Ensure webext-rewrite branch is used to push tags

...this is during a release
This commit is contained in:
Thomas Buckley-Houston 2018-06-18 19:16:56 +08:00
parent f0467b61c5
commit 4b18c55d5c

View file

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ if [[ "$manifest_version" == "$latest_tagged_version" ]]; then
git reset --hard
git checkout webext-rewrite # Only before rename from Texttop to Browsh
git tag v$manifest_version
cd $PROJECT_ROOT/webext
@ -28,6 +27,7 @@ cd $PROJECT_ROOT/interfacer/src
curl -sL http://git.io/goreleaser | bash
git config --global user.email "builds@travis-ci.com"
git config --global user.name "Travis CI"
git checkout webext-rewrite # Only before rename from Texttop to Browsh
# `/dev/null` needed to prevent Github token appearing in logs
git push --tags --quiet https://$GITHUB_TOKEN@github.com/tombh/texttop > /dev/null 2>&1