# Browsh [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/tombh/texttop.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/tombh/texttop) **A fully interactive, realtime and modern browser rendered to TTY** or Firefox in your terminal 😲 // Gifs go here ## Why? I'm travelling around the world and sometimes I don't have very good Internet. If all I have is a 3kbps connection tethered from my phone then it's good to SSH into my server and browse the web through [elinks](https://github.com/tombh/texttop/issues/17). That way my _server_ downloads the web pages and uses the limited bandwidth of my SSH connection to display the result. But it lacks JS support and all that other modern HTML5 goodness. So Browsh is simply a way to have the power of a remote server running a modern browser, but interfaced through the simplicity of a terminal and very low bandwidth. Why not VNC? Well VNC is certainly one solution but it doesn't quite have the same ability to deal with extremely bad Internet. Also, Browsh can use MoSH to further reduce the bandwidth and stability requirements of the connection. Mosh offers features like automatic reconnection of dropped connections and diff-only screen updates. Furthermore, other than SSH or MoSH, Browsh doesn't require a client like VNC. Another reason could be to offload the battery-drain of a modern browser from your laptop. If you're a CLI-native, then you could potentially get a few more hours life if your CPU-hungry browser is running somehwere else on mains electricity. But of course the biggest reason for Browsh is probably just that it's cool geekery. You may just appreciate the sheer simplicty of browsing a text-based web in your terminal. ## Installation Download a [https://github.com/tombh/browsh/releases](release) (~2MB). You will need to have Firefox 57+ aleady installed. Or download and run the Docker image (~800MB) with: `docker run -it tombh/browsh` ## Usage Most keys and mouse gestures should work as you'd expect on a desktop browser. `CTRL+l` Focus URL bar ## License GNU General Public License v3.0