### {{ class.name }}::{{ method.name }} {{ method.summary|raw }} {# Method signature #} ```php {{ class.name }}::{{ method.name }}( {% for argument in method.arguments %} {{- argument.types ? argument.types|join('|')~' ' }} {{- argument.byReference ? '&' }} {{- argument.name }}{{ argument.default ? (' = '~argument.default)|raw }} {%- if not loop.last %}, {% endif %} {%- endfor %} ) {{- method.response.types ? ': '~method.response.types|join('|') }} ``` {{ method.description|raw }} {% if method.static %}* This method is **static**.{% endif %} {% if method.deprecated %}* **Warning:** this method is **deprecated**. This means that this method will likely be removed in a future version. {% endif %} {% if method.arguments is not empty %} **Parameters:** | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| {% for argument in method.arguments %} | `{{ argument.name }}` | **{{ argument.types ? argument.types|join('\\|')|raw|replace({'|': '\\|'}) }}** | {{ argument.description|raw|replace({'|': '\\|'}) }} | {% endfor %} {% endif %}{# method.arguments is not empty #} {% if method.response.description %} **Return Value:** {{ method.response.description|raw }} {% endif %} {% if method.tags.see is not empty or method.tags.link is not empty %} **See Also:** {% for see in method.tags.see %} * {{ see.reference }} {% if see.description %}- {{ see.description|raw }}{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% for link in method.tags.link %} * {{ link.link }} {% if link.description and link.description != link.link %}- {{ link.description|raw }}{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}{# method.tags.see || method.tags.link #} ---