the days this event recurs on.
* @param integer $dayMask A mask consisting of Horde_Date::MASK_*
* constants specifying the day(s) to recur on.
public function setRecurOnDay($dayMask)
$this->recurData = $dayMask;
* @param integer $nthDay The nth weekday of month to repeat events on
public function setRecurNthWeekday($nth)
$this->recurNthDay = (int)$nth;
* @return integer The nth weekday of month to repeat events.
public function getRecurNthWeekday()
return isset($this->recurNthDay) ? $this->recurNthDay : ceil($this->start->mday / 7);
* Specifies the months for yearly (weekday) recurrence
* @param array $months List of months (integers) this event recurs on.
function setRecurByMonth($months)
$this->recurMonths = (array)$months;
* Returns a list of months this yearly event recurs on
* @return array List of months (integers) this event recurs on.
function getRecurByMonth()
return $this->recurMonths;
* Returns the days this event recurs on.
* @return integer A mask consisting of Horde_Date::MASK_* constants
* specifying the day(s) this event recurs on.
public function getRecurOnDays()
return $this->recurData;
* Returns whether this event has a specific recurrence type.
* @param integer $recurrence RECUR_* constant of the
* recurrence type to check for.
* @return boolean True if the event has the specified recurrence type.
public function hasRecurType($recurrence)
return ($recurrence == $this->recurType);
* Sets a recurrence type for this event.
* @param integer $recurrence A RECUR_* constant.
public function setRecurType($recurrence)
$this->recurType = $recurrence;
* Returns recurrence type of this event.
* @return integer A RECUR_* constant.
public function getRecurType()
return $this->recurType;
* Returns a description of this event's recurring type.
* @return string Human readable recurring type.
public function getRecurName()
switch ($this->getRecurType()) {
case self::RECUR_NONE: return Horde_Date_Translation::t("No recurrence");
case self::RECUR_DAILY: return Horde_Date_Translation::t("Daily");
case self::RECUR_WEEKLY: return Horde_Date_Translation::t("Weekly");
case self::RECUR_MONTHLY_WEEKDAY: return Horde_Date_Translation::t("Monthly");
case self::RECUR_YEARLY_DAY:
case self::RECUR_YEARLY_WEEKDAY: return Horde_Date_Translation::t("Yearly");
* Sets the length of time between recurrences of this event.
* @param integer $interval The time between recurrences.
public function setRecurInterval($interval)
if ($interval > 0) {
$this->recurInterval = $interval;
* Retrieves the length of time between recurrences of this event.
* @return integer The number of seconds between recurrences.
public function getRecurInterval()
return $this->recurInterval;
* Sets the number of recurrences of this event.
* @param integer $count The number of recurrences.
public function setRecurCount($count)
if ($count > 0) {
$this->recurCount = (int)$count;
// Recurrence counts and end dates are mutually exclusive.
$this->recurEnd = null;
} else {
$this->recurCount = null;
* Retrieves the number of recurrences of this event.
* @return integer The number recurrences.
public function getRecurCount()
return $this->recurCount;
* Returns whether this event has a recurrence with a fixed count.
* @return boolean True if this recurrence has a fixed count.
public function hasRecurCount()
return isset($this->recurCount);
* Sets the start date of the recurrence interval.
* @param Horde_Date $start The recurrence start.
public function setRecurStart($start)
$this->start = clone $start;
* Retrieves the start date of the recurrence interval.
* @return Horde_Date The recurrence start.
public function getRecurStart()
return $this->start;
* Sets the end date of the recurrence interval.
* @param Horde_Date $end The recurrence end.
public function setRecurEnd($end)
if (!empty($end)) {
// Recurrence counts and end dates are mutually exclusive.
$this->recurCount = null;
$this->recurEnd = clone $end;
} else {
$this->recurEnd = $end;
* Retrieves the end date of the recurrence interval.
* @return Horde_Date The recurrence end.
public function getRecurEnd()
return $this->recurEnd;
* Returns whether this event has a recurrence end.
* @return boolean True if this recurrence ends.
public function hasRecurEnd()
return isset($this->recurEnd) && isset($this->recurEnd->year) &&
$this->recurEnd->year != 9999;
* Finds the next recurrence of this event that's after $afterDate.
* @param Horde_Date|string $after Return events after this date.
* @return Horde_Date|boolean The date of the next recurrence or false
* if the event does not recur after
* $afterDate.
public function nextRecurrence($after)
if (!($after instanceof Horde_Date)) {
$after = new Horde_Date($after);
} else {
$after = clone($after);
// Make sure $after and $this->start are in the same TZ
if ($this->start->compareDateTime($after) >= 0) {
return clone $this->start;
if ($this->recurInterval == 0 && empty($this->rdates)) {
return false;
switch ($this->getRecurType()) {
case self::RECUR_DAILY:
$diff = $this->start->diff($after);
$recur = ceil($diff / $this->recurInterval);
if ($this->recurCount && $recur >= $this->recurCount) {
return false;
$recur *= $this->recurInterval;
$next = $this->start->add(array('day' => $recur));
if ((!$this->hasRecurEnd() ||
$next->compareDateTime($this->recurEnd) <= 0) &&
$next->compareDateTime($after) >= 0) {
return $next;
case self::RECUR_WEEKLY:
if (empty($this->recurData)) {
return false;
$start_week = Horde_Date_Utils::firstDayOfWeek($this->start->format('W'),
$start_week->timezone = $this->start->timezone;
$start_week->hour = $this->start->hour;
$start_week->min = $this->start->min;
$start_week->sec = $this->start->sec;
// Make sure we are not at the ISO-8601 first week of year while
// still in month 12...OR in the ISO-8601 last week of year while
// in month 1 and adjust the year accordingly.
$week = $after->format('W');
if ($week == 1 && $after->month == 12) {
$theYear = $after->year + 1;
} elseif ($week >= 52 && $after->month == 1) {
$theYear = $after->year - 1;
} else {
$theYear = $after->year;
$after_week = Horde_Date_Utils::firstDayOfWeek($week, $theYear);
$after_week->timezone = $this->start->timezone;
$after_week_end = clone $after_week;
$after_week_end->mday += 7;
$diff = $start_week->diff($after_week);
$interval = $this->recurInterval * 7;
$repeats = floor($diff / $interval);
if ($diff % $interval < 7) {
$recur = $diff;
} else {
* If the after_week is not in the first week interval the
* search needs to skip ahead a complete interval. The way it is
* calculated here means that an event that occurs every second
* week on Monday and Wednesday with the event actually starting
* on Tuesday or Wednesday will only have one incidence in the
* first week.
$recur = $interval * ($repeats + 1);
if ($this->hasRecurCount()) {
$recurrences = 0;
* Correct the number of recurrences by the number of events
* that lay between the start of the start week and the
* recurrence start.
$next = clone $start_week;
while ($next->compareDateTime($this->start) < 0) {
if ($this->recurOnDay((int)pow(2, $next->dayOfWeek()))) {
if ($repeats > 0) {
$weekdays = $this->recurData;
$total_recurrences_per_week = 0;
while ($weekdays > 0) {
if ($weekdays % 2) {
$weekdays = ($weekdays - ($weekdays % 2)) / 2;
$recurrences += $total_recurrences_per_week * $repeats;
$next = clone $start_week;
$next->mday += $recur;
while ($next->compareDateTime($after) < 0 &&
$next->compareDateTime($after_week_end) < 0) {
if ($this->hasRecurCount()
&& $next->compareDateTime($after) < 0
&& $this->recurOnDay((int)pow(2, $next->dayOfWeek()))) {
if ($this->hasRecurCount() &&
$recurrences >= $this->recurCount) {
return false;
if (!$this->hasRecurEnd() ||
$next->compareDateTime($this->recurEnd) <= 0) {
if ($next->compareDateTime($after_week_end) >= 0) {
return $this->nextRecurrence($after_week_end);
while (!$this->recurOnDay((int)pow(2, $next->dayOfWeek())) &&
$next->compareDateTime($after_week_end) < 0) {
if (!$this->hasRecurEnd() ||
$next->compareDateTime($this->recurEnd) <= 0) {
if ($next->compareDateTime($after_week_end) >= 0) {
return $this->nextRecurrence($after_week_end);
} else {
return $next;
$start = clone $this->start;
if ($after->compareDateTime($start) < 0) {
$after = clone $start;
} else {
$after = clone $after;
// If we're starting past this month's recurrence of the event,
// look in the next month on the day the event recurs.
if ($after->mday > $start->mday) {
$after->mday = $start->mday;
// Adjust $start to be the first match.
$offset = ($after->month - $start->month) + ($after->year - $start->year) * 12;
$offset = floor(($offset + $this->recurInterval - 1) / $this->recurInterval) * $this->recurInterval;
if ($this->recurCount &&
($offset / $this->recurInterval) >= $this->recurCount) {
return false;
$start->month += $offset;
$count = $offset / $this->recurInterval;
do {
if ($this->recurCount &&
$count++ >= $this->recurCount) {
return false;
// Bail if we've gone past the end of recurrence.
if ($this->hasRecurEnd() &&
$this->recurEnd->compareDateTime($start) < 0) {
return false;
if ($start->isValid()) {
return $start;
// If the interval is 12, and the date isn't valid, then we
// need to see if February 29th is an option. If not, then the
// event will _never_ recur, and we need to stop checking to
// avoid an infinite loop.
if ($this->recurInterval == 12 && ($start->month != 2 || $start->mday > 29)) {
return false;
// Add the recurrence interval.
$start->month += $this->recurInterval;
} while (true);
// Start with the start date of the event.
$estart = clone $this->start;
// What day of the week, and week of the month, do we recur on?
if (isset($this->recurNthDay)) {
$nth = $this->recurNthDay;
$weekday = log($this->recurData, 2);
} else {
$nth = ceil($this->start->mday / 7);
$weekday = $estart->dayOfWeek();
// Adjust $estart to be the first candidate.
$offset = ($after->month - $estart->month) + ($after->year - $estart->year) * 12;
$offset = floor(($offset + $this->recurInterval - 1) / $this->recurInterval) * $this->recurInterval;
// Adjust our working date until it's after $after.
$estart->month += $offset - $this->recurInterval;
$count = $offset / $this->recurInterval;
do {
if ($this->recurCount &&
$count++ >= $this->recurCount) {
return false;
$estart->month += $this->recurInterval;
$next = clone $estart;
$next->setNthWeekday($weekday, $nth);
if ($next->compareDateTime($after) < 0) {
// We haven't made it past $after yet, try again.
if ($this->hasRecurEnd() &&
$next->compareDateTime($this->recurEnd) > 0) {
// We've gone past the end of recurrence; we can give up
// now.
return false;
// We have a candidate to return.
} while (true);
return $next;
// Start with the start date of the event.
$estart = clone $this->start;
$after = clone $after;
if ($after->month > $estart->month ||
($after->month == $estart->month && $after->mday > $estart->mday)) {
$after->month = $estart->month;
$after->mday = $estart->mday;
// Seperate case here for February 29th
if ($estart->month == 2 && $estart->mday == 29) {
while (!Horde_Date_Utils::isLeapYear($after->year)) {
// Adjust $estart to be the first candidate.
$offset = $after->year - $estart->year;
if ($offset > 0) {
$offset = floor(($offset + $this->recurInterval - 1) / $this->recurInterval) * $this->recurInterval;
$estart->year += $offset;
// We've gone past the end of recurrence; give up.
if ($this->recurCount &&
$offset >= $this->recurCount) {
return false;
if ($this->hasRecurEnd() &&
$this->recurEnd->compareDateTime($estart) < 0) {
return false;
return $estart;
case self::RECUR_YEARLY_DAY:
// Check count first.
$dayofyear = $this->start->dayOfYear();
$count = ($after->year - $this->start->year) / $this->recurInterval + 1;
if ($this->recurCount &&
($count > $this->recurCount ||
($count == $this->recurCount &&
$after->dayOfYear() > $dayofyear))) {
return false;
// Start with a rough interval.
$estart = clone $this->start;
$estart->year += floor($count - 1) * $this->recurInterval;
// Now add the difference to the required day of year.
$estart->mday += $dayofyear - $estart->dayOfYear();
// Add an interval if the estimation was wrong.
if ($estart->compareDate($after) < 0) {
$estart->year += $this->recurInterval;
$estart->mday += $dayofyear - $estart->dayOfYear();
// We've gone past the end of recurrence; give up.
if ($this->hasRecurEnd() &&
$this->recurEnd->compareDateTime($estart) < 0) {
return false;
return $estart;
// Start with the start date of the event.
$estart = clone $this->start;
// What day of the week, and week of the month, do we recur on?
if (isset($this->recurNthDay)) {
$nth = $this->recurNthDay;
$weekday = log($this->recurData, 2);
} else {
$nth = ceil($this->start->mday / 7);
$weekday = $estart->dayOfWeek();
// Adjust $estart to be the first candidate.
$offset = floor(($after->year - $estart->year + $this->recurInterval - 1) / $this->recurInterval) * $this->recurInterval;
// Adjust our working date until it's after $after.
$estart->year += $offset - $this->recurInterval;
$count = $offset / $this->recurInterval;
do {
if ($this->recurCount &&
$count++ >= $this->recurCount) {
return false;
$estart->year += $this->recurInterval;
$next = clone $estart;
$next->setNthWeekday($weekday, $nth);
if ($next->compareDateTime($after) < 0) {
// We haven't made it past $after yet, try again.
if ($this->hasRecurEnd() &&
$next->compareDateTime($this->recurEnd) > 0) {
// We've gone past the end of recurrence; we can give up
// now.
return false;
// We have a candidate to return.
} while (true);
return $next;
// fall-back to RDATE properties
if (!empty($this->rdates)) {
$next = clone $this->start;
foreach ($this->rdates as $rdate) {
$next->year = $rdate->year;
$next->month = $rdate->month;
$next->mday = $rdate->mday;
if ($next->compareDateTime($after) > 0) {
return $next;
// We didn't find anything, the recurType was bad, or something else
// went wrong - return false.
return false;
* Returns whether this event has any date that matches the recurrence
* rules and is not an exception.
* @return boolean True if an active recurrence exists.
public function hasActiveRecurrence()
if (!$this->hasRecurEnd()) {
return true;
$next = $this->nextRecurrence(new Horde_Date($this->start));
while (is_object($next)) {
if (!$this->hasException($next->year, $next->month, $next->mday) &&
!$this->hasCompletion($next->year, $next->month, $next->mday)) {
return true;
$next = $this->nextRecurrence($next->add(array('day' => 1)));
return false;
* Returns the next active recurrence.
* @param Horde_Date $afterDate Return events after this date.
* @return Horde_Date|boolean The date of the next active
* recurrence or false if the event
* has no active recurrence after
* $afterDate.
public function nextActiveRecurrence($afterDate)
$next = $this->nextRecurrence($afterDate);
while (is_object($next)) {
if (!$this->hasException($next->year, $next->month, $next->mday) &&
!$this->hasCompletion($next->year, $next->month, $next->mday)) {
return $next;
$next = $this->nextRecurrence($next);
return false;
* Adds an absolute recurrence date.
* @param integer $year The year of the instance.
* @param integer $month The month of the instance.
* @param integer $mday The day of the month of the instance.
public function addRDate($year, $month, $mday)
$this->rdates[] = new Horde_Date($year, $month, $mday);
* Adds an exception to a recurring event.
* @param integer $year The year of the execption.
* @param integer $month The month of the execption.
* @param integer $mday The day of the month of the exception.
public function addException($year, $month, $mday)
$this->exceptions[] = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $year, $month, $mday);
* Deletes an exception from a recurring event.
* @param integer $year The year of the execption.
* @param integer $month The month of the execption.
* @param integer $mday The day of the month of the exception.
public function deleteException($year, $month, $mday)
$key = array_search(sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $year, $month, $mday), $this->exceptions);
if ($key !== false) {
* Checks if an exception exists for a given reccurence of an event.
* @param integer $year The year of the reucrance.
* @param integer $month The month of the reucrance.
* @param integer $mday The day of the month of the reucrance.
* @return boolean True if an exception exists for the given date.
public function hasException($year, $month, $mday)
return in_array(sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $year, $month, $mday),
* Retrieves all the exceptions for this event.
* @return array Array containing the dates of all the exceptions in
* YYYYMMDD form.
public function getExceptions()
return $this->exceptions;
* Adds a completion to a recurring event.
* @param integer $year The year of the execption.
* @param integer $month The month of the execption.
* @param integer $mday The day of the month of the completion.
public function addCompletion($year, $month, $mday)
$this->completions[] = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $year, $month, $mday);
* Deletes a completion from a recurring event.
* @param integer $year The year of the execption.
* @param integer $month The month of the execption.
* @param integer $mday The day of the month of the completion.
public function deleteCompletion($year, $month, $mday)
$key = array_search(sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $year, $month, $mday), $this->completions);
if ($key !== false) {
* Checks if a completion exists for a given reccurence of an event.
* @param integer $year The year of the reucrance.
* @param integer $month The month of the recurrance.
* @param integer $mday The day of the month of the recurrance.
* @return boolean True if a completion exists for the given date.
public function hasCompletion($year, $month, $mday)
return in_array(sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $year, $month, $mday),
* Retrieves all the completions for this event.
* @return array Array containing the dates of all the completions in
* YYYYMMDD form.
public function getCompletions()
return $this->completions;
* Parses a vCalendar 1.0 recurrence rule.
* @link
* @link
* @param string $rrule A vCalendar 1.0 conform RRULE value.
public function fromRRule10($rrule)
if (!$rrule) {
if (!preg_match('/([A-Z]+)(\d+)?(.*)/', $rrule, $matches)) {
// No recurrence data - event does not recur.
// Always default the recurInterval to 1.
$this->setRecurInterval(!empty($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : 1);
$remainder = trim($matches[3]);
switch ($matches[1]) {
case 'D':
case 'W':
if (!empty($remainder)) {
$mask = 0;
while (preg_match('/^ ?[A-Z]{2} ?/', $remainder, $matches)) {
$day = trim($matches[0]);
$remainder = substr($remainder, strlen($matches[0]));
$mask |= $maskdays[$day];
} else {
// Recur on the day of the week of the original recurrence.
$maskdays = array(
Horde_Date::DATE_SUNDAY => Horde_Date::MASK_SUNDAY,
Horde_Date::DATE_MONDAY => Horde_Date::MASK_MONDAY,
Horde_Date::DATE_TUESDAY => Horde_Date::MASK_TUESDAY,
Horde_Date::DATE_FRIDAY => Horde_Date::MASK_FRIDAY,
case 'MP':
case 'MD':
case 'YM':
case 'YD':
// We don't support modifiers at the moment, strip them.
while ($remainder && !preg_match('/^(#\d+|\d{8})($| |T\d{6})/', $remainder)) {
$remainder = substr($remainder, 1);
if (!empty($remainder)) {
if (strpos($remainder, '#') === 0) {
$this->setRecurCount(substr($remainder, 1));
} else {
list($year, $month, $mday) = sscanf($remainder, '%04d%02d%02d');
$this->setRecurEnd(new Horde_Date(array('year' => $year,
'month' => $month,
'mday' => $mday,
'hour' => 23,
'min' => 59,
'sec' => 59)));
* Creates a vCalendar 1.0 recurrence rule.
* @link
* @link
* @param Horde_Icalendar $calendar A Horde_Icalendar object instance.
* @return string A vCalendar 1.0 conform RRULE value.
public function toRRule10($calendar)
switch ($this->recurType) {
case self::RECUR_NONE:
return '';
case self::RECUR_DAILY:
$rrule = 'D' . $this->recurInterval;
case self::RECUR_WEEKLY:
$rrule = 'W' . $this->recurInterval;
$vcaldays = array('SU', 'MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR', 'SA');
for ($i = 0; $i <= 7; ++$i) {
if ($this->recurOnDay(pow(2, $i))) {
$rrule .= ' ' . $vcaldays[$i];
$rrule = 'MD' . $this->recurInterval . ' ' . trim($this->start->mday);
$nth_weekday = (int)($this->start->mday / 7);
if (($this->start->mday % 7) > 0) {
$vcaldays = array('SU', 'MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR', 'SA');
$rrule = 'MP' . $this->recurInterval . ' ' . $nth_weekday . '+ ' . $vcaldays[$this->start->dayOfWeek()];
$rrule = 'YM' . $this->recurInterval . ' ' . trim($this->start->month);
case self::RECUR_YEARLY_DAY:
$rrule = 'YD' . $this->recurInterval . ' ' . $this->start->dayOfYear();
return '';
if ($this->hasRecurEnd()) {
$recurEnd = clone $this->recurEnd;
return $rrule . ' ' . $calendar->_exportDateTime($recurEnd);
return $rrule . ' #' . (int)$this->getRecurCount();
* Parses an iCalendar 2.0 recurrence rule.
* @link
* @link
* @link
* @param string $rrule An iCalendar 2.0 conform RRULE value.
public function fromRRule20($rrule)
// Parse the recurrence rule into keys and values.
$rdata = array();
$parts = explode(';', $rrule);
foreach ($parts as $part) {
list($key, $value) = explode('=', $part, 2);
$rdata[strtoupper($key)] = $value;
if (isset($rdata['FREQ'])) {
// Always default the recurInterval to 1.
$this->setRecurInterval(isset($rdata['INTERVAL']) ? $rdata['INTERVAL'] : 1);
$maskdays = array(
'SU' => Horde_Date::MASK_SUNDAY,
'MO' => Horde_Date::MASK_MONDAY,
'TU' => Horde_Date::MASK_TUESDAY,
'WE' => Horde_Date::MASK_WEDNESDAY,
'TH' => Horde_Date::MASK_THURSDAY,
'FR' => Horde_Date::MASK_FRIDAY,
'SA' => Horde_Date::MASK_SATURDAY,
switch (strtoupper($rdata['FREQ'])) {
case 'DAILY':
case 'WEEKLY':
if (isset($rdata['BYDAY'])) {
$days = explode(',', $rdata['BYDAY']);
$mask = 0;
foreach ($days as $day) {
$mask |= $maskdays[$day];
} else {
// Recur on the day of the week of the original
// recurrence.
$maskdays = array(
Horde_Date::DATE_SUNDAY => Horde_Date::MASK_SUNDAY,
Horde_Date::DATE_MONDAY => Horde_Date::MASK_MONDAY,
Horde_Date::DATE_TUESDAY => Horde_Date::MASK_TUESDAY,
Horde_Date::DATE_FRIDAY => Horde_Date::MASK_FRIDAY,
Horde_Date::DATE_SATURDAY => Horde_Date::MASK_SATURDAY);
case 'MONTHLY':
if (isset($rdata['BYDAY'])) {
if (preg_match('/(-?[1-4])([A-Z]+)/', $rdata['BYDAY'], $m)) {
} else {
case 'YEARLY':
if (isset($rdata['BYYEARDAY'])) {
} elseif (isset($rdata['BYDAY'])) {
if (preg_match('/(-?[1-4])([A-Z]+)/', $rdata['BYDAY'], $m)) {
if ($rdata['BYMONTH']) {
$months = explode(',', $rdata['BYMONTH']);
} else {
if (isset($rdata['UNTIL'])) {
list($year, $month, $mday) = sscanf($rdata['UNTIL'],
$this->setRecurEnd(new Horde_Date(array('year' => $year,
'month' => $month,
'mday' => $mday,
'hour' => 23,
'min' => 59,
'sec' => 59)));
if (isset($rdata['COUNT'])) {
} else {
// No recurrence data - event does not recur.
* Creates an iCalendar 2.0 recurrence rule.
* @link
* @link
* @link
* @param Horde_Icalendar $calendar A Horde_Icalendar object instance.
* @return string An iCalendar 2.0 conform RRULE value.
public function toRRule20($calendar)
switch ($this->recurType) {
case self::RECUR_NONE:
return '';
case self::RECUR_DAILY:
$rrule = 'FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=' . $this->recurInterval;
case self::RECUR_WEEKLY:
$rrule = 'FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=' . $this->recurInterval . ';BYDAY=';
$vcaldays = array('SU', 'MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR', 'SA');
for ($i = $flag = 0; $i <= 7; ++$i) {
if ($this->recurOnDay(pow(2, $i))) {
if ($flag) {
$rrule .= ',';
$rrule .= $vcaldays[$i];
$flag = true;
$rrule = 'FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=' . $this->recurInterval;
if (isset($this->recurNthDay)) {
$nth_weekday = $this->recurNthDay;
$day_of_week = log($this->recurData, 2);
} else {
$day_of_week = $this->start->dayOfWeek();
$nth_weekday = (int)($this->start->mday / 7);
if (($this->start->mday % 7) > 0) {
$vcaldays = array('SU', 'MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR', 'SA');
$rrule = 'FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=' . $this->recurInterval
. ';BYDAY=' . $nth_weekday . $vcaldays[$day_of_week];
$rrule = 'FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=' . $this->recurInterval;
case self::RECUR_YEARLY_DAY:
$rrule = 'FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=' . $this->recurInterval
. ';BYYEARDAY=' . $this->start->dayOfYear();
if (isset($this->recurNthDay)) {
$nth_weekday = $this->recurNthDay;
$day_of_week = log($this->recurData, 2);
} else {
$day_of_week = $this->start->dayOfWeek();
$nth_weekday = (int)($this->start->mday / 7);
if (($this->start->mday % 7) > 0) {
$months = !empty($this->recurMonths) ? join(',', $this->recurMonths) : $this->start->month;
$vcaldays = array('SU', 'MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR', 'SA');
$rrule = 'FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=' . $this->recurInterval
. ';BYDAY='
. $nth_weekday
. $vcaldays[$day_of_week]
. ';BYMONTH=' . $this->start->month;
if ($this->hasRecurEnd()) {
$recurEnd = clone $this->recurEnd;
$rrule .= ';UNTIL=' . $calendar->_exportDateTime($recurEnd);
if ($count = $this->getRecurCount()) {
$rrule .= ';COUNT=' . $count;
return $rrule;
* Parses the recurrence data from a hash.
* @param array $hash The hash to convert.
* @return boolean True if the hash seemed valid, false otherwise.
public function fromHash($hash)
if (!isset($hash['interval']) || !isset($hash['cycle'])) {
return false;
$month2number = array(
'january' => 1,
'february' => 2,
'march' => 3,
'april' => 4,
'may' => 5,
'june' => 6,
'july' => 7,
'august' => 8,
'september' => 9,
'october' => 10,
'november' => 11,
'december' => 12,
$parse_day = false;
$set_daymask = false;
$update_month = false;
$update_daynumber = false;
$update_weekday = false;
$nth_weekday = -1;
switch ($hash['cycle']) {
case 'daily':
case 'weekly':
$parse_day = true;
$set_daymask = true;
case 'monthly':
if (!isset($hash['daynumber'])) {
return false;
switch ($hash['type']) {
case 'daynumber':
$update_daynumber = true;
case 'weekday':
$parse_day = true;
$set_daymask = true;
case 'yearly':
if (!isset($hash['type'])) {
return false;
switch ($hash['type']) {
case 'monthday':
$update_month = true;
$update_daynumber = true;
case 'yearday':
if (!isset($hash['month'])) {
return false;
// Start counting days in January.
$hash['month'] = 'january';
$update_month = true;
$update_daynumber = true;
case 'weekday':
if (!isset($hash['daynumber'])) {
return false;
$parse_day = true;
$set_daymask = true;
if ($hash['month'] && isset($month2number[$hash['month']])) {
if (isset($hash['range-type']) && isset($hash['range'])) {
switch ($hash['range-type']) {
case 'number':
case 'date':
$recur_end = new Horde_Date($hash['range']);
$recur_end->hour = 23;
$recur_end->min = 59;
$recur_end->sec = 59;
// Need to parse <day>?
$last_found_day = -1;
if ($parse_day) {
if (!isset($hash['day'])) {
return false;
$mask = 0;
$bits = array(
'monday' => Horde_Date::MASK_MONDAY,
'tuesday' => Horde_Date::MASK_TUESDAY,
'wednesday' => Horde_Date::MASK_WEDNESDAY,
'thursday' => Horde_Date::MASK_THURSDAY,
'friday' => Horde_Date::MASK_FRIDAY,
'saturday' => Horde_Date::MASK_SATURDAY,
'sunday' => Horde_Date::MASK_SUNDAY,
$days = array(
'monday' => Horde_Date::DATE_MONDAY,
'tuesday' => Horde_Date::DATE_TUESDAY,
'wednesday' => Horde_Date::DATE_WEDNESDAY,
'thursday' => Horde_Date::DATE_THURSDAY,
'friday' => Horde_Date::DATE_FRIDAY,
'saturday' => Horde_Date::DATE_SATURDAY,
'sunday' => Horde_Date::DATE_SUNDAY,
foreach ($hash['day'] as $day) {
// Validity check.
if (empty($day) || !isset($bits[$day])) {
$mask |= $bits[$day];
$last_found_day = $days[$day];
if ($set_daymask) {
if ($update_month || $update_daynumber || $update_weekday) {
if ($update_month) {
if (isset($month2number[$hash['month']])) {
$this->start->month = $month2number[$hash['month']];
if ($update_daynumber) {
if (!isset($hash['daynumber'])) {
return false;
$this->start->mday = $hash['daynumber'];
if ($update_weekday) {
// Exceptions.
if (isset($hash['exceptions'])) {
$this->exceptions = $hash['exceptions'];
if (isset($hash['completions'])) {
$this->completions = $hash['completions'];
return true;
* Export this object into a hash.
* @return array The recurrence hash.
public function toHash()
if ($this->getRecurType() == self::RECUR_NONE) {
return array();
$day2number = array(
0 => 'sunday',
1 => 'monday',
2 => 'tuesday',
3 => 'wednesday',
4 => 'thursday',
5 => 'friday',
6 => 'saturday'
$month2number = array(
1 => 'january',
2 => 'february',
3 => 'march',
4 => 'april',
5 => 'may',
6 => 'june',
7 => 'july',
8 => 'august',
9 => 'september',
10 => 'october',
11 => 'november',
12 => 'december'
$hash = array('interval' => $this->getRecurInterval());
$start = $this->getRecurStart();
switch ($this->getRecurType()) {
case self::RECUR_DAILY:
$hash['cycle'] = 'daily';
case self::RECUR_WEEKLY:
$hash['cycle'] = 'weekly';
$bits = array(
'monday' => Horde_Date::MASK_MONDAY,
'tuesday' => Horde_Date::MASK_TUESDAY,
'wednesday' => Horde_Date::MASK_WEDNESDAY,
'thursday' => Horde_Date::MASK_THURSDAY,
'friday' => Horde_Date::MASK_FRIDAY,
'saturday' => Horde_Date::MASK_SATURDAY,
'sunday' => Horde_Date::MASK_SUNDAY,
$days = array();
foreach ($bits as $name => $bit) {
if ($this->recurOnDay($bit)) {
$days[] = $name;
$hash['day'] = $days;
$hash['cycle'] = 'monthly';
$hash['type'] = 'daynumber';
$hash['daynumber'] = $start->mday;
$hash['cycle'] = 'monthly';
$hash['type'] = 'weekday';
$hash['daynumber'] = $start->weekOfMonth();
$hash['day'] = array ($day2number[$start->dayOfWeek()]);
$hash['cycle'] = 'yearly';
$hash['type'] = 'monthday';
$hash['daynumber'] = $start->mday;
$hash['month'] = $month2number[$start->month];
case self::RECUR_YEARLY_DAY:
$hash['cycle'] = 'yearly';
$hash['type'] = 'yearday';
$hash['daynumber'] = $start->dayOfYear();
$hash['cycle'] = 'yearly';
$hash['type'] = 'weekday';
$hash['daynumber'] = $start->weekOfMonth();
$hash['day'] = array ($day2number[$start->dayOfWeek()]);
$hash['month'] = $month2number[$start->month];
if ($this->hasRecurCount()) {
$hash['range-type'] = 'number';
$hash['range'] = $this->getRecurCount();
} elseif ($this->hasRecurEnd()) {
$date = $this->getRecurEnd();
$hash['range-type'] = 'date';
$hash['range'] = $date->datestamp();
} else {
$hash['range-type'] = 'none';
$hash['range'] = '';
// Recurrence exceptions
$hash['exceptions'] = $this->exceptions;
$hash['completions'] = $this->completions;
return $hash;
* Returns a simple object suitable for json transport representing this
* object.
* Possible properties are:
* - t: type
* - i: interval
* - e: end date
* - c: count
* - d: data
* - co: completions
* - ex: exceptions
* @return object A simple object.
public function toJson()
$json = new stdClass;
$json->t = $this->recurType;
$json->i = $this->recurInterval;
if ($this->hasRecurEnd()) {
$json->e = $this->recurEnd->toJson();
if ($this->recurCount) {
$json->c = $this->recurCount;
if ($this->recurData) {
$json->d = $this->recurData;
if ($this->completions) {
$json->co = $this->completions;
if ($this->exceptions) {
$json->ex = $this->exceptions;
return $json;