Lukas Tribus 32f1e856ad Editor: Don't set time zone from PHP
Current implementation checks the delta between the local time and
UTC, and applies the delta as time zone for MySQL.

This assumption is wrong if the current time is DST enabled, but the
time that is converted isn't - and vice versa.

For example, Europe/Prague is "CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3", when
the MySQL connections is setup now (September, DST enabled) and
we are reading a TIMESTAMP from November, then MySQL applies +0200
instead of +0100 to that timestamp even though November is supposed
to be DST disabled.

There is no reliable and portable way in PHP to understand the
time zone, especially since PHP >= 5.4.0 ignores environment
variable and OS settings [1].

MySQL needs to be properly setup (TZ data loaded [2] and default
TZ set [3]), then everything will work just fine.

The current implementation however causes wrong data 50% of the
time, even when OS/MySQL/PHP is properly setup. As a MySQL
connection will converte timestamps from both DST enabled and
DST disabled dates, a static UTC offset must never be set at
connection level (set time_zone = ...).

This change removes the current implementation, therefor maintaining
OS/MySQL defaults, fixing the DST issue in properly configured

2017-09-09 11:44:42 +02:00

624 lines
22 KiB

class Adminer {
var $operators = array("<=", ">=");
var $_values = array();
function name() {
return "<a href='' target='_blank' id='h1'>" . lang('Editor') . "</a>";
//! driver, ns
function credentials() {
return array(SERVER, $_GET["username"], get_password());
function permanentLogin($create = false) {
return password_file($create);
function bruteForceKey() {
function database() {
global $connection;
if ($connection) {
$databases = $this->databases(false);
return (!$databases
? $connection->result("SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(CURRENT_USER, '@', 1)") // username without the database list
: $databases[(information_schema($databases[0]) ? 1 : 0)] // first available database
function schemas() {
return schemas();
function databases($flush = true) {
return get_databases($flush);
function queryTimeout() {
return 5;
function headers() {
return true;
function head() {
return true;
function loginForm() {
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><th><?php echo lang('Username'); ?><td><input type="hidden" name="auth[driver]" value="server"><input name="auth[username]" id="username" value="<?php echo h($_GET["username"]); ?>" autocapitalize="off">
<tr><th><?php echo lang('Password'); ?><td><input type="password" name="auth[password]">
<script type="text/javascript">
echo "<p><input type='submit' value='" . lang('Login') . "'>\n";
echo checkbox("auth[permanent]", 1, $_COOKIE["adminer_permanent"], lang('Permanent login')) . "\n";
function login($login, $password) {
return true;
function tableName($tableStatus) {
return h($tableStatus["Comment"] != "" ? $tableStatus["Comment"] : $tableStatus["Name"]);
function fieldName($field, $order = 0) {
return h($field["comment"] != "" ? $field["comment"] : $field["field"]);
function selectLinks($tableStatus, $set = "") {
$TABLE = $tableStatus["Name"];
if ($set !== null) {
echo '<p class="tabs"><a href="' . h(ME . 'edit=' . urlencode($TABLE) . $set) . '">' . lang('New item') . "</a>\n";
function foreignKeys($table) {
return foreign_keys($table);
function backwardKeys($table, $tableName) {
$return = array();
FROM information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE
WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = " . q($this->database()) . "
AND REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA = " . q($this->database()) . "
AND REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME = " . q($table) . "
ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION", null, "") as $row) { //! requires MySQL 5
$return[$row["TABLE_NAME"]]["keys"][$row["CONSTRAINT_NAME"]][$row["COLUMN_NAME"]] = $row["REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME"];
foreach ($return as $key => $val) {
$name = $this->tableName(table_status($key, true));
if ($name != "") {
$search = preg_quote($tableName);
$separator = "(:|\\s*-)?\\s+";
$return[$key]["name"] = (preg_match("(^$search$separator(.+)|^(.+?)$separator$search\$)iu", $name, $match) ? $match[2] . $match[3] : $name);
} else {
return $return;
function backwardKeysPrint($backwardKeys, $row) {
foreach ($backwardKeys as $table => $backwardKey) {
foreach ($backwardKey["keys"] as $cols) {
$link = ME . 'select=' . urlencode($table);
$i = 0;
foreach ($cols as $column => $val) {
$link .= where_link($i++, $column, $row[$val]);
echo "<a href='" . h($link) . "'>" . h($backwardKey["name"]) . "</a>";
$link = ME . 'edit=' . urlencode($table);
foreach ($cols as $column => $val) {
$link .= "&set" . urlencode("[" . bracket_escape($column) . "]") . "=" . urlencode($row[$val]);
echo "<a href='" . h($link) . "' title='" . lang('New item') . "'>+</a> ";
function selectQuery($query, $time) {
return "<!--\n" . str_replace("--", "--><!-- ", $query) . "\n($time)\n-->\n";
function rowDescription($table) {
// first varchar column
foreach (fields($table) as $field) {
if (preg_match("~varchar|character varying~", $field["type"])) {
return idf_escape($field["field"]);
return "";
function rowDescriptions($rows, $foreignKeys) {
$return = $rows;
foreach ($rows[0] as $key => $val) {
if (list($table, $id, $name) = $this->_foreignColumn($foreignKeys, $key)) {
// find all used ids
$ids = array();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$ids[$row[$key]] = q($row[$key]);
// uses constant number of queries to get the descriptions, join would be complex, multiple queries would be slow
$descriptions = $this->_values[$table];
if (!$descriptions) {
$descriptions = get_key_vals("SELECT $id, $name FROM " . table($table) . " WHERE $id IN (" . implode(", ", $ids) . ")");
// use the descriptions
foreach ($rows as $n => $row) {
if (isset($row[$key])) {
$return[$n][$key] = (string) $descriptions[$row[$key]];
return $return;
function selectLink($val, $field) {
function selectVal($val, $link, $field, $original) {
$return = ($val === null ? "&nbsp;" : $val);
$link = h($link);
if (preg_match('~blob|bytea~', $field["type"]) && !is_utf8($val)) {
$return = lang('%d byte(s)', strlen($original));
if (preg_match("~^(GIF|\xFF\xD8\xFF|\x89PNG\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A)~", $original)) { // GIF|JPG|PNG, getimagetype() works with filename
$return = "<img src='$link' alt='$return'>";
if (like_bool($field) && $return != "&nbsp;") { // bool
$return = ($val ? lang('yes') : lang('no'));
if ($link) {
$return = "<a href='$link'" . (is_url($link) ? " rel='noreferrer'" : "") . ">$return</a>";
if (!$link && !like_bool($field) && preg_match('~int|float|double|decimal~', $field["type"])) {
$return = "<div class='number'>$return</div>"; // Firefox doesn't support <colgroup>
} elseif (preg_match('~date~', $field["type"])) {
$return = "<div class='datetime'>$return</div>";
return $return;
function editVal($val, $field) {
if (preg_match('~date|timestamp~', $field["type"]) && $val !== null) {
return preg_replace('~^(\\d{2}(\\d+))-(0?(\\d+))-(0?(\\d+))~', lang('$1-$3-$5'), $val);
return $val;
function selectColumnsPrint($select, $columns) {
// can allow grouping functions by indexes
function selectSearchPrint($where, $columns, $indexes) {
$where = (array) $_GET["where"];
echo '<fieldset id="fieldset-search"><legend>' . lang('Search') . "</legend><div>\n";
$keys = array();
foreach ($where as $key => $val) {
$keys[$val["col"]] = $key;
$i = 0;
$fields = fields($_GET["select"]);
foreach ($columns as $name => $desc) {
$field = $fields[$name];
if (preg_match("~enum~", $field["type"]) || like_bool($field)) { //! set - uses 1 << $i and FIND_IN_SET()
$key = $keys[$name];
echo "<div>" . h($desc) . "<input type='hidden' name='where[$i][col]' value='" . h($name) . "'>:";
echo (like_bool($field)
? " <select name='where[$i][val]'>" . optionlist(array("" => "", lang('no'), lang('yes')), $where[$key]["val"], true) . "</select>"
: enum_input("checkbox", " name='where[$i][val][]'", $field, (array) $where[$key]["val"], ($field["null"] ? 0 : null))
echo "</div>\n";
} elseif (is_array($options = $this->_foreignKeyOptions($_GET["select"], $name))) {
if ($fields[$name]["null"]) {
$options[0] = '(' . lang('empty') . ')';
$key = $keys[$name];
echo "<div>" . h($desc) . "<input type='hidden' name='where[$i][col]' value='" . h($name) . "'><input type='hidden' name='where[$i][op]' value='='>: <select name='where[$i][val]'>" . optionlist($options, $where[$key]["val"], true) . "</select></div>\n";
$i = 0;
foreach ($where as $val) {
if (($val["col"] == "" || $columns[$val["col"]]) && "$val[col]$val[val]" != "") {
echo "<div><select name='where[$i][col]'><option value=''>(" . lang('anywhere') . ")" . optionlist($columns, $val["col"], true) . "</select>";
echo html_select("where[$i][op]", array(-1 => "") + $this->operators, $val["op"]);
echo "<input type='search' name='where[$i][val]' value='" . h($val["val"]) . "' onkeydown='selectSearchKeydown(this, event);' onsearch='selectSearchSearch(this);'></div>\n";
echo "<div><select name='where[$i][col]' onchange='this.nextSibling.nextSibling.onchange();'><option value=''>(" . lang('anywhere') . ")" . optionlist($columns, null, true) . "</select>";
echo html_select("where[$i][op]", array(-1 => "") + $this->operators);
echo "<input type='search' name='where[$i][val]' onchange='selectAddRow(this);' onsearch='selectSearch(this);'></div>\n";
echo "</div></fieldset>\n";
function selectOrderPrint($order, $columns, $indexes) {
//! desc
$orders = array();
foreach ($indexes as $key => $index) {
$order = array();
foreach ($index["columns"] as $val) {
$order[] = $columns[$val];
if (count(array_filter($order, 'strlen')) > 1 && $key != "PRIMARY") {
$orders[$key] = implode(", ", $order);
if ($orders) {
echo '<fieldset><legend>' . lang('Sort') . "</legend><div>";
echo "<select name='index_order'>" . optionlist(array("" => "") + $orders, ($_GET["order"][0] != "" ? "" : $_GET["index_order"]), true) . "</select>";
echo "</div></fieldset>\n";
if ($_GET["order"]) {
echo "<div style='display: none;'>" . hidden_fields(array(
"order" => array(1 => reset($_GET["order"])),
"desc" => ($_GET["desc"] ? array(1 => 1) : array()),
)) . "</div>\n";
function selectLimitPrint($limit) {
echo "<fieldset><legend>" . lang('Limit') . "</legend><div>"; // <div> for easy styling
echo html_select("limit", array("", "50", "100"), $limit);
echo "</div></fieldset>\n";
function selectLengthPrint($text_length) {
function selectActionPrint($indexes) {
echo "<fieldset><legend>" . lang('Action') . "</legend><div>";
echo "<input type='submit' value='" . lang('Select') . "'>";
echo "</div></fieldset>\n";
function selectCommandPrint() {
return true;
function selectImportPrint() {
return true;
function selectEmailPrint($emailFields, $columns) {
if ($emailFields) {
print_fieldset("email", lang('E-mail'), $_POST["email_append"]);
echo "<div onkeydown=\"eventStop(event); return bodyKeydown(event, 'email');\">\n";
echo "<p>" . lang('From') . ": <input name='email_from' value='" . h($_POST ? $_POST["email_from"] : $_COOKIE["adminer_email"]) . "'>\n";
echo lang('Subject') . ": <input name='email_subject' value='" . h($_POST["email_subject"]) . "'>\n";
echo "<p><textarea name='email_message' rows='15' cols='75'>" . h($_POST["email_message"] . ($_POST["email_append"] ? '{$' . "$_POST[email_addition]}" : "")) . "</textarea>\n";
echo "<p onkeydown=\"eventStop(event); return bodyKeydown(event, 'email_append');\">" . html_select("email_addition", $columns, $_POST["email_addition"]) . "<input type='submit' name='email_append' value='" . lang('Insert') . "'>\n"; //! JavaScript
echo "<p>" . lang('Attachments') . ": <input type='file' name='email_files[]' onchange=\"this.onchange = function () { }; var el = this.cloneNode(true); el.value = ''; this.parentNode.appendChild(el);\">";
echo "<p>" . (count($emailFields) == 1 ? '<input type="hidden" name="email_field" value="' . h(key($emailFields)) . '">' : html_select("email_field", $emailFields));
echo "<input type='submit' name='email' value='" . lang('Send') . "' onclick=\"return this.form['delete'].onclick();\">\n";
echo "</div>\n";
echo "</div></fieldset>\n";
function selectColumnsProcess($columns, $indexes) {
return array(array(), array());
function selectSearchProcess($fields, $indexes) {
$return = array();
foreach ((array) $_GET["where"] as $key => $where) {
$col = $where["col"];
$op = $where["op"];
$val = $where["val"];
if (($key < 0 ? "" : $col) . $val != "") {
$conds = array();
foreach (($col != "" ? array($col => $fields[$col]) : $fields) as $name => $field) {
if ($col != "" || is_numeric($val) || !preg_match('~int|float|double|decimal~', $field["type"])) {
$name = idf_escape($name);
if ($col != "" && $field["type"] == "enum") {
$conds[] = (in_array(0, $val) ? "$name IS NULL OR " : "") . "$name IN (" . implode(", ", array_map('intval', $val)) . ")";
} else {
$text_type = preg_match('~char|text|enum|set~', $field["type"]);
$value = $this->processInput($field, (!$op && $text_type && preg_match('~^[^%]+$~', $val) ? "%$val%" : $val));
$conds[] = $name . ($value == "NULL" ? " IS" . ($op == ">=" ? " NOT" : "") . " $value"
: (in_array($op, $this->operators) || $op == "=" ? " $op $value"
: ($text_type ? " LIKE $value"
: " IN (" . str_replace(",", "', '", $value) . ")"
))); //! can issue "Illegal mix of collations" for columns in other character sets - solve by CONVERT($name using utf8)
if ($key < 0 && $val == "0") {
$conds[] = "$name IS NULL";
$return[] = ($conds ? "(" . implode(" OR ", $conds) . ")" : "0");
return $return;
function selectOrderProcess($fields, $indexes) {
$index_order = $_GET["index_order"];
if ($index_order != "") {
if ($_GET["order"]) {
return array(idf_escape(reset($_GET["order"])) . ($_GET["desc"] ? " DESC" : ""));
foreach (($index_order != "" ? array($indexes[$index_order]) : $indexes) as $index) {
if ($index_order != "" || $index["type"] == "INDEX") {
$has_desc = array_filter($index["descs"]);
$desc = false;
foreach ($index["columns"] as $val) {
if (preg_match('~date|timestamp~', $fields[$val]["type"])) {
$desc = true;
$return = array();
foreach ($index["columns"] as $key => $val) {
$return[] = idf_escape($val) . (($has_desc ? $index["descs"][$key] : $desc) ? " DESC" : "");
return $return;
return array();
function selectLimitProcess() {
return (isset($_GET["limit"]) ? $_GET["limit"] : "50");
function selectLengthProcess() {
return "100";
function selectEmailProcess($where, $foreignKeys) {
if ($_POST["email_append"]) {
return true;
if ($_POST["email"]) {
$sent = 0;
if ($_POST["all"] || $_POST["check"]) {
$field = idf_escape($_POST["email_field"]);
$subject = $_POST["email_subject"];
$message = $_POST["email_message"];
preg_match_all('~\\{\\$([a-z0-9_]+)\\}~i', "$subject.$message", $matches); // allows {$name} in subject or message
$rows = get_rows("SELECT DISTINCT $field" . ($matches[1] ? ", " . implode(", ", array_map('idf_escape', array_unique($matches[1]))) : "") . " FROM " . table($_GET["select"])
. " WHERE $field IS NOT NULL AND $field != ''"
. ($where ? " AND " . implode(" AND ", $where) : "")
. ($_POST["all"] ? "" : " AND ((" . implode(") OR (", array_map('where_check', (array) $_POST["check"])) . "))")
$fields = fields($_GET["select"]);
foreach ($this->rowDescriptions($rows, $foreignKeys) as $row) {
$replace = array('{\\' => '{'); // allow literal {$name}
foreach ($matches[1] as $val) {
$replace['{$' . "$val}"] = $this->editVal($row[$val], $fields[$val]);
$email = $row[$_POST["email_field"]];
if (is_mail($email) && send_mail($email, strtr($subject, $replace), strtr($message, $replace), $_POST["email_from"], $_FILES["email_files"])) {
cookie("adminer_email", $_POST["email_from"]);
redirect(remove_from_uri(), lang('%d e-mail(s) have been sent.', $sent));
return false;
function selectQueryBuild($select, $where, $group, $order, $limit, $page) {
return "";
function messageQuery($query, $time) {
return " <span class='time'>" . @date("H:i:s") . "</span><!--\n" . str_replace("--", "--><!-- ", $query) . "\n" . ($time ? "($time)\n" : "") . "-->";
function editFunctions($field) {
$return = array();
if ($field["null"] && preg_match('~blob~', $field["type"])) {
$return["NULL"] = lang('empty');
$return[""] = ($field["null"] || $field["auto_increment"] || like_bool($field) ? "" : "*");
//! respect driver
if (preg_match('~date|time~', $field["type"])) {
$return["now"] = lang('now');
if (preg_match('~_(md5|sha1)$~i', $field["field"], $match)) {
$return[] = strtolower($match[1]);
return $return;
function editInput($table, $field, $attrs, $value) {
if ($field["type"] == "enum") {
return (isset($_GET["select"]) ? "<label><input type='radio'$attrs value='-1' checked><i>" . lang('original') . "</i></label> " : "")
. enum_input("radio", $attrs, $field, ($value || isset($_GET["select"]) ? $value : 0), ($field["null"] ? "" : null))
$options = $this->_foreignKeyOptions($table, $field["field"], $value);
if ($options !== null) {
return (is_array($options)
? "<select$attrs>" . optionlist($options, $value, true) . "</select>"
: "<input value='" . h($value) . "'$attrs class='hidden'><input value='" . h($options) . "' class='jsonly' onkeyup=\"whisper('" . h(ME . "script=complete&source=" . urlencode($table) . "&field=" . urlencode($field["field"])) . "&value=', this);\"><div onclick='return whisperClick(event, this.previousSibling);'></div>"
if (like_bool($field)) {
return '<input type="checkbox" value="' . h($value ? $value : 1) . '"' . ($value ? ' checked' : '') . "$attrs>";
$hint = "";
if (preg_match('~time~', $field["type"])) {
$hint = lang('HH:MM:SS');
if (preg_match('~date|timestamp~', $field["type"])) {
$hint = lang('[yyyy]-mm-dd') . ($hint ? " [$hint]" : "");
if ($hint) {
return "<input value='" . h($value) . "'$attrs> ($hint)"; //! maxlength
if (preg_match('~_(md5|sha1)$~i', $field["field"])) {
return "<input type='password' value='" . h($value) . "'$attrs>";
return '';
function processInput($field, $value, $function = "") {
if ($function == "now") {
return "$function()";
$return = $value;
if (preg_match('~date|timestamp~', $field["type"]) && preg_match('(^' . str_replace('\\$1', '(?P<p1>\\d*)', preg_replace('~(\\\\\\$([2-6]))~', '(?P<p\\2>\\d{1,2})', preg_quote(lang('$1-$3-$5')))) . '(.*))', $value, $match)) {
$return = ($match["p1"] != "" ? $match["p1"] : ($match["p2"] != "" ? ($match["p2"] < 70 ? 20 : 19) . $match["p2"] : gmdate("Y"))) . "-$match[p3]$match[p4]-$match[p5]$match[p6]" . end($match);
$return = ($field["type"] == "bit" && preg_match('~^[0-9]+$~', $value) ? $return : q($return));
if ($value == "" && like_bool($field)) {
$return = "0";
} elseif ($value == "" && ($field["null"] || !preg_match('~char|text~', $field["type"]))) {
$return = "NULL";
} elseif (preg_match('~^(md5|sha1)$~', $function)) {
$return = "$function($return)";
return unconvert_field($field, $return);
function dumpOutput() {
return array();
function dumpFormat() {
return array('csv' => 'CSV,', 'csv;' => 'CSV;', 'tsv' => 'TSV');
function dumpDatabase($db) {
function dumpTable() {
echo "\xef\xbb\xbf"; // UTF-8 byte order mark
function dumpData($table, $style, $query) {
global $connection;
$result = $connection->query($query, 1); // 1 - MYSQLI_USE_RESULT
if ($result) {
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
if ($style == "table") {
$style = "INSERT";
function dumpFilename($identifier) {
return friendly_url($identifier);
function dumpHeaders($identifier, $multi_table = false) {
$ext = "csv";
header("Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8");
return $ext;
function homepage() {
return true;
function navigation($missing) {
global $VERSION;
<?php echo $this->name(); ?> <span class="version"><?php echo $VERSION; ?></span>
<a href="" target="_blank" id="version"><?php echo (version_compare($VERSION, $_COOKIE["adminer_version"]) < 0 ? h($_COOKIE["adminer_version"]) : ""); ?></a>
if ($missing == "auth") {
$first = true;
foreach ((array) $_SESSION["pwds"] as $vendor => $servers) {
foreach ($servers[""] as $username => $password) {
if ($password !== null) {
if ($first) {
echo "<p id='logins' onmouseover='menuOver(this, event);' onmouseout='menuOut(this);'>\n";
$first = false;
echo "<a href='" . h(auth_url($vendor, "", $username)) . "'>" . ($username != "" ? h($username) : "<i>" . lang('empty') . "</i>") . "</a><br>\n";
} else {
if ($missing != "db" && $missing != "ns") {
$table_status = table_status('', true);
if (!$table_status) {
echo "<p class='message'>" . lang('No tables.') . "\n";
} else {
function databasesPrint($missing) {
function tablesPrint($tables) {
echo "<p id='tables' onmouseover='menuOver(this, event);' onmouseout='menuOut(this);'>\n";
foreach ($tables as $row) {
$name = $this->tableName($row);
if (isset($row["Engine"]) && $name != "") { // ignore views and tables without name
echo "<a href='" . h(ME) . 'select=' . urlencode($row["Name"]) . "'"
. bold($_GET["select"] == $row["Name"] || $_GET["edit"] == $row["Name"], "select")
. " title='" . lang('Select data') . "'>$name</a><br>\n"
function _foreignColumn($foreignKeys, $column) {
foreach ((array) $foreignKeys[$column] as $foreignKey) {
if (count($foreignKey["source"]) == 1) {
$name = $this->rowDescription($foreignKey["table"]);
if ($name != "") {
$id = idf_escape($foreignKey["target"][0]);
return array($foreignKey["table"], $id, $name);
function _foreignKeyOptions($table, $column, $value = null) {
global $connection;
if (list($target, $id, $name) = $this->_foreignColumn(column_foreign_keys($table), $column)) {
$return = &$this->_values[$target];
if ($return === null) {
$table_status = table_status($target);
$return = ($table_status["Rows"] > 1000 ? "" : array("" => "") + get_key_vals("SELECT $id, $name FROM " . table($target) . " ORDER BY 2"));
if (!$return && $value !== null) {
return $connection->result("SELECT $name FROM " . table($target) . " WHERE $id = " . q($value));
return $return;
$adminer = (function_exists('adminer_object') ? adminer_object() : new Adminer);