Thomas Buckley-Houston ae44a18cfc Moved URL bar input and mono mode toggle to CLI
Finally fixes integration tests
2018-04-28 19:02:40 +08:00

94 lines
2.7 KiB

package test
import (
. ""
. ""
func TestIntegration(t *testing.T) {
RunSpecs(t, "Integration tests")
var _ = Describe("Showing a basic webpage", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
GotoURL(testSiteURL + "/smorgasbord/")
Describe("Browser UI", func() {
It("should have the page title, buttons and the current URL", func() {
Expect("Smörgåsbord").To(BeInFrameAt(0, 0))
Expect(" ← |").To(BeInFrameAt(0, 1))
Expect(" x |").To(BeInFrameAt(4, 1))
URL := testSiteURL + "/smorgasbord/"
Expect(URL).To(BeInFrameAt(9, 1))
Describe("Interaction", func() {
It("should navigate to a new page by using the URL bar", func() {
Keyboard(testSiteURL + "/smorgasbord/another.html")
Expect("Another").To(BeInFrameAt(0, 0))
It("should navigate to a new page by clicking a link", func() {
Expect("Another▄page").To(BeInFrameAt(12, 19))
simScreen.InjectMouse(12, 19, tcell.Button1, tcell.ModNone)
Expect("Another").To(BeInFrameAt(0, 0))
It("should scroll the page by one line", func() {
Expect("meal,▄originating▄in▄").To(BeInFrameAt(12, 11))
It("should scroll the page by one page", func() {
Expect("continuing▄with▄a▄variety▄of▄fish").To(BeInFrameAt(12, 12))
Describe("Rendering", func() {
It("should reset page scroll to zero on page load", func() {
Expect("continuing▄with▄a▄variety▄of▄fish").To(BeInFrameAt(12, 12))
GotoURL(testSiteURL + "/smorgasbord/another.html")
Expect("Another▄webpage").To(BeInFrameAt(1, 3))
It("should render dynamic content", func() {
var greens, pinks int
var colours [10][3]int32
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
colours[i] = GetFgColour(39, 3)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
if colours[i] == [3]int32{0, 255, 255} { greens++ }
if colours[i] == [3]int32{255, 0, 255} { pinks++ }
Expect(greens).To(BeNumerically(">=", 1))
Expect(pinks).To(BeNumerically(">=", 1))
It("should switch to monochrome mode", func() {
simScreen.InjectKey(tcell.KeyRune, 'm', tcell.ModAlt)
Expect([3]int32{0, 0, 0}).To(Equal(GetBgColour(0, 2)))
Expect([3]int32{255, 255, 255}).To(Equal(GetFgColour(12, 11)))
Describe("Text positioning", func() {
It("should position the left/right-aligned coloumns", func() {
Expect("Smörgåsbord▄(Swedish:").To(BeInFrameAt(12, 10))
Expect("The▄Swedish▄word").To(BeInFrameAt(42, 10))