# Run with `ctl.sh release` to get ENV vars project_name: browsh builds: - binary: browsh env: - CGO_ENABLED=0 main: cmd/browsh/main.go goos: - windows - darwin - linux - freebsd - openbsd goarch: - 386 - amd64 - arm - arm64 goarm: - 6 - 7 ignore: - goos: darwin goarch: 386 - goarch: arm64 goos: windows ldflags: -s -w archives: - format_overrides: - goos: windows format: binary - goos: linux format: binary - goos: freebsd format: binary - goos: openbsd format: binary nfpms: - vendor: Browsh homepage: https://www.brow.sh maintainer: Thomas Buckley-Houston description: The modern, text-based browser license: GPL v3 formats: - deb - rpm dependencies: - firefox overrides: deb: dependencies: - 'firefox | firefox-esr' brews: - name: browsh tap: name: homebrew-browsh homepage: "https://www.brow.sh" description: "The modern, text-based browser" caveats: "You need Firefox 57 or newer to run Browsh" # We do the upload manually because Goreleaser doesn't support Deploy Keys and Github # doesn't support repo-specific Access Tokens 🙄 skip_upload: true release: extra_files: - glob: ./browsh-*.xpi