" . htmlspecialchars(substr($query, 0, $match[0][1])) . "\n"; //! don't allow changing of character_set_results, convert encoding of displayed query if (!$mysql->multi_query(substr($query, 0, $match[0][1]))) { echo "

" . lang('Error in query') . ": " . htmlspecialchars($mysql->error) . "

\n"; } else { do { $result = $mysql->store_result(); if (is_object($result)) { select($result); } else { if (preg_match("~^\\s*(CREATE|DROP)(\\s+|/\\*.*\\*/|-- [^\n]*\n)+DATABASE\\b~sU", $query)) { unset($_SESSION["databases"][$_GET["server"]]); } echo "

" . lang('Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.', $mysql->affected_rows) . "

\n"; } } while ($mysql->next_result()); } $query = substr($query, $match[0][1] + strlen($match[0][0])); $offset = 0; } } } if ($empty) { echo "

" . lang('No commands to execute.') . "

\n"; } } elseif ($_POST) { echo "

" . lang('Unable to upload a file.') . "

\n"; } ?>

" . lang('File uploads are disabled.') . "

\n"; } else { ?>
