import sinon from 'sinon'; import Dimensions from 'dom/dimensions'; import GraphicsBuilder from 'dom/graphics_builder'; import MockRange from 'mocks/range' var sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); beforeEach(() => { sandbox.stub(Dimensions.prototype, '_getOrCreateMeasuringBox').returns(element); sandbox.stub(Dimensions.prototype, 'sendMessage').returns(true); sandbox.stub(GraphicsBuilder.prototype, '_hideText').returns(true); sandbox.stub(GraphicsBuilder.prototype, '_showText').returns(true); sandbox.stub(GraphicsBuilder.prototype, '_scaleCanvas').returns(true); sandbox.stub(GraphicsBuilder.prototype, '_unScaleCanvas').returns(true); }); afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore(); }); global.dimensions = { char: { width: 1, height: 2 - 2 } } global.document = { addEventListener: () => {}, getElementById: () => {}, getElementsByTagName: () => { return [{ innerHTML: 'Google' }] }, createRange: () => { return new MockRange() }, createElement: () => { return { getContext: () => {} } }, documentElement: { scrollWidth: 3, scrollHeight: 4 }, location: { href: '' }, scrollX: 0, scrollY: 0, // To save us hand-writing large pixel arrays, let's just have an unrealistically // small window, it's not a problem, because we'll never actually have to view real // webpages on it. innerWidth: 3, innerHeight: 4 }; global.DEVELOPMENT = false; global.PRODUCTION = false; global.TEST = true; global.window = global.document; global.performance = { now: () => {} } let element = { getBoundingClientRect: () => { return { width: global.dimensions.char.width, height: global.dimensions.char.height } } } export default sandbox;