import BaseBuilder from 'dom/base_builder'; // Converts an instance of the viewport into a an array of pixel values. // Note, that it does this both with and without the text visible in order // to aid in a clean separation of the graphics and text in the final frame // rendered in the terminal. export default class GraphicsBuilder extends BaseBuilder { constructor() { super(); this.off_screen_canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); this.ctx = this.off_screen_canvas.getContext('2d'); this._updateCurrentViewportDimensions(); } getPixelsAt(x, y) { const pixel_data_start = parseInt( (y * (this.viewport.width * 4)) + (x * 4) ); let fg_colour = this.pixels_with_text.slice( pixel_data_start, pixel_data_start + 3 ); let bg_colour = this.pixels_without_text.slice( pixel_data_start, pixel_data_start + 3 ); return [fg_colour, bg_colour]; } getScaledPixelAt(x, y) { const pixel_data_start = (y * this.frame_width * 4) + (x * 4); return this.scaled_pixels.slice(pixel_data_start, pixel_data_start + 3); } getSnapshotWithText() { this._logPerformance(() => { this._getSnapshotWithText(); }, 'get snapshot with text'); } getSnapshotWithoutText() { this._logPerformance(() => { this._getSnapshotWithoutText(); }, 'get snapshot without text'); } getScaledSnapshot(frame_width, frame_height) { this._logPerformance(() => { this._getScaledSnapshot(frame_width, frame_height); }, 'get scaled snapshot'); } _getSnapshotWithoutText() { this._hideText(); this.pixels_without_text = this._getSnapshot(); this._showText(); return this.pixels_without_text; } _getSnapshotWithText() { this.pixels_with_text = this._getSnapshot(); return this.pixels_with_text; } _getScaledSnapshot(frame_width, frame_height) { this.frame_width = frame_width; this.frame_height = frame_height; this._scaleCanvas(); this.scaled_pixels = this._getSnapshot(); this._unScaleCanvas(); this._is_first_frame_finished = true; return this.scaled_pixels; } _hideText() { this.styles = document.createElement("style"); document.head.appendChild(this.styles); this.styles.sheet.insertRule( 'html * {' + ' color: transparent !important;' + // Note the disabling of transition effects here. Some websites have a fancy fade // animation when changing colours, which we don't have time for in taking a snapshot. // However, a drawback here is that, when we remove this style the transition actually // kicks in - not that the terminal sees it because, by the nature of this style change // here, we only ever capture the screen when text is invisible. However, I wonder if // triggering color transitions for every frame might add some unnecessary load? What // about permanently disabling color transitions in the global stylesheet? ' transition: color 0s !important;' + '}' ); } _showText() { this.styles.parentNode.removeChild(this.styles); } _getSnapshot() { this._updateCurrentViewportDimensions() let pixel_data = this._getPixelData(); return pixel_data; } // Deal with page scrolling and other viewport changes. // Perhaps the window has been resized to better accommodate text-sizing, or to try // to trigger some mobile responsive CSS. _updateCurrentViewportDimensions() { this.viewport = { x_scroll: window.scrollX, y_scroll: window.scrollY, width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight } if (!this.is_scaled) { // Resize our canvas to match the viewport. I guess this makes for efficient // use of memory? this.off_screen_canvas.width = this.viewport.width; this.off_screen_canvas.height = this.viewport.height; } } // Scale the screenshot so that 1 pixel approximates half a TTY cell. _scaleCanvas() { this.is_scaled = true; const scale_x = this.frame_width / this.viewport.width; const scale_y = this.frame_height / this.viewport.height; this._hideText();; this.ctx.scale(scale_x, scale_y); } _unScaleCanvas() { this.ctx.restore(); this._showText(); this.is_scaled = false; } // Get an array of RGB values. // This is Firefox-only. Chrome has a nicer MediaStream for this. _getPixelData() { let width, height; let background_colour = 'rgb(255,255,255)'; if (this.is_scaled) { width = this.frame_width; height = this.frame_height; } else { width = this.viewport.width; height = this.viewport.height; } this.ctx.drawWindow( window, this.viewport.x_scroll, this.viewport.y_scroll, this.viewport.width, this.viewport.height, background_colour ); return this.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height).data; } }